
Boldness Quotes

There are 4379 quotes

"Face your fears, fulfill your mission, be strong, be fierce, be bold."
Jess Carpenter
"Don't be afraid to go crazy, especially when you're young."
"Most great human accomplishments are the result of people taking bold actions in the face of almost certain failure."
"Drawing with these bright colors and just giving them faces and overall just keeping it very simple, bold, and colorful."
"Boldness, strength, the ability to really believe in yourself."
"What I want to talk about really is the art of being bold because without that, you can't get anything in life; you can't do anything if you're not willing to put yourself out there."
"Boldness is a skill, and you don't have to be born bold to be bold in your life."
"Be bold, rise up and stand tall. Feel the fire in your soul."
"Live and love boldly like you never have before in 2020."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid at all."
"We have a moral responsibility to act and act boldly."
"Love is happiness, a spark inside. Live deliberately and choose boldly, then you have arrived."
"The surest way to fail at life is to allow yourself to be crippled by fear and to not be bold but to be meek and to make choices that are run by fear."
"Maximalist design style celebrates boldness and abundance, featuring vibrant colors, eclectic decor, and a layered approach to styling."
"Become more charismatic, put more content out on social media, be more bold in your stance."
"Be bold and not afraid of what other people are thinking and feeling when they're digesting your deepest stuff."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid."
"Be bold, if we have been taught to always settle for less than what we dream of, we may wonder if living a boldly optimistic life is unrealistic."
"You standing in the corner is the awkward thing, not you going into the fire and potentially making a fool of yourself."
"If you know you're eternal, why not just go all in?"
"Confidence, unbounded, unshaken faith in yourself, which even amounts to boldness at times, is absolutely necessary in all great undertakings."
"If you're bold enough to do it, there's an experience that comes from that, and that experience is so exhilarating it will take you to the next level."
"I've committed my life since then to be bold and live my life like she would."
"Her books are so raw and bold and I love that."
"We've got to be bold enough to say, this is how we're going to live our lives, this is what we're going to stand for, and not be afraid to do that."
"If you're a pastor that is watching today, one of the obligations that we have to Almighty God is to make sure that we are a voice for Him, and that voice right now requires us to be bold and not be afraid of the issues."
"Be bold. That's really what this verse is saying."
"When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
"Boldness is not a personality trait. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can be naturally quiet and suddenly filled with spiritual courage, and boldness comes out as a result of the Holy Spirit."
"No matter what, boldness always requires faith."
"There's so little time we have on this planet, and there's so much calcium out there. We just gotta grip life by the dick and balls sometimes."
"Do not stand back from love, do not put yourself aside, turn down your eyes, and pretend you cannot be seen by the world. Be bold, claim the love that is your divine birthright."
"Nothing says fun quite like having 'Shout Your Abortion' on your coffee table."
"Why be safe when you can boldly step into what's next?"
"If there's one thing that my audience knows about me, Daddy don't play it safe."
"We sail away, right over morality; we crush out, we destroy perhaps the remains of our own morality by daring to make our voyage thither."
"I think that doing something as reckless and possibly embarrassing as publicly posting an SNL audition to TikTok is a wildly fearless and strangely charming thing."
"You only live once, so make the most of your life...do what you love and fuck the rest."
"Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision, we also have to be rooted in reality."
"NASCAR Chicago street race is one of the boldest events in the history of NASCAR and American Motorsports."
"Putin just said 'Yolo' and sent his tanks into Ukraine."
"Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?" fucking SENT me.
"Some Bishops in America are not forthcoming, bold, Apostolic when it comes to the church's teaching."
"This verse is a call to boldness in our spiritual walk."
"Begin to boldly share Jesus with others using the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"Just jump off the damn diving board and go in the water."
"I never do this but I'm gonna be bold and ask for a photo because I feel like I'm never gonna get like this type of opportunity."
"You are guided to be bold and show your bigger than life side to the world."
"Boldness is a product of conviction and knowledge."
"Find the people that you disagree with... you will be shocked... Stop being afraid to polarize... If you're not polarizing, you're probably being too timid..."
"To go to the next level, you must boldly and aggressively attack the things that scare you."
"Screw playing safe, no more playing safe with you guys."
"I'm just a risk-taker, pushing things into the middle."
"Good preaching doesn't walk around sin and isn't afraid to name it."
"In order to be on the side of the oppressed, you have to stand with us and be loud and bold and courageous."
"Be bold and make the first move, take initiative towards something that you want to create."
"You should say whatever the hell you want to say."
"Confidence, feeling bold, hot, and sexy. I don't give a [__] anymore."
"Attention can always be achieved by bold actions."
"Bold believers aren't afraid of criticisms or demons; they fear grieving the Holy Spirit."
"Bold people are risk takers, leadership is risk in service of authenticity."
"In a literal daylight robbery, a couple of brazen burglars conducted a high-speed heist."
"It's not just enough to do the thing, but to do the thing so flagrantly that I almost am forced to admire it."
