
Digital Rights Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"We clearly need something like a digital Bill of Rights, absolutely, and as soon as possible."
"We are in a war for Freedom of Information right now."
"The ability to communicate immediately and with as little friction between us the way that we currently can is under threat."
"Our faces are being scanned daily and recorded and saved on databases without our consent."
"There has never been a more important time to protect your digital rights. That's why I and thousands of my patriotic listeners choose to secure our online data by using ExpressVPN."
"Let's make sure that the internet stays a free and level playing field for everybody."
"Digital ownership is one of the biggest issues... especially in a landscape where things are constantly being re-edited, retouched, having that original access just means a lot."
"This is the latest chapter in a disturbing trend where we see government agencies increasingly transforming search warrants into digital dragnets."
"There are two kinds of people. Those who want net neutrality, and those who don’t know they want net neutrality."
"If someone's going to remove your content, they need to give you an explicit reason why."
"Are we purchasing a temporary, completely revocable license that can be taken away at any time?"
"If someone came to your house, and you didn't like the speech that they were expressing, in your house, these websites and platforms are allowed to kick that person off of their platform."
"Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, etc."
"We all know repealing net neutrality means that the internet will no longer be free and open."
"Net neutrality is about more than just speed and access; it is the principle that Internet service providers...should not be able to engage in any sort of favoritism that limits or manipulates the choices you make online."
"Having your personal data shared and sold without your permission is one of the biggest issues we all face on a daily basis."
"If you choose to request removal of content by submitting an infringement notification, please remember that you are initiating a legal process."
"A little tip: if you're living in a country that actually restricts your internet access to the point where you need a VPN just to surf online, it might be a fascist one."
"Piracy is a really thorny subject. Yes, piracy is wrong, you should not be taking a product that you are asked to pay for."
"If you were to go to a strictly digital future, you would essentially encounter situations where a storefront or service might shut down, or a company just decides out of the blue that they don't want to host certain games and products, and you'd lose access to them despite the fact that you paid for them."
"This game is great. Tribes of the Wind is my number two."
"I absolutely believe that we all have the right to consume digital media in a format of our choice."
"One's device ought to be one's property, with all of the exceptions of ownership and privacy that entails."
"I won't see the argument that advancing First Amendment protections to social media is going to be bad for the user."
"Down with NFTs, I say, and kudos to influential figures like Joseph Ferris and Phil Spencer for speaking out."
"Whether it's the government shutting down your favorite meme factory or YouTube's algorithm being capricious, it's hard being a creator when you don't control the platform."
"I've seen dozens of people's pages just mysteriously disappear, you get put in what they call Facebook jail for 30 days."
"They can be either to play the game revoked or transformed at the sole discretion of a publisher without warning... rendering the product unplayable."
"But this is a great story of how one copyright troll, one copyright abuser whoever they may be, has absolutely failed in their mission to delete something off of the internet."
"It really feels like we're coming to a point where the free and open internet is being assaulted from all sides."
"I've been waiting for a case like this for a long time, where a review is coming under false DMCA claims and trying to be suppressed."
"All you will have done is force people to get more creative with their pirating methods."
"Piracy of video games and on video game consoles should end."
"Speech is fundamental to our freedom. We will defend freedom of speech against digital book burners, regardless of how big they are or how powerful they are."
"The platform is not a right, it's a privilege."
"Access to social media should be considered a human right."
"Game preservation is super duper important and I think you should own what you buy."
"Blockchain is part of a creative insurgency. It provides a distribution of intelligence and private rights that has been lost to some extent in the cloud."
"I really think you should include Tim Pool on this digital bill of rights."
"Information wants to be free and so do the people who courageously act upon what they learn."
"Our protocol is fair and rewards the content creators for their pictures; it will allow you to set up auctions and give you full royalty benefits from any of your art transactions."
"Privacy is something that's slowly slipping away from us day by day."
"Opposing tech censorship, calling for a digital Bill of Rights."
"You are not going to be the smart, well-rounded person that you could be if you stop learning."
"Nintendo decided that their creators program was going to rule how YouTubers made content."
"The free and open Internet is being quickly handed over to corporate giants."
"The Last of Us 2 leaks and Sony's assault on youtubers may be the most sinister video game industry move of the decade."
"What users desperately will need is ownership, privacy, decentralization. These are the things that change the course of human history."
