
Timing Quotes

There are 13818 quotes

"Trust the timing... everything was right where it was meant to be."
Jess Carpenter
"It's not just what you eat; it's when you eat that's important."
"I've learned to trust timing on these things. They happen when they're supposed to happen."
"Everything that is necessary for you to move forward, you are attracting at this time."
"In the right timing, you will accurately intuit the real answer. This is about loving you, and if your focus is there, you can anticipate good results."
"There is such thing as right person, wrong time."
"The best time to start investing is yesterday. And the second best time is today."
"Feel-good movies seem to show up when we need them most."
"Success is a large amount of discipline and timing."
"It's important to speak about truth... but doing it in the wrong way, to someone who is not receptive, is not the right time."
"Your next long-term thing could be within six months."
"Right now is the best time to create a crypto portfolio because we are in the early stages of the new bull market."
"Knowing that you're worthy of what you want and what you need, showing up easily, effortlessly, perfect timing."
"Stop waiting for the perfect moment or complete healing, and that's when things happen."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
"Sometimes in life, you are at the right place at the right time, and you have a chance, and if you don't take the chance at this particular moment, the chance will be gone forever."
"The best time to invest in real estate was 10, 15 years ago... There's always a good time to invest in real estate."
"When you don't have that 100% peace, it doesn't mean that God's not in it yet. It just might mean it's not time. It's not time to move; it's time to move, you know what I mean?"
"God gives you what you need when you need it."
"The best time to start was yesterday, but the next best time is now."
"The only relationships that work are when two people find themselves in the exact same place at the exact same time in life."
"When time comes up, it indicates that you are exactly where you're meant to be."
"There's few things more therapeutic than a good laugh at the right time when you really need it."
"You're going to meet the right person who's meant for you at the right time."
"Everything I need comes to me in perfect time."
"I relax and enjoy life. I know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me in the perfect time and space sequence."
"Don't jump the gun...you'll know within when it's time to say what you got to say, do what you've got to do."
"Use your mind, Divine timing, and the frequency of your heart to manifest whatever it is you desire."
"You're the right person, but at the wrong time."
"Trust the weight and have patience. There is a reason a connection may not be happening yet; it's just not the right timing."
"Timing is absolutely essential in almost every area of life."
"Trust the timing. Trust the wave you came in on. Time is not running out."
"You are at the perfect stage of your life. You're at the perfect time."
"There's no need to rush; it's going to happen when it's meant to happen."
"It'll happen when it happens, and I think for you it's happening in the way it's supposed to happen."
"When love is invited to take over, right actions arise at the right time."
"The right idea at the right time always equals success."
"The feeding window early in the day would actually be very beneficial."
"Allah knows when it is best for you to get what you want. He knows if it is good at all to be given what you want."
"A thousand dollars in a situation of desperation can be more powerful than a million dollars later on."
"Amore is too strong a word to say it too early but has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late."
"The children had been the priority, they wanted to be able to tell the three children when the time was right."
"Patience. Don't rush, and just take your time. Good things will come to those who wait."
"Welcome to the party, and it's okay, like we all were meant for our right times to come into this party."
"Now is the time to make the most of now. If there's hard decisions to make, now feels like it could be more complicated later in the year."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
"The changes that are happening are happening at exactly the right moment in time."
"If you eat protein or fat 10 to 30 minutes before carbohydrates, it can very much blunt and slow the postprandial glucose response."
"Sometimes a graceful exit, taken at the right moment, can be as impactful as a grand entrance."
"God is never early, He's never late, He's always right on time, and His plan for you is good."
"The best time to start preparing was a year or two ago, and the second best time is now."
"People are funny because of their timing. It's not what they're saying; it's how they're saying it and more importantly, when they're saying it."
"The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago, but the second-best time is today."
"It's not too late to learn... but the earlier the better."
"Sometimes you read a book and it makes a difference right away. Sometimes you read a book and you don't understand it, then you read it later at the right time and it makes a difference."
"What is inevitable is not necessarily imminent."
"I think you have been very patient, and this patience has actually led to this opportunity that's coming up."
"It's better to start a little bit too early than to start way too late."
"Is it worth it in 2022? It definitely is if you've never played it; now is the best time to play it."
"Two people fell in love with each other at the wrong time."
"Action at the right time and the right place is essential. If you take the right action at the wrong time, it is null and void. Conversely, the right term with the wrong action is not effective either."
"A right idea, a right person at the right time equals success."
"You don't want to start involving people too early or too late."
"If you're going to do anything, do it before winter."
"Wisdom is putting things in the right place, at the right time."
"This trick is all about timing. You really need to find that perfect manual balance, the perfect turn, and balance."
"You will in divine timing find the right relationships that are meant for you."
"The waiting was worth it, patience pays off."
"It's all in God's timing. For some reason, it didn't work out. It's unfortunate, but God knows what He's doing."
