
Persistence Quotes

There are 16453 quotes

"Be patient and persistent; if you have a vision, be persistent to that vision, be patient with it."
"The truth is slower to catch on but it's harder to get rid of."
"Persistence and resourcefulness will get you there. The plan works as long as you work the plan long enough for it to work for you."
"Whatever you're about, be about that. Go hard at it for as long as you can."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Not being in the rush, knowing that your hard work will pay off with time if you do this for long enough, you'll get to that point."
"If you're persistent, you can attain it, but if you're consistent, you get to keep it."
"This is how I'm achieving my goals, this is how I'm getting closer to my dream, is by doing all of these little things as inconsequential as they may seem in the moment."
"Incremental improvement, repeated, is virtually unstoppable."
"You've got to study that, man. You get there and you want to quit, and you don't. It just makes it a little easier. That's all the repetitions do."
"The truth is a stubborn thing; it doesn't go away."
"You have to constantly reinforce yourself in the core truths that you know are right."
"The more action you take, the easier it becomes to attain those goals."
"Now that you know what to do, don't stop doing it."
"If you're still breathing, you still have an opportunity to be achieving."
"You have to educate your parents, no matter if they don't want to hear it. You have to be consistent with it, inshallah one day Allah will open their heart."
"Albert Einstein says I'm not that smart. I'm not smarter than other people. I just stick to things longer."
"I think of Elon...Steve Jobs...but was Walt Disney the smartest? He needed to be the one that put in all the time when everybody else gave up."
"Passion matters a lot because business is hard, and you have to stick with it through the downs."
"Hope is my duty, and I cling on to it against all empirical evidence."
"Leah couldn't get the question 'Where's Shelly?' out of her head. So for the next 6 years, she continued to try and get in contact with her."
"I got a million views... I really did it, you feel what I'm saying? Like, I kept going for him."
"It is just an old habit. Habits die hard, but they die certainly. If one persists, they die."
"The key to achieving anything you want in life is summed up in one word: Faith. So get in faith and stay there."
"One day, finally, when you have your major breakthrough or epiphany, then you will realize how true it was, these words that I gave you, that it is worth it."
"Persist until you get the result that you desire."
"You'd be surprised how far you can go in life if you just are relentless and you show up for yourself repeatedly."
"Persistence and execution are key to success."
"We can make substantial change if we do not give up."
"Though poor souls through the weakness of their faith cannot see that they are friends of God, yet they should never stop asking, seeking, and knocking at God's door for mercy."
"There is no such thing as overnight achievement. If it comes easy, it goes easy."
"Allah does not get tired of your call and loves it when you continue to call upon Him."
"Don't miss the end; don't tap out. If you have to pause it, go to work, come back, finish it on your car ride home, do that."
"It's all about momentum, keeping the rhythm."
"Most things that seem impossible become possible with enough persistence."
"Remember your why. Why you started and you just keep going."
"Did you think did you did you think it was going to be that easy to get rid of me?"
"His story was riveting not because he had any special charisma, but because the reporters of his case worked so persistently."
"We will keep at it until we're confident the job is done."
"To break the soul of whatever's in front of you... if you keep on attacking something, nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless."
"You're allowed to fail as many times as you want. It doesn't matter that people think, 'Oh, I try and I try and I try but I finally failed, so that was it.' It's not even about the trying; it's that you can fail so many times at something, and that in and of itself does not mean that you're done."
"There is no quick fix; it's a long game. So, they are just discovering that every day that little change makes a big difference."
"Success is simply many failures that add up to a win."
"For every four days I'd be failing, I'd have one day of success, but that one day of success would get me slightly ahead of where I was at the start of the week."
"Your hard work, planning, and experience should be paying off now. There's a reason to keep going with what you're currently working on."
"Trust the process, stay the course, and if you really love it, you'll make it."
"Finally, though, that took like 10 retries, GG."
"Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure for transmuting desire into its monetary equivalent."
"One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat."
"Wishing will not bring riches but desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches."
"Persistence is a state of mind, therefore it can be cultivated."
"Actually, in the end, if you just keep winning in a style and show people what you're actually doing, eventually, people have to turn and have a look."
"Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence."
"I'm here to tell you, you can still breathe."
"Discipline over motivation. Motivation is a small thing that can last 2 minutes or an hour."
"All of these examples imply that self-discipline has something to do with not only self-governing, but also the ability to persist despite resistance."
"Persistence is self-discipline in action. The more consistently you practice your chosen disciplines, the more you will like and respect yourself."
"Crazy faith is not where you start; it's where you find yourself after you're diligent and dedicated to exercising baby faith."
"Continue to imagine what you want until you have actually obtained it. You do nothing else to obtain your desire."
"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed; they're a lifestyle to be lived."
"There's a power to doing one more, and if you'll do one more, you're one decision, one relationship, one meeting, one encounter, one thought away from a completely different life."
"Everything will fail a million times. You have to be able to just take failure to the face because it's gonna happen and you've got to be ready for it."
"Your thoughts about it must be positive, clean-cut, decisive, persistent."
"The key differentiator between people that succeed and people that fail is tenacity."
"Adam Sandler's routine in 1985 would be going to a comedy club on Monday, absolutely bomb, come back to the dorms and revise his material with Tim and Frank, and by Friday have figured out a way to make it better."
"The gravity waves experiment was a 78 plus year experiment, 30 years of building, constructing no prospect of success, and then suddenly we discovered gravity waves."
"It takes a lot of energy and awareness to stay conscious and not go unconscious, but if you're persistent and determined, then you're sincere."
"Search for hope, never find hope, that in itself is true hope."
"Keep being persistent. This is your life's path. This is a passion of yours. Never give up on it."
"Success is a game of attrition. Most people just quit."
"The secret to success is refusing to give up."
"Time is always the runner at the start of that race in first position the whole time, and they just don't stop, they don't tire, and your job is to try and keep up with them."
"Persistence is key, and as long as you can persevere, you will succeed."
"Persistence only works in the movies and television shows. It's got to be mutual reciprocation."
"When you want to achieve something, you've got to put all of you into it and set your intention and keep pushing forward."
"Our martyrs did not just fall last year; they didn't fall last week; they continue to fall, and we will continue to stand."
"Persistence eventually pays off, not when you want it to pay off necessarily, but it eventually pays off."
"When you're creating anything, shorts or long-form content, it's going to take time to find your audience and to gain traction."
"It's not like we have an Ultimatum that just wins the game on the spot; it just goes longer and longer and grinds and grinds, which is what I love about it."
"I'm like, okay, I'm... When I started having headaches, it did... I actually didn't question it because I feel like this is, it's just an experiment and it'll either work or it won't, but I'm not gonna quit before I find out if it works."
"Success is habit forming, so you have to keep it up."
"You've been through hell because you hung on in there, and you were persistent."
"Gradually, I got better and better, and that's what you do, you get better and better."
"Don't give up; something really positive is coming."
"Part of me thinks that if you're still into NFTs, at least you're sticking to your guns."
"Failure is an option, except in failing on the same thing repeatedly."
"I started calling recruiters up. I said, 'I want to be a Navy SEAL.' And every recruiter... by the time I got to my weight, phone would hang up."
"The Gospel of Truth, Jesus is described to emphasize on this, 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds.'"
"Flexible persistence combines the vision to stay the course with the agility to adapt when necessary."
"Of course, I have people in my ear telling me to wrap it up, but I can't hear you."
"Persistence will smash into opportunity, and your moment of explosion, your detonation, will happen."
"Persistence is the quality to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"Despite not taking a fish on this trip, I gained plenty of invaluable experience for next time."
"The biggest myth about poverty in America is that we have to live with it."
"Your dreams never leave you... You're just blocked."
"Before throwing in the towel, try and get help inside your processes."
"The most important thing is just stick with it, and you just have to keep making that regular content that people like to watch."
"It seems like the more time goes by, the more you continue to hear about it."
"No matter what happens today, it's not the end. Tomorrow, the sun will rise again."
"A child crawls and falls several times but doesn't stop walking or running. Don't stop; keep going, get back to your values."
"The constant process of finding these language holes and filling them is what keeps you moving along the path to fluency."
