
Emotional Wellness Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night of sleep."
"We need to... forgive, continue to love... be grateful for what you have."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"Energy levels... determine how much of a victim we are, with one being almost like depression and seven being like you're vibrating at a frequency like Gandhi or Mother Teresa."
"I don't want to spread negativity; I want to spread love."
"The importance of stillness, the importance of silence, the ability to... have the awareness of your own emotional, your internal emotional states, so that you can really begin to suss out what you respond to."
"It's safe for you to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"True forgiveness is letting go and forgetting. Let go and forget."
"If you love yourself, you can give love away."
"Your heart is healing and expanding with love. Spend time showering yourself with that love and then sharing it with others."
"Forgiveness is the only prescription in the entire universe that has the power to break the chemical bonds of hostility, anger, and hate."
"Gratitude radiates that positive, glowing energy within anyone."
"Self-love is the best medicine for a broken heart."
"Forgiveness is like a big magical eraser that can wipe away even the toughest stains."
"Forgiveness is a powerful expression of love."
"Toxic positivity rejects all difficult emotions in favor of a cheerful and often falsely positive facade."
"Gratitude is a great gift. Some people have it, some don't."
"Who needs the negativity when you could be drenched in love?"
"And love is the one thing that can make everything better and the one thing we need."
"Positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body."
"By your patience possess your souls: I'm going to give my emotion into Christ's care and live in the peace that he promised me."
"I feel great. This is the happiest I have been in like a half decade."
"Feeling of safety, relaxation, growth, joy, appreciation, gratitude."
"You can be the one who ends it just by rising above and you know just forgiving things."
"Knowing that you're not the only one, it helps tremendously."
"The greatest love affair you'll ever have is with yourself."
"Think about the people and things you feel grateful for."
"Gratitude as a base is the single most important component."
"Why are we supposed to feel ashamed to admit that we don't have it all together?"
"I think if they're able to beat C9 in the best-of-five then they have a chance of doing well against international teams as well."
"No one wants to feel forgotten about or on their own."
"Self-love, that's the journey I've been on and that's that until you master that or at least work to getting that everything else isn't going to even make sense."
"Our life's work is to love ourselves as much as other people love us."
"Learn to forgive and then forgive every single day."
"Embrace your emotions allow your feelings to surface and be accepted."
"You possess a heart full of limitless love. Don't let this ruin it."
"Express gratitude for what you have; open your heart to receive more."
"The best feeling in the world is being in like just a secure relationship."
"As long as every day is not going to be perfect, your life isn't going to feel perfect."
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."
"Don't let your pride get in the way and self-love always, always self-love."
"Feelings are the key to joy, happiness, and feeling fulfilled in this lifetime."
"Forgive yourself and love yourself unconditionally. Love is the potion that you want to put in there."
"Keep your focus on that higher timeline, stay in love, stay in gratitude, stay in appreciation, stay in joy."
"She is my therapist, my life coach, my backbone, my support system."
"Integrative medicine is trying to bring in a larger realm of medicine... paying attention to the emotional, psychological, the spiritual elements as well."
"Listening to music can put you in a better mood."
"Being grateful and thankful is so important."
"My mantra has just to be like be in the heart."
"Joy, love, and serenity will most certainly be found throughout this period."
"Hold the feeling that all will be well in your world and it shall be so."
"I think it's a step in the right direction to just start by removing the shame from being single even if you can't eradicate all of the fear of being single."
"You have a right to be happy, you have a right to joy."
"How beautiful to extend an offer of graciousness to oneself."
"If you're sick of yourself, nothing will make you feel better than helping somebody else."
"Forgiveness is not about giving up or letting someone win, it's about giving yourself the gift of freedom."
"You feel like you're seen and you're being heard... Suddenly you don't feel alone anymore."
"Just wanna be happy, don't you wanna be happy?"
"To move forward physically or to bring in the manifestations that you want into the physical world you have to get more comfortable with the emotional world."
"Isn't it nice that we can feel kind of positive about things for once?"
"Intimacy is being seen, heard, valued. So important, so so important."
"Heal your inner child, heal from your childhood wounds."
"Every relationship, you're just gonna feel really good, you're gonna feel really great."
"Love can heal everything and it can heal anything."
"This is about healing our relationship with ourselves."
"One of the best things that you can do is to develop a sense of self-compassion."
"I am worthy of the love I desire for myself and others."
"Smile more... even when you don't want to, try to smile."
"Let's focus on positive things only from here on out"
"Presence and gratitude, the essence of a relationship."
"Physical asceticism can actually be emotionally and spiritually nourishing."
