
Desires Quotes

There are 3047 quotes

"The universe will correspond to whatever it is that you desire and want to create in your life."
"What do you desire? You now have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's true desires."
"Most people know what they don't want, but they don't know what they do want."
"Don't dwell on the problem; instead, focus on what you desire."
"Every one of us wants at a point in time a long-term committed wonderful connected relationship and at other times wants the parties and the fun."
"Willpower is the skill of resisting desires. Now, we desire all kinds of things. We desire junk food, porn, video games."
"We all have the power to create the life and circumstances in our lives which we desire."
"You can have anything you want, but not everything you want."
"Every human being at their core wants to be happy."
"Life is the dance between what you desire most and what you fear most."
"Poverty is not being poor; poverty is wanting more."
"Wealth is not having many possessions; it's having few wants."
"Make sure you don't desire the wrong things."
"Women want to feel safe, want to feel taken care of."
"When we can shift our focus towards what we do want, that's a complete 180 turn, and all of a sudden, we're going to be seeing doors and opportunities that we couldn't see before."
"The subtle energy that's coming through is almost like spirit knows exactly what you desire to attract, and it's trying to guide you there."
"I've never cried while laughing. I want to experience that. I feel like it'll feel good."
"God is more committed to your destiny than he is to your desires."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
"You're wanting quality time, you're wanting something bigger."
"They're wanting more harmony in their life, they're wanting more stability."
"I think being unapologetically honest with what you want...across the board."
"Suffering stops once we rid ourselves of the attachment to our desires."
"Your soul is trying to tell you something; that's why you have desires. Your soul's telling you to go down a certain path, so listen to that."
"People want to be heard, not everybody wants to be led."
"I have everything I need. I might not have everything I want. Nobody does."
"Feel into your heart and soul. What is it that you want? What feels brighter to you? What do you really, really desire?"
"Epicurus famously wrote, 'If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.'"
"The joy that one gets out of fulfilling desires, what's wrong with it is this: that as we proliferate desires and try to get happiness by satisfying those desires, the result will be frustration, unhappiness."
"In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we desire will ruin us."
"You need to want what you have, not to have what you want."
"As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires."
"You're about to timeline jump into your deepest desires."
"Self-care will aid your manifestations and reveal hidden desires."
"All things that one desires are available to one who understands the laws of appropriation."
"You have the ability to manifest what you so desire on earth."
"You don't get to choose your desires. If you don't control your desires but your desires control your actions, then you don't control your actions."
"Embrace that [your desires] can be very powerful in your life."
"Everything you always wanted is there, in this moment."
"True manifestation is the process by which we bring to life our deepest desires."
"Now we can purchase the sun. The one thing I always wanted on my bank roll."
"You weren't given these desires for them to mock you; you're given these desires because it's in alignment with who you are."
"Trust your internal instincts; your desires are valid, and you have these desires for a reason."
"What you want is extraordinary, and because what you want is not the bulk of what's out there, you need to understand what is the right seed you need to plant."
"If you can let go of that and chase after healthy desires... the amount that your life is going to change and heal is significant."
"I think people are generally... wanting to get back to something that feels a little bit more connected to something human inside of them."
"You want what you want so bad that you're ignoring what you need."
"People suffered by their own hands and desires."
"The more you discover and integrate your desires, the better your life experience will get."
"Make your inner speech match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings."
"It's not a problem to age, but who doesn't want to age a little more gracefully?"
"The honey hole of those choices I think, which is what I'm chasing, is where what we want is actually what we need, and what we need is actually what we want."
"It doesn't mean the absence of desire, but that you're satisfied with your present."
"With this Stone in your possession, even your most subconscious desires become reality."
"The satisfaction of desires does not lead to happiness. It can lead to temporary enjoyment... but it doesn't lead to contentment."
"Everyone desires to be rich, but not everyone knows what constitutes enduring riches."
"Do not let your heart's desire become your heart's disease."
"I've been sleepwalking, just driven by desires and fears."
"Allah has created angels with purpose but with no desires, and animals with desires and no purpose. Man, however, was created with both purpose and desires."
"Sometimes you're so afraid that you will not allow yourself to even know what you want."
"We all want to be loved, cared about, appreciated, and treated nicely."
"One goes beyond desire, karma, sorrow, shoka, and fear."
"You don't know what you want because you have it already."
"Tomorrow, I want 50 of my favorite princesses."
