
Anxiety Management Quotes

There are 479 quotes

"We saw a significant reduction in anxiety by 81%. That doesn't mean anxiety will go away. It means that you manage it."
"If you want to avoid anxiety for the next 18 months, it's really important for you to consciously think of and be aware of your anxiety and how you can get rid of your anxiety by acting in a way that you know in your heart and soul is right."
"Start small... there are tried and true scientifically based ways to decrease your anxiety and improve your mood state."
"Choose to focus on them not forever, but for the moment if you're struggling with anxiety."
"Cast your anxieties and fears over to Him because He is capable and worthy of taking care of those things."
"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"If you wake up and you feel anxious about something, you have got to use the five second rule 54321, get up, get out of bed, get moving. Because if you can get up, you can get going."
"Magnesium also really important for the brain; it helps deal with anxiety."
"Don't sweat over things, learn to overcome perfectionism, realize that failure at some point is inevitable, practice self-compassion, focus on dealing with your anxiety physiologically, aim for good enough instead of very good."
"Putting in the work to get a hold of your anxiety is one of the most fruitful endeavors you will ever embark upon."
"How did you know that you were on the right path to ending your generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks? I always give the same answer: I took responsibility for my anxiety."
"This book, 'Good Anxiety,' is not addressing clinical anxiety...this is the 90% of people that say, yeah, I have some anxiety every day."
"Dealing with anxiety as a medical illness is actually a completely different thing than helping a human being understand how anxiety in their mind interrupts."
"You don't just have to cope with anxiety; you can learn to process through anxiety to resolve it and change your relationship to it."
"If you can come to a person and just be the best version of yourself... and that means not giving in to anxieties and texting too much... it also means being open, being vulnerable, being able to put yourself out there."
"It's time to stop worrying about the things that are beyond your control and walk confidently into the future knowing that God is with us."
"One of the things that has been helpful for me as I get anxious, get fearful, is to think about the good that will come from this."
"Thanks to therapy, I now have tools that can help me calm my anxiety."
"Marcus Aurelius writes, 'Today I escaped my anxiety... No, actually I discarded it because it was within me.'"
"The stronger I'm being and the less I drink and the more I fight through and allow myself just to feel anxiety, the less I have anxiety."
"The only way to calm down this anxiety or this panic is for their partner to step in and reassure them that everything is okay."
"Stand-up was literally I just took it up as...it helps me deal with my anxiety and it helps me deal with my temper."
"If you struggle with anxiety, you're going to think that it's absolutely insane. You have to think about everything that may not happen because that is how you avoid those negative situations and protect yourself."
"Managing your anxiety in the present by building the capacity for tolerance and not engaging in those default behaviors that control the situation."
"The only way out of anxiety is actually through it."
"In the midst of heightened anxiety and fear, be able to center yourself and be calm."
"Clean your way to calm because I love to use cleaning as anxiety management."
"You should have a lot of anxieties, take a deep breath, close your eyes, center yourself, and look at what's really going on."
"Sometimes when I go out and feel like an anxiety attack is bubbling up, I usually head towards the nearest bathroom."
"Anxiety needs a much more general course of action. It requires you to treat different areas within your life with a holistic approach."
"If you're one of those people who is constantly worrying about the calamities in the future, using these techniques will help you feel relaxed and in control, feeling calmer, happier, and more authentic."
"Anger and anxiety are important feelings... If something happens that makes you feel angry or anxious, notice it non-judgmentally and then get curious and say, 'Okay, what's triggering this and what can I do about it?'"
"My girlfriend's really really calm and she has a way of taking my anxiety and bringing it down."
"By noticing [anxiety] and letting it be, it starts to naturally just kind of subside."
"You can drastically reduce your anxiety by making small and sustainable changes."
"Anxiety, I acknowledge you. I feel you, but you're not going to rule me."
"Thank you, you've been helping me with my anxiety throughout all this."
"My anxiety has been night and day different from my whole life. I've never felt this kind of freedom before."
"Writing is hard work, but it's not as hard as doing neither because then you're a mess, you're anxious and without purpose."
"When you're present in gratitude, you can't be anywhere else. So when you're having a grateful thought, you can't have an anxious thought, when you're having a grateful thought, you can't have a negative thought."
"What's important right now is to watch for this sort of thing in oneself to be aware of one's own anxiety and agitation."
"Being our best selves, we should be managing our anxiety."
