
Social Issues Quotes

There are 10054 quotes

"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to provide services to veterans, and we don't; it's an atrocity."
"I'm very excited by is since we've started having more of violence on campus with beginning with Berkeley and Middlebury, we're seeing a pervasive sense among people on the left that there really is this problem here that something has to be done."
"This horrible crime most definitely needs to be brought to justice."
"I absolutely love JK Rowling...because she stands up for biological sex and she's taken on the woke mob."
"Sex trafficking is a serious problem in my home state of Hawaii, especially for native Hawaiian victims."
"The only place where we seem to have difficulty with diversity is with each other."
"We have a long way to go when it comes to criminal justice and racial equity in this country."
"Sounding the alarm on the dire consequences of allowing trans-identifying biological males into female prisons."
"Emotional abuse is unacceptable any day of the week."
"Your weight is not the problem, food is not the problem, diet culture is the problem."
"Fat people have to live in a world that openly hates them."
"Ultimately, I think that these conversations are going to be scary and uncomfortable and not easy."
"Loneliness can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"He talked directly to the camera on a range of issues from police brutality against black people and mental health needs in policing to division in society."
"If my state of awareness is I wanna understand the causes of war, terrorism, global warming, social injustice, economic injustice, all the things that are kind of surfacing now, then my state of awareness looking at this global picture will seek out the right information."
"I do care, I wish that everybody agreed with me."
"If you believe that the rise in depression, the rise in suicide, the dependency on drugs, the dependency on SSRIs, the sexual promiscuity, the lack of marriage, the lack of kids...are in some way a correlated byproduct of this entirely immersive, almost exclusionary, detached world that these folks have grown up in, taking that to the limit, I'm just going to put out there, may not be the solution to our problems."
"There's a real crisis in this country of older women who've taken time out of their careers to raise children and then they get divorced and then they enter their retirement years very poor."
"The level of divisiveness in our culture is becoming toxic. We don't talk to each other, we live in our respective silos."
"The 62 wealthiest human beings in the world—their combined wealth equals the accumulated wealth of one half the human population living on Earth."
"I don't think I realized the extent to which what I would come to see on the ground would really shock me and horrify me."
"Prices are greatly exceeding wages, at some point...you're pricing out regular people, couples, families from being able to afford a home."
"Technology has never been the fix to the problems we create with the technology. The problem is political, it's social."
"America is one of the only first world countries that do not guarantee healthcare to their citizens."
"In most of the other parts of the world, people at least try to act like they are not this racist."
"I unequivocally deplore, denounce, and reject white supremacy."
"Loneliness has been shown to be as much of a risk factor for illness as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"As individuals, most of us will feel bad on seeing a homeless person, but as a social collective, we put up with it."
"The classism, racism, homophobia that affects this sector even today."
"And societal divides, both old and new, play out in repeating circles getting more and more entrenched and leaving a society that’s fractured."
"People are ultimately divided more by class than nationality."
"The reason we have social problems is not because people aren't giving enough money to charity. The reason is because a lot of these problems are caused by systemic inequalities that are baked into the system."
"Homophobia is basically the belief that there's something bad about gay people or queerness."
"We can only stop male violence against women by ending male domination, by eradicating patriarchy. Patriarchy is the problem."
"We are in war right now. 50% of black deaths are abortion. We kill ourselves; that's psychological warfare."
"The real issues are escalating up to a tipping point where we could develop a gambling crisis like a gambling epidemic."
"Racism and transphobia is real, maybe some people exaggerated, maybe some people underplay, but I mean, I'd say they're both real."
"Call of Duty Black Ops had its own fair share of controversies."
"I pray that one day the violence in Memphis can end and people on both sides can put down their guns before more people lose their lives."
"Don't try to stop it, understand it first. Because everyone's trying to stop it, and no one is bothering to listen to what the experience of these men are."
"If we're right about this, then it's probably the most important ethical issue of our time."
