
Human Rights Quotes

There are 5142 quotes

"Together, we can solve the mental health crisis. Together, we can push to bring this science back into the mainstream. Mental health is a human right."
"The US repeatedly sanctioned ICC judges for example for daring even suggesting that possibly some human rights were violated."
"People's right to exist in a fair society is not actually something that's up for debate."
"Never fall for the lie that going out to hold a placard and to protest against the slaughter of women, children, men in Gaza trapped in a cage is any kind of extremism."
"No one should face violence, live in fear, or be discriminated against simply for being themselves."
"The essence of justice... is understood that a human being has a right to live, has a right to have the things that sustain a good life."
"Promoting human rights is not just an option for parts of the state; it's a positive obligation, a commitment to not turning a blind eye to breaches of human rights."
"President Biden emphasized the need for a fair and just immigration system that upholds the values of compassion and respect for human rights."
"The urgency of the world right now should be entirely focused on ending this atrocity that unfortunately the world has become so complacent with."
"Privacy is a human right and that's why it should be protected, regardless of whether or not you're doing anything wrong."
"Palestinians live in day in and day out without experiencing a day of freedom."
"Xi has destroyed the factionalism within the CCP and enjoys almost unlimited control over Chinese society without regard for law, freedom, or human rights."
"Healthcare is a human right, not a natural right, but should be a right given to every citizen."
"Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people." - Nelson Mandela
"Every human being is imbued with a certain level of Rights by nature of their very existence."
"Protecting all human rights, lives are on the line here."
"Committed to defending religious liberty and human rights worldwide."
"We as a civilization have sort of lost our way in terms of these fundamental Western values. All of this is the basis for a Western civilization that actually believes in human rights and individual rights."
"When anyone's human rights are denied, everyone's human rights are undermined. I will uphold your rights, even when I disagree with you."
"The essence of the right of return is choice. Palestinians should be given the option to choose where they wish to settle, including return to their homes from which they were driven."
"The greatest gift that's ever been given to humanity is the US Constitution, Western world rule of law."
"Human rights are universal; no one should be attacked, imprisoned, or killed simply because of who they are or whom they love."
"These Christian nationalists believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don't come from any earthly authority; they come from God."
"Our country is grounded on the idea that our creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights."
"When a thousand plus Palestinian babies die, you don't feel the same as when I tell you one of your own has died, but these are our own."
"The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation."
"Once you realize that these are human beings and you view them as humans, solutions manifest themselves."
"If somebody else has control over your body, that means you are the slave, and they are the master."
"The difference between freedom and slavery is the right to say what you actually think."
"The unbelievable atrocities that were carried out in Darfur by the Janjaweed and the Sudanese government in the 2000s have a direct impact on the echoes of the genocide that are ringing out in Darfur again today."
"Raising the bare minimum bar of what we provide, rights to basic human rights to people, is a better system."
"We get [rights] by being human. We're born in."
"It makes sense to have a conception of human rights not because they objectively, ontologically exist, but because doing so leads to a better legal and moral system."
"We don't talk about these things because we think they exist; we treat them as though they exist because that's what leads to a better society."
"Even if human rights don't morally exist in themselves, they can still exist as legal concepts... incredibly useful and necessary."
"You can objectively say that it is wrong to throw battery acid in the face of little girls for the crime of reading."
"It's not just an assumption that I believe that torturing babies for fun is wrong, I think that's really true."
"Slavery was once the norm in human civilization, and now it is much less, and where it does happen, we recognize it's a crime we ought to stamp out."
"It is the highest implementation of human self-ownership we've ever had."
"We're fighting for people's human rights and we're fighting for people not going into concentration camps."
"Until everybody on Earth can enjoy very basic human rights, it deeply affects the whole of us."
"I am deeply invested in all humans, every creed, color, sexuality, gender."
"Freedom is universal; it's a universal right and it's not granted by the United States."
"Human rights campaign or HRC explains, 'Research shows that more than 150 different pre-colonial Native American tribes acknowledge third genders in their communities.'"
"Human rights remain central in our collective consideration of next steps, as must the protection of civilians."
"This is human rights we're talking about. Human rights in 2023."
"The Pakistani people deserve to have their voices heard; they deserve democracy and strong institutions."
"Health care should be a basic human right, and if it's not, then we definitely have to pay people more."
"The Declaration is clear: all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
"Being a feminist is just believing in equal rights: man, woman, gay, straight, black, white."
