
Community Support Quotes

There are 13040 quotes

"Veterans are my people; they have a special place in my heart."
"Improving yourself and then helping others improve, it's like climbing a mountain but carving out a trail along the way that other people can follow."
"I love every one of you guys, and I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for supporting Chef Ricardo to make me reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube."
"These three generators will secure shelter for inhabitants of Liverpool should the worst happen. Their fate is in your hands. Do not let them down."
"We feel as we stand before you today, the community's unity. That's what great communities do."
"Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them."
"Helping ourselves and helping each other are not only the most important thing but they're the most important thing because they're the same thing."
"It was actually the most positive YouTube comment section I've ever seen on YouTube, which is just really, really bizarre because it's something that normally comes with a lot of shame."
"Dawa is an obligation on all of us. It doesn't mean making a YouTube channel; it's about being there for others, even in the smallest ways."
"My boats are all fixed up thanks to you. It's about time I start paying you back for your loan."
"Give somebody a high five and say, 'Neighbor, I'm not built to break. I've got too much anointing to fall apart.'"
"Thanks to this amazing community for helping me get through the last few months. Glory, glory Man United!"
"I want to see every single one of us do well in life and succeed."
"This makes me an even bigger fan of him as a dude. I want to say thank you, Sanderson, and to his whole team."
"Any money tonight, 100% of it, I'm not keeping a dime of it. It's going to help those in need."
"We love you guys, and thank you so much for the support."
"Any part of our society that is downtrodden should get the help of everybody else."
"How do we...help each other, how can we care for each other, how can we act wisely in these times."
"Do not do not take your life because of what these devils do to our people."
"I'm not going to remove myself from my purpose before my time is up because I have a mother and father that care about me, I have family that cares about me, I have a community that cares about me."
"We got to be about circulating resources. We got to be about protecting families."
"We are team space. We are here to cheer on everyone going and exploring the cosmos."
"Support groups are game changers in your care journey."
"The whole point of my channel has always been to help as many people as possible."
"It's amongst us, people, us, to support each other, us to make each other wealthy so we can get the money so therefore we can take care of each other."
"I am about my community and my people...wholeheartedly."
"Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities."
"Thank you, everybody. Seriously, we could not do all of this without your support."
"It's unbelievable and incredible to know that so many of youall have supported this fundraiser and helped us to get to this point."
"Let me make this easier: Can someone go through and tally up every single appreciation day ever? Right, so we know who's been the most oppressed."
"Thank you, you guys so much for the support."
"I just would like people to know they're not alone."
"I appreciate everyone's support here at Fun House. There's a lot of amazing people at Rooster Teeth that also deserve your support."
"Thank you, everyone, for all the support...the support everywhere has been really crazy."
"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other."
"Your spiritual gifts are given to you to point to the lordship of Jesus and to edify the body of Christ, period."
"The community has wrapped their arms around us, and it's a wonderful feeling."
"I want to express our love for everyone touched by the terrible tornadoes that hit your state. They really hit it hard."
"We did want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent us cards and messages and flowers."
"Please don't do anything stupid, someone called the police, we love you."
"We raised over $350,000 for Inner-City Arts."
"Thank you very much... if you donated to the Ghana project for the ongoing cost covering for the teachers and the food and all the rest of it, very much appreciated."
"This cafe uses her business to help local stray pups stay safe and warm."
"I never in a million years thought I'd get the response from the community that I did."
"Let's all commit to each other to continue to be kind and support each other."
"I hope you enjoy those brand new scooter wheels."
"Minnesotans come together, they're there to help their neighbors, they're there to do the right thing."
"You got to pay it forward, you got to help other people."
"We need to band together to help each other out."
"Your support is what's kept us going ever since the beginning, up to today's announcements and into the future as we reshape the tech industry together."
"Thank you everyone for 300,000 subscribers... thank you for giving back so much love."
"Thank you so much for everything that you do for the community, for your supporting nature."
"It's almost like when we're lightening other people's loads, it becomes lighter for us too."
"If you're gonna play the game, do a fundraiser where everyone who plays the game would then donate the proceeds or raise funds for Trans Lifeline or charities that we pick."
"I'm so proud of everyone who has come forward and proud of all of you for your kindness."
"If you are struggling economically, please do not feel the need to join... In fact, please nobody feel the need to."
"You guys are really a huge reason why we have this cool studio set and why the channel has grown so much."
"The country should be wrapping their arms around the people of East Palestine, not as a political football, not as an ideological flashpoint, but as thousands of human beings whose lives got upended through no fault of their own."