"I'm polarizing, I get it. Most people aren't like that, they're scared to rub people the wrong way."
"Grab life by the ball sack and give it a swing!"
"When you speak the truth and you're bold about it, you're going to be attacked."
"Be bold, take a risk, and believe in your dreams."
"It's time for the United States to be bold and decisive in bringing about peace."
"People are going to have to get brave people are going to have to get bold and they're going to have to be willing to stand up."
"It's about time somebody just said 'I don't care you I'm doing it'."
"Be stupid just once, often, unapologetically, and deliberately."
"That's gangster, they weren't cleared for any of this. Anything. I'm not judging, but that's gangster."
"Bold and creative, not just following along, but actually a new idea."
"Bold styling, something that's kind of missing in this segment."
"Risk is why I love Temple of Doom so much. It's because it's unapologetic for what it is and it took a lot of chances."
"This moment in history is an invitation to deepen our communion with God, to strengthen our communities of faith, and to step forward into the future with a boldness born of belief."
"I'm a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon; adaptable Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon personality hides a boldness and aggressiveness that only comes out in key moments."
"Catch me anywhere at home, in text messages, on this show, talking about I'm afraid of anything other than God, slap me."
"I'm Kathy Griffin... sometimes people want you know a joke that's out there and a little crazy."
"Boldly and without hindrance, he preached the kingdom of God."
"I just find it kind of ballsy... but it works."
"Nolan was being so bold and so brave... it is worth even if he swings and misses on a couple of strokes."
"Own it. You have to own it. Like if you're going to be a baddy, you've got to be a baddy all the way. You got it? It's true, there's no going back."
"Be gay, be so gay dude, put on makeup, wear a purse, rock that [__]."
"Cooking is all about being bold and adventurous."
"I just can't get over how bold someone would have to be."
"It's through the roof, he understood that. So he was like, all right, we're gonna give it to him raw."
"I trust that all my steps are ordered by you. I have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly."
"I ain't never claimed to be tough... I'm the baddest [ __ ] alive, like Michael Jackson bad."
"We were flagrant when it was not the right time to be flagrant, but we knew that's what the people needed."
"You're making this huge decision here, you don't care, you just don't care."
"What is the one bold thing that, if I did right now, would radically transform my entire world?"
"You have to take a chance, man. You have to. You've seen a billionaire, [expletive]."
"I am an agent of chaos. I do not believe in half-measures. Now is not the time to play it safe."
"More bold than you would be otherwise. Things like name-calling or stereotyping. Prejudice or mockery are all things that occur in real life but are repeated tenfold online."
"An inspiration to be bold, to be audacious, and to never give up in the pursuit of even your wildest dreams."
"Bird was so sure of himself that he would often walk up to the opposing team's bench before tipoff and declare that he will score 40 points that game."
"Put your fucking flag on the ground of who the fuck you are."
"I just tell the truth, and telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies."
"Be bold, go out there and slay these demons."
"My congratulations to your highness on the clear and courageous call to jihad."
"Gemini, boldly go where you haven't been before."
"That's ballsy man... they started losing the tightness of keeping this under wraps."
"How did you feel about that when you saw, Rio? Let's stop because to be honest with you, when I saw the app, I thought that's ballsy, man."
"We took a tremendous step and a tremendous risk."
"I specifically asked you out on stream one day I said mainly here because I was told not to talk to you so I couldn't help myself but uh here we are."
"The best designs are the ones that just go for it."
"Boldness has gotten me through life and I think it's critically important in this day and age."
"The conclusion of Azula's arc is the most ballsy of the show."
"Now is the time for you to be bold. Not tomorrow, not an hour from now. Now."
"We boldly approach the throne of grace, making our petitions known before God."
"Let's figure out how to be bold, fight courageously, and get back to being Americans and citizens of the world."
"Dorothy became the first major journalist to suggest publicly that the CIA and mafia may be working together."
"Be bold, speak up, our God reigns. Give Him praise in the house of God."
"This is a special ceiling; I knew I wanted to do a bold ceiling."
"Say I love you, say it loud and clear, in front of everybody and shit."
"The world is waiting for you to take a leap of faith."
"This book is pickup artistry at its most emboldened and least resentful."
"They will continue the voyage as we have begun, and journey to all undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man has gone before."
"God, I need to hear you clear. I need you to make me the best witness that I could be. Please God, make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish. They can know you now. God, please help me, help me step out in boldness."
"Let me tell you something, with the Holy Spirit upon you, what happens is, you will do things that other people won't do. You will say things that other people won't say."
"Boldness can be sexy, it just depends." - Bran
"And then, she went in for the kill. 'I'm that bitch.'"
"Standing up to Thor like that is some big Greek energy."
"This is the boldest one this seem like the most confident in what it is."
"Conscious politics is bold, fearless, and proactive."
"It was very refreshing to see a person not give a [__] about how sensitive everyone was feeling and just stick to their script and their ideals."
