
Health Warning Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Short sleep predicts all-cause mortality."
"Everything is designed to be comfortable, and we're killing ourselves by being comfortable."
"A surgeon general's new warning about an epidemic of loneliness as bad for you as smoking cigarettes."
"If you don't make a change, you will have back problems, you will have neck problems, you will feel sick."
"Smoking is bad for you, but as far as liveries go, this one does look pretty cool."
"The misuse of these drugs can have devastating side effects."
"I want to make it very clear, don't do this, okay? Please do not wrap yourself in plastic and try to sweat out weight. It's incredibly dangerous."
"People who want to take gear should know that the psychological effects are real as [__]."
"If you are sensitive to flashing lights, stop watching."
"The American diet is going to take you out a lot sooner than you're supposed to go out."
"Every time your blood glucose spikes up, you are effectively toasting your brain, your eyes, your kidneys, your vessels."
"It's not good to glorify overworking yourself."
"It's like smoking, don't start because it's gonna get really bad and it's gonna be hard to get out."
"Breathing rate is now right up on this... she's in trouble."
"They were saying things like clustered cases means that human-to-human transmission is possible."
"If you want to avoid early death... at some point something's going to give."
"FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling vision loss in children."
"If you want to pee blood then you gotta make a change, you know?"
"He went blind, you idiot! I told you not to stare at the sun. I'm blind? Yes, you're blind!"
"This Is A Dangerous way of thinking doctors and scientists say."
"i think eventually if you have any kind of metabolic issues uh if you're a type 2 diabetic anything like that i think these will eventually start to affect you"
"these are pure collagen basically it's delicious chicken skins are awesome and they're a good alternative to this so this these are delicious but they are dangerous"
"Unfortunately, it also comes with a slew of adverse effects including death."
"The message I think for Spring Breakers is that the party is over. So take this seriously."
"Omicron is incredibly contagious. It's spreading like wildfire everywhere."
"Consuming elderberries can pose serious health risks due to the presence of cyanide, especially in unripe or improperly processed berries."
"One night of tequila shots isn’t going to cause your liver to explode, but having a shot of whiskey with every meal and for a snack would do some serious damage."
"Spread is guaranteed if there is one person who is infected in these parties, they will be infecting other people."
"Drinking is borrowing happiness from tomorrow. You're drinking baby poison, straight up baby poison."
"Overuse of painkillers can have detrimental effects on kidney function."
"If anybody has difficulty breathing, that's an immediate red flag."
"Does this mean that every sleeping pill will break your body down early? Yes, I mean absolutely, it's just sick."
"Every time you get high today, it's Russian roulette."
"I'm not pitching you BS, but all they take is three of them things and you won't make it to your next play."
"There's nothing cute or safe about drinking until you are out of your mind and sick." - Unnamed commenter
"Something so good can actually be so bad for you."
"Sugar rots your teeth and also rots your [ __ ] brain."
"Don't get addicted to it, it is addictive and it will start showing on you."
"TIAs are extremely important, a warning sign for a future stroke."
"You might lose weight by doing this but also you're dying. You're literally dying. Your body thinks you're starving."
"If you are morbidly fat, your entire quality of life is going to go down the drain."
"Canned food is abbreviation for cancer food."
"Don't get complacent because this second wave it's fittin to be worse than the first if you ask me."
"Serotonin toxicity is a real condition and is life-threatening in severe cases."
"If you can hear 'boom boom bam,' something is going wrong with your heartbeat."
"Back pain with loss of bladder control? Go to the hospital immediately."
"If you're really morbidly obese, you're not going to make it to old age."
"Alcoholism and other addictions are no joke folks."
"Cases could pass a hundred thousand cases a day soon." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"Your heart rate is going to start going; you could have a heart attack."
"Never ever ever drink water out of a stream Creek Reservoir I don't care how clean you think it is Giardia is prevalent throughout North America it will make you so sick it's ridiculous so don't do it."
