
Forgiveness Quotes

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"We need to... forgive, continue to love... be grateful for what you have."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"There's no weapon more strong than the weapon of forgiveness."
"Forgiveness is linked to reduced anxiety, depression, major psychiatric disorders, fewer physical health symptoms, and actually lower mortality."
"The precondition for forgiving yourself is to sort out whether or not you're accusing yourself too viciously."
"Forgiving somebody is so healthy for your heart."
"When people own their mistakes and they say, 'Hey, I'm not going to do that,' and they make it right, they should be given some grace."
"Let's just be grateful that we've got an apology. Let's not try and string the man up for making a mistake."
"The act of forgiveness is incredibly powerful and has the capacity to heal and transform."
"Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal."
"Holding on to bitterness and resentment is like drinking rat poison and hoping that the other person dies."
"It's going to change the world, people are going to have to forgive, moving on the path of love is the key and understanding that you are everyone else, seeing yourself in everyone else it will be easy for you to forgive."
"Forgiving others and moving on from what happened in the past is essential for building strong relationships."
"End conflict in your personal life. Exercise the humility, courage, and strength required both to forgive and to seek forgiveness."
"Let's just let the past go and focus on moving forward for our happiness' sake."
"People may not forgive me, but I know that I have been forgiven."
"For a small moment have I forsaken you, and with great mercy will I gather you."
"Forgiveness is not a requirement for healing... The only thing we have to do is forgive ourselves for the role we played in hurting ourselves."
"I will give those people a second chance. I told myself I wouldn't, but upon further consideration, if they have learned from their mistake, I will forgive them."
"Life is too short, and for sure forgive and forget, and and try to be friends and try to put love out there. It's all about love, light, and positivity for me."
"Forgiveness is in the sleeping mind a reflection of this divine love."
"Forgiveness is a very personal journey, and I also believe forgiveness is not required."
"Forgiveness is the bridge from suffering to peace."
"Forgiveness is something that everybody does deserve."
"You can't control that and it shouldn't be up to you to try and push that. But, yes, also making sure that that forgiveness is for yourself as well so you can move forward."
"Forgiveness is so that the same grace will be extended to you."
"Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It allows you to release the past."
"You're going to be forgiving yourself and you're finally gonna be moving on."
"Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal. It will create more space for love in your life."
"Having a grievance is like drinking poison and hoping it'll kill your enemy."
"Islam forgives someone's past... The uniqueness of Islam is that Allah forgives."
"Forgiveness is not a it is a process, it is something you walk out little by little."
"Forgiveness isn't so much always about the other person, forgiveness can have a lot to do with yourself."
"Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend."
"Forgiveness is so important and love in the midst of all of that and just thankful gratitude for whatever shows up."
"We need to draw a line in the sand, forgive and forget, and move forward."
"I never knew how strong I was until I chose to forgive someone who wasn't sorry and accept an apology that was never given."
"One of the important things that everybody has to learn in the course of their life is how to forgive."
"A lack of forgiveness will affect your health, affect your other relationships, and affect your walk with God."
"Forgiveness means to lay it aside, let it alone, don't keep revisiting it, means to cease to feel resentment."
"Forgiveness is not an event; it's a process."
"You never know what one act of kindness, even if they don't deserve it, could sow seeds of forgiveness."
"People make mistakes, but that shouldn't mean that they are entirely condemned for the rest of their days."
"The secret of St. Francis stated it: 'It is better to pardon than to be pardoned, it is better to love than to be loved, it is better to give than to receive.'"
"Don't waste your time on revenge; those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma."
"Holding onto bitterness is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die."
"To forgive is not to forget, but to remember is not to re-experience."
"All I can hope is that there will always be people out there who are willing to let other human beings learn and grow from their mistakes."
"You're worth forgiving, and if you are expressing remorse and if you want to apologize, then you deserve to be forgiven."
"Forgive yourself because everybody messes up. Everybody fails all the time."
"You can't change my destiny, but you can enlarge my territory. And if it becomes necessary to forgive you to enlarge my territory... you can't handle this."
