
Learning Mindset Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The only identity that's going to serve you long term is that of the learner. It's anti-fragile. The more you attack somebody with the mindset of the learner, the stronger you make them."
"Everything I do is a beginner can do. Everything... if I can do it, you can do it."
"To be able to learn things fast... you need to adopt this mindset of everything is learnable, everything is figure outable, and you can master this thing."
"I remind myself that it's win or learn not win or lose and then I take a breath and go again."
"There is no such thing as failure, there's just learning."
"Embracing failure is part of learning how to code."
"Remember, I'm not a subject matter expert on anything. I am in a perpetual state of learning."
"There's no losing only learning there's no failure only opportunities and no problems only solutions."
"It's so important to just be in a mindset where you let yourself learn."
"I'm not afraid of getting things wrong. I believe that everything is a lesson and you shouldn't have any regrets at the end of the day."
"There's no such thing as failure, we only learn."
"There's no such thing as failure, just failure to learn."
"The goal isn't to be right, the goal is to be wrong for the shortest amount of time possible."
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes or of temporary failures."
"Learning done...mindset so that stuff like you just saw doesn't happen."
"Failure: I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn."
"I have never felt so inspired to make mistakes before."
"It's not a failure; it's a learning experience."
"Adopting a mindset of continuous learning goes beyond simply gaining new knowledge or skills."
"I like to learn new things and I don't mind admitting that I'm wrong as I've shown numerous times in the past."
"Every ult I mess up is a learning opportunity."
"I feel like I'm in sponge mode trying to learn and step out of my comfort zone and be okay with it, knowing this is uncomfortable, but I'm willing to grow."
"In math, it's okay to give it a go, and just because you don't get it totally correct doesn't mean that it was a failure."
"Instead, what can I learn from this? How can I grow from this?"
"I think the big ones are you got to start, uh, you got to have a get money smart mindset. You got to learn. You got to go, hey, I'm learning something new all the time about money."
"The best advantage I found with the beginner's mindset is you constantly get better."
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. No one really knows what they're doing when we get down to things."
"If you don't go with the mindset of just willing to learn and learning is the number one priority, you're going to get very discouraged."
"You never fail. You never lose. You only learn."
"Go in expecting to learn, be respectful, and listen to your instructors."
"Stop flexing the stuff you know and start figuring out the stuff you don't."
"Almost a martial artist first and a fighter second, in that you're always learning and you're always practicing."
"Anyone who really wants to excel in this kind of stuff has to have the mindset of always trying to learn and not just doing the minimum."
"You learn from criticism, especially if it's constructive."
"The self-disciplined are so eager to learn that they feel every bit of life experience just brings them closer to achieving success."
"Don't think of it as Photoshop is too much for me to learn or Photoshop it's too complicated."
"Focus only on the learning, not on the obstacles."
"I'm always looking to learn. You know, always open. You know there might have been someone in there that I go right I get it now."
"Approach every day as a learning opportunity, understanding that you are the most important person in your life."
"Everything we do, if you adopt a learning mindset, there is no waste of time."
"You have to understand that we all suck initially and you have to embrace that to get good at something."
"Failure is no problem, either you win or you learn."
"Don't think like a learner, think like a native. Focus on situations, get lots of examples."
"Life isn't about win and lose it's about win and learn at least that's what I have to tell myself in order to make it through each and every day."
"Treat your approach to the stock market as a student."
"Change the mindset of you're always here to learn."
"White belt mentality, you know, humble."
"You either win or you learn, and you don't have to use that word 'failure' so heavily in our life."
"Learning is fun; what can I gain from this?"
"I'm the student; I want to absorb everything, I want to learn everything."
"Everything is like a learning experience or as like a learning opportunity."
"Keep the mindset of learning, keep the mindset of focus."
"I'm not afraid to look stupid, I know you guys like that because you learn from it."
"If you go into something with the intention of saying that you don't have anything to learn, you're gonna fail."
"There are no failures, just experiences."
"Please, when I make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct me."
"Keep your mind open, don't ever closet to this to thinking this is way too advanced. There is a volume for you, 100% perfect."
"Challenges are interesting, easy is boring."
"Being confused and frustrated is the best state in which to learn because that's when you're looking for a solution to a problem."
"In order to become a great learner, a jungle tiger, we have to understand fear, we have to upgrade the way we think about it, we have to figure out how to beat it."
"You don't shy away from failure; you accept it as part of growth."
"People who are more adaptable don't even really believe in failure because they know that no matter what they do, they're either going to get the outcome they want or the lesson they need."
"If somebody's in the room and they're more intelligent than me, you're not competition, you're a learning opportunity."
"You have to be able to... take a hit and keep going and not look at it as a hit, look at it as a learning experience."
"We don't take L, we only learn from it."
"Blame or learn is a choice. You can't do both at the same time. You have to take your pick."
"Don't worry about failing, focus on learning."
"I always try to learn something every time I have a chance."
"Win or learn, and next time we'll go multiple choice."
"Win or learn. That's the spirit of the sprint."
"Nobody's perfect and we can always learn."
"I would rather have an apprentice know nothing than an apprentice think that they know everything."
"The most important part is not just the source code that I'm giving you. The most important part is the mindset that I'm trying to give you with these videos."