"I think it's a very good thing because I think the demo as it currently exists represents a high water mark for console real-time Graphics rendering."
"Downloading a JPEG from the Internet is illegal and what you paid money for was in fact the nft which is not the image itself just the thing that says you own the image."
"A win for Epic here could essentially mean the death of the walled garden ecosystem altogether."
"News stories are being suppressed YouTube channels are being deleted individuals on Twitter and Facebook have been shut down completely."
"Retaining the rights to your work online is huge; you own your art to some extent."
"Something that we all should care about, though, is our online privacy..."
"We're fighting for our basic freedoms here in crypto land."
"This is the last best chance I think we have at a free and open internet to have free and open social media and to have the playing field leveled."
"The people on the side of censoring speech are the modern-day digital slavers."
"You should not be able to take content that a creator created and put on the internet. Nobody else but the creator of it, the author of it, should be able to take that off the internet."
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"DRM introduces an element of ambiguity. You assume the game copy is yours and you were certainly free to play it. So what happens when the always-on DRM servers are down?"
"The process provided by YouTube provides real recourse."
"If you make you allowed to make a copy of your own game, that's law."
"Encryption means that they can't arrest you, they can't blackmail you, people can't do any of the things governments might do to make sure that public information is what they wanted."
"You have to let us have discussions. The algorithm is not interested in truth."
"You can use the power of cryptography to give people back their voice, their property rights, and their sovereignty."
"Big tech must not censor the voices of the American people."
"The legislation will also provide children under 16 with the right to ask platforms to remove their videos without their parents prior authorization."
"The only solution is a real digital bill of rights."
"Piracy is not theft, copyright laws kind of suck, DRM sucks more."
"Once you put it on the blockchain it ain't no censoring that."
"Estonia is the first state to recognize the internet as a basic right for all of its citizens."
"DRM is nothing but a smokescreen." - Marcin Nowinski
"So as part of their privacy protections you can opt out of your location being maintained by Google."
"Banning for copyright, it's literally the community, these are the people that are watching your [ __ ], they're watching your [ __ ], and you're going to go ahead and ban them."
"This could be a seriously game-changing anti-censorship ruling."
"Well, folks, as of the day I am uploading this video, my channels have been wrongfully terminated for a full month."
"You can't yell at people for piracy when you don't give them a way to give you money to play your games. Point blank period."
"Content ID is so unforgiving so punishing so byzantine that it results in a system where those who make videos YouTubers are so dependent on YouTube for audience access and promotion by its suggestion algorithm."
"Facebook and Twitter are monopolies, denying people access to service."
"Content moderation should be an individual decision, not a corporate prison. Let people make their own choices." - Edward Snowden
"Imagine if after a decade or two, paintings were permanently taken down and you were simply not allowed to see them anymore. Game preservation should be taken more seriously."
"DRM-free, because the game was always yours."
"Once you put it on the blockchain, those days of getting stolen and copied without getting paid are over with."
"Nothing like a react streamer coming after someone for fair use."
"Piracy is a service problem; emulation is a service problem."
"NFTs for knitting patterns are just unnecessary."
"Robert Downey Jr. explains that he has the rights to 3D scans of his face."
"Everybody deserves a free and open Internet."
"It's time for democratic nations to come together and establish a global set of norms."
"The shift to decentralization to owning your own property and digital rights right and not having a centralized body control and dictate what's going to happen that is that's the new shift that's moving towards to right."
"Some temporary adjustment of our digital liberties may be necessary, however, it's really important that those adjustments be temporary."
"I think the users should get paid. It should just happen automatically. Laws should matter and companies should be fined."
"The Liberation of Twitter is the most powerful and important work going on right now in the digital space."
"Never let anybody tell you what content you can and can't access."
"Privacy is a fundamental human right and at the core of everything we do."
"Net neutrality makes a free and open Internet."
"Thank you very much for watching... especially in these whirring article thirteen days where you know 40% of what the channel earns could just be deleted by article 13 overnight in the future..."
"The point that I want to talk about is the idea of people paying for free content."
"The floodgates had opened, and the RIAA lost what it wanted most: control."
"That's why the censorship that we're seeing on social media by Google and Facebook and Twitter going after people like me and you and other independent thinkers is just the small step towards the bigger step that we're all seeing here."
