
Data Quotes

There are 4571 quotes

"Your structure as a human being is the sum total of everything you've ever consumed."
"You can literally have a conversation with that sum total of data that you've experienced, and I would say that it would be indistinguishable from having a conversation with that person because it would have all that memory."
"You are what they are selling: your data, your viewing habits, what you are likely to buy."
"The world is becoming more of a data-rich environment; the world's becoming a video game."
"The ability for data and insight to really inform the art of storytelling."
"Being the best economy in the world and having that supported by objective data sure sounds like a good thing to me."
"Be very careful of people who just operate on blind faith and don't actually pay attention to data and science."
"I'm a visionary, exploring a universe of data to sharpen our view of the most distant galaxies and studying black holes to help prove Einstein's theory of gravitational waves."
"The data doesn't lie. The data tells you the absolute truth."
"Failure is the most information-rich data stream in the world."
"When it comes to AI, data is absolutely king."
"The plural of anecdote is data. If lots of people notice something, then to say this is rubbish because lots of people say they've noticed it isn't the right starting point for science."
"We live in the world where everything there is to know about you is discoverable to people you know, companies, governments, and everyone in between."
"It's never wrong to ask a question that is based on data, that is asking the truth, that is seeking a better outcome for all."
"We are self-actuating, self-learning data streams. That, to me, is the most accurate way I can tell you what I have seen in my lifetime about what humans are at the level of consciousness."
"If the output of a machine learning model is your responsibility, then so is the data going in."
"Data is the most valuable resource in today's day and age, not one data point, but millions of data points around the world."
"Every individual viewer... amounts to much more than the data that has been collected about them."
"You are listening to nonsense right now. Here are the facts; here's the data."
"Data is the world's most valuable asset now. It runs all decision-making and all user experience and all communications for every organization, for-profit, nonprofit, governmental."
"You don't need to exaggerate when talking about the climate crisis; the data speaks for itself."
"Lead with your goddamn mind. Lead with data."
"AI systems are made up of data and code...by code I mean the model, including the neural network architecture you might choose, does then train on the dataset."
"To the outside viewer, to see one person spouting rhetoric and the other countering hard data provides a clear winner."
"I make the somewhat outrageous proposal that that externalized information, that dataome, is best thought of as an alternate living system here on Earth."
"The ultimate legacy of human civilization will be to send out our data home into the universe and that will be our legacy to future alien civilizations within the Milky Way."
"This ledger of our data may be considered a Lamarckian epigenome, a constantly evolving representation of who we are."
"When I try to draw my opinions about which side is more violent, I don't look at footage of a rally. I try to look at numbers and data."
"You just go for the truth and let the data speak, and let the rest take care of itself."
"We're getting data, very limited benefit of what we can do with said data, but definite harms that I'm seeing as a result of health-related anxiety that's being fueled by all these alarms."
"Data is practically gold in the insurance world, and Tesla has the most data about its vehicles."
"Data and attention are the ultimate currency of the future."
"Overwhelmingly, when you look at the data, it improves their psychological distress, it removes and lowers suicidal ideation."
"You give me your name, I can basically pretty quickly figure out what newspapers you subscribe to, what you like on Facebook, what you comment on Twitter."
"People lie; numbers don't. Let's look at the data."
"Activation functions... introduce nonlinearities into the network... because in real life, data is almost always very nonlinear."
"With deep learning and just massive data sets, we've come up with neural networks that are doing some pretty incredible things."
"A bit is a single tiny one or zero. And that's one little bit of information. A byte is eight bits."
"We train these models and they improve over time with more and more data and experience."
"We now have the data. We now can make informed decisions."
"With data comes power. They can make you believe things that are not true."
"Uncomfortable statistics shouldn't be ignored."
"Look at the data. The vaccines are highly efficacious."
"Mistakes are the most information rich data stream there is."
"If we're able to create realistic samples from the data distributions that we want, we can do really cool things."
"But if the foundations of our future are defined by data... why are most companies still so bad at understanding it?"
"When everything becomes about data and management... there is one piece of data that matters above all else: 26 billion dollars."
"The data insight report is absolutely incorrect."
"Nobody ever thought of these numbers... nobody ever saw numbers like this."
"This knowledge represents years of personal experience and collective data."
"If you want to make the strategic decisions that affect a population, then we have to have relevant and good quality data about that population."
"We gotta keep fighting based on the data and the scientific method that we've valued."
"We actually sit on top of the largest human trafficking database in existence."
"China seeks to become the Saudi Arabia of data."
"Scouting the archives for data requires a lot of time and effort, but the information is invaluable."
"Gun controls work; the proof is in the data." - Dr. Alan Lichtman
"A treasure trove of information all about you."
"Feelings don't matter because feelings with data. Your feelings about the vaccine don't matter, you should get it because the data says you should get it."
"Humanity is only as good as the data that you put in."
