
Atheism Quotes

There are 1536 quotes

"The only way I could describe it, even though I'm an atheist and I still am, was just bathed in God's love."
"Success is the things you find between failures and not giving up."
"We're playing this game of life without understanding the buttons on the controller."
"I went through that obvious angry atheist phase where I'm like, I feel lied to, I feel tricked, I feel like I've wasted the first twenty-six years of my life."
"I might have been the only atheist in the room... but I had a very good time."
"I think we've already resolved the problem of evil... the problem of evil places a burden of proof upon the shoulders of the atheist that is so heavy that no one has been able to sustain it."
"The Atheist position, the non-theist position, is the least arrogant of all positions because I don't think I am a special creation."
"I was an atheist for 37 years and realized that's not what I wanted to leave my girls... now I have faith and a better understanding of purpose and place."
"The problem of divine hiddenness is probably one of the strongest arguments against the existence of God."
"Some people might accuse you of being so committed to atheism that you'd never be willing to countenance any evidence that might lend support to a creator behind the universe."
"It's morally superior to be an atheist, to say I would rather live without that ghastly master/slave mentality."
"I'm very relieved to find there's no evidence for it at all. If I thought it was true, I would consider myself condemned to live under a tyranny."
"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge; atheism is a claim to belief."
"If God doesn't exist, then human beings are just material objects and what we call free choices are just the results of electrochemical reactions in our nervous system."
"Gabrawal says let atheists be atheists. We came to this conclusion through our own religious journey, and telling us we need Jesus accomplishes nothing."
"The god you don't believe in, I also don't believe in."
"A little philosophy inclines to atheism, but depth in philosophy brings minds to religion."
"You ought to have the courage to answer the question which one is regularly asked, 'Are you an atheist or not?' Yes, I will say, I am."
"The problem of evil is easily the greatest argument against the existence of a god."
"My morality is not dictated by a deity, developed from empathy, dependence, and love."
"Islam offers something whereas atheism, by virtue of the fact, offers nothing."
"This is the Atheist Experience. We are live. Today is August 4th, right?"
"I have never been an Atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God."
"Modern science has made it possible to be an atheist."
"If there is no God, then we're responsible for what we make of ourselves and the world."
"I'm a humanist... and of those three atheist is the least important part because if there's ever evidence for God, that's the part that goes away."
"Atheists find happiness and meaning in their lives through family relationships, in affinity with their community, highlighting unique and pleasurable moments of their lives without waiting for any eschatological reward or eternal punishment after death."
"Insofar as atheists have a polemical agenda to attack all religion and dismiss it as being inferior, a product of feeble-mindedness, delusory, and so on... they'll probably continue their evangelical mission to liberate the world from religion."
"Atheism solves [the problem of evil] in an intellectual sense... but what you haven't removed is the suffering and the pain."
"Atheism is the rejection of theism; it's the negation of the statement that a God exists."
"The atheism, the lack of belief... leads to greater depth rather than to superficiality."
"I think that on an atheistic picture of the universe, of consciousness essentially arising by accident, we don't sort of know what we're doing here... existential dread... probably preceded all religious thought and may have been one of the reasons why it developed."
"Virtue in distress and vice in triumph has made atheists of mankind."
"Atheism is really one of the most serious signs of ill health because it's a denial of your creativeness."
"It's also clear that science and belief in atheism don't appear to conflict."
"You often find atheists have probably read more of the Bible than most Christians."
"The best way to get someone to be an atheist is to get them to read the Bible."
"I love how you say you don't want to throw an ad hominem when you started the video saying atheists have no brain cells."
"A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
"Countries which are consistently rated as the happiest in the world are also some of the most atheistic countries."
"Atheism more often arises in stable, prosperous societies where people don't feel they need religion to get by."
"Atheists, on the other hand, can establish moral frameworks...by coming to consensus with others about what outcomes are desirable and what actions lead to those outcomes."
"Most atheists will tell you there's nothing after death, just the black void. But most people, including myself, feel there's something more, something waiting for us on the other side."
"The claim of Scripture is that we all know this God, and that it is the fool who says in his heart that there is no God."
"The value in identifying as an atheist is in making people aware that we're out here, that we're not baby-killing evil monsters, and that maybe, just maybe, our disbelief in the claims that they're offering is actually rationally justified."
"The road to atheism is littered on all sides by Bibles read cover to cover."
"Atheism is not the bold declaration 'there is no God' and I will prove it to you; all it is, is the declaration 'I don't believe in God because I've not seen sufficient evidence for his existence'."
"Why do these men that dedicate their lives to understanding the universe, to pursuing truth, why do these men turn away from God in droves?"