"One of the most fundamental of all human rights is to think and believe what you will, for whatever reason makes sense to you."
"In cases of genocide, you can't just be neutral. You can't say, 'Well, this little boy was shot in the head and killed... but maybe he was upset because he argued with his wife.' No, there was no equality, and we had to tell the truth."
"Our next move is to take the entire civil rights struggle problem into the United Nations and let the world see that Uncle Sam is guilty of violating the human rights of 22 million Afro-Americans."
"Under no circumstances is rape ever acceptable."
"All humans deserve equal respect and dignity regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, biological sex, or gender."
"All of human Liberty, all of human rights, all of individual equality, all of that is based in the belief that man is made in God's image."
"I'm tired of children being abused... As a human species, we've been abusing them for a very long time, and I don't like it."
"All men are created equal; that's not just all Americans."
"I want the government to protect human rights and human life, and I believe in everyone having equal rights and equal protections under the law."
"When did America become this amazing place? I think it became an amazing place when it was one of the fiercest defenders of human rights."
"We are all human beings, and we all deserve the right to live free from any form of abuse and harm in society."
"I hope the historians will celebrate the United States Congress for having stood on the side of Hong Kong as the bastion of human rights and democracy."
"Health care is a fundamental human right. It saved my life, and it should all be there for you when you ever should need it."
"If we're going to have any rights at all, the right to life must supersede all of the other ones."
"The message of the Holocaust, at least that we were taught, was 'never again,' but it wasn't just about Jews; it was supposed to be never this type of wholesale slaughter."
"Free expression like free speech is a human right. You need that for any kind of society that's going to push back on anything."
"The radicalism of Pauline and ultimately Christian teaching is to say no, that's not true, everybody's body, no one has the right to have that done to them."
"All people should be entitled to their own individual rights and freedoms."
"The end of World War II revealed the horrific extent of the atrocities committed by fascist regimes, underscoring the need for a global commitment to human rights and justice."
"All human beings have equal value before the law."
"Until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion."
"When I look at Sri Lanka, who has a very checkered human rights record, in fact terrible in some ways, and the way that they ended the war against the Tamils, atrocious, I have to make a decision about is this something that I'm going to wade into or not."
"Human rights is such an obvious and easy one to get behind for all humans."
"Privacy to us is a human right; it's a civil liberty."
"It's okay to ask someone to care about you... You absolutely deserve it. You deserve to have people in your life who care about you as a person because that's something that all human beings deserve."
"We need to look very, very carefully at the emerging debate on Xinjiang genocide and the Winter Olympics."
"Our anchoring principles in any country's foreign policy, and in particular any liberal democracy's foreign policy, must be anchored in three sets of documents or instruments: one's the UN Charter, the second is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the third is the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
"I interviewed for the BBC a person who is under house arrest for political dissent. So yes, it does happen."
"The crimes in Rakhine State... are similar in nature, gravity, and scope to those that have allowed genocidal intent to be established in other contexts."
"It is our duty to seek that freedom for all humanity, for all who are oppressed."
"It is no secret that slavery was a dehumanizing institution where human beings were treated as property and denied their basic rights."
"Human Rights Watch has accused Iran's security forces of using shotguns, assault rifles, and handguns against peaceful protesters."
"The decision seems to stem from a misinformed view that to advocate for Palestinian human rights is somehow offensive to the Jewish community."
"We are all responsible for pursuing social justice for all human beings without exception, which includes pursuing social justice for Palestinians."
"The real enemy in the movie are the humans or the government that abandoned the tethered people."
"Palestinians are not asking for a favor; they're asking for their inalienable basic human rights."
"With human rights, you always have an argument coming from the person outwards or from human dignity outwards about the way things should be."
"I value human lives over culture, very controversial opinion I know."
"Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete."
"Clean drinking water in today's world should not be a privilege. The United Nations even classifies it as a basic human right."
"The world should acknowledge that the Armenians were slaughtered en masse. That was shameful."
"It's a murder of a human being when you're talking about these babies."
"I don't think if a human being wants to suffer, that should be questioned."
"These documents don't give us our rights; we were born with natural rights."
"Governments that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, successful and secure."
"It's grounded in the individual—it's the idea that you have moral worth and protection from those who deny you it, not by virtue of the decrees of some monarch, not by virtue of a supernatural creator, but by virtue of being a person who is capable of suffering."
"Human rights are not only possible without religion, but in a broader sense, they may be made possible by the rejection of religion."
"All men were created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."
"Human rights exist as a concept and as a method, a mechanism for achieving a moral end."