"My very favorite stat in bitcoin is that right now there's 18.7 million bitcoin."
"I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general and in effect becoming a whistleblower."
"Take all of the data that we have and have more analytical and predictive power."
"Given past performance, I'm not too hopeful... but the data now is so strong I really feel they will start to have to act soon."
"The new money, the new currency of the world is data."
"Deny as much as you wish, but these numbers don't lie."
"Violent crime is actually down this year in Chicago."
"Whoever controls the data controls the world."
"Some things when they are trained, they're trained on actual test data, so when you're seeing these llms come out and you're like oh my God it was able to get this on this test, it's because it already saw that the test in the training data."
"Thank you for taking the time to fill out the mythical census, very helpful to know even more about you without having to sit down with each one of you individually."
"You need good actionable data, like real solid facts."
"Your information does not have to be for sale."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"Having so much data of existing roads, streets, traffic flow. It helps fuel Google's A.I."
"Now we see the global temperature from 1880 all the way to 2018."
"If you have all the data and all the information, you have all the power."
"Privacy is power because data, whoever has the data in the digital age, will have the power."
"But it's way too easy to pick the wrong data solution for what you or your project need."
"Imagine all of the data from the entire planet."
"We now have a record number of homes on the market in August or September 2022 according to realtor.com, like literally in the six-year history of realtor.com inventory data."
"Numbers are too loud, screaming. It's like you can't ignore it at some point in time."
"If you have other preferences for what you regard as the best, you now have all the data to make your own purchase choice."
"Data is proof that even when they're gone, our loved ones never really leave us."
"Without trust, more data doesn't make us more informed but more confused."
"Most of human learning is from unlabeled data."
"The amounts of information that we are creating are increasing at an amazing speed."
"This is definitely more gamer enthusiasts oriented statistics."
"We have all the data. It's real. It's not a hoax."
"When you get into the real companies, they're going to have an insane amount of data."
"Numbers never lie, they're your tracking number."
"Show me the data, show me the evidence, show me your analysis, and then show me your conclusion."
"Numbers are emotionless. Numbers don't care."
"The numbers don't lie though. The Numbers Never Lie."
"We did receive a lot of really valuable data."
"The evidence is clear in the data points: records being broken, patterns changing."
"Those figures out of China are inaccurate at best... let's be honest, it's probably way way way way way higher than that."
"Understanding the training data and algorithm context is key to explainable AI."
"We have terabytes of data being collected every week."
"We'd prefer to leave you with all the numbers for this one."
"When there are events of peak emotional intensity, we witness interruptions in the chaos—interruptions in the randomness of data."
"AI systems can become biased through the use of biased data."
"The data is what can help us all make informed decisions."
"Data drives our modern world and Chainlink is bringing data to the blockchain."
"Data is the new oil, so China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"Make sure to use my referral code Shapiro to sign up, claim your data, and get paid for it."
"Currently, no confirmed Omicron cases in ICU in Australia."
"The only thing that doesn't lie to me is numbers."
"No matter what the left tells you, the data says that the overwhelming majority of people who would like to immigrate would like to come to the United States."
"Why don't you play video games for an average of four and a half hours a day? Latest data."
"GM sees massive revenue opportunities through data brokering and customers purchasing subscription services."
"I've always been in favor of making data especially more reliable data more widely available."
"You'll analyse the data that's in front of you, and then you'll present it using academic language."
"Data is actually becoming a source of value creation."
"Why hide the data? I would like to demand right now here and now that they release the data on which their conclusions are made."
"The earth is warming, the actual data shows the earth is warming."
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"It's a good day today, we added some more data to the pile which is always what you want, and that's a good thing."
"Humans produce so much of the training data that AI ends up mimicking us."
"This terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified as Kara... pandemic development, network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure."
"The omicron variant... the data coming out... suggests this is a pretty mild illness."
"The data actually suggests this is a pretty mild illness, at least the omicron variant."
"Deaths from the variant appear to be low, very low, extremely low."
"The first U.S. death from the omicron variant... believed to have died from omicron."
"Let's dive into the history of these bans, what a foreign country might be able to do with such data, and the concerning future of The TikTok arms race."
"If we can consider data to be property... then I think that would solve a lot of the problems."
"The digital world is composed of data, continents, and oceans, just like the real world."
"Don't confuse data with the judgment of a supernatural god."
"Real-time Earth and space data is pretty cool."
"Always recommended that you back up your data."
"This is happening about every three days. It's not always catastrophic, but the data does not lie."
"Science grows by adding new data and new points of view based on data."
"You'd be exposing your data of where you are to the whole world which is crazy."
"The size of the data set matters a lot more than the number of parameters in large language models."
"Data is the major bottleneck for scaling ML models."
"Mom, I just want to thank you. I want to thank you all and thank both my grandmothers, my aunts, my uncles. I just want to thank everybody who really impacted my future."
"They're literally adding them by the second."