"If you don't help each other out, you're left alone, and we don't live that way."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, feel free to share this video because don't forget all the ad money from this video will be going to charity."
"It takes a lot of dedication to get to 250 episodes and three, it takes a lot of dedication from you guys, the viewers, to watch 250 episodes."
"Keep creating, keep building. We can't wait to see what you'll do next, and we're here to support you along the way."
"I think people need to know how heroic our police officers are, not just responding to a call but taking care of each other."
"During times of worry, during times of stress, we want to lean on our guitar, but more importantly, we find ourselves in this unique situation in which I am so thankful for, we can lean on one another in this guitar geek community."
"If you equip me with a shovel, I'll go with you and I'll dig with you and keep you company while getting sand. 'Cause that's what neighbors do."
"I'm so overwhelmed, thank you to everyone that has shared their story tonight and has contributed to what has been the most heartwarming moment of my year."
"At the end of 2022, we were lucky enough to cross a hundred thousand subscribers... I was really very impressed and just blown away and humbled."
"We're going to work our damn hardest to transition the world to sustainable energy as quickly as possible, and your support and help is key to that success."
"I think it's been an incredible year... I'd like to thank you for your support through tough times and good times."
"Let's give this sword the attention and care it needs for the sake of demo knighting in the community."
"We have been culturally raised with the collective philosophy that encourages and practices to help one another."
"In these uncertain times, the most important thing is for us to pull together and help each other out."
"We all need to help each other because we can't get through it alone."
"It's times like this where the people who can help out are incredibly valuable."
"We understand that this is an incredibly difficult time right now with unemployment at record highs and financial insecurity making everyone nervous about a potential depression."
"Financial freedom... is so important so that people can move to their parents and help them, move to a kid in their community that needs help."
"I don't think it would have been possible without the help of you guys and all your support."
"He used more of his cash to help his town in all sorts of generous ways."
"No matter who you are or what you do, this is a time where you should be focused on your health and that of your neighbors, not whether you're going to lose your job, not whether you're going to run out of money for things like groceries and medication."
"We will continue to take care of Canadians; we ask that people take care of themselves, and the government will be there to support them as we move forward in these challenging times."
"The community is a great sounding board to solve any technical problems."
"Be kind; there are people in every community who are struggling, and they need our help more than ever."
"100% of my Super Chat revenue is going to St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen here in New York City."
"Thank you so much, everybody who's giving money. It's going to a very worthy cause."
"This holiday season, I know most seasons, but right now especially, it's nice to give people a hot meal."
"I'm just very grateful for this community because it absolutely would never have happened without your support over the years."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, uh, and thank you to everyone for supporting the channel."
"My childhood home was burned down...and the people rallied together and housed and clothed and took care of my family."
"The community hasn't just supported us, they've driven us."
"Thank you guys for being there when I started my stream, and I definitely would not be where I am without you guys."
"Make them a casserole and leave it on the door. Things like this, I think, just Australians helping each other out over the next few months."
"The snowbirds inspired Canadians who have been isolated and alone. They reached out to those who have been shut out, they lifted up the spirits of Canadians."
"Being in the line, I'm so glad that I did it because I got to meet the people that are really putting their life, their health, their finances on the line to support Johnny."
"We are fighting for you; that's what we're here to do."
"90% of our businesses are small businesses, and it's great because those are the ones that are not going to lecture you about stuff."
"Tough times fall first and hardest on the most vulnerable in our communities. But we can change that. We can make sure that no one is left without help."
"We need to bring our students back because frankly, without these institutions, many of our fragile communities will suffer."
"This isn't an opportunity for people to attempt to get famous by glamming on to a controversy; it should be seen as a way to help the creators that are being harmed, not cause further strife."
"On Arise Day, what we do to celebrate, we gift other Black people books. A book or books, plural, that will empower them consciously."
"We can always count on GDQ to raise insane amounts of money in such little time. Keep it up, everyone!"
"I want to look back on what we've done with Critical Role and feel like we've made things a little better and made some opportunity for some really good people."
"Please don't be afraid to reach out if you need anything... you're not alone... there are many people out there that are also looking for the same sense of community."
"Physical distance doesn't mean social distance."
"We all need to check in regularly on older parents, neighbors, friends, or relatives who live alone or in care homes, in whatever way is possible, so they know how much they're loved and valued."
"The rescue squad is funded completely by grants and donations from residents and businesses in the town, so there's no out-of-pocket charge at the point of use."
"All money we make from this video will go towards the Turkiye Earthquake Relief Fund."
"I love and respect everyone in the community. You guys always show up and show out for me."
"If you are a giver, continue giving; if you are not a giver, then jump on the bandwagon of giving."