"Atheism is about a commitment to the objective truth, however nice or uncomfortable, pretty or ugly, beneficial or harmful it might be."
"Atheism cares about facts, not feelings; it cares about evidence, not the greater good."
"Atheism remains a lack of belief in a god, and nothing more."
"There's probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
"If someone calls themselves an atheist and you say that atheism is defined as believing there is no God, but that person clarifies saying that they simply lack belief, responding with 'but the definition of atheist is' doesn't somehow prove that the person's actual position accords to your definition of atheism."
"Atheists think there probably is no God because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"Atheists cannot hate God because atheists do not believe God exists."
"As an agnostic leaning strongly towards atheism and an active humanist, I feel that our voices have been silenced for too long."
"The best empirical evidence that exists suggests that there's no evidence that a god created anything or that a god was required to create anything."
"The emancipation of humanity begins when you throw off the idea that you live in a celestial North Korea."
"Atheism is science. Oh, the mantra that never dies. It's science, folks, end of story."
"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge, whereas atheism is a claim to belief."
"If you've ever seen Bill Maher's hilarious documentary Religulous, you'll likely remember his mentioning of the fact that atheists constitute one of the largest minority groups in the United States."
"Agnosticism has to do with epistemology, what you know; and atheism has to do with belief, what you believe."
"If there's a likelihood God didn't exist...this alone is a huge problem for Christianity."
"The reason that atheists can be good is by exercising reason to understand morality."
"The atheist is as negative as Columbus, who denied the Flat Earth; he is as destructive as was Galileo, who saw the earth as a part of a whole."
"Is atheism the religion of the future? No, it's not. Religion will revitalize and it will come out stronger from this its period of strife because it has no enemy. The atheist is godless."
"There's an exodus from the church... the first truly post-Christian generation, twice as likely to be atheist."
"If you get rid of God, the institution just ceases to exist."
"The arguments against God are fairly compelling, and I think the arguments against atheism are fairly compelling."
"Atheism will destroy any nation. I'm trying to tell them they need God. I don't believe in Christianity, but I'm a huge God believer."
"Evolution is not something that is just for atheists; it's a science."
"The most atheistic societies in the world are the best off... societies like Iceland and Sweden and Australia and Denmark and the Netherlands."
"By simple common sense, I don't believe in God." – Charlie Chaplin
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. If he's able, but not willing, he is malevolent. If he is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" – Epicurus
"Before we understood science, we thought God made it all. Now we know how it was made, and there is no need for God." – Steven Hawking
"If God existed, then who created him?" – Richard Dawkins
"I much prefer, I am much closer philosophically, morally, emotionally to an atheist who loves liberty than to a god believer who doesn't."
"So many young people, especially young people who call themselves atheists or agnostics...were fascinated by [the lectures]...saying things like 'I thought the Bible was a kind of stupid old collection of naive stories totally meaningless for contemporary life but after hearing your lectures on Genesis now I see how these stories have perennial and are extremely important and insightful for navigating life.'"
"To know that someone is an atheist is to know almost nothing about him apart from the fact that he does not accept the unwarranted claims of any religion."
"I was often struck and rather bewildered and perplexed as to how anyone could go through a four-year university program in the natural sciences, especially the life sciences, and come out atheist at the other end." - Jonathan McClatchy
"Atheism isn't offering forth a proposition; it is the rejection of the theistic claim which has not met its burden of proof."
"I think one of the interesting things that seems to be happening is that we had this last new atheist moment... and it seems like that moment has broken. It's broken and there's something about the zeitgeist which makes it possible for a lot of atheists who perceive even what it is we're talking about."
"But in a way, I'm happy that the new atheists led to a renaissance in Christian apologetics in Christian philosophy."
"If there was no god, I'd run around raping and killing? I kill exactly as many people as I want, which is zero."
"Promoting positive atheist culture and the separation of religion and government."
"It would take more faith to maintain my atheism than to become a Christian."
"Facing your mortality is something that confronts everyone who ditches religion and goes through that process of doing away with the supernatural."
"Yes, I am an atheist, more or less agnostic. I've always had an interest in the matter...Islam seems really interesting."
"Atheism is actually a great informer of true humility."
"The world we live in is exactly what you'd expect if that God doesn't exist."
"Either no one created something out of nothing, which is the atheistic view, or someone created something out of nothing, which is the theistic view."
"Atheism isn't the assertion that no gods exist."
"If you'd have told me that one day I would be hosting the Atheist Experience with Matt Dillahunty, I wouldn't have believed you."
"Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do for the atheist community all around the world."