"We're also reproducing the classism that we ourselves are subject to."
"This is wage inequality by race and gender in a nutshell."
"Loss in self-esteem is blamed for poor school performance, violent behavior, among other social ills."
"If you fall for arguments about dangerous trans people in women's spaces, you would have fallen for arguments about dangerous black men coming into white spaces to abuse white women, or dangerous gay men in schools."
"If you find 'black lives matter'...controversial, you might be a racist."
"Calling anyone who criticizes their position racist, transphobic, sexist, misogynists, etc., these morally charged terms are essentially calling someone evil or immoral."
"Homophobia, you see, is the violent border guard of masculinity."
"Visibility is vital, but false allyship is dangerous."
"That's a part of the oppression that we deal with every day that makes us depressed and makes us angry."
"Discrimination still exists in America, and today's decision does not change that."
"Poll after poll shows that most Americans vehemently disagree with this."
"There's such a short supply of racism... we've had to expand what is racism."
"We spent the day wrestling with the repercussions of one bad word when we all should have spent the day incensed that as a nation we are wrenching children from their parents."
"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate."
"The way things are right now is that white men are disproportionately committing suicide, disproportionately lonely, and having a hard time finding love and making friends. You don't just give in to the way things are and start just working with that, basically saying, 'Well, white men are killing themselves more; they're more depressed, but you gotta kind of suck it up, do what you gotta do.' No, it's okay to advocate for legitimate change."
"Abortion shouldn't be political anymore. It should have been done and dusted 50 years ago."
"Making it worse, how could it be worse? Rampant police violence, ongoing use of the trans-panic defense, regressive book banning laws targeting people of color and queer creators."
"People are talking about the problem as a real issue, and that's important if we're going to move to some kind of solution to it."
"Screens are more harmful for us than people identifying as trans today."
"The viciousness of the police, as well as the tensions between black Americans and Koreans, was put further in the national spotlight."
"Abortion is a hard issue. It demands the best from all of us, not a judgment by just a few of us."
"Fascism is a social disease, but it tends to stem from sort of preconditions which arise in capitalism."
"Yes, it is. Men get paid more for whatever they do, and women get less for doing the same amount."
"There's just no question that abortion had a big effect on the election."
"As I'm seeing this happening more and more every day... I just wanted to use my platform to try and push back against it from within the community."
"It does feel a little bit like banging my head against a wall talking about this stuff because there are genuine problems that are occurring, many of them to people that are in minorities or groups that are genuinely oppressed."
"It's clear that the gender pay gap does exist."
"Education is supposed to be the great equalizer."
"There is absolutely a correlation between poverty and crime."
"We should all care about the life of other human beings more than any of these petty worldly issues."
"The people who are the ones who require the most help are the people who actually can't even recognize that they have the problem in the first place."
"This topic and this subject affects everybody's household and peace."
"For $54 million, I want you to imagine how many people could be fed, how many homeless could have places to sleep."
"Massive amounts of inequality may not be politically sustainable."
"The most important thing is in this city right here where millionaires are made every day, some of the loneliest people are people with a lot of money and no relationships."
"We have to start to find those answers, and one of the ways of course is to do that is to come to terms with what the nature of those contradictions are."
"Social problems do not go away when you withdraw funding for them society and often the government itself ends up picking up the bill."
"I think direct action is definitely necessary and it has to be direct action around specific issues."
"Stop analyzing and critiquing the victim, turn your critique to the problem."
"It's not about gaming; my beef isn't with gaming. It's a global issue."
"The idea that there is no First Amendment protection for this kind of theatrical depiction of a major social issue is ridiculous."
"Unfortunately, in history, men have done a really good job of keeping women as second classes."
"Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."
"Loneliness is something that is far-reaching beyond an individual's sense of suffering."
"Loneliness is the greatest risk factor for your health."
"University students are the loneliest people in the United States, followed by divorced people."