"Persistence is key. Every drawing or every art piece you work on, just try to improve one thing."
"You can't let fear of rejection stop you; you have to keep hammering away at things that matter."
"Persistence. It's the quality is to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"A black belt is just a white belt who didn't quit."
"The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
"It's not a sprint. This is a marathon, and we need to keep on doing the right things and keep being strong all together."
"It's a delicate balance, and it can take time, sometimes even years, to find that sweet spot, but isn't even a few years worth enhancing the rest of your entire life and saving your relationships?"
"Learning never ever ever stops... every single day I'm learning something new. It never ever stops."
"Intelligence and persistence together make a winning recipe."
"I believe we can't do it, yes, you can do this for three years if you don't believe it can be done."
"There is no such thing as overnight success. I've been doing this day in, day out."
"We can make frightening noises, communicate over a large distance by speech, set fire to things to scare our prey more, and just keep jogging after them till one breaks a leg or literally runs itself to death."
"The inhabitants of Dark Souls world are going hollow... this is the same situation the player's character is in... they will never go hollow as long as you keep trying."
"Nothing has changed since that day in the playground... I'm still trying to climb up, still alone trying to reach something that I can't fully grasp."
"Every repetition you get, you just that much closer to your goals."
"Persistence is more important than anything else and having a desire to do something."
"Commitment is crucial because without commitment, you won't continue."
"Change takes time but it can happen if we engage in the political process over and over again, we fight hard, we move the ball forward."
"All success stories come with willingness to change, determination, taking action, and to keep trying and trying again when you fall."
"The inevitability of success is not a matter of if; it's a matter of when."
"People do get attached to each other, and when we do attach to each other, it doesn't go away overnight."
"A stonecutter hits a rock again and again and again, and on the hundred and first time, it cracks."
"In order to keep what you got, you need to do what you did to get what you wanna keep."
"The quality [persistence] is to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"Please don't quit if you didn't have a chord progression or melody figured out yet; it's okay."
"You would be astonished how many attempts this took to do."
"Bitcoin is a money virus nobody's ever defended anything successfully; there is only attack and attack and attack some more."
"In the skies and beyond, the mission continues, relentless and unwavering."
"Don't let negotiations end with a 'no.' Negotiations should end either with a 'yes' or with an explanation as to why not."
"The persistence in prayer... is the expansion of the heart and soul outward so as to receive the gift that God wants to give us."
"If you really believe in something and you really love what you're doing, you have to be persistent also when stuff is not so great."
"How successful you are is really a function of how you deal with failure."
"If you make a little progress every day, eventually that compounded progress will dig you out of the hole."
"I failed over a thousand times trying to make a game, but I never gave up."
"The truth is just the truth; it's the reality, it's the state of things. And it persists, it maintains, no matter what we think or how we live."
"Whatever you accomplished in your lifetime will be in direct proportion to the intensity and persistence of your faith."
"Don't count the number of times you've been knocked down; get attached to the number of times you get up."
"They're trying to hold on to your connection even despite the difficulties that have happened in the past."
"Every time I get knocked down, I've got to get up and keep running. Keep going. Keep going."
"Persistence in pursuit of your goals is key."
"Effort over time and just keep trying, that's the most important part."
"Persistence and a willingness to just kind of endure not succeeding, in order to succeed, is something a lot of successful people have in common."
"It's the willingness to keep trying and trying new things and learning that's the thing to acknowledge."
"Asking yourself whether you're wrong is a really good thing. If you really feel strong conviction that you're doing the right thing, then keep going."
"A tyrant will eventually stop attacking you... but somebody trying to help you will never stop because it's for your own good."
"Mindset, if you want to change your situation, lifestyle, you do have to work hard, but persistence, really... Failure can't cope with persistence."
"All failure is, is a tool for success. It shows you how to get there if you're willing to stay in the fight."
"She's persisted, she stayed true to her values, she's doubled down on the things she loves the most, and she's cut out some of the things that no longer serve her."
"Learning is like a linear process where the first time I read it I get 20%, the second time I read it I'm up to 40%, the third time 60%, 80%, and then I have to read it five times before I understand it."
"I streamed to 30 people... and I grinded and I made it."