"Let yourself want, and let yourself go for what you want."
"Isn't that what we all want to do when we play open-world games?"
"Focus on the things that you truly do desire to happen for you."
"You can manifest what it is that you desire, what it is that is in your heart, your deepest desires and dreams."
"Being surrounded by good music, good drinking, good friends is all I've ever asked for."
"All I wanted was the Britney Spears CD for Christmas."
"You must feel your desires are already realized, that they are already true."
"Every single person on earth... has human desires. Everyone needs love, everyone needs sensory pleasures, everyone needs material wealth."
"Human beings, like Hobbes said, are desiring animals, but we do not really know our own wills."
"Getting what you want in life isn't tough, but deciding what you want is."
"Your desires are going to be growing, and you're going to be in sync with your destiny."
"This is everything I have ever wanted for The Sims 4 and more."
"Your values and the things that you want, the things that you desire to experience, absolutely 100% compatible."
"The foundation of economics is solving the central economic problem: humans have unlimited desires but limited resources in which to fulfill those desires."
"Your family wants one thing for you: they want you to be happy."
"What people want in life isn't security and happiness; it's what they will pay for when they go see a movie. They want a romantic adventure."
"There's two parts of the human experience: there's wanting more, and there's being scared and trying to protect what you have."
"Everybody wants to be wealthy, everybody wants to be happy, and everybody wants to be fit."
"The hedonic treadmill basically means you get used to better situations very quickly and are always left wanting more."
"Let's make the thing we want more than anything. Why not make the thing that you think other people want?"
"A lot of people don't want free things, they just want to be heard."
"A healthy man wants many things, but a sick man wants only one."
"Polling data on this point is very interesting because it tells me people want to have their cake and eat it too."
"True freedom from The Matrix is not freedom to fulfill your desires; it's freedom from them."
"Know that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires."
"Choose what you want so that you can manifest your heart's true desires."
"People want to be happy; people want to be loved."
"I am a total money magnet; my mind is receptive to getting whatever I want."
"You're gonna start to realize more and more of what you want."
"What you want in your soul of souls is love, companionship, the maternal embrace, eroticism, deep personal contact, eye to eye communication."
"Women are tired of just having endless people dancing for them. They want substance."
"The wife is always searching for something more, something more intense, more satisfying, something ideal."
"The vibration of wanting versus the vibration of having are two completely different realities."
"I want like a big dramatic entrance... as long as it's something big and boisterous."
"As you dissolve more desires, you become more free and can end up choosing to act compassionately."
"Pray to God and believe that God is going to give you whatever it is the desires of your heart."
"You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you all the time and knows what they want."
"You don't get more of what you want without getting more of what you don't want to deal with."
"This game is just about everything I wanted, everything I yearned for."
"When you make this shift towards your heart's desires, you're feeling more confident, more excited."
"The only reason you don't have what you want is because of the story you keep telling yourself about why you don't have it."
"The true wants are so counterintuitive that they... slip out of your hands."
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart."
"Is this something someone else has convinced you that you want?"
"What the heart wants, the heart wants, and the heart wins out."
"Focus on what you do want instead of what you don't want, and then you start to manifest that."
"Bucket lists are not a thing that I do, but I do have wishes and desires."
"People don't really know what they want in life; they're chasing desires which people have put forth in front of them." - Host on Renee Gerard's memetic theory
"The role money plays in your life... I can still remember the feeling of like, I would just love to have orange juice but I can't afford it."
"We are free to act upon our desires, but we're not free to decide upon those desires themselves."
"Quality of life is not about needs. Quality of life also involves wants."
"Imagine a world where every instinctual need is commodified. You're free to fulfill any simple, complex desire. Sympathy, control, accomplishments - they are all there, just reach out and take it."
"Silence wench, I don't want to be horny, I just want to be happy."
"Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
"We must shape a new mentality in America. Man's desires must overshadow his needs."
"Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
"Every girl wants a bad boy that'll be good just for her, and every boy wants a good girl that will be bad just for him."
"Black women want their love story too. Black women want their fairy tale too."
"Just once, she would like to imagine a happy ending."
"Healing is the key to unlocking the true potential of our desires and goals."
"Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it."
"In Jannah, you will have whatever you desire."
"Give yourself permission to want the things that you want."
"The happier we are, the faster we manifest our desires."
"I wanted to be a mother; I wanted to be a wife."