"Never underestimate the power of alcohol in destroying your life and your body."
"I just want to say that for clarity... the amount of succumbing acid is crazy high in these needles."
"Symptom number one is severe headaches... feels like your head is going to explode."
"Dizziness, confusion, and anxiety... very important signs... you want to get that checked out."
"Expect strange viruses to really pick up. We're talking about beyond any vaccines or beyond any killer bacteria."
"Do not underestimate this, this is not a normal flu this is serious."
"Another pandemic will come, it's just a case of when."
"Cigarettes are deadly. You know, cigarettes can kill people."
"If you eat bacon on a daily basis, you increase your risk of pancreatic cancer by 20%."
"You will know something's wrong with me if I start drinking every day."
"You're about to see a second wave hit earlier than what they thought."
"Tonight, let's have it right: heart attack FC. If you've got a health condition, don't watch tonight."
"All carbohydrates are the same... it's all sugar... and you need to be careful about how much sugar and carbohydrate you're taking in."
"Throw away the microwaves, they're very, very deadly and dangerous."
"Believe it or not, the food we're eating is killing us."
"Healthcare professionals have said to me, if you think COVID is bad when it comes to climate change, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Don't [__] deadlift 600 pounds so you die and you'll just feel better after."
"Feminine washes alter the pH downstairs and can cause a lot of irritation."
"Cereals can be loaded with sugars... it makes you fat and sick."
"Best girl has rabies, that's what that means!" - If you ever see anything in the wild and they're not scared of human interactions, that's one of the signs of rabies.
"While certain recreational drugs can be taken occasionally without any serious consequences, particularly when it comes to drugs like heroin, it's all too easy to fall into the pit of addiction."
"Major psychologist group warns of social media's potential harm to kids."
"My mother would say stuff like this, 'It's gonna damage your brain.' Turns out she was right by the way."
"We are not headed into the season to be jolly but rather into a winter of severe illness and death."
"You're asking for trouble. You're already in a state of dehydration and the alcohol is just going to make this worse." - Narrator
"Mario Party with cigarettes. Don't smoke, kids."
"Stress is a killer, guys. This is one of the biggest things that... I've had friends before that have gone blind in one eye and it has nothing to do with anything physical other than stress."
"Sugar keeps you sick and sugar keeps you addicted, and that's why in every single thing you eat now, they're sneaking sugar."
"The sugar is one of the most dangerous things out there but seems like they're really going and kind of extreme."
"Stress is the number one killer out there right now."
"Arthritis means your spine and nerves are deteriorating, affecting organs."
"Although this was a prank smoking is no joke according to the CDC people who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer."
"God told me last year, if I didn't get off soda, I would be dead by winter."
"Feeling high on drugs and not really testing, that's the risk that I see in this approach."
"I just found out that it literally has almost 400 milligrams of caffeine. So please, drink at your own risk."
"If you're not fit, you're gonna die. I'm gonna keep harping on it, be fit."
"You cannot play in swamp floodwaters, even if it looks fun. It's poo-poo water."
"The police and FBI wouldn't jump into using so many resources so quickly if she was a potential runaway."
"Thanksgiving is coming up. Dr. Fauci has warned people should not gather from all over the country with their families inside, fearing for the further spread of the virus."
"No amount of radiation is good for the human body."
"Step away from the carbohydrates because they are your enemy."
"Diet Coke has a bunch of chemicals that probably make your brain more brain dead."
"Brace yourselves because heart attack they have to brace themselves."
"This skin would actually start to look worse."
"We're saying that if you consume those foods, your illness is going to be much worse than if you didn't."
"Stress is probably one of the main killers out there, chronic stress, not acute."
"No one should put this many hours into work. This is not good."
"Even vaccinated people are still at risk with omicron, so we mustn't drop our guard."
"If the pandemic isn't stopped it could result in an endemic."
"A high fasting insulin level, that's pre-diabetes."