"Join up our mailing list. Yeah, absolutely the single best way to make sure that the war between big Tech and the Canadian government doesn't preclude you from seeing True North news is to sign up to our email list."
"The metaverse is about digital property rights and NFTs."
"We warned you... this type of censorship was coming."
"There is an undeniable frustration that comes from an algorithm stealing your life's work."
"The controversial EU copyright directive is trying to modernize laws, but it's a war between content creators and the decentralized internet."
"Playing a pirated game isn't as simple as downloading a file."
"Despite piracy largely being something that harms game console sales..."
"They explicitly do not want to sell you something and subsequently allow you to control it; they would rather sell temporary access to something and then make unilateral decisions about the future of that service with zero accountability."
"Access to platforms is granted or denied based on opaque, unaccountable processes."
"One of the many important things that Aura does is submit opt-out requests to those websites that have your information on them. And when they do that, those sites are legally obligated to remove your information."
"I was digitally imprisoned by her majesty and royal highness the queen of youtube susan wikiwiki peace and blessings be upon her."
"Imagine someone stated that because the internet didn't exist in 1787... the freedom of speech or freedom of the press should not apply there."
"With an NFT, there is an opportunity for [artists] to continue to profit from the thing that they did instead of it just being something that runs away and rich people toss around."
"Your data should be your property... Imagine if the online world's rules applied to real life."
"The Fair Use Protection Account (FUPA)... managed to raise more than 170 thousand dollars for its cause of protecting YouTubers from these kinds of copyright bullies like Matt Haas."
"Your online activity shouldn't be public. It belongs to you."
"Using DMCA claims to silence criticism sets a dangerous precedent."
"Fortunately, that's why I use ExpressVPN, which not only hides my IP address but also lets me watch all the videos that YouTube has blocked because by god it's my right to watch whatever I want."
"You have the right to remain private, to browse the web safely and anonymously."
"Programmable money... an attack on personal freedom and liberty."
"It's super shady, YouTube shadow banning anti-establishment users, video gone, no surprise it was an Alex Jones video."
"I think that if you are making videos about a game if you buy a video game I think that you should have the autonomy to do pretty much whatever you want with it."
"The entire concept of always online restrictions for single-player games is as ironic as it is reprehensible."
"It's about time we took a look at region restrictions."
"Piracy exists, and in this case, I 100% support it."
"Privacy is important and everybody should get that when they go online."
"Digital rights management always converges on malware."
"If YouTube is going to arbitrarily shut his channel down when he broke no rules, I think there is a claim here."
"We don't actually own your property, you hold a license to it so long as you agree to their terms of service."
"They can take my videos but they're not going to mess with my viewers."
"We need all the information so we can decide... YouTube has no business censoring anybody."
"Bitcoin represents the first property right in history that is totally agnostic to any government decision."
"Historians are gonna talk about it, okay? And if you want to know why I am watching it in 240p with the aspect ratio messed up, the reason why is because destiny has DMCAd this clip all over the internet."
"The internet is the last Bastion of true freedom."
"Free speech channel Super You is catching up to the censorship platform of YouTube."
"It's the policy of the United States that lawful content should be free from censorship in our digital marketplace of ideas."
"I can't overstate what a huge step this was for privacy, and what a tremendous amount of good it did to kick-start a conversation about why private messaging is essential for a free society."
"Privacy is becoming more and more important every single day."
"Online registration codes and tying games to actual online accounts is the way to prevent games from being sold on the second-hand market."
"You're giving away your information and they're selling it to somebody else."
"Privacy has to be a right it has to be accessible to everyone if it's going to actually." - Edward Snowden
"It's time to stop Big Brother and surveillance of your online activity."
"If you are flagged, do not ask YouTube for help. You put your entire Channel at risk."
"What we want is a society where these platforms are like the post office, content-neutral."
"If caring about your privacy and paying for the content services and products you consume rather than becoming the product yourself makes you an extremist, I would suggest that every single person watching this video become an extremist in 2023."
"Section 230 should be a digital translation to constitution and amendments. Platforms must accept all speech."
"The internet is the new public square. In recent years, however, big tech platforms have become increasingly brazen and shameless in censoring and discriminating against ideas, information, and people on social media." - Trump
"If there is one fight that people have recently began talking about, it's the fight for information privacy."
"The digital age has already got us asking questions about what it means to own a game, how long a digital collection can exist, what might happen to a game when it’s not properly preserved in its original state."