"If you think too far ahead, of course, you'll feel lost because you have no idea what the future looks like."
"Keep prepping y'all, we're not afraid of anything, we meet our anxiety with action."
"I was 27 when I met him; it was intense, and I was dealing with an anxiety disorder at the time."
"You start feeling a little less anxious about making the next big thing happen."
"The only way you fight anxiety, panic, and hysteria is through knowledge, understanding, preparation, and a rational look at the situation."
"Even if you knock down that anxiety by 50%, 25%, the difference is someone being able to stay out all day or have a good day in their career or start writing or do something with their life. Think about how empowering that is."
"Continuous introspection: 'Who am I?' to break through death anxiety."
"Who is the boss of your anxiety? I'm in charge."
"Your anxiety in a lot of ways is like this ferocious pet that's out of control and rather than fear it and run from it get to know it because it will be your protector."
"There's definitely a bit of a learning curve but life is just the anxiety level reduces the focus level goes up the results you know become the there's less clutter between where you are where you want to get to that's fantastic."
"Clarity and transparency in your life reduce anxiety greatly because you know everything has been looked at."
"You can have anxiety, you can feel overwhelmed, and you can still push yourself forward all the time."
"Learning to love yourself... learning to be comfortable in your own skin... it starts to quell that anxiety in a way."
"If you're able to just talk to people without getting crippling anxiety, that's the ultimate goal."
"Some said it had a positive effect on their phobias, and some said it helped with sleep and social anxiety."
"The best way to manage your anxiety is not to find a poll that makes you feel better about yourself, it's to do some things that give you agency over the outcome."
"Being anxious about things you have no control over will only make things worse."
"My optimism is often what is the way that I internally answer the anxiety."
"Conquering my anxiety... therapy was the first step."
"I want to actually put myself in a situation where I can go, you know what, I'm not that anxious of a person anymore."
"If you can think of what it is that might be the root cause of your anxiety or your depression and you can remove the root cause, then I think you'll be in a good place."
"Truly deep down not having anxiety or fear around what's going to be said about me knowing that the deepest regret would be to not show up exactly how I want to show up."
"Worry is actually praying for what you do not want."
"This was a major bonus, dealing with the anxiety and the pressures."
"God's words come with peace and not anxiety."
"Easier to add than take away. If you're kind of nervous, start with a more acute angle and you can always add to it."
"Cultivate calm stillness and joy and let go of anxiety as a lifestyle."
"Staying anxious only limits God. Listen, it's not up to you to figure it out because that's not what God wants. He simply wants you to put your faith in him because he cares about you. You can give him your worries."
"Please don't let anything control your life, be that a person, your anxieties, or your worries."
"Instead of being anxious... just surrender to it."
"If you turn around and look at it instead of turning away from it, you're finally getting rid of a lot of that anxiety."
"Learning to soothe calm your anxiety, learning to take action even when you feel anxious, those are the things that are gonna get you ahead in life."
"The fact that we're having to create this weird temporal mind prison in a desperate attempt to not feel choice anxiety is strange."
"If you think something terrible is going to happen, rub it out of your mind."
"You can't be grateful and anxious at the same time."
"Let it happen, don't let your anxiety get the better of you."
"Weapon crafting changes are looking to get more simple and more fun."
"All the bad anxious patterns we have can only be broken in the here and now."
"By identifying the worry, investigating it, and putting a plan in place, you can stop your mind from defaulting to a worry."
"Let yourself feel anxious. Don't try to make it go away; try to understand where it's coming from."
"It's good to play it safe, not feel nervous, and make minimal mistakes."
"Our goal is not to completely eradicate anxiety from your body and your life."
"Meditation can help calm anxiety and uncertainty."
"We're not meant to go through life fearful, anxious, and stressed."
"I had to let go of the idea not the anxiety but that the anxiety shouldn't be there, it was just there so I let go of let go..."
"Boundaries and structure make kids feel safe and calm, especially those struggling with anxiety."
"You're dealing with a lot of anxiety and worry, but you got it in the bag."
"There's no point being anxious about something that you have absolutely no control over."
"For the sake of absolute victory, I need all roots of anxiety to be pulled."
"Help me to trust more and worry less, Holy Spirit. Help me to have more faith and not fear."
"Here we go, did I standing out? I just need pain reliever and anxiety medication because I'm in pain."
"90% of the things I worry about never happened."