"Creating your own unique data or research is a very powerful technique."
"The universe has just become... an information storage device."
"Arm yourself with data so that you don't have to feel like that because you don't have to feel like that."
"Reading switch data isn't very exciting but it does go to show how we can interface to a robot hardware using an Arduino and get that data to and from Rose."
"They frame it as facts, and you have a group of people, you know, we know based on the data that's on, you know that's been released, they don't give it to us regularly."
"Data should not be collected without people's knowledge and consent."
"Have they spent a similar amount of time, the Justice Department, on the breach of a system that led to millions of Americans having their personal data stolen and hacked?"
"Back testing assesses the viability of a trading strategy by discovering how it'll play out using historical data."
"Data doesn't change people's minds... What changes people's minds are stories told by messengers that they trust."
"Everything that we've gathered thus far is really pointing toward very low measurements if at all."
"This data should be very exciting for you because it's showing that this housing crash is accelerating at warp speed."
"Big Tech literally feeds on your information by collecting and selling off your data."
"This is why you have to look up stuff; this is why you have to get involved in the data."
"Having that data behind it just gives you so much more to go on."
"We can build secure, responsive web applications connected to any data store."
"This is really cool, Spring data has a lot of really powerful concepts."
"At the heart of any application is the data that drives it."
"For the first time, we have data that you just can't argue with."
"Just googling geologic surveys and GIS data is great."
"One of the strangest data sets I've come across for NYC open data is the squirrel census."
"Hopefully, I'm accenting how cool it is if you bring your own data lake into the scenario."
"We are going to be seeing something in the form of what's called streaming data flows."
"Google Cloud has cloud storage and it provides unified object storage for live or archive data."
"This is what the missing data was hiding."
"Find your own path and even though there's data that's coming out like this, don't let it phase you."
"It's been fed a significant fraction of what's on the web."
"Let the science do the talking and be led by the data or be open to changing your mind."
"And basically, what this is doing is trying to find some structure, some pattern in the data."
"When there's significant data that shows that autonomous cars have half the accident rate of human-driven cars, it will be very easy for regulatory approval."
"We're going to give you some data. We're going to do some real science here."
"That's a lot of data, and every year the amount of data they're growing is growing by 27.6%."
"Investigations are based on data and scientific analysis."
"Every single time, the data is going to tell the truth."
"I get to come to work and look at data from another planet every single day."
"The shared responsibility model: Whatever data you put on AWS, you are responsible for it."
"We are able to use our collision data to design our crash safety systems for what happens in the real world."
"The computer is able to stream data to the terminal and the terminal is able to stream keyboard input back to the computer."
"These convex organizations, these exponential organizations, at their core are set up with data cutting across the entire enterprise."
"The rise of ecosystems and then the rise of data becomes the underlying driver that forces organizations to change in some pretty fundamental ways."
"The weather data shows that at the time of the crash, the typhoon was 142 nautical miles northwest of Pangu and moving away from the islands."
"SpaceX is going to choose the launch opportunity that gets them the most data and generates the most public excitement."
"Snapshots are a great way to backup data from any running or stopped instances from unexpected data loss."
"Let's not get offended by statistics."
"I think models should only be trained on like consensually given art."
"Data is information, as simple as that."
"The numbers speak for themselves."
"Markets are all about turns in the data... in the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it's a weighing machine."
"Transparency means that the data that a system uses about us should be available to us."
"Data analysis is when we convert raw data into useful information to gain insight and make decisions."
"Machine learning is about training a model on some existing data. So it can then apply that model to new data to maybe forecast future outcomes or to understand something it's hearing or seeing or many other types of things."
"Your job as an investor is to make data-driven decisions to avoid the emotional ones."
"We're finally getting an insight into what's actually going on here, and the data to suggest that it's all falling apart is emerging too."
"The data on vaccines is moving so fast and it's non-transparent."
"Good investors focus on base rates, which means referencing historical data and comparing the current situation to what has happened in similar situations in the past."
"I'm not a scientist, I am a housewife... my data is not useless, it is not pointless, and it's not invalid."
"Web analytics is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about your website and your competition to drive continuous improvement of the online experience of your customers and prospects."
"You'll be able to pull in more data sources, things like elevation and imagery, and all kinds of neat stuff to make your maps really become works of art."
"GIS is only as good as the data that you put into it."
"What won't get replaced is the principles that govern data analytics, data science, and engineering."
"Privacy is going to be super important as more and more of our life becomes codified by the data that we're giving these things."
"There's something like 999,000 Google searches every second, 8.5 billion a day."
"Power BI offers several ways to filter and highlight reports, knowing how to filter data is the key to finding the right information."
"Anecdotes are life. That's real-world experience. The plural of anecdote is data."
"So essentially, normalizing the data is the process of organizing it to reduce redundancy and make it more flexible and efficient."
"You can only edit the formula in that first cell."