"A site being allowed to exist should not be requisite on contributing something according to some subjective feature."
"Sweeney's other letter, 2:00 am, right before the Mega Drop, telling Apple that Epic will no longer adhere to the App Store payment restrictions."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"If you like talking about politics on YouTube or talking about anything controversial on YouTube, you should be against mass flagging."
"We're talking about modern, digital games on digital storefronts - games that, ostensibly, there should be infinite copies of that are no longer available to purchase, usually for dumb licensing reasons."
"The petition calls for Apple to reconsider its upcoming software that can scan users' phones."
"If a narrative doesn't fit, it's shadow banned, it's suppressed, it's throttled, it's argued against by a swarm of repetitive responses."
"Code is not law code is speech and it's protected as such in this country at least and and most in most of the rest of the world."
"Twitch received a large wave of DMCA takedown notices aimed at year old vods and clips containing copyrighted music, leading to a backlash."
"Copyright on your channel... they give you a strike for a copyright."
"We can't let them discriminate, censor, or shut us down."
"This is like the OG NFT, right? The original fight against the middlemen who are rent-seeking."
"We must assert our freedom in conversation, on the web, and in the courts."
"Bitcoin is software. It is freedom of speech."
"Cryptocurrencies are a free speech issue. If governments wanted to do long-term harm to the projects, they'd have to start violating our rights as citizens and just make mention and crypto illegal like thoughtcrime or something."
"There is no way for me to watch TV shows on YouTube. The content ID system is way too thorough."
"By supporting independent media, advocating for privacy rights, and embracing decentralization, we can forge a path towards a more equitable and free world."
"Being silenced on the Internet is far more dangerous in many ways than it ever was before."
"Read the community guidelines and understand what the wording means, truly understand what the wording means."
"This incident holds significant implications for digital free speech and competition in the online sphere."
"The ability to communicate on the internet through Twitter or through these platforms is a basic human right."
"You cannot see what the rest of the world is talking about, Wikipedia is blocked, I mean just think about that."
"Being banned and censored on the internet is incredibly detrimental."
"That's all I have to say on this but show me the Masters that's the hashtag right there."
"I refuse to be trampled on by a site that claims they do the exact opposite."
"If you are worried about protecting yourself from the government, I think you need to get online and start learning about your digital rights, your privacy rights, and everything that's going on in the world."
"Bitcoin is just code and code is just free speech."
"Github reinstates youtube-dl library after EFF intervention."
"It is not fair because it's a human right for every person to use Internet."
"They're not focused on getting rid of us, no they're focused on silencing us, they're focusing on making us second-class citizens on YouTube."
"Where's the fair use? It's become a bit of a hot issue recently because YouTube's mechanism for handling these disputes has not been very fair."
"I will defend the right of self-custody of Bitcoin and other digital assets."
"People should have the personal choice whether or not they want to be involved with these. I think people should have the personal right to decide whether or not their content is sold in this format through YouTube."
"Social media is a human right." - Twitter's Jack Dorsey
"One thing I really like that Jack said was that he felt the ability to communicate online was a right we should all have."
"There aren't many platforms left that allow free speech."
"Suddenly tyranny no more, you can access your favorites as is your human right to be entertained."
"We can help inform creators on when and where their stuff is stolen."
"We should all agree to protect the internet because the establishment is coming for it."
"They want us to delete all our videos, but claim to support Free Speech."
"The Hat Man is an entity that has been reported since the '90s, a shadow person that appears in people's rooms during the dead of night."
"Twitch finally apologized for how they've handled the DMCA claim surge."
"It's unfortunate I had to put out this video just so that they would do their job most YouTubers wouldn't have the option to get the attention of a huge company like Microsoft by putting out a video."
"It's all there. It's just locked. Until now."
"I believe that our data should be ours and if anyone's gonna make money off it, it should be us."
"No physical copies, only what you're allowed to see on your screen."
"A terrible day for the internet a terrible day for America the internet as we know it is not going to exist anymore."
"YouTube is suppressing people's content, YouTube is suppressing people's monetization for things without telling them, and it's all in the code."
"Our most important weapon in this battle in the age of big tech speech the ability to say what we want on the Internet is our most important weapon."
"The single most important Free Speech case in the digital era."
"Introduction of property rights: Digital assets on the rise."