"Second, we need to develop a robust account of human rights and liberties and forms of aid to the needy to be asserted and reasserted against selfish interests, the powerful majority, the overweening state, and aggressors from within or abroad."
"As a black feminist... as long as [human rights, dignity, and equity] need isn't met, we're still going to keep fighting."
"You ultimately want freedom for human beings, and the value is agreed upon."
"Every single human deserves those type of friendships."
"Natural equality is the belief that all humans are born equal and are endowed with equal gifts and talents."
"What some countries are doing to their homosexual population does constitute a genocide, and I would like to declare it a genocide."
"A Ukrainian Crimea... would be the best guarantor of the rights and privileges and the freedoms of the people in Crimea."
"Human beings are not illegal; first and foremost, they're humans."
"It's thing after thing after thing and you're like, where, why are we not treating people like people anymore?"
"It's not a good idea to cut off the clitorises of little girls. That's a universal truth."
"All human beings have a certain dignity that commands our respect."
"The most fundamental thing that people fight for is for freedom."
"If my friends or family members have huge differences in opinions from me... then I don't want to associate myself with them at all. That is more than just politics; it's about people's basic human rights."
"If only we could breathe the free air of our personal liberty, our choice, our freedom to love one another as human beings."
"As journalists, we have our job to do; we will continue to report about human rights violations."
"For us, economic inclusion is a basic human right and we've got to bring that human right to our community 'cause it's not there now."
"Everybody should have money, just as everyone should have access to water, food, and healthcare."
"To believe that you are a human being with intrinsic dignity, who has God-given rights to freedom, you have to believe in a God who gives you those rights."
"The right to life is the first of all rights; it's the only choice we can all agree on."
"The human person can't be disposed of for any reason."
"Sure, China was still an authoritarian disaster on paper and had an absolute joke of a human rights record, but hey, things were only going to get better."
"Human rights, what I consider to be one of humanity's proudest achievements, despite its somewhat mixed history and perhaps vague justification."
"All of them are people, all of them in my mind are deserving of the same fundamental rights."
"In contrast, Russian elections are rigged, political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated from participating in the electoral process. The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia."
"Laws are important, but on the other hand, the narrative, the stories, telling people 'See me, I'm human, here's my pain,' is crucial too."
"Black people deserve to live because we are human, and black people deserve much more from America."
"How can I, black and African and blessed as I am by the struggles of my fathers and mothers, deny my gay brothers and sisters their rights?"
"For 20 years, Putin has murdered his own people, imprisoned dissidents, opposition leaders in his country, committed war crimes in Syria and Chechnya. Nothing happened. The game has changed."
"Trans folks are human too. We deserve basic human rights."
"The idea that people can be used as tools in pursuit of particular means... leads to the extermination of entire populations."
"It's a basic human right to have an abortion, to have a choice."
"In order for any human rights atrocity to take root, those who seek to do harm always have to first do one thing, and that's dehumanize the group they are intent on destroying."
"We can say without a doubt that Maduro has destroyed the economy there. Maduro has imprisoned, beaten, killed journalists."
"Obviously, the US government is fine with human rights abuses; some of their closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are some of the worst human rights violators on the planet."
"Human rights are not a biological fact; they are a story we have constructed."
"Human rights... as measured by an attempt to alleviate suffering, is a very good story, a really powerful story."
"Addressing the genocide against Uyghur Muslims is something that will be a topic of discussion with the Chinese directly."
"The position of the United States is that what is happening is genocide."
"The most important right you have as a human being is the right to control your own body."
"Everyone deserves a chance at life and to be safe and loved."
"The horror of war... the complexity that it brings up... none of that diminishes the rights of Ukrainian people to live lives free from horror and terror."
"Military aggression should be stopped, international lawlessness condemned, territorial boundaries respected, human rights violations prosecuted."
"We always talk about human rights and humanity... but we don't really talk about what it means to be human in the first place."
"The important thing about my work is I'm against authoritarianism on the left and the right. I want human rights for all."
"4.5 million people are in sexual slavery around the world. That's an astonishing number, and honestly, it's probably far more than that."
"Humans should experience well-being; not everyone believes that, but I do."
"Slavery was and is an abhorrent blight on human history."
"The liberty and dignity of each individual is your fundamental value."
"If protecting basic human rights is a far-left thing, then so be it."
"The international community cannot simply look the other way as the military not only fail to protect their citizens but actively engage in the brutal repression and killing of unarmed civilians."