"You're always going to work. So, let's eliminate that part. That you're always going to work. Wow. So, that anxiety, move it. That fear, get rid of it. You're good. No, you're good. You're good. You are good. You are good."
"Facing fears expands skills, reduces anxiety, promotes empowerment, and unlocks hidden potential."
"Every anxious situation is an opportunity for growth."
"Neuroplasticity is a real thing... we can change the way we think and we do not have to always be a slave to our anxiety."
"You don't have to worry about losing your league."
"What would this look like if it were easy?... A big part of the anxieties were because I just worked myself up."
"You're not going to win every game. Accepting this mantra, as well as having realistic expectations, will ease up the anxious thoughts."
"Do not worry about anything instead pray about everything."
"Gentle reminder that the human eye is naturally drawn by noise and movement, so next time you walk into a crowd or a bit late into a lecture, they're not staring at you or judging."
"I bring all of my problems to God now I cast all of my anxieties onto him and to say it's been impactful would be an understatement."
"Being busy is like the best cure for anxiety."
"When you don't obey your worry, when you talk back to it, challenge it, correct it, well, that's a win for you."
"Anxiety is a choice, choose prayer over worry."
"Forget what your record is, don't worry about tomorrow."
"Imagine if it was just less, it just happens less so it helps majorly with massive anxiety massively."
"Most of anxiety is either you're living or focusing on the past or the future where life only happens literally one second at a time."
"Anxious for nothing, it's just another way to look at it."
"If you constantly analyze and worry, you will cut off from that energy."
"Get to the root of your anxiety, that's an opportunity for growth and learning."
"Don't put yourself in the firing line this situation that you are really worrying about or have a lot of anxiety about it will get sorted out."
"What does your future self want to let you know about this situation that you are worried or anxious about?"
"I went to therapy, I did. I had severe anxiety and panic attacks on the daily, right? I still have them to this day. It's not as bad, but I went and got help. I went and saw a therapist. I saw my doctor. I did all the things that I needed to do."
"Your patience will help you move through this anxiety, feel the fear, and do it anyway."
"If you're feeling something, especially if it's discomfort or anxiety or any kind of disorientation, to really be discerning about the source of it."
"Part of this is going with it, listening to it, and figuring out your way of swimming parallel to the shore."
"You can set a boundary... which is what helps us with anxiety but then also giving yourself permission to have an alternative response."
"Knowing what's coming can kind of get rid of some of the fear or anxiety."
"Great job your sim should try it on the purple monsters next but there's still a little nervous from the last encounter with him."
"The more you don't do what your anxiety tells you to do, the more you starve it, the more you make it smaller."
"What you're worried about may never happen, or it may happen and not be as bad as you thought."
"Instead of focusing on those things which just can generate a bunch of anxiety, focus on what we can control."
"This is definitely an anti-anxiety and anti-stress kind of toy because it keeps you preoccupied."
"Listening to your intuition and not your anxiety... Making positive, optimistic long-term plans."
"Replace panic with praise, replace worry with worship."
"Accept what you can control in this moment; it empowers you and removes even the tiniest bit of fear."
"Action absorbs anxiety and diminishes our sense of helplessness."
"Your worry is unnecessary, focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire."
"The solution to reducing trading anxiety is to find a strategy that you can be confident about."
"But I believe that talking to Vic has helped me with my anxiety and to experience and talk to others."
"Hello, I am perfect proof that that is your anxiety lying to you...you can get better and I am proof of that."
"If you shovel anxiety hard I'm not gonna say look at me now I'm amazing because I'm like I still have work to do."
"Your brain thinks you're calm when you're eating, so if you feel anxious, chew a piece of gum."
"Don't answer 'what if' questions in your mind. That's anxiety trying to trick you."
"Anxiety always begins with a worry. Write down the triggers and what exactly you're worried about. Then, drop in an anchor thought that makes you excited."
"Anxiety doesn't wait for the right time, you just gotta push through it."
"It's like, these are privileged problems, but I just have this anxiety about not, this has become such a part of my existence at this point."
"Don't be overwhelmed with anxiety because it's not happening a certain way. God's got another way."
"New Lilia is going to be about conquering her fears and anxieties and doing things anyway, especially if it makes me happy."
"The Blessed Virgin Mary accompanies us. She cast her own anxiety upon God."
"You feel lighter, knowing nothing can shake you, excited to live life free of anxiety, worry, tension, and negative thinking."