"You're never more like Christ than when you forgive."
"No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly driven snow."
"One of the worst things that we do in society is a person makes one bad statement... and now that entire person is written off."
"We can't move forward with hate...we have to forgive the past we have to forgive other people in order to move forward with a clean slate."
"Forgiveness is letting something go, allowing it to be what it was, and no longer carrying it. Otherwise, you're just carrying the poison with you."
"Forgiveness. You are on the path of light, love, and forgiveness. Father healing is possible at this time."
"Before you can forgive people, you have to forgive the role they played in your life."
"If they stood up and said, 'We screwed up,' I would forgive them in a heartbeat."
"Not all grudges have to be vindicated because sometimes you just have to let it go."
"Be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"Forgiveness has to come from the people we hurt; no one else can forgive us in their place."
"You are learning how to forgive yourself and forgive yourself of past mistakes."
"Be ye kind, one toward another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"Be ye kind, one toward another, tender-hearted," forgiving one another even, "as God in Christ has forgiven," us."
"Forgive yourself for anything that you hold guilt and remorse in your heart for, but also allow forgiveness of others so that you can be free."
"The past is gone when we learn to forgive and to forget."
"Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"The prayer is: I need to take that to Jesus, and I need to pray, 'Lord, help me to love those who hate me, to pray for those who spitefully use me.'"
"I'm one who's been forgiven much, so I love much. God, let me extend to them the grace that you've extended to me."
"If we stop seeing ourselves as victims, we can allow forgiveness and compassion to come in."
"When we forgive, ladies and gentlemen, it's not for the other person; oh no, it is for you."
"Forgiveness...getting rid of charges...towards other people...is such a big part of getting yourself to operate at peak efficiency."
"Go and be dutiful and kind to her, and Allah will forgive your major sin."
"If you see a bad habit of hers, then remember the good things she does and overcome that with that and forgive her for her ill comings."
"Everything that we do, even the forgivenesses we have in our own heart...has cosmic significance."
"In this moment, send yourself unconditional love, the love, the forgiveness, the compassion that you so easily give to others."
"This is about no longer holding yourself back, no longer standing in your own way. Letting go of the past, let it go, forgive yourself."
"God's love for us is forgiveness. It's so much bigger."
"Words cannot describe how sorry I am. Just please, if you could just forgive me once, please."
"There's this myth in our culture that you should forgive people and you will feel better, right? No. If you actually don't forgive them, that's called forced forgiveness."
"You also need a Redemption, you need forgiveness, you need a path to coexist and collaborate and use speech to find common ground and to negotiate and compromise."
"A land that wants to give and give, and you have a Lord who wants to forgive and forgive."
"I said, 'Lord, if you will deliver me of all of this anger and all of this hurt that I feel right now... I'll serve you for the rest of my life.'"
"The most important human trait that anyone can possibly have is forgiveness."
"Learning how to forgive is learning how to release people from the hurt and offense that they bring into our world."
"Forgiveness is not a feeling; it's a series of deliberate decisions."
"Joseph's story teaches us that true forgiveness is when you release someone from your worry and remember your story differently."
"No one can stop God from forgiving. No one can stop the Forgiveness of God from coming to you."
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Since God has forgiven us, we have to forgive others."
"A forgiven person knows best how to forgive others."
"The story that begins the book is one of the most awesome presentations of forgiving and forgiveness that I have ever read."
"God was somewhere, but here two strangers were all by themselves, caught in the crisis of forgiveness."
"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
"Forgiving stops the reruns of the pain and heals your memory."
"You set a prisoner free and then you discover the prisoner you set free was you."
"Allah says, 'I will forgive their sins, and I will protect them from the hellfire, and I will grant them Jannah.'"
"Accountability does not come with a guaranteed promise of forgiveness."
"Love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins."
"Notice the source of forgiveness. It comes from God: 'I have forgiven you your sins.'"
"I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."
"Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It really is. You know, that's how you're able to move forward because if you carry things with you for a long time, it just burns your spirit down."
"Forgiveness is for you. It's not for the other person. Forgiveness is so that you don't have to go around carrying something that these people probably wake up in the morning and don't pay any attention to."