"The right person at the wrong time is the wrong relationship."
"The universe always works with perfect timing and perfect synchronicity."
"A blessing is just what you need, right when you need it."
"The grace of letting go at the right moment, of knowing how to let go when the time is right, without torturing yourself with self-doubt or overthinking things."
"Waiting for the moment, knowing when it's there, is what photography is really all about."
"If you wait until you see that processing is resumed, then it may be too late for you to be processed as quickly as you thought might happen."
"All things shift and move in perfect divine timing, in perfect divine order."
"Wait until you feel like things are progressing effortlessly. Let the opportunities present themselves when the time is right."
"It's not about genius; it's just about good timing and good research."
"The key to being successful as an inventor was timing: the inventors whose names you recognize, like Thomas Edison or Larry Page, were in the right place with the right idea at the right time."
"Strike while the iron is hot, because otherwise, your feelings won't get back to that peak it was at one point."
"Anytime you see this reading, it will be the right time for you."
"You want to, in general, in Magic, strategically wait till the very last possible moment to do something."
"Perfect timing: now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations."
"The best time to do it was 15 years ago, the next best time to do it is today."
"Every great restaurant in the world starts off with mise en place, which is preparation. Timing is a huge factor."
"Right person, wrong time... you can meet that individual that you have an amazing connection with but both parties still need growth before they can come together."
"There's this Invisible String Theory where there are people near you or in your life that you're meant to be with but don't come about until the perfect time."
"You are in the right place at the right time for the word that God wants to give you."
"It hurts to be a person, and we need to think about how we bring people into the world and the timing that we bring them into the world."
"You never know when times are going to get rough, and by the time they're rough, it's too late."
"Don't force things to happen when you want them to happen, let things unfold when you and the world are ready for them."
"Imagine being in the dark at school at 6:00 p.m."
"The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining."
"In some countries, SARS-CoV-2 was present before even the pandemic was declared."
"It's divine timing for you to meet your soulmate."
"Patience works. The longer I wait for things, the better they are."
"Patience isn't waiting and being frustrated; patience is just letting things happen when they're meant to happen and not worrying about it."
"Trust in divine timing; this connection will unfold very naturally if you allow it to."
"It's better to wait and let things fall into place, as opposed to rush and let things fall apart."
"Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not fit, and also remember that timing is fluid."
"I can't wait to be a dad, but at the right time."
"Trust that the right opportunity is going to come at the right time as you keep building the correct foundation for this."
"The best time to start was yesterday. The current best time is now."
"Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth feels like a little bit of a miracle at a moment in time."
"Success came later, but being all in when you find it being all in is quite important."
"You are reuniting with your soulmate with divine timing."
"You're a magnet to love and attract your perfect partner at the right time."
"I felt like the words of Esther 4:14, 'Have you considered you're in the position you're in for such a time as this?' They really rang true in my life."
"Poetry at the wrong time is madness, poetry at the right time is magic."
"All these messages transcend time and space. What matters more is when this video shows up in your reality and when you're ready to receive the right messages for you right now."
"Timing is everything in the markets. You never want to be too early, you never want to be too late."
"Better to publish a book right after you're right than when you're still wrong."
"Everything is happening at the same time in the right time. Be patient."
"The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only at the falling of the dusk."
"The most perfect person can come into your life at the most imperfect time."
"It's a great time for him; he was linked previously last summer with Barcelona, with Chelsea as well, who he eventually turned down this summer to come to Barcelona. It's the right time for a player of his quality to take a step up to an elite club."
"The fight has to make sense...we make the right fights at the right time."
"You both felt it, but I feel this is a case of when you first met, neither of you were fully ready to be together."
"Once you embrace the inner divine and your own sacred solitude, the right people arrive at the right time exactly on schedule, without forcing."
"Good things come to those who wait. Please stop trying to force squares into circles. It will happen in its own timing."
"You can't hurry love. No, you just have to wait."
"It's okay to pursue your goals anytime of the year."
"Don't feel the need to start your diet exactly on January 1. Just start in January when it's convenient for you."
"This is exactly the time that you want to invest in yourself."
"Relationships mattered when they mattered; they were meant to be when they were meant to be."
"With money, it's exactly what it is. Once you learn how to play the game with money, then it has to do with timing."
"I believe in timing more these days, and I believe that we increasingly undervalue genuine relationship skills."
"We must learn lessons at the right point, but what you don't do frankly is do that in the middle of something. We are nowhere near the end of this epidemic."
"I think you're gonna be an amazing dad someday. At the right time. With the right person."
"You're in the right place at the right time."
"The best time to start brain draining Russia was after Putin annexed Crimea in 2014. The second best time is today."
"With books, I find that the book comes along at a certain time and you either pick it up and you read it and you can't stop reading it or you just don't get into it."
"It's interesting with books; at one point, you just pick it up again and all of a sudden, it fits in your life."