"You're feeling more positive, lively, spunky, hopeful, you've got all that energy swirling around you."
"Just trust the love. It's time to trust the love."
"It activates your heart chakra. You are overflowing with joy and happiness."
"You're not only valued based on what you do for other people, you're worthy of love."
"Guard your house, guard your heart, and unfollow things that need to be unfollowed."
"Love each other like there's no better feeling than love."
"Stop worrying about things you can't control."
"Connect with your emotions this week, let the magic of the stars empower you."
"Men do live shorter lives and that's because of a repression of emotions."
"I feel incredibly grateful, really light, and super grounded too."
"Gratitude can shift your vibration, raising the frequency, you see, raising the vibration."
"It feels really good to be taken in instead of being pushed away."
"Having issues in life is normal, feeling depressed sometimes, feeling anxious sometimes, feeling sad, feeling as if you're not accomplishing everything that you know you can – this is completely normal."
"You can't be grateful and anxious at the same time."
"Peace only comes when everybody's heart is full."
"Languishing is tough... not severe enough to derail your day, but not minuscule enough to not affect you."
"Feel your heart again and know that there is love flowing in and flowing out with each breath."
"Bonding and companionship with an animal is badass. When you connect with an animal, you just feel better. You see a connection that makes your day better."
"Put yourself first and just know that in November, there is so much progression, happiness, joy, fulfillment, movement coming your way."
"Sometimes the best treatment for what ails you is an act of kindness."
"Make choices from the heart for vibrant health."
"You are loved. Amazing! Can you guys feel that shift in your body? Isn't it amazing how quick you can get there?"
"The one thing you want to do is to love, and that love should begin with you."
"Give more forgiveness, give more love, give more advice, give, give to people because the more you give, the more you feel better about yourself."
"They're called feel good influencers... they're in the business of making you feel good."
"If you're serious about your joy, try Serious Joy."
"Doing something for someone else makes you feel so much better."
"We're suffering from a lack of love on a grand scale."
"Be soft with yourself and others because they wanted you to be soft with yourself first, be gentle and kind to you."
"Release and heal the past; experience more love in your present moment."
"Hope all of you find love, romantic or otherwise."
"Your objective is always just to feel a little better."
"Self-love bomb... radiate Venusian energy... love yourself again."
"Jealousy opens up your life to tormenting spirits, my child. Learn to celebrate others' success."
"You can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"Life's all about love, you know? The more love you give, the more love you will receive."
"In 2020, you are going to feel so much happier, emotionally balanced, and stronger."
"That's the type of food that just makes you feel good. It just makes you feel well-loved by your food."
"It's keeping a smile on my face and I feel like I have hope."
"Things just break, man. They just break if you don't vent grievances, if you don't air them out, address them."
"The bottom line about the magic of appreciation is this: it makes you feel good."
"You just need to give yourself those little treats."
"Gratitude and forgiveness are keys to unlocking love, joy, and blessings in your life."
"Food was the beginning of my self-love journey and it opened the door for the rest of my emotional mental and spiritual path as well."
"Love is worth it and connection is worth it but you need time to heal."
"Forgive, whether it's towards yourself, another person, or life."
"Your happiness will find you if you allow it to."
"The majority of physical healing occurs through emotional healing, which is simply the opening of the heart. When you get the real lesson that's sitting inside the challenge you're facing, crisis becomes a blessing."
"Remember, it's never about looking good, only about feeling good."
"Being more compassionate with yourself will help you be more compassionate to others."
"People who dance... feel good when they dance because they're moving their energy around."
"The only way to truly break from that cycle is to learn to let go, learn to love, learn to be open, learn to celebrate life with others."
"Think love and feel love, it can get us onto the highest timeline."
"This week feels incredibly supportive incredibly supportive."
"You have an abundance of love, but I think really it started at yourself."
"You do you, okay? A little bit of heart space, you're feeling so good about you."
"Create space not only within the body but also within your mind and within your heart."
"Appreciation: few things as powerful for feeling good."
"You're going to feel happy, you're going to feel blessed, good things start coming into your life."
"Forgiveness isn't for the person, it's for you."
"Accept your sensitive side; expressing yourself fully releases tension and allows for healing."
"A lot of men feel that the deep core of their being, if they are unhappy, too bad. That's their issue."
"The topics, positive takeaway, and feelings make the experience more fulfilling than fixating on minor issues."
"I am worthy of foods that nourish my body physically and emotionally."
"Feeling good about yourself and feeling worthy of this connection is very, very important."
"You're gonna feel probably more blessed than you've ever felt."
"Time heals all wounds, so just allow yourself the process of healing."
"I feel like me again for the first time in a decade."