"Forgiveness is a process, and no one should be rushed into forgiving anyone until they feel that they're ready."
"I realized the only way to get rid of this dude was to forgive him."
"Forgiveness is the only real path to freedom."
"It's never too late to let go of your villains and reclaim yourself."
"All this forgiveness hype is legit! Ten out of ten, five stars, would highly recommend."
"Nations have to even confess their sins and pray for forgiveness just like individuals do."
"Forgiveness is simply the recognition that beyond this veil of illusion, beyond the destructible, lies the indestructible."
"If I can wake up and say every morning like, 'Lord, you know, Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner,' that I've sinned. If that's not a daily practice, then I'm going to become pretty brutal to people that offend me. But if it is a daily practice, my heart softens and I can become much more generous to those who have offended me."
"This is the most forgiving driver Taylor Made have ever made, the whole reason why this lineup is called Qi 10."
"I would give that 4.99 out of 5 for Fairways being hit, very very impressed with the forgiveness."
"Forgiving is not forgetting; it's actually remembering... and not using your right to hit back. It's a second chance for a new beginning."
"You don't owe your forgiveness to anyone; it's a personal process."
"Maybe that's forgiveness, where you just stop caring about it. You don't care if they succeed, you don't care if they fail, you just don't care."
"I got gripped by God the other day with the mystery of New Testament forgiveness."
"Humans are allowed to make mistakes, humans are allowed to grow, humans are allowed to change their mind, humans are allowed to be forgiven."
"Healing and forgiveness need to be accomplished so that you can move on in your life, and you are allowed to move on in your life."
"Once you've learned how to forgive yourself, you need to learn how to let go."
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
"Your perception of forgiveness hinders your acceptance of forgiveness."
"Offense is the currency of today's culture, but forgiveness is the currency of the kingdom."
"Allah forgave Adam when he faulted because there was remorse, there was regret, he sought forgiveness and he turned back to Allah."
"One of the most important things that the Quran keeps highlighting is that you and I have to ask Allah to forgive us first before you ask Him anything else."
"If you and I just became genuine people of seeking forgiveness, then those problems would start getting solved by divine intervention."
"The greatest gift you will ever get from Allah is forgiveness."
"May Allah make us people of genuine forgiveness, may He make our hearts move, our eyes to tears and may He open up the doors of His risk and His solutions to all of us that seek His genuine forgiveness."
"Forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven."
"You stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake."
"I think forgiveness is the thing where you forgive from your heart."
"Real spirituality can be measured by how much it can forgive and how it encourages forgiveness and letting go of the past."
"If you go to hell, you send yourself down there... Hell is a place with an open door. You can walk out any time if you understand what love and forgiveness is."
"Forgiveness is a very powerful tool that can help you to heal and to reach new levels of consciousness and fulfillment in life."
"Forgiveness is nothing other than self-love, self-acceptance, unity, truth, and consciousness."
"Most people are in denial about how much forgiveness they have left to do in their life."
"Imagine that forgiveness will make you stronger as a person."
"Do you want to be strong enough to break this chain of hurt, or are you gonna be a link in this chain and pass the hurt on to somebody else?"
"Forgiveness is nothing other than your love being love is forgiveness."
"True forgiveness is letting go and forgetting. Let go and forget."
"If you want to have some sort of skill that will allow you to weather those mistakes in an important relationship of yours, then forgiveness is that tool."
"True forgiveness is when you realize that you have no reason to hate or to judge the other person in the first place."
"I can release the past and forgive everyone. I am free to move into new, glorious experiences."
"We all need both words because we need to be forgiven and we need to forgive."
"Unforgiveness is that one area that must be addressed if you're going to reach your destiny."
"Never ever so remember this. Allah will never reject your sincere repentance, never ever."
"Forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself and it's an act of obedience towards your God."
"Forgiveness is not a feeling, it's a decision. Because if you think you have to feel it before you forgive, no. Like I said, it's a journey."
"Freedom and forgiveness are indissolubly linked."