"Loneliness is feeling disconnected from others, even when they're right next to you."
"Lost connections journalist and author Johann Hari argues that depression is largely a social problem, not just a chemical one. He believes that loneliness is a major cause of depression."
"By getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Black with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities."
"The whole purpose of this is we have signs say 'no hate for the drivers, no wait for the workers'...it's more about the fact that we have to raise attention to what's happening in these places."
"I think it's unlikely that women will ever have the right to vote taken away."
"AI for good... trying to help figure out how we can do things like end hunger and poverty."
"I watched this really good film on MUBI called 'I, Daniel Blake.' It's a British movie about a man living in Newcastle who becomes sick and can't work, and it's this story about how the systems we have right now are really failing to support the most vulnerable people in society."
"The drug war is so bad that you can come from pretty much any perspective and see what a disaster it is."
"The quest for cosmic justice is something that government is generally incapable of doing and more often than not botches and makes things worse."
"You look at our culture today, and the number one thing that's under attack is the nuclear family."
"Human trafficking and destructive cults are not just issues in distant lands or plot lines in crime shows; they are among the most severe and rapidly growing problems happening right under our noses."
"The richest 85 people in the world equal the wealth of the three and a half billion poorest people in the world."
"Another Country is a novel about a group of people living in New York City in the 1950s and has everything that was taboo at the time."
"Private charitable organizations just historically do not do a good job of fixing systemic issues."
"Gender should be seen as and treated as an identifier that can be self-declared."
"Hate speech can take many different forms, but no matter what it looks like, hate speech has real consequences."
"Mental health is what nobody's talking about."
"A bigger battle is still to be won. A battle against the forces that seek to divide us."
"It's a systemic problem and should be dealt with systemically."
"She's easily annoyed by those who fall into the trap of toxic masculinity and is not afraid to call them out on their behavior."
"Car thefts in the UK have increased dramatically, which is affecting each and every one of us."
"Can we stop making race a personality trait?"
"We need to look very, very carefully at the emerging debate on Xinjiang genocide and the Winter Olympics."
"In communism, under capitalism, there is literally an abundance of food supply. There's a surplus of food, so we throw it out."
"Trans people are being murdered at alarming rates. Why are y'all so hell-bent on believing for the sake of putting on a Dusty goddamn wig...that somebody chooses that?"
"The way out of a lot of the problems we have is with development. That prosperity, when you get rid of poverty, you can also get rid of drug gangs, you can also get rid of terrorism."
"One of the Great failures that we're experiencing in modern society obviously is a failure of conversation."
"If you literally think a group of people is sub-human, you can't really get around that."
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
"Netflix released the show 'One Day at a Time', a progressive reboot...it tackled issues like mental illness, immigration, sexism, homophobia, gender identity, and racism."
"People can protest, but people can't indiscriminately burn property for no reason of innocent people."
"Most social ills involve the complex interactions of a variety of systems, and depending on your perspective, capitalism has either generated more wealth than any economic system in history, which is good, or it's contributed to rampant inequality, climate degradation, and a host of other problems, which is bad."
"With Bridgerton I wanted to escape to this lush, beautiful, cinematic world, but I also wanted to explore real topics like gender and class and race and sexuality — topics that are relevant and important."
"We've built things that have brought people together in new ways. We've learned a lot from struggling with social issues and living under closed platforms. And now, it is time to take everything that we have learned and help build the next chapter."
"It doesn't matter what people say, but I think we have a situation and we need unity. We need people to be unified."
"I condemn any and all anti-Semitic actions. It is insane."
"So what is toxic fandom? Is it real? Is it a problem? Should we be worried about it?"
"Every person who dies of exposure on the street has been murdered by an economic system that prioritizes someone's right to make a meager profit on Airbnb over the lives of its most vulnerable people."
"Many of our current problems can be traced back to our incorrect understandings of things like individualism and collectivism."
"Addiction is not about the drugs. Addiction is about connection with people."
