
Calculation Quotes

There are 1423 quotes

"AI is doing something very similar but once AI understands that we have that half second delay to consciousness and we have a bandwidth issue, AI can fill into those spaces."
"TAM calculation is gonna be the number of customers times your price. It's simple, but there's a few big traps in that simplicity."
"Let me illustrate this with what physicists call back-of-envelope calculation... It may not be very accurate, but it may make you say, 'Hmm.'"
"I've done a calculation; if you don't believe me, all the equations are on the blackboard."
"We are in many ways this combination of this weird primitive ape-like thing with the ability to calculate and manipulate our world."
"That calculation right there, the average amount sold on shift three for the Quad product, that is an average calculation, based on two conditions or two criteria."
"465 pounds and twelve P to the nearest penny now it doesn't matter about all the decimals after that because at the end of the day we're looking at which offers the cheapest value."
"So, let's get back to the science and first let's check about how you calculate when the switch between neutron star and black hole happens."
"Great map skills coming from XK Pajaha to make that call. Great math indeed."
"Just multiply that by about six and maybe you'd have it."
"Know your champion: if you cannot calculate victory in a 4v5, you cannot win."
"Let's just make it simple and round that down to 80. 80 divided by 3 is like 26 point something."
"The rule of 72 tells you approximately how many years it will take a lump sum investment to double in value."
"Question for you: How could you use this expression to calculate better and better approximations for pi?"
"Nothing this woman does is just off a straight off impulse... she's very strategic about the moves that she's making."
"Fermi estimation baby, we can get close to the actual value basically."
"Now, how do I calculate how much money I actually made?"
"Quick maths, adding all that up together comes to 60,528 pounds."
"Dynamically calculate the subtotal and total."
"So even before working it out, I can know with confidence that if I were to go through the painstaking process of taking negative one half plus the square root of three over two and cubing that, I'm going to get back one."
"Every time I try to add it up, the calculator comes out the same way."
"We consumed one and a half gallons of fuel and that works out to 56.66 miles per gallon."
"Daniel insists he's not doing this kind of conscious calculation at all."
"Man, that's a lot of money. $43,000 times ten years... That's 5.3 million dollars."
"The formula to find the nth term of a geometric sequence is a sub n = a sub 1 * r^(n - 1)."
"Our rough calculation is that it's about 300 terawatt hours needed to transition the world to a sustainable energy economy."
"Revolutionize the whole calculating methodology."
"I think it's important to know these manual skills... sometimes you gotta throw the calculator away and do things manually."
"He takes a hundred off the top, so that'll make it four hundred and seventy-four."
"Remember, always evaluate what's inside the parentheses first."
"Quantum electrodynamics: the most elaborate successful calculation in all of physics."
"It's worth doing the numbers here yourself because they get rather ridiculous." - Stephen Mark Ryan
"The social security formula is pretty simple. It's very easy to do if you know when you're going to die."
"Real strength is being composed, calm, and calculated."
"So now inside our inner for loop, we have the two values that we want to add up."
"And if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, well, here you go. And this is the way you have to beat strong players. This is the only way. You gotta out calculate them."
"It's enough that the theory works. Shut up and calculate."
"Fineman diagrams are not just pictures, they're a way of calculating a number."
"We can retrieve the center position of these four points by adding all those positions and divided by four."
"That's a lot easier than working out like 3 to the 6 * 3 to the 5, right? It's just 3 * 3 * 3 * 3. Well, 3 cubed we know is 27, so it's 27 * 3, which is 81."
"So W is equal to 52, that is our final answer there."
"The height of the pyramid can be determined mathematically with the angle and the base length."
"You still have to play good moves, you still have to think through things, you still have to calculate accurately and correctly, you still have to not make blunders."
"If you know the voltage and the resistance, you can calculate the current which will flow through that particular circuit."
"The len function is going to calculate the length of any iterable object."
"It wasn't a random guess, but a calculated deduction."
"It goes to show you know a lot of places really don't recognize cost of living they don't really factor that in their calculations."
"This feat has been calculated to yield energy nearly equal to 4 tons of TNT."
"Find the total units that were sold in the East region."
"What was the total revenue generated from binder?"
"What is the total revenue generated from the Central region where the item is a pencil?"
"How many units were sold by Sales Representative Jones where the cost of each item was greater than four?"
"How many units did Jones sell excluding pencil item?"