"Forgiveness improves your biology; it makes you stronger."
"The one who repents from a sin, it is as if he has never committed the sin in the first place."
"Allah will forgive everyone except those who openly talk about their sins."
"Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah can forgive all sins."
"Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense."
"He repeated four phrases repeatedly to himself with feeling and belief: I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you."
"You're going to forgive, forget, elevate, and move on."
"There's a big emphasis of healing and forgiveness for your forecast in 2020."
"Forgiveness: Stop focusing your energy on past events. Life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"If Allah has covered you whilst you were sinning, do you think he's going to expose you when you have repented?"
"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
"Forgiving someone kind of frees us from a situation a lot because when you're holding on to anger and resentment, it makes you feel down. It's not good for you to hold on to those feelings."
"Our God is a god of love, a God of Second Chance, and a God who forgives."
"Forgive yourself; you have done nothing wrong."
"Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. That's the most transgressive message in all of human history."
"For Allah, I will forgive, for Allah I will let it go."
"No matter what my past has looked like, no matter what I did yesterday, there's new mercies every single morning."
"You need to learn to let go and live with a heart filled with love. You need to be content with yourself because if you're obsessed with trying to hate on another person, the poison's inside of you."
"You don't want to only forgive others, but you want to learn how to forgive yourself and be kind and nurturing to yourself as well, and speak nicely to yourself the way you would speak to someone you love."
"Your kindness and forgiveness should be the fount through which we give others kindness and grace."
"Never avenge yourselves; leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it."
"As long as you make up for it afterwards, it's cool at the end of the day."
"I used to hate Thistle, but then Spurge almost drowned and Thistle saved him, and I knew I don't hate anyone ever."
"Ask Him to forgive you, to cleanse your life, surrender yourself to Him, and watch Him do a marvelous work in your life."
"For like 20 minutes there, I forgave Thomas. You guys know what I mean. Thomas could be anyone. We all have a Thomas."
"Why does a woman's past matter if she has gone to Him, the most merciful, and has asked for forgiveness from the most forgiving, and you, who are just a man, cannot forgive that?"
"Love covers a multitude of sin. If we stay in love, we can conquer all."
"My feelings are not about them; it's about how I choose to think about them. And I choose forgiveness, I choose acceptance, I choose love."
"Ask Him to forgive you, cleanse your life, surrender yourself to Him, and watch Him do a marvelous work in your life."
"Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments, and it is important to forgive."
"People can make mistakes... forgiveness is more so for ourselves than the other person. It allows us to move on from hurt."
"Forgiveness is not about pardoning anyone else in your life... it's about opening up more internal real estate for love and possibility in yourself."
"A king who forgives is a king who is loved forever."
"Fully forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal; it will create more space for love in your life."
"Choose to forgive in order to heal. See the light in it all. Remember that love has no boundaries."
"There is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb."
"The most healing words in marriage are these: 'I'm so sorry, will you please forgive me? I was wrong.'"
"Smile. Be happy. Let people off the hook. Forgive ignorant people."
"God can forgive you, and you still have to go through the consequences."
"Forgiveness was for me to not live in a cage of Rage. That's what forgiveness is."
"Forgiveness, almost by definition, is never deserved. And that's part of what makes it so powerful."
"Forgiveness is the actual, most powerful thing you can ever offer anybody."
"The central message of Christianity is the forgiveness of sins and having a relationship with God, which is found in only Jesus alone."
"But what makes him a standout hero is his selflessness and his incredible capacity for forgiveness."
"I am too loved to be mad at you; I'm too blessed to be holding a grudge."
"I'm sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you."
"Naruto is a fantastic example of forgiving those who have wronged you."
"Naruto is one of the truest and best examples of redefining your fate from a social standpoint and forgiving those around you for wronging you."
"I had to let myself off the hook for things that I had done in the past. Every human being should only ever do and believe that which moves them towards their goal."
"I am thankful and humble to know that You do not keep a record of confessed sins but have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west."
"Overcoming grief, overcoming hurt... you've just been praying for your heart to be healed, and for you to forgive and move on, that's coming."