"Love yourself flaws and all. You are loved, but you have to love you first to understand how much you are loved."
"Your heart overflowing with joy, love, abundance, all the wonderful things."
"Don't you think everyone deserves to feel that way?"
"Being angry and casting that out in the world is easy... but letting go of the hate is the hard work."
"Joy and stability: Be happier, more stable, full of joy from within."
"If you are someone who wants to get to the point of being alone but not lonely..."
"People are looking for something to look forward to right now."
"Beauty has great power to heal the soul."
"I don't want you guys to feel the need to swing to these extremes and then if you mess up or fall off to beat yourself up."
"Is your joy leaking out because you're disconnected?"
"Replace a racing mind's anxiety and fear, release emotional blockages, or simply retouch the cornerstone of life's beautiful experiences."
"Adjustments feel good, show some love, and connect."
"Focusing on what you're grateful for increases positive vibrations and feelings of joy...one good feeling builds on another."
"Your connection to yourself is worth more than money."
"You deserve connections, happiness, and love."
"I think today is one of the good days. We all have good days now and then, right?"
"Reflect on moments you're grateful for. The emotion of gratitude outweighs all the negative emotions."
"Feeling for the first time a true sense of peace and for the first time in days feeling genuinely happy."
"We're moving forward in love, peace, and happiness."
"The biggest lesson I learned to take care of myself like I mean like really take care of myself financially like emotionally all of that is learning the difference between an asset and a liability."
"There's something else which is on offer here: acceptance, peace, kindness, just joy."
"Gratitude is such a powerful gift that we can access at any time."
"Gratitude is so powerful that you can't be angry or stressed when you're in it."
"As long as you're bitter and jealous, you're going to lose that life."
"Greatness is actually the natural state of our mind every day. And as long as this wonder of life is not experienced as such, we have to go and cool the people and bring it to science."
"When you forgive people, it's for yourself. It's for you."
"You're actually in a really healthy place and not judging what you're going through so harshly."
"Boundaries are actually one of the most loving actions you can take for someone in your life."
"Pour into yourself the same love you give to others."
"Happiness isn't something you put inside, it's already there."
"Healing reconciliation peace whichever resonates and happiness and fulfillment."
"Everybody needs help, everybody. You just shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"There's this lightness of being, and it's like this move, this positive movement forward."
"Release expectations and enjoy every day; let worry go and choose love."
"Depression affects everybody from young to old and we don't deal with it at all. We don't talk about it, we don't get it. It's like there's something wrong with you if you're sad, you're happy, do you want to be happier?"
"Love starts with the cup of love for yourself first."
"You can't feel gratitude and stress at the same time."
"Remain positive, continuing to have that positive energy flow through you."
"Stability, loyalty, trust, abundance, and love - such a strong energy."
"What more balm for the soul can one ask for than taking a stroll with a couple of peacocks?"
"Gratitude. Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm. The best medicine."
"It's going to make you feel so good about yourself."
"Dive into your passions, dive into what makes you feel good."
"And hopefully that will lift your spirits, that will make you feel better both on the inside and the outside."
"It makes me feel calm, extremely comfortable, and at all times connected."
"I think a big part of realizing that was just like you know that there shouldn't be shame surrounding those things and that if if you do feel any sense of shame you know who who is making you feel that sense of shame."
"You are whole and complete exactly as you are right now."
"Gratitude in the morning also helps us develop a resilient Spirit."
"Gratitude equals happiness. I feel like if you're ever feeling anxious or fearful, just practice gratitude."
"If you want to get rid of that anxiety-driven life, make your choices from a place of love."
"There will be success, there will be joy, but there must be optimism."
"Make sure you give yourself that love too... it's okay to give it to others but make sure you give yourself that love as well."
"Just letting yourself laugh and be happy, just let go, just feel so happy, just let all your thoughts get so warm and fuzzy, everything just feels better and better the deeper you go."
"A woman who is Happy is a woman who is in her feminine energy."
"Reflect on the good and focus on attracting what your heart desires."
"It is a badge of honor. We feel loved, bro. When you laugh, you stay in the love vibration. That's it, man. That's it. This is awesome. I really feel like this."
"You gotta smile in the moments where you can find that joy, you know what I mean?"
"Just get out of it like realize that you are okay you're going to be fine."
"Healing is coming, a lot of healing to your throat chakra and your heart chakra."
"Laughter is just pure joy for free and a good laugh can really do wonders for you. It can turn around a bad day, make a bad situation bearable, it can even bring you together with people."
"This year will bring about happiness and contentment."
"Every moment you love being yourself, that's me loving you loving being you."