"The beauty of working with any kind of spreadsheet or workbook is being able to do those mathematical calculations."
"A formula is basically a mathematical calculation that tells Excel what to do to give you an answer."
"Think about this too: if you've got a thousand numbers you want to add, do you want to go plus B2 plus B3 all the way to a thousand? Probably not."
"Math of any kind will always follow the order of operations."
"The waterfall activities are estimated and calculated well in advance based on today's knowledge and assumptions."
"The probabilities cannot be calculated."
"Precise calculations are needed to make sure a vessel doesn't fly through a star or run into some other interstellar object."
"You move intuitively so people can see you as someone calculated."
"You could calculate how much energy is being dissipated by the water at this junction."
"Giselle is very smart and she's very calculated."
"The true nature of money is the dance between the cold arithmetic of a spreadsheet and human nature."
"Now, don't get too carried away. The way I figure it, this way it'll only cost me half as much."
"This subtraction right here is actually going to end up being one day short."
"For instance, if you are calculating percent change over time you might take the previous value and subtract from it the current value."
"Percent of total calculation is really easy. It's going to be total sales divided by total sales all countries, right? That's it."
"Remember to find an average, you add up all the values and divide by their number."
"To work out how profitable a movie is, you need to first account for how much money the movie makes."
"Everything Adrien did was calculated and meaningful."
"100 a day. That's 3,000 a month. That's more than enough."
"If I ride him the whole third period, I'll get riding time, and since it's tied 3-3, I would win 4-3."
"I listed these shoes with calculated shipping and eBay calculated that the buyer should pay 10.65 for shipping so I'm in the clear."
"Three million dollars, now I don't have a calculator in front of me, but three million dollars divided by 150 bucks, what would that be?"
"He's not a deep reader, he's not a deep studier but he is much more calculating than I think people understand."
"Let me pull out my phone here, I'm going to plug these numbers in."
"Gas prices here are two dollars and 56 cents per liter and there is 3.87 liters in a gallon. That is 9.90 a gallon."
"...sum if formula allows you to do a quick tally based on whether the data set meets certain criteria and requirements."
"Walt comes to the conclusion that they'll make 672 thousand dollars each."
"Oh well, look, let's crunch some numbers."
"672 thousand dollars each. Each. 672,000 each."
"I did the math the other day and found out that I'm paying over $1,000 a month for gas."
"I mean, you do what you can and you try to be as kind of calculated as and make it as much of a system as you can."
"When I calculated the chain reaction, I found a rather troubling possibility: exponential."
"If I did all the math correctly, after everything we bought and sold in today's video, our current house budget should be for $1,414.57, which is a great stopping point."
"Calculus is the Latin word for pebble, a reference to the heaps of stones once used as a calculating aid in addition and multiplication."
"Instead of going back to zero when they were reming out the transaction, the sum doubled."
"If you aren't using any type of pattern but you want to make a full quilt with Log Cabin blocks you'll need to do a little quilty math."
"Timing in life is very important, crucial. Regardless of whatever it is you do, if you miss the time of the shot, you miss your target. Yeah, and you have to have calculated the wind, the, you have to know all of it."
"I think this is a little bit more calculated, I think they know exactly what he's capable of and that's the whole point."
"Ronnie looked through his scope, green readouts in vertical and horizontal lines flickered in the eyepiece as he moved the weapon, 'I make it at 227 feet down, give or take, it was three in the morning.'"
"How much weight would he lose if he just made that adaptation based on that 500 calories a day? You could lose a pound a week versus down your three months."
"It's a wealth builder tool. This tool has already got all the calculations."
"But I counted those and there was still just twelve thousand two years later after adding those back in."
"Even with a worst-case scenario figure, you could fit all the animals needed on the ark."
"Great, we convert the ratio into a percentage."
"Deng dong dingus! 12 plus eight is 20 and it hits!"
"Counting holes and doing the math can be super time-consuming and tedious."
"I still don't know how he calculated his base saves to this day."
"If the remaining four friends each paid an additional six dollars, four times six, they had to pay an extra twenty four dollars because the guy left, which means originally, people were paying twenty four dollars to cover that guy who left."
"It's called backpropagation because in order to calculate it, we actually need the value at the end."
"If 20 percent is thirty pounds, what is a hundred percent? Well, one hundred percent is five times more than twenty percent so we need to work out five times thirty, five thirties are one hundred and fifty."