"This is a time that you elected to come to, this is a time that you elected to incarnate in, so you are needed, and now is your time."
"You need to make sure you're the right leader for the times you're in."
"Evolve was a super cool idea, kind of in a way ahead of its time."
"You got to just let things work out the way it's supposed to; it's not going to happen in your time."
"Your manifestations will win though. Around August, your manifestations will start to lift or get better."
"You want to get to the party before it starts or as it starts. You choose."
"The slow big money... trade heavy in the market... operating on the hour, the four-hour, the daily, the weekly, and the monthly."
"This is not the time to be meek, this is not the time to be subtle."
"The big message in yesterday's video is about getting in early and the importance of getting in early."
"It’s astounding that such an important discovery was made independently within such a short period of time."
"It's better to turn cautious too soon then too late after the downslide has begun."
"I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner."
"The fact that some things simply aren't available till later, where you might have cards you're ready to plant but it's not planting season."
"Anyone who's done something well over time can tell you that there is a significant amount of luck in terms of when you were put in that seat to do a certain thing."
"It was just... the right game at the right time."
"There are no dates on my readings; I trust that when they find you, if they resonate, then they're yours at that time."
"You are about to learn the true meaning of what perfect timing is."
"If you're doing a low-end build, I think now is a good time to do a low-end build."
"Everything's timing; everything's meant to be."
"The early bird catches the worm... the second mouse gets the cheese."
"Things are gonna start picking up and with the Ace of Pentacles here as well, you're gonna see opportunity with the right person at the right time."
"The opportunity of a lifetime is only available during the lifetime of the opportunity."
"A champion is good at performing when it matters."
"Time is everything. You can't rush the vibe, don't force it ever."
"I'm not saying migrants shouldn't come, I'm just saying they shouldn't come right now."
"Politically, if you are working inside the White House and your goal is to try to prove that this is a rational, sane president, this comes at a particularly bad time."
"So when you see a wave coming, that's the time to position yourself."
"It's the right person with the right push at the right time with the right exposure, and that's why the people didn't forget it."
"Now he's at the perfect moment, perfect time in his career and he's embraced it."
"You make the decision when you make the decision."
"You can generate a fantastic set of ideas, however, if the timing doesn't look right here right now, be patient. The timing will come right."
"A good idea in trading to me is one that is probably going to work quite soon. It depends on the opportunity which presents itself."
"Perfect timing and had the presence of mind to clear this spot."
"Time in the market beats timing the market in the majority of situations."
"The time for aggressiveness for maybe an outcome change is right now."
"When you switch over, you hold reload. A timer's gonna go on the screen for 10 seconds. It starts at 9 double zero counts 10 seconds total. In that time frame, all those debuffs for every bullet is applied until the magazine is empty."
"What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end."
"Listen to yourself about your career in March 2022 because it is likely leading you to the right way."
"We're not just releasing the game in a couple weeks or a month from now."
"The minute you figure it out, start justifying it, you've lost your moment."
"The point is, it's not necessarily where it occurs, but when it occurs."
"But I think the timing of this article is of particular interest considering the circumstances."
"Timing matters, both in regards to the actual time that you are going to post your content, as well as the frequency and schedule."
"That timing was insane, it's like the game is actually listening right now."
"If you have an insight, if you have an idea, now is the time to really do something with it."
"An injunction is a material non-zero chance that they might just wait to gather a few more pieces of uh interviews or potential things that they might do."
"It's always the right time to do the right thing."
"The real reason in my opinion why the Kin failed? Timing."
"Being in the right place at the right time can make you rich."
"God may not come when you want him but he'll be there right on time."
"God's timing is impeccable... it wasn't my time to fight for the championship then but it is going to be my time on May the 18."
"Obedience is that you do it when he says do it; rebellion is when you do it when you want to do it or you don't do it at all."
"You're in that moment of waiting for the right moment."
"Trust in my timing, for the blessings in store for you are beyond your wildest dreams."
"It would be a perfect timing now and we're only in the third week of a trial..."
"The short answer is you don't, you simply take advantage of it when it appears."
"Sometimes it's better to be late than never."
"The Bible is mathematically accurate. Christ was crucified exactly on time."
"The job of the teacher is to simplify and expose what students need to know at the right time."
"Trust your instincts, act upon them before it's too late."
"Timing matters. There's a perfect timing for everything."
"You guys are gonna feel like you hit the jackpot somewhere in the month of December."
"This shift of the nodes is happening on September 23rd."
"February: a time for major wishes coming true."
"It showed up maybe a minute or two after the fall so hopefully the lady and her baby weren't waiting too long to this day."
"Go and check out the shemitah and jubilee cycles because as this year of jubilee wraps up, I think you're going to see some pretty amazing things in the last couple weeks."
"If you don't know in the first like 3 weeks that this is someone that I mean obviously granted there are exceptions to that but a lot of the times you can be right if you just know off the rip."