"Be careful what you wish for, Rita. The grass isn't always greener on the other side."
"You have good control of your desires and temptations."
"Authenticity is all that people really want."
"What you want is not more, what you want is all."
"There is nothing you can't do or achieve or get through, okay. And that's what true partnership means."
"All parties will get what they truly desire."
"I just want to eat the food at restaurants... full-time eating nice food."
"Underneath all the depression, anxiety, and hatred, these are just young men who want to have a girlfriend."
"They desire happiness, fun, joy, positivity."
"I want a great story that's really what I want out of this."
"If any myth today worked, this is the one I wish worked."
"If there was no responsibilities, would you like another woman? It'll be a yes."
"Let's say there is a border Bill... we all want that."
"You're literally getting everything you could ever ask for."
"Your attention should be drawn to the things that you do want in your life."
"What have you been wanting? That's what's manifesting."
"Passion is the catalyst to manifesting your true desires."
"They want to know your deep vulnerable sides, what you desire in life."
"I feel like you guys deep down you want someone to be stable with and I feel it's gonna come in."
"Men want relationships with women and women want relationships with men. That's what we're all here for."
"The one quality that no woman possesses that every single man on this planet craves? Variety."
"People want to be led, they want to be seduced."
"Getting what you want doesn't make you happy, fulfillment does."
"We've all got the same basic needs, the same basic desires."
"Fuck logic, what people want is a happy ending."
"Criticism reveals what people actually want to be a part of."
"All human beings really wanna do is tell each other stories."
"Some men will desire you while being in a whole other relationship."
"I think they want their cake and eat it too."
"They want it all with you, you are their wish fulfillment."
"They let their thoughts stop what their hearts want."
"You don't care what anybody has to say, you want what you want."
"You know, I am a free human being and I'm able to do things and follow desires and things that pop up."
"You are aligning yourself with your heart's desire."
"The universe brings you what you truly want."
"Reflecting on your desires, contemplating what you truly desire out of life."
"When people can’t get what they want. They often tell themselves it isn’t what they wanted anyway."
"He would have wanted it to be there in your gallery."
"Create a new picture in your mind of a desired end result... Joy and love. That's what we all want, right?"
"I truly want the best for you. I want you to be good. I want you to be well."
"What more could you really want? What more could you really need?"
"Who wouldn't want to drive cars for free? Exotic cars like, who wouldn't want to be able to switch out from a Lambo to a Corolla for free? I don't know who wouldn't."
"They actually want a relationship with you, but they want you to prove your emotions for them."
"You deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires."
"You can have what you want without feeling like there's a massive catch to it."
"Now they're going to flood me with whatever I want."
"That's what I want this whole time. Yes. I want the white picket fence."
"Somebody definitely wants to get back together with you or get with you. They're very infatuated with you."
"Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it."
"They're having these strong desires for deeper levels of union."
"Be careful what you wish for because that's what you're getting."
"You aren't even sure what you want if you don't know yourself."
"The closer we are to God, the more our desires align with his will."
"She sees herself as no God and she doesn't want to be one anyway. She didn't also want to become a monster, a weapon, a hero, or a machine. All she wanted was to live like a human."
"You're gonna be just fine, Aries. I see you understanding what it is you really want."
"Your desires and your attraction towards them are very real, very natural, and very healthy."
"You're going to be craving something much more powerful, something deeper, or you might actually be craving power and authority."
"This is an energy that draws in the situations that you need to align yourself with what you truly desire like a magnet."
"Your subconscious mind knows everything you genuinely want."
"Thinking from allows you to transform your deepest desires into your lived reality."
"Let the universe and other people know what you want."
"The three of wands indicates other opportunities, aligning with your heart's desires."
"Girls don't want flowers, they want garlic bread."
"I feel like they've matured, they kind of have gotten settled in their careers, they know what they want."
"Every day the desire grows, this desire that nobody else knows."
"Think about what you really want internally in terms of your love."
"Lust is a very strong and uncontrolled desire for something. It is also known as an excessive desire for something to gratify oneself."
"I always wanted to enjoy a meal, just one, with my father."
"What does wealth actually give us? Anything we could ever want? Beware. You'd be surprised just how quickly that list of wants runs out."
"We're co-creating this experience together through our desires, our hearts, our dreams."
"Freedom is what you'll have. Whatever you're wishing for, you will have it."