"Now, if 37 equals 560, then one percent is going to be 560 divided by 37. Therefore, 45 is 560 divided by 37 times 45."
"According to his calculations, there was no way the crystal could survive."
"How big should the battery be? Well, we need to know how much they're exporting, so how much energy is available, and then how much are they using in the house overnight when the sun is not shining, because that's really the use case that is most suitable for battery storage."
"...so Cal we had that 10 000 to the three thousand from before 5 000..."
"The dollar signs are just racking up in my head."
"So we're going to have a calculator up here and you guys are going to see if I made my money back or not."
"Strings can be converted into integers and then those integers can be added."
"His tossing of a Metal Gear Ray unit, the kinetic or explosive twitch muscle targeting type of force that Raiden would be hit with from just throwing the thing as high as he does would equate to 45 million joules."
"If you're really racing, it's not just the cost of the car, but it's the cost to transport the car someplace, it's your entry fee, it's the cost to transport your crew out there, fuel costs, food costs, lodging costs, time, it all adds up."
"If you have the mass in kilograms, the gravitational constant acceleration meters per second squared, and the height in meters, then what do you get for the potential energy? You also get joules."
"So adding up all the bodies crushed under that giant sphere, we get ourselves, seventeen."
"You take two, multiply by 12, divide by one, multiply by Avogadro's Number, then divide by one."
"The total row allows us to do high-level calculations for each column."
"Trust me nothing don did did he whip up this is a carefully calculated cocktail that is perfectly balanced."
"So now I can calculate this integral two different ways."
"I don't do danger, no, calculated danger, that's what."
"This upshot's so fun because you calculate in your mind the trajectory and all the angles and you think you're going to know where it lands, but as soon as you let go, you're like, 'Oh, please, please don't.'"
"The square root of 24 is actually 2 square root of 6."
"It never comes across as unhinged. It usually comes across as kind of calculated."
"Life, everything's a risk. You've just got to calculate, is it worth the risk? And of course, it's worth the risk."
"Your words are not just supposed to come out of your mouth; they should be calculated."
"This will be 200.00. Yeah, yeah, there's 65. Yeah, yeah, I didn't even need to use my calculator for that one, actually. The perfect sit down. Okay."
"According to recent calculations, the bite of a T-Rex had more force than any other creature that's ever walked on land. They were capable of biting down on things with a force of 7.1 tons of force, about four times as much as a saltwater crocodile."
"To me, those are calculated risks and they might look to others like extremely risky, but I know plenty of people with different personality types than ESTP would take, to me, crazy risks."
"There's no guarantee though, so 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24. There's $28. Ok, so right there."
"So our answer there is going to be 39."
"So our answer for the value of one storage bin there will be 10."
"Let's fill this out for 10 years and then click on the calculate button."
"...so 21.66 meters and there's the final answer to that question obviously just rounding it however we would be asked to in a particular question so something a little bit different there."
"Annual loss expectancy (ALE) is calculated as the single loss expectancy times the annual rate of occurrence."
"Now we've tried it out and carried out some secure calculations."
"You mean to tell me these three washers are a dollar apiece? How much was the whole bag?"
"That's like a thousand bucks in gold just about. Not quite, but just about a thousand dollars in gold. That ain't bad."
"Public fear was fueled largely by incorrect calculations."
"Jeff Fort doesn't do anything without calculation."
"Reverse Polish notation is much more bare-metal when it comes to working with calculator hardware than algebraic notation is."
"He's saying that the guys that you want like people that meet that metric are 300 guys in Miami which is [ __ ] crazy that you did the math on that."
"I know but your payout's like, just call it 16 plus a three percent fee you're at like 15.50."
"That makes that monthly payment lower and I see the numbers every day."
"So that leaves me with a grand minus of 672 pounds and 68 Pence."
"...what you can do is actually count for 30 seconds okay count for 30 seconds and multiply it by two."
"There's no simple way to calculate alimony. The best is to review the financials of the proposing party to determine need and ability to pay."
"We were factoring in for depreciation, we were factoring in for longer whole times."
"What they achieved by drawing and by calculating by hand is unbelievable."
"So what's our correct answer? Well, it's going to be $58,000."
"Risk divided by risk plus reward."
"If you're working out a hexadecimal value and say for example you were given one a in hex how do you work it out?"
"The right way is to calculate your new property taxes."
