
Calculations Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Within that half second, a universe could take place within AI. It could be calculating all of your actions like a chess game."
"If we divide negative 6 by 1, we'll get negative 6... But one plus negative 6 is negative 5."
"It's all math, so if all my calculations are correct, they may not be, I would have a little Ridge support that measures 10 and a half."
"The rule here is to take the home price, multiply it by 8.71 percent, and then divide it by 12."
"Together you're coming in at 200 and whatever numbers you have to do to make that make sense that's what you have to do."
"I'm seriously going to need my calculator to figure out if this is right or not."
"Excel basically does two things: calculations, which is actually what we're going to do mostly in this class."
"That's 500 profit for the day if my math and mind situation is correct."
"This technique in particular can be so useful because of how much time it can save you when you're performing calculations across a large range of cells."
"So this is a wonderful way to process a sequence of calculations for a range of cells."
"The scheme of effective field theory makes all calculations finite."
"We can do some calculations... hit enter, and it has automatically calculated the totals for all your rows."
"Now, how do I calculate how much money I actually made?"
"Power Pivot enables us to work with larger volumes of data and perform more powerful calculations."
"So, if I can make $100,000 in 44 days, well, how long would it take me to make a million dollars? 44 days times 10. 450 days."
"It's one of those videos where I ask myself that question of like, well how much payload performance would it increase if you turned, you know, Mechazilla into a, you know, like had it Yeet Starship off the pad and I ran those numbers."
"Quick maths, adding all that up together comes to 60,528 pounds."
"Remember the fraction, the decimal, and the percentage."
"The remainder of 527 plus 44 on division by 9 is 4."
"Someone will have to do the math later, but I'm sure that Richard has killed a lot of his own team's units."
"Because when you're working on a calculator, if you click two plus two and then you click the plus button again, it's going to add two plus two to be four and then it's going to say four plus, and you can type in whatever you want next."
"Every time I try to add it up, the calculator comes out the same way."
"We consumed one and a half gallons of fuel and that works out to 56.66 miles per gallon."
"Ranges allow you to define basically a starting and an ending value and do all sorts of nifty little calculations in between."
"Traveling through hyperspace... without precise calculations."
"How much is a 20% tip on a $68 bill? And you can see Siri shows you exactly the tip amount and the total with the tip on top."
"It's not going to get quicker than that about 3.3 seconds based on this math. Well, what did Car and Driver get for the 0-60 of this previous ZR1? About 3.3 seconds. Right, the math checks out."
"How useful date and time calculations can be."
"Formulas are really the backbone of Excel. It's really what it's known for: its calculations."
"A formula is a calculation that uses Excel functions."
"Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanics principles like superposition and entanglement enabling calculations beyond classical limits."
"And I'm the math in the booth, so... 119. 119 home runs times 240 feet is 28,560 feet divided by 5,280 feet in a mile. That's 5.4 miles. Five miles. Four miles of home runs."
"You can perform calculations on those rows, add measures, key performance indicators."
"There was no question in Catherine's calculations, which were always spot on."
"My calculations came out to 622 miles per gallon. That is quite high, that is very high."
"The voltage over the earth here is V equals to twenty-two point nine seven times point O nine equals one point three."
"There's actually a very easy way to rephrase all of this and to perform calculations for specific cases using the direct notation."
"It's when you're able to do this kind of quick, very quick cable calculation that you realize how useful the regulations are and how easy it is."
"I can cause chain reactions depending on what I destroy. Such calculations are as easy for me to make as a simple cup of tea."
"Last but not least, I'm going to bring you to another popular type of calculation: percentage. It's last but certainly not least."
"...add it all up and minus the commission, there's a total of 112 pounds."
"You are going to really be educated and surprised and I think delighted to be able to make your own ballistics calculations."
"I gave you a lot of information today that you're going to have to sit down and put pen to paper and do some calculations to figure out what this is really going to cost you."
"The probability that the server is idle is 1 - (lambda / mu)."
"But to your point, absolutely valid, based on the calculations in the Mahabharat, we have to accept there is no other alternative to accept that Bishara was about 140 plus years old at the time of Mahabharat war and he fought for the first 10 days."
"So, Y is 2 rad 5. That means WZ is 2 rad 5."
"we can make the calculations much much faster"
"Creating formulas: calculating averages, any mathematical formula, just like you do with Google Sheets."