"Every fight's a mental test. This stuff is scary, and you have anxiety in the locker room and the week of the fight, more so this one, man."
"Anxiety is a serious thing, consider seeing a therapist."
"I've never let my anxiety control my life ever again. I know when it's there, and I fight it."
"Fall in love with progress; you are more than anxiety."
"Learning how to manage your anxiety... should be part of everything we do."
"The best answer to worry is confidence, first self-confidence."
"But in my head, I'm like, do I want to put that increased anxiety in my life?" - Reflecting on the balance between pursuing passions and managing anxiety.
"Get a piece of paper and write down where your anxiety about this is coming from... You have to know what you want, what you need."
"Create an action plan to prepare for scary situations rather than just overthinking."
"Yeah finally back like I feel a big part of my anxiety is gone as soon as I pulled up to my drive and I went into my house."
"I trust you, that every situation that we have been so intimidated with, not willing to look at because of fear anxiety, God we dispel anxiety with trust."
"I'd rather be on that train shitting my pants on the way to an adventure than be at home with my anxiety not shitting my pants at all."
"Don't be so anxious for this year to hurry up and end."
"Make choices about what you want your life to be about instead of simply trying to avoid anxiety."
"Be anxious for nothing; deal with your anxiety."
"Just being present will take away from your anxiety because you're putting the focus on something else like being more mindful of your body position or the exact words and the wording that's coming out of your mouth."
"Learning to manage the underlying anxieties of life is key to stepping beyond its grip."
"I've learned to not care about what I can't control."
"If you're not sure, if you're nervous, it's better to go slow than fast."
"When you take these steps, you'll show panic that it doesn't control your life."
"I just find it fun. It helps a lot with anxiety as well because it's all about just like looking at things neutrally."
"Everyone's allowed to feel a little anxiety, but what you do with that anxiety is up to you."
"Take it day by day. Focus on the moment, not the monsters that may be or may not be up ahead."
"Trust Jesus to take away your worries and fears."
"Be anxious for nothing but pray about everything."
"To help them see... their other strengths outside of their anxiety."
"The real function of this process of mass formation is to handle and to control anxiety, frustration, and aggression."
"Fear stands for forgetting everything's all right. We're projecting out into the future where we have no power."
"I'm actually really interested in hearing how you handle nerves in front of people."
"Release any anxieties and any fears that you have at this time."
"This feels like a huge victory to me because anxiety is such a tough thing to work through with some dogs."
"Just be present, be as neutral as possible, and not allowing yourself to get too much anchored in your anxiety."
"Surprises are coming; if you start to feel anxiety, it's just your awareness that something is on the horizon."
"Channel anxiety to connect with Allah through prayer and dhikr."
"The dread of something is often worse than the thing itself."
"She's the only person that is able to calm me down when I get out of control and my anxiety just goes haywire."
"If anxiety preys on imagination, you can fix it with facts."
"Everything's been going so much better for me... my anxiety is gone."
"Each choice poses an opportunity for further growth rather than occasion for debilitating anxiety."
"Expect healing with peace, not in anxiety or fear."
"The notion that social anxiety goes away if you 'get out of your comfort zone' is not true."
"The answer always is exposure. In fact, I would argue the answer for most anxiety is at some level exposure."
"Panic is the enemy of progress. So that's exactly what we're gonna try and avoid today."
"Do not be anxious about anything, just present all your requests and then you will get the peace that transcends all understanding."
"By developing what makes sense to you personally, you can let go of the anxiety of not feeling smart enough."
"So by developing and choosing your own exploration, choose your own adventure, you can let go of the anxiety of not feeling like you can handle stuff in reality."
"Finding ways to participate... without going down these social media rabbit holes has been very good for my anxiety."
"Worst case scenario? Yes, you manifest what you're worried about."
"Persisting on your life's purpose even when you feel anxious about it."
"If you're struggling with target panic, you need to take Joel Turner's Shot IQ course."
"Let's just let go of the anxieties... there's nothing stupid to fret on."
"Don't let nervousness and anxiety make decisions for you."
"Be spontaneous, don't let worries inhibit you."
"The miracle of mindfulness was designed especially for those of you who deal with anxiety in their day-to-day activities." - A Lux
"Just be present and not let anxiety and thoughts take control of us."
"It's a really super effective outlet for stress relief, anxiety relief, and really just getting yourself centered."