"When I take calculated risks like this, it's worth the gamble for $4,500."
"... so if you calculate four chain stitch as one triple crochet, we again end up with a total of ten triple crochet."
"Your net worth is essentially your assets minus your liabilities and the total of that, that is then your net worth."
"...but in Nimitz's mind it was not a gamble, he did not throw the dice carelessly or thoughtlessly behind those cool blue eyes was the calculating mind of a man who weighed the odds and made plans accordingly."
"Now what I want to do is one quick final calculation for you."
"If 10k equals 50, that means one grand is only five dollars."
"He's very effective at what he does. He's very powerful, very calculated."
"If Putin had been another sort of Russian leader he would have done a calculation and said it's not worth invading Ukraine."
"Think about that one every other year for eight years gets you to four."
"I've actually calculated it over time and it's, it truly has saved us pretty drastic amounts of money."
"Always do the math. Repeat that after me, always do the math."
"We take 15 weights what we'd like to do is to go and find the largest bird that we can see the smallest bird that we can see and then just the other 13 will be average or just a random birds that will help give us a good average weight of our whole flock."
"What was amazing about him too is that he would do these ridiculous stunts and video projects and things and stuff that you think wow he's, you know, he's crazy in that sense and then he was the most stable dude, yeah, because he was calculated."
"I feel like 650 for them, that's like 90% Gold's down, man. What is it right now, 1832 an ounce? That's 90%, 650 is 90%."
"...if I have nine centimeters across the back of the neck I need to figure out how many stitches can I get to give me nine centimeters."
"Give yourself a little bit of time maybe pause this video and give yourself 10 to 20 seconds to do the calculations."
"Crunch the numbers, don't play the lottery."
"The value formula: stream outcome multiplied by the perceived likelihood of achievement divided by the time delay multiplied by effort and sacrifice."
"Luckily, each year is calculated separately."
"He's like doing the math in his head like this many square feet the concussion this overpressure what's it gonna do to us"
"It wasn't about luck, it was purely math."
"...oh I just did a quick calculation and there's over 100 people queuing up to ride that elevator..."
"Beyonce's roll out was very calculated and knew what she was doing for a reason."
"Whenever we're talking about a profit, it's 100 percent of what we started with plus a percent."
"So, we just use what we have on our calculator, the log button, and the Ln button which is technically the log base e, natural base e."
"I think that one of the reasons why math is an underappreciated and sometimes hated subject is because of all the memorization involved with times taes throughout school and that students have to learn things like memorize 7 * 12 instead of just calculating it being enough."
"So what I did while Alex was vacuuming, I went around each room, figured out the square feet, right? 108 square feet this room right here, tape on the walls, this one was 66 square feet, right? We come over here, this room is 100 square feet."
"Always use the position size calculator."
"In conclusion, we've got 272 miles at 3.0 miles per kilowatt hour."
"Big moment for Prague, he's calculating this. Can he get away with opening up the white king and taking this pawn?"
"The area of this triangle would be 49 root 3 over 2."
"Can I just work out how many Vic would take up?"
"My dad was cute, he, like, calculated out if I were to make fifty dollars every six seconds, like how much I would have made for a forty-hour workweek, wow."
"You do not need to guess the number but rather you need to calculate it."
"If you want to know how much clamp load you are going to get in both of those numbers, you can use this formula as well. It'll tell you what your clamp load is going to be, lowest end and the highest end."
"The total probability has to be one, I believe. So, therefore, one over 18 plus unknown value P plus 3 over 18 plus 1 over 18 plus 2 over 18 plus 7 over 18 must be one."
"I calculated how much money we spent."
"So, we did the math, and we realized that my candles were going to be way too big to fit inside of the Scotty stuffer."
"You gotta do the math and say, well okay, you're 35, 37 whatever you are and you're gonna work till you're 65, do the math."
"...what is it about the boundary conditions and the way I'm running that calculation?"
"Let me see how much that will give us."
"The Pythagorean theorem solves the problem of computing diagonal distance."
"Always do the math... Don't just assume."
"Let's calculate the area of A1 via an integral."
"How much money did you lose over that 10-year period? You bought it for ten thousand and you sold it for four hundred, therefore you lost ninety-six hundred dollars."
"... the lowest common multiple there."
"Apply the trick to find 10 percent."
"Find 10 percent, then halve it to get 5 percent."
"If one quarter is 117, multiply it by three for three-quarters."