"We condemn the disproportionate use of force against unarmed civilians."
"It ought to be considered as a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty years may terminate forever within these states, a traffic which has so long and so loudly upbraided the barbarism of modern policy."
"America's Founding Fathers... believed in equality of opportunity. They thought rightly that God or nature provided mankind with rights to life, liberty, and happiness."
"The UN has proposed a moratorium on the use of certain artificial intelligence technologies that are serious threats to human rights."
"Seeking asylum is not a crime, it's a statutory right fundamental to the American heart."
"Education should be a right versus a privilege."
"In recognition of his unwavering dedication to peace, human rights, and social development, he would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002."
"I have been strong, in United Nations, every day I fought China and I did it by making sure we called 'em out on human rights."
"We want a world in which every human being, boys and girls, has the right and the ability to live up to his or her god-given potential."
"All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
"All humans on this Earth deserve rights, comfort, and a dignified existence."
"If we're in the middle of a true experiment, we should have human rights and have a right to say no, to give consent."
"Meaningful equality cannot be achieved through civil rights alone. Without basic human rights, civil rights are an empty promise."
"What may seem narrow to a trillion-dollar behemoth is a never-ending nightmare of ethnic persecution of the Uighur minority living in the Xinjiang region in northwest China."
"The belief that all are created equal, that lives matter irrespective of race, creed, or color."
"Both sides view each other as inherently evil, both sides view each other as denying human rights."
"To be human is to have free will, and to strip somebody of their free will in exchange for security isn't humanity."
"Don't let governments build camps, pick people up, and force them to go there. Bad things happen whenever that happens."
"No one has a right to discriminate against anyone, anyone. No one has that right."
"The consequence of me being wrong would be that we protect humans who are alive but they're not technically philosophically persons."
"For the first time since 1948, the media is struggling to uphold the narrative that Palestinians are not human."
"Chinese agents...entered the Epoch Times in Hong Kong...and torched the printing press."
"Organ harvesting concentration camps take the cake."
"Poverty is a man who has no house, who has no food, who has no water... that's not a free man."
"The fundamental human right is the right to not be killed."
"I believe human rights are for all humans, and I also want to build a society of love and justice."
"We try to figure out what is a person. What makes a person. A person is granted some positive, some negative rights by governments and probably morally and ethically separate from governments."
"All humans have human rights by nature of being a human. You are a member of the human family, and so any member of the human family deserves to be protected and treated by the law as persons."
"Europe was Europe, in the kind of platonic essence of Europe-ness. Europe represented human dignity, it represented human rights, it represented the rule of law."
"We should always stand up for democratic principles, human rights, civil liberties... we believe our values are universal."
"The ideology of human rights went hand-in-hand with the situation."
"Human Rights represents the right to be a human being. Whenever you are respected and recognized as a human being, your civil rights are automatic."
"The most reprehensible thing going on in China right now is the concentration camps for the Uighur ethnic minority."
"The biggest thing we can do to bring pressure on the Chinese is to make it clear to them that if they abuse human rights, there will be consequences."
"Healthcare should be a human right, not a means for these giant companies to make tons of money off of us."
"Every person is endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Rights are inherent in your person, and if there were no people around, you would still have your rights."
"America's values, human rights are a strategic interest of the United States."
"All human life is sacred, and we should protect one another."
"We're going to speak up and speak out for human rights, human dignity, and the democratic process."
"Housing is a human right and in a just society, I believe everybody in this world should have a place to call home."
"Consciousness to freedom to think is a fundamental human right."
"It's simple, really. We want to cancel student and medical debt because we believe education and healthcare are human rights."
"Everybody deserves to be treated with the same quality and level of care regardless of a learning disability or not, old or young."
"Criticism of China over their treatment of Hong Kong and the Uyghurs is rightly placed, but to me, an even more scandalous thing is that 20 million people or nearly that may be dead and an awful lot of people have had their lives turned upside down."
"We must recognize in virtue of being humans that we are different to animals and therefore must treat them differently, not in a notion of radical equality."
"Our right to live our lives...there's certain animals that are far more advanced than us, like dolphins."
"What will it take for the CCP to end the genocide?... It would take regime change."
"The idea of taking 1.5 million people and locking them up until they no longer believe what they believe, forcibly enacting your will on them, is torture."
"From personal experience having lived in China... I 100% can tell you that what's going on in Xinjiang... it's been reported, is going on."
"We hope to see some more pro-human rights movies about China come out in Hollywood."