"Double bam! Now that we have a formula for the expected value for continuous variable, let's calculate the expected value for a continuous variable from the exponential distribution."
"4,000 people are a lot of people in an 8 hour... let's do the math, open 8 hours 4,000 people divided by 8 hours it's 500 people an hour, that's more than any... trust me, it's a lot."
"Summary calculations with conditions at the head of the row."
"Since we selected the sum option earlier, each value is added to the previous value."
"Everybody down here has got a pocket calculator out."
"If you are very much interested in this particular inventory management topic, you should know the calculations."
"Photoshop does math for you, so you don't have to do any calculations."
"Don't panic when calculations don't match answer choices. Look for conversion opportunities."
"Luckily, spreadsheets can make calculations more enjoyable."
"Quantum field theory became the tool of choice for doing calculations in particle physics."
"The good news is that the calculator can do a lot of this heavy lifting and probability calculations for us."
"The way we become accurate with our calculations is we lay down a grid on top of any shapes, any geometric shapes that we work with."
"When you're doing calculations, it's really important to look at how accurately each of those numbers in your problem are measured."
"They can also be used with formula fields to do calculations with macros."
"When you solve for your temperature, it's going to come out in Kelvin, so your delta H and delta S have to either both be in joules or both in kilojoules for this to work out properly."
"They take advantage of quantum mechanics to do multiple calculations at once."
"Just to get the hang of doing these kinds of calculations."
"Whether it's figuring out how much money we need to pay for something and how much change we get or just trying to calculate how much we have to buy if we're building something."
"So you have to calculate the positions of the planets and accurately calculate your trajectory."
"We're going to familiarize ourselves with the flight computer and the routine calculations we need to make."
"It's always a good idea to verify your results with empirical testing and hand calculations if you can."
"This is characteristic of the sorts of calculations you want to do in quantum mechanics."
"The accumulator stores the results of calculations from the arithmetic logic unit."
"Pi provides an extremely powerful library of built-in functions that you can use for these calculations in the pi server."
"Physics always, of course, gets down to equations, you have to calculate things and model things."
"We're in 3D space, so we have to operate with vectors and do some vector calculations."
"The manufacturer provides us with base ampacity for a given installation, then we apply various correction factors."
"More emphasis will be put on more accurate calculations."
"We're now interested in doing some calculations."
"These are precise calculations that I've worked really hard on."
"Models also inform decision-making because you can use them in various ways to perform all kinds of calculations."
"Get really good at speed distance and time calculations."
"A stereonet can also be used to do complex calculations such as rotations, calculating lines of intersections, etcetera."
"We want to get the value from the spin box and multiply that with the price."
"The more you practice the numericals, the faster your calculations will be during the exam."
"They believe it is the mathematical calculations for the movement of the moon."
"We're ready to build out the calculations required to build our Sunburst Chart."
"Always do calculations starting with the brackets then do the order, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction."
"So we have calculated our Value-at-Risk in percentage, now let's finally calculate it in monetary terms."
"That's basically how we do the step by step calculations."
"This is how you go through these calculations and you make them real simple but you ask the right questions."
"This is as long as you put in the good information and this is actually even more detailed than what you can do via hand calculations typical hand calculations that is."
"Epsilon is the amount of error we're willing to tolerate in our calculations."
"It's a way that we actually use to make calculations and understand nature."
"Now I have an event-driven system that allows me to do multiple concurrent calculations within MATLAB."
"After we calculate the correlation coefficients, we can then multiply them by the risk premiums to get the required rate of return for the firm."
"That's kind of quantum field theory at work if you sum over everything that's making an inclusive calculation."
"We do 1 moments equation and we get the other two equations from resolving vertically and horizontally."
"You can use select statement not only to get columns which already exist but to define new columns based on calculations and logic."
"Formatting will not impact the accuracy of any calculations done on the values; it simply changes what is displayed, not what is stored."
"Calculating vertical displacements outside of the excavation is really highly depending on having the right soil model in there."
"Practice... build different kinds of things with different kinds of calculations."
"Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you first need some kind of sum and then another kind of thinking, chances are that a table calculation might help you."
"If we're off in our calculations by even a few degrees, we could end up in the middle of the sun."
"We can calculate our time forcing function based on one cycle of vibration."
"If we can calculate the partition functions for molecules, and they undergo reactions and they're in equilibrium, we should be able to calculate the equilibrium constants."
"We know that engineering calculations are a critical part in your product development process."