"At birth, we are all atheists because we are too young to understand the concept of God and therefore by default, we lack a belief in one."
"While atheism itself is not a worldview, most atheists, at least in the Western world, do tend to share the same worldview in common: the worldview of humanism."
"Atheism is...rejecting a belief because you don't have evidence. It's actually the opposite of faith."
"I heard the biggest cause of atheism today is Christians that acknowledge Jesus with their lips and then deny Him by their lifestyle."
"Since there is no God, it is our job to do his work."
"The universe is so wonderful on its own; it doesn't need a boss, doesn't need a creator."
"Richard Dawkins is simply one of the world's most famous scientists, all through The God Delusion, father of the word meme, and a former professor of public understanding of science at Oxford."
"All babies are atheists. Babies are born without belief."
"I deconverted from being a committed Christian... and I became a full-blown atheist, an inner circle atheist."
"I was an atheist, and I got radically saved."
"I would rather hang out with a nice atheist than a mean Christian any day of the week."
"I don't lose any sleep about [Hell] for the same reason that you as a Christian don't lose sleep about going to someone else's hell."
"It's interesting, currently we have this whole crop of... new atheists or whatever you want to call them. And when you look at most of them, you see that what is fundamentally driving them is not argument and not rationality, they're just sick of what they know of Christians."
"Richard Dawkins, famous for his militant atheism, confessed to a lifelong love for the King James translation, calling it a 'precious heritage'."
"A God that hides itself so that we cannot investigate its existence is logically indistinguishable from a God that doesn't exist."
"God probably doesn't exist. Let's bring the debate on."
"This life is all we have. I don't believe in an afterlife. I think this is it."
"Justin was amazing; he was the most polite and likable atheist I've ever met."
"Being able to truly make reason and logic the defining factor of your belief set is probably the primary advantage of being an atheist."
"When we do studies to show who knows and understands more about, for example, the Bible, atheists win."
"If a person is only a good person because of threat of Eternal damnation... that person's not a good person."
"You wasted your life worshiping a God that doesn't exist."
"God, I don't believe in you. But if you're real, I will."
"We need as many out atheists as we can to normalize this."
"The God claim has not demonstrated and met its burden of proof."
"We begin that God does not exist until such time as there's a demonstration of it."
"I mean just the way you worded it made me kind of chuckle when you're like maybe atheists don't go far enough."
"We're not evil just because we don't believe that you are omniscient."
"One of the objections I sometimes hear from atheists and secular friends is, 'You religious people like to raise your children in your faith tradition. That's indoctrination, that's brainwashing.'"
"The soul is just nonsense. When you die, there won't be anything left of you for God to torture. So the threat is completely empty."
"Miracle reports are much more common than atheists and agnostics would have you believe."
"Once I let go of religion and became an atheist, I was way more aware of how I treated people."
"There's probably no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life."
"The lack of belief in a deity I think may actually open the world up for you to perhaps better understand how the world works if you're not locked into a dogmatic way of thinking."
"If atheism is religion, then baldness is a hair color."
"We are godless heathens who are willing to acknowledge that we don't know."
"I as an atheist kind of feel like I don't exactly make up my own rules for living but I take responsibility for my own life and how I live my life."
"Acting morally because of a fear of punishment from a 'space daddy' is a terrible reason."
"Atheism is a lie that helps you understand the truth."
"If there's no God then you have to create your own meaning right... mankind has to find his own meaning."
"Military historians are going to look back on this invasion as one of the most brilliant in military history."
"It's a heart problem, you guys. The more militant these atheists are, we know they're just running scared from the God they know."
"It was the growing and finding truth together that bonded us together right, not being atheists, yeah."
"We atheists really have a good reason to make the most of life."
"Despair is the logical conclusion of atheism."
"It is the religion of self, where you yourself are your own god."
"Every atheist has a worldview, no atheist can prove their worldview, every atheist has faith, trust."
"There is a large population of atheists that think the way I do; we're not alone."
"The point I was trying to get at isn't like, 'Jim, do you think it's most likely that God the God most people believe in, in fact, does not exist?' I think that is more probable than not."
"That was the most atheist question i've ever had i don't know i just have to say it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist."
"When they realize what they're really saying is they're an atheist, by the time they get to that, they'll have already come to grips with you as who you are."
"I don't believe in God, but I do believe in good."
"If you define a god as what is already happening and I don't believe in that god, then there's no reason for me to believe."
"Even from prominent outspoken atheists is to point out that yes the Bible contains a lot of bad things but that Jesus guy he's all right."
"I am not convinced there is a God. That is not the same as I am convinced there is no God."