"Polyunsaturated vegetable oils break your metabolism. Do not eat them."
"Coconut oil and palm oil have a lot of saturated fat, and that's going to raise your cholesterol level."
"Nothing good in the long term has ever come from alcohol."
"Processed meats linked to cancer and inflammatory conditions."
"Don't fall in the junk food hole...that will be your demise."
"A low overload is like a low-grade fever. It doesn't cause immediate depth but indicates that something is wrong."
"The truth is it's still a very, very dangerous virus, particularly if you're not vaccinated and boosted."
"You just don't understand. I mean, someone 300 pounds, a grown man, just 300 pounds... I mean, that's taking years off your life right there. Years off your life."
"Don't overwork yourself or burn yourself out."
"The plant-based ingredient has been deemed no longer safe for human consumption in the United States as well as many other countries."
"Fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown disease X could result in 20 times more fatalities than the Corona virus pandemic."
"The bottom line is more insulin, more death."
"MMS is a dangerous chemical that under no circumstances should ever be consumed."
"Kids don't smoke, it's not worth it."
"I mean, what more can they do? I mean, there are five packets now that say, 'These will kill you,' and people are still smoking them. I don't know what they can... I don't think they're messing with you. You could ban them altogether."
"They completely shut down acid in the stomach. You never want to give them more than six weeks and now people are on it for six decades."
"The idea that 'I'll sleep when I'm dead' will actually lead you to have an early death."
"Just because it's a fruit doesn't mean it's good for you. There's a lot of fruits that will just kill you."
"If you're doing all the other stuff right and eating sugar, it is going to just put the stop on all of this. It is so detrimental."
"Wrestling John Moxley can be hazardous to your health."
"One of the worst things that you can consume is Mountain Dew. It's bad, it's not good for you, it's actually awful."
"You don't want any of these white spots in your brain. Most Americans have at least one after the age of 55."
"Something you eat every day may be killing your nerves or interfering with your nerve recovery."
"Bright flashing lights can cause seizures in children."
"Remember, alcohol is technically a poison. Your body can handle certain amounts of it, but if you go too far, it will get bad."
"Withdrawals from benzodiazepines and alcohol can be dangerous; they can be life-threatening."
"When we can find fluid in parts of the body that doesn't normally have that fluid, it's a red flag."
"Carbon monoxide is a silent killer; it's odorless, it's tasteless, and you won't even know it's happening until you're done."
"You definitely don't want to drink that water."
"No man should drink this much alcohol."
"Sugar is harmful; it's toxic as a drug. It causes a dopamine response to the addiction centers of your brain just like cocaine, heroin, and meth."
"Snoring is not harmless; it can be a sign of some other issues, especially something known as sleep apnea."
"Stop smoking; you're literally killing yourself with every puff of that cigarette."
"There's no safe amount of alcohol in pregnancy."
"Gas colic can turn into other things if you leave it going."
"Smoking is bad, really really really bad for your lungs."
"Alcohol is ethanol, it's a poison, it's an addictive drug, and it is not helping you in any way."
"So definitely avoid putting this in a chest pocket if you do have a pacemaker."
"Don't let cannabis ruin your lungs, American youth."
"If you have a chronically high blood pressure, this is not something to just overlook and think 'I'm in my 20s and I can get away with it for another however many years'; eventually at some point, it's going to catch up to you."
"Drinking river water is typically a bad idea since untreated water can make you sick."
"The most highly-fat, highly-sugar foods are every bit as addictive as some narcotics."
"The risk of severe complications goes up with age, but it can't be discounted in younger people."
"Sleep apnea triples the risk of Alzheimer's disease."
"No amount of lead whatsoever is safe to be consumed."
"Cigarettes cause lung cancer, and cigarettes are addictive."
"If you have a very small carbon monoxide leak, it can actually cause... hallucinations and delusions."
"US public officials warned the dangers of vaping following a spike in lung-related illnesses."
"Travel spreads the virus more quickly."