"Every journey begins with a single step, but it's the courage to continue that makes us remarkable."
"Nothing good happens for black people on accident. It requires planning, it requires persistence, it requires purpose."
"You got to go in with a 'seek and destroy' mentality. When you get up, just keep pounding, putting the pressure on them."
"The stag that King John the fat could never find has at last been found."
"The reason most people fail is because they give up what they want most for what they want now."
"Everybody keep complaining; it'll eventually... they're listening for sure."
"When you find something in life that works, just keep doing it. Just spam it."
"It's not over for you because you are still here. So make the most of your life."
"Motivation creates persistence and persistence creates ability."
"I don't believe that I'm in any way gifted in art. I believe I'm persistent, and anyone can be persistent."
"Racial hate isn't an old problem; it's a persistent problem."
"Until my pay-per-view numbers drop, as the biggest star in the sport's history, I don't plan on changing anytime soon."
"Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled."
"As long as there was hope, he wasn't going to give up."
"Ethan is not just gonna stop when his daughter's missing and his wife has presumably just been killed. He's gonna keep going no matter what."
"A lot of very successful people can't stop doing work! They can't stop. So this is kind of, like, one of their weaknesses. But it's also a very important strength, because you're not going to get successful without massive amounts of hard work."
"Successful people are extremely persistent. Now, this is probably another cliché you've heard a lot, you know, 'be persistent, persistence is important', but you don't really fathom the importance of persistence until you've actually tried to accomplish something big in your life."
"You have to be willing to come face to face with your intellectual limitations and keep going."
"Hog riders everywhere, from every single angle. You're going to be seeing a hog rider when you're sleeping, when you're dreaming. It's going to become a nightmare real fast."
"You gotta make opportunities, man. You can't stop looking; you got to make it."
"Our key message though is not to relax, that our key message actually is to double down."
"I was doing something that I loved, and I had a dream, I had a vision, and I knew that if I just kept at it, that something one day was gonna give."
"That you are consumed by this idea of going back out there and playing. Even now."
"Don't give people a chance to leave; don't give people a chance to breathe. Always give value every second."
"Persistence is the only thing you don't need education for."
"Persistence. That is it because I think hard work beats talent every single time."
"Foundations that advocate one cause or another... tend to fade and disappear, not this case. You have the Polly Klaas Foundation that is as strong and robust today as it was in those early days."
"That's why I do it, and it happens all the time."
"My greatest strength is persistence. I work really hard and I don't give up easily."
"It's not gonna happen overnight...it's repetition, repetition, repetition."
"The hardest thing isn't starting, it's sticking with it."
"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."
"Strike me down in anger and I will always be with you, just like your father."
"The Russians will never stop; they have to be stopped."
"Bullet journaling is a marathon, not a sprint."
"It's like, if I don't give up and I don't quit and I keep grinding... I think the show will be wildly successful."
"Paul's first translations were almost meaningless, but he kept at it and eventually had a general idea of what the messages were saying."
"I was cocky. 'Give me six months and I'll have this figured out.' Well, you know, it's 33 years later and I haven't figured it out yet."
"I will sit up all night waiting for calls. I will pest the life out of people trying to make fights. I will go all over the country giving press conferences for you."
"The biggest reason why the vidIQ channel has hit 1 million subscribers is simply because we never gave up... 'I quit' is not in the YouTube dictionary."
"Even in the darkest hour, we must not succumb to despair. I continue to cling to the hope that a brighter future can be found, and I refuse to give up on that."
"I define my own success and relentlessly pursue my goals with determination."
"Love him or hate him, Philip DeFranco has persisted through many generations of YouTube."
"You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea."
"The culture wars are ongoing. The left is not going to stop here."
"You're going to see crazy changes in many things. The fundamentals of this chain that people mocked me for for years have changed radically."
"Your first attempts at music production will not be good. It's okay. There is no magic bullet; it's all about working on it and keeping the creative juices flowing."
"It's a lot of repeat, so what I hope you take away is just be willing to get in there, take your time, be patient, be persistent."
"You've got big things coming to you, and I don't want some of you to get off the track of what you're supposed to do. Keep moving forward."