"An atheist is not the enemy. It's not. Just because you don't believe in the God that I love and serve, doesn't mean you're the enemy."
"Maybe... we can help those he's influenced to see that thinking of and talking about atheists or anyone else in such simplistic disparaging ways is not acceptable."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with white atheists discussing atheism."
"If there is no God, morality is just a matter of opinion."
"That's what religious freedom requires. We have to have an atheism Society."
"The Satanic temple and Satanism more generally does not mean the worship of the devil they are atheists at their core they're not supernaturalists their religion does not rely upon belief in impossible things to function."
"Atheist parents simply equip their kids with critical thinking skills and allow them to come to their own beliefs."
"An atheistic worldview puts considerable constraints on you... we are the very privileged owners of a brief spark of consciousness."
"We are happy, we are delighted, we are elated if an atheist is to join, especially if it's a new atheist who wants to have a discussion."
"God, I don't believe in you. I think it's fake. I think it's for weak people. But if you're out there, great. I want to know something. But if not, I'm talking anyways."
"On atheism, we wrestle it out with our reasoning... even if they're not perfect, they're more reliable than believing in a deity."
"We don't have the theatre, but there's a lot of parallels to atheism, non-theism."
"I think having channels that are welcoming to an audience that wasn't like what people conceptualizes the traditional atheist audience I think is going to be hugely advantageous for all the channels across the board."
"My position as an atheist is not there are no such things as gods. Absolutely, that's not... none of that. My position is this: I'm not a theist because the claim that a God exists hasn't met its burden of proof."
"There's no middle ground between 'I believe' and 'I don't believe.'"
"Science is an emancipation from that impulse to attribute these things to a creator."
"The universe is natural, not supernatural, and there is no God."
"Pain has no value and we wouldn't expect that unnecessary suffering with no purpose on theism; it's more likely on atheism."
"I know that the countries with the largest atheist populations have the lowest rates of crime, rape, murder, and so on."
"Life emerged on this planet long before men invented their gods."
"There is only power. As an atheist, I've come to accept that the vast majority of theists will never put in the work to understand the very simple proposition of atheism."
"If someone actually had a legitimately sound evidence-based argument for God, all of a sudden, neither of us would be atheists. That's how it works."
"Atheism has no tenets, no dogma, no hierarchy, no instruction."
"If the religious can say, 'Look at how much good there is in the world, this disproves the evil god hypothesis,' why can't the atheists say, 'Look how much evil there is in the world, this disproves the good god hypothesis?'"
"If you're a religious believer who thinks that these kinds of theodicies work to rationalize the existence of a good god, you should be aware that they work equally well to rationalize the existence of an evil god."
"An atheist is simply someone who doesn't believe in God."
"When you die, you're gone for good, but experience I do not believe ends."
"No matter how nice you are, if you don't believe in a god, you could dismiss somebody else's god."
"Atheism is in fact a barren wasteland, because nature can't make moral claims true."
"I'm happier as an atheist, realizing that this life is all we have."
"The worst parts of my life were when I was a Christian."
"It is quite alright to be an atheist. Challenge the opposition. You don't have to be apologetic or quiet about it."
"Stick to the fundamentals of atheism and you come to the conclusion that the life we have is precious because it's the only one we get."
"Start one. I promise you you're not the only atheist in your community."
"Living in a Godless world...has no Destiny, no future, no hope."
"If I get to the end of my life and blink out of existence because it turns out hard-line atheism is true, that's okay. There's nothing that I can do about it."
"Even the most hardline atheist has to grapple with the fact that out of a roiling stew of nothingness, orderly existence arises."
"If there is no God, then there are no rules."
"Atheism is a lack of belief in a god or gods."
"I believe that atheism is a justifiable position to hold."
"I stopped believing in God for the same reason I stopped believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny."
"I do believe the world would be better off without religion."
"I do think that if we were a race of atheists... it would be a mental disorder."
"Without a faith, what's the point of going on? What is the purpose? If you're an atheist, you're gonna end up in a place we call nihilism. There's just no other exit." - Brother Faraz
"Becoming an atheist might have been the single most important formative experience on my perspective of issues of social justice."
"I've gone so far as to start my own atheist, anti-theist, rational skeptic page on Facebook for the Boston area."
"I am technically an atheist, but I don't feel the need to go out there and attack people's belief in God."
"I'm a staunch atheist... but at the same time, I accept that the loss of religion did play a part in the rise of hopelessness."
"Literally all philosophic systems. That's the great lie of atheism."
"I am an apotheist, so I don't have a god, or a pantheon or anything like that, I also don't have the absence of one."
"If there is no creator, your rights come from the government."