"I urge everyone to donate if they can and if you can't donate, sign as many petitions as you can. I cannot stress how important it is. It's absolutely unacceptable that black people are endangered every single day in 2020."
"Our favorite artists and activists actually started a petition."
"If you could tell your friends to please help us out, subscribe if they're interested."
"Mutual Aid describes the work we do in social movements to directly support each other's survival needs based on a shared understanding that the crises we are facing are caused by the system that we're living under."
"Shout out to the mod creators, their links will be in the description."
"Patreon is intended to be entirely not-for-profit; the whole thing is just about making more and better content."
"Our favorite part: it would only have happened because you guys supported the dream."
"I'm thrilled that we're able to do this, and these videos are never possible without our viewers, so a big thanks to you guys for watching and making it possible for us to get a Cyber Truck so we can make even more videos for you guys."
"I run the YouTube channel Faraday Speaks where I talk about my experiences within the alt-right. I also run a discord server where we try to de-radicalize people in far-right extremist groups."
"The Vatican’s most famous resident donated 15,000 ice-creams to local prisoners during an unpleasant hot snap in a summer that set heat records across the Italian peninsula."
"The Muslim community in London helped build this great city... this entire community and this entire country stands with you."
"Go to that small hardware store... go support that small business. They're the cultural centers of our neighborhood. We need to support them."
"It's sad. It's not even just the restaurant, it's the boutique down the road, it's the person who makes candles, the person who makes homemade bikes being affected by it majorly."
"We must look out for each other; we must pull each other through this because if there's one thing that is more contagious than this virus, it is love and compassion."
"Touched by the situation, another customer offered to pay for the young man instead of involving the authorities."
"If we actually raise $30,000, my friends are gonna shave my head live on stream."
"Our goal with these...is not to say here's six religious groups we want to beat up on, it's rather here are six communities who we want to see go deeper into the knowledge of God."
"Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe, reach out to people who might be vulnerable and need a little bit of extra support."
"Building up our inside forces... we need to be enriching each other."
"I have such an amazingly supportive community like y'all."
"Let's just continue to hold out hope and continue to pray for Harmony's safe return."
"Hundreds of thousands of lives have been positively changed because of this form of partnership between travelers and community members."
"Start making demands of your elected officials. America owes certain communities."
"When you're passionate, everybody cheers you on. They're stoked for you. 'Oh, you found your passion? Awesome! Follow your passion, live with passion!'"
"So why do people come together at Catalhoyuk? In my view, they mainly come together, not only at this site, at other sites, because they can link into these very, very dense, complex networks that supports them when there are times of hardship, or they need support."
"I'm a big fan of structural reparations not based on race but rather based on targeting neighborhoods that need it the most."
"This is our new beginning; together, we can tackle this at the root by specifically helping our homeless black boys who are already disproportionately represented in the American foster care system."
"I think we're done, so thank you all for supporting me and obviously, I'm gonna keep giving back to the community."
"I want my legacy to be the impact that I can have on young kids and the people in the state of Iowa, and I hope I brought them a lot of joy this season."
"Me and the boys raised £8 million for children's education."
"It's really important for us to remind the audiences that there's no way that we can do what we do or entertain without having a community."
"Anything else? Any last words from you? Thanks to all our fans; couldn't do it without you."
"Thank you for joining us on our journey to make Star Citizen become this incredible reality."
"At the end of the day, that's what we're all here for. So, any sort of small issue like this, all it takes is a phone call."
"People care. There's good people in our community and just gotta be hopeful and keep pushing forward."
"I am just so completely blown away by the love and support that you guys have shown me."
"We want to invest in a better country, a country where people look out for each other."
"You guys are my lifeline and you mean everything to me."
"We all have a responsibility as men; once He's delivered me through this, I have a responsibility to go back and bring some other folk out."
"This show is made possible thanks, in part, to viewers like you."
"And, lastly, to the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones, all of our hearts are broken. We feel your loss."
"Just to set things straight, Paranoia is run, not-for-profit. I personally provided all of the initial equipment and have supported the system's costs in finances and time at a personal loss because I feel so strongly about the presence of a system like this on the net. It's been very rewarding to watch an idealistic dream turn into reality. I've met a lot of really great net-denizens and have seen firsthand how this project has been able to empower people who wouldn't otherwise have nice net access at a low cost."
"We have to first and foremost pray for all of those who are impacted."
"Thanks for all the entertainment, especially during these times. We're all here having a good time."
"Pray for all of those who are impacted, those families, pray for our first responders and thank them."