"Don't wait for the other person to make a move, take the initiative and be bold."
"I don't apologize. I was at the bar tonight and uh, I approached this guy."
"It's about being fearless in the face of political correctness."
"Your animal spirit guides want you to be bold and go after it. You deserve it."
"No one's ever done that before. That is pure Donald Trump."
"He walked into the President of the United States office and handed him a gun."
"Crunch time, come get on top of me real quick."
"You need a manager with an abundance of testicular fortitude."
"Grab thy nuts! Confidence comes from facing failure head-on."
"Live hot, die hot, that's what I always say."
"If you're going to make a statement, make it radioactive."
"Go big or go home, and we're definitely going big."
"Make bold and brave choices to fully live your life."
"He's talking super gangster [ __ ] and super vulnerable."
"A bold and confident choice is how I will describe it here."
"It's been my dream to have the sass to stand up to those who do wrong to others in a court of law."
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We cannot be too bold in responding to the pandemic.'"
"I think one step in the right direction could be a big bold move around $2000 a month until we get out of this mess."
"Be outspoken, be bold, be imaginative, and the worst that can happen is nothing."
"Aries are bold, shoot your shot. Nothing gets them going more than a fresh slate, the promise of a new day, and a brand new start."
"The balls on this guy, the confidence! And now he is gonna start things with the Lord with no Fawns in the picture, it's no problemo for Team Eudora."
"It's time for the church to step up, to be loving, bold, and caring."
"You just gotta have the fearlessness to really take those shots."
"Hey my name's Logan Paul don't be a [ __ ] be a maverick."
"It's about taking a bold step forward to give people something truly new, something truly exciting."
"Be bold and act like who you want to be. Everyone will assume that is how you always are."
"This is for all the marbles, all the balls in your mouth."
"Spicy, it's supposed to be boundary pushing."
"Doing something bold or kind of innovative will pay off for you in a very beneficial way."
"We enter into your gates tonight, God, with boldness as sons and daughters."
"Love the queen of wands energy for you—be bold, assertive, and open to new adventures."
"Let's get weird, let's do some shit that other people probably aren't gonna do."
"Freedom is only for those bold enough to take it."
"Indira Gandhi had built her political career on the principle of bold action."
"Let me be the boldest I can be even if people are a little taken aback. I hope it just helps other women."
"There's truth to the saying, 'Fortune favors the Bold.'"
"Life is an adventure and it should be lived boldly."
"Every single person, all of us, we have to become bold, fearless Christians, unapologetic shares of the gospel."
"Share revelations boldly; take ownership of the words God has spoken over you."
"The Ukrainian tank drove alone against the column and hit the Russian enemy."
"I believe that be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."
"I appreciate a certain fearlessness from artists that just put [] out without worrying about all the other []."
"I'd like to encourage you to be bold. Too many Christians are timid and feeble because they don't know the power and authority that they have in Jesus Christ."
"Fortune favors the bold, and luckily for you, Buccaneers and Pirate Republics have a clear advantage."
"The author went on to emphasize the need to be bold and daring in animation."
"Shoot first, see that bird on my face, it mean something."
"If you want to be a little bit more bold than a jewel toned coat could be a really nice investment piece for your wardrobe this autumn winter."
"He fought with balls, I mean he fights with bde."
"Let yourself sparkle and shine... you are guided to be bold and show your bigger than life's side to the world."
"In a world where everyone is trying their hardest to be politically correct, Edge of Reality came out guns blazing to let us know that they don't give a damn."
"The show has been willing to say the unspeakable."
"Go on and live a big bold beautiful bright life."
"Find the extremes... and drive a truck right through the middle."
"I'm gonna live bigger and bolder in his honor... until the very last breath of me."
"You have to bite the bullet and say, 'F*** it.'"
"If there is a text from Brock, I'll probably respond and tell him I'll kick his ass."
"Keep in mind that the universe favors the bold."
"Fortune favors the bold, distraught, and the brave."
"You're forging ahead with boldness and determination."
"By investing in this company, you're really picking up this early phase of the s-curve."
"Sometimes we just need to have a couple of shots of tequila and go for it, right?"
"Juice World... That's so cocky as a rapper to do that."
"The Langella version is the only one that actually has the nerve to depict a dead baby. Geez, we get the idea. Van Helsing confronts the vampire Lucy."
"He just issued the most epic response ever where he was just like kiss my ass you should be apologizing to me."
"Holy [__], foreign motor credit is gangster."
"From beginning to end, everything that we are doing is about venturing bravely and boldly into a cure."
"I firmly believe that whether or not you're an analyst or an investor your job is to use your brain and your balls."
"A boldness would rise up...a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit."
"If you are in love most people want to get completely ass naked on a bicycle and ride around."
"Make sure that you're living bigger, better, and bolder in honor of the one that you love."
"Crush eggshells if you need to, right? Just speak the truth. Don't apologize for it."
"We the true patriots of this country will be bold as lions."
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as lions."