"Warning: Due to the types and levels of paranormal activity, we do not recommend small children, pregnant women, persons with weak hearts, and persons prone to seizures."
"Consuming just three dates a day can cause an irreversible reaction in the body."
"Drugs is messed up, stay away please."
"The sudden onset of the worst headache of your life is classic for a bleeding aneurysm in the brain."
"If you're pregnant or anyone in your house is pregnant, keep away from formalin; it's very likely known to the state of California to cause cancer."
"The sun is very intense and you can and will get sunburned if you are not careful."
"Ultra-processed food should have like cigarettes, a clear health warning saying 'Warning: this product is likely to make you overeat by 10 to 15 percent'."
"Alcohol is like stealing time from tomorrow; it can completely disrupt everything."
"Consuming sugar-sweetened beverages without question increases your risk of coronary heart disease."
"50% of smokers will die from smoking."
"You have a recipe for metabolic and inflammatory disaster."
"Drinking sea water is an absolute no-no."
"Sugar is toxic because it's sugar, not because it's calories."
"This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Don't do drugs, kids."
"It's gonna make your body sick, it's gonna make your brain slower because there's no nutrients in that food."
"Trans fats raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol."
"Long term blood pressure being elevated will damage your kidneys."
"Do not sleep in your makeup; it literally destroys your skin and ages you."
"Warning: This video may cause you to never want to eat sugar ever again."
"The Surgeon General warns that smoking is dangerous, hazardous for your health; therefore, smoking is hazardous for your health."
"The Western diet...is probably a model of what not to be eating when it comes to trying to foster a healthy microbiome."
"Uncontrolled high blood pressure could lead to stroke, heart attack, or death. Get yours to a healthy range before it's too late."
"Alcohol is a dangerous neurotoxin and a destructive drug, we need to treat it with caution and care."
"Hemoptysis means coughing up blood and this is a red flag symptom for more serious pathology."
"After around 18 hours of consciousness, you make the same number of stupid and careless mistakes as if you were legally intoxicated."
"Heatstroke can come on very fast, very fast."
"Knee injuries are not good; they're expensive, and the recovery time is brutal."
"Be careful in the sun, melanoma is so scary."
"Carbon monoxide... causes headaches, unconsciousness, and even death, and they call it the silent killer."
"Drinking to excess, if you abuse the liquor, you're gonna pay a heavy price."
"If I don't change my ways, I'm not gonna live much longer. That's really scary."
"It's this condition here that we're trying to prevent: namely end-stage liver disease with fully developed fibrosis and massive iron overload."
"Alcohol is a disaster for weight, brain, and liver."
"If you are still dipping that tobacco, I think the verdict is definitely in that it causes mouth cancer, and it's just not healthy for you."
"Drinking too much alcohol will absolutely completely dry you out and rob you of all kinds of nutrients."
"Scented bedding is bad for the hamsters' lungs and they can get really sick."
"Remember kids, smoking kills, so don't do it."
"No matter whether you're a dog, cat, bird, human, or a bearded dragon, if something turns black, it's not a good sign."
"Ticks are not just a pain in the butt; they are life and death."
"Your glucose is high, this could mean you're a little bit insulin resistant."
"If your appendicitis gets worse and ruptures, it can definitely lead to death."
"Sugar literally poisons your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells."
"Smoking cigarettes is not very good for you, and that's pretty well known."
"Don't try this at home because when we Googled what can happen to you if you do 10,000 squats, it's something called rhabdo, and you can end up in the ER."
"If you've got visceral obesity and your waist is too wide, carbs are killing you."
"Don't throw your life away. You can see in his face, like, you know, it's like everything we didn't like, stammers get out, lose a lot of weight, nosebleed all the time."
"Sun damage is the worst damage you can do to your skin."
"Diabetes untreated is deadly. It is not something that just goes away."
"There is a direct relationship between sugar and cancer."
"Do not drink any energy drinks because they can really harm you."