"Right now, this is about the humanity of people who are impacted and the men and women who are out there trying to save lives and recover folks off the bridge."
"We’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to help those who need it most."
"Obviously going to be an incredibly emotional day not only for the President but as well as for all of the people in Uvalde hurting right now."
"The feeling to support the Uvalde strong community right now is felt all over the state, especially for us here in San Antonio."
"The entire state, the entire nation really is gathering around Uvalde and showing love, showing support."
"Being together and supporting each other is what will get them through."
"Our hearts and our prayers are with the Uvalde community today."
"I love you guys who are trying really hard. You guys all deserve a big hug. A giant hug. So I can't give it to you, so give it to yourself."
"Thank you so much to uh to Pinty Sheep for such a generous donation."
"We are thrilled to have your donation. Honestly, we were just asking for book bags, and a lot of you went above and beyond and went and got school supplies."
"This is from Tracy, Moose, Jeremy, and George. Here are the games for the kids in Egypt. Hopefully, they enjoy them. I'll be sending school supplies as soon as I get a box. Another book bag to add to the collection. Take care, stay safe, and as always, be blessed. Love everything y'all do."
"The best boycott is just to use the money that you would spend here and spend it with somebody that really cares about you."
"Please, if you're fortunate enough, find a school, donate to a school, or sponsor a school."
"You can't have perfect parents but you can have a perfect village."
"Our message to distressed American communities is clear: your government is 100% committed to bringing jobs and safety and opportunity back to where you live."
"This was all done in the name of charity, so thank you once again to everybody who helped me raise all that money."
"If I eat, we all eat, and we all help each other out."
"Mental health is personal for me, and I've always hoped that by sharing my own story, using my platform, and working with an incredible community like all of you, we can help others feel less alone."
"I read the positive comments you guys leave, and it means so much to me."
"You don't need to defund the police to do stuff in the community. All you have to do is start funding the community."
"The collective moves as one mind, one heart, caring for those falling behind, not for their own gain but to help others realize their dreams."
"But then something curious started to happen. Tribes from a lot of parts in the country start to come and support their brothers at Standing Rock."
"I want to always be able to give back my time to help not just fighters, just athletes and entertainers."
"Through prayer and faith, we will get through this together."
"All that money and just to have it and give it to my family? No. My family be taken care of, uh, and then I'm going do something what fin literacy, stem cell, something, some program that's going to aid the black community."
"If you know something that can help another man change the trajectory of his family and their future, and you don't share that information, you're selfish."
"Our mission is to build safe and supportive communities where boys and young men of color are valued and have clear pathways to opportunity."
"What we did was that we trained people in how to set up a mutual aid network between your neighbors in leaving and helping each other meet their needs."
"If somebody has any sort of power as an influencer, I really feel like we should do all we can if we are in a comfortable place."
"We will get through this hard time together. So my last appeal is make sure that you're kind to one another."
"Our country cannot exist without these folks that are working in our grocery stores, our local firefighters, our community folks."
"Last year, we as a community on this channel raised almost half a million dollars for mental health awareness, specifically the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)."
"I really hope that all of y'all, no matter if you are a creator or just somebody, anyone that can help, you know, share or help out with us, please, please, as always, I couldn't do this without y'all."
"What I really found is that a lot of people in this community need help and need support."
"We believe you should have the freedom to focus on your health while being supported by a community of believers."
"Now Pablo is a billionaire, thought of as a Robin Hood to the poor communities he helps in Colombia."
"Whenever there is a disaster of some kind, always look for the helpers."
"We are a village; we need to be supportive of each other, whether you want to contribute with your own story of pain or a simple pat on the back of encouragement."
"We should help as much as we can... taking a proactive approach towards this will help us fight against future pandemics."
"To be able to enjoy someone else's success with the game, I feel that way when I see reviews of other indie games."
"We have to look out for each other and be solution-based."
"During Covid, I went to some very, very dark places, you know, like really bad places where I felt that my life was at risk, and this community has been an absolute lifesaver for me."
"To have communities that are already enthusiastic to get behind us, from the friends to Kraus House to D Gods, it's just been amazing."
"The projects will continue for those of you who are enjoying, I hope you continue to. For those of you are learning, I'm happy to be able to be helping so many people."
"Maybe you've been blessed by this ministry, even blessed by the teachings, you've been blessed by the services, maybe you've been blessed by the live streams. Whatever you've received from, I'm asking you to give back, pay it forward, help someone else be blessed."
"Educate and empower aspiring creators through weekly classes, camps, community events, and scholarships."
"We also provide millions upon millions of dollars per year to charities, schools, libraries, widows' homes."