"How does one become proud of who they are and their heritage and culture and history without it turning into a racial war or a racial animus?"
"A free thinker and a rebel and someone who's impassioned versus a dark-skinned Black woman even speaking about the same thing will be told that she's more angry or aggressive."
"Children can be so cruel because Nico had eyes that were a different color than everybody else, it didn't take long for her to become the target of the class bullying."
"This one is really, really interesting, cuts across ideological lines, deals with a lot of very thorny issues around state power and social media."
"Railing against individuals for their gender isn't really a productive way of ameliorating gender differences."
"This movie explores that aspect of the Candyman lore much more deeply and it adds in issues like... gentrification and its effects on the neighborhood."
"How are people going to make it if this continues? How are people going to pay their bills? How are people going to feed their babies?"
"We should stop promoting drug abuse, alcohol abuse, substance abuse in general, and thinking it's so fun and funny."
"I am out here in it and whether you agree with my tactics or my tone or not."
"The crisis now is the crisis of significance and the crisis of importance."
"Cyberpunk stories often explore themes such as inequality, corruption, and the dehumanizing effects of a highly technologized world."
"Being obese is unhealthy... but shaming somebody who's fat is not good."
"We don't do nearly enough to protect children... and as a corollary to that, we don't do nearly enough to educate children."
"We care about the big issues of life, but we also care about the kind of conversations we have across political, religious isles."
"Black violence makes me sick because black lives matter."
"It's not just about bias, it's bigger than basketball."
"The real problem is not inequality; it's poverty."
"I had the rare vantage point of seeing in real time how institutions protect men accused of abuse."
"The original sin of housing in America is that we have turned housing into an asset."
"Mental health struggles are completely valid, but weaponizing your mental health struggles to refuse to take accountability for domestic abuse and racism isn't valid."
"We just didn't drop out of the sky addicted to heroin; we became addicted to heroin because of the situation and our environment exposed us to heroin."
"It's a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work toward resolution."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You ain't seen nothing yet if you keep silencing us like this."
"I just want everybody to read this... you cannot deny racial bias."
"Intersectionality, reusable plastic bags, gender pronouns, culture war is obsessed with inequality, sowing division among us as the issues become more and more niche."
"Biden right now has a 42 percent approval rating. 61 percent of the American people say he hasn't focused on the key problems."
"It's not just the physical barriers; it's the social pressures and economic stressors changing our biology."
"It's very sad, and I say this all the time, in England there is now an epidemic... of families relying on food banks."
"The paradox of tolerance...what do you do when somebody's intolerant but you want to be tolerant of them?"
"In spite of all the good times we're having, we're very much aware and we're also monitoring real life social issues that not only affect people that look like us but our sisters also going through workplace struggles. We stand with you guys."
"Across the world, 2 million children are forced to sell their bodies to be able to eat. Instead of playing, they sell themselves to adults."
"I shouldn't have to hold my car keys in hand like a weapon and check over my shoulder every few seconds when walking at night. #YesAllWomen"
"You're incapable of reproducing with your sexual partners...and it's not...and so I can also adopt one of those kids who are born into a...you know heterosexual family that turns out wasn't very good for them so I can still help."
"The concept of privilege as it relates to a person's identity is one of the most difficult subjects to discuss productively."
"I think the people that I'm concerned about are the people who are busting their ass and getting absolutely nowhere."
"This level of disruption could have literally killed people directly involved in the train and then have massive repercussions for the poor and suffering."
"I am not scared, I am sad...this is how it works, this is what pretty much every survivor that tries to expose someone in a position of power goes through, and this is the part of the retaliation that keeps us quiet."
"There's absolutely nothing judgmental about people questioning why work that centers abuse, toxic relationships, and romanticizes those abusive toxic relationships is popular."
"Poverty among the many is the inevitable consequence of capitalism."
"This pandemic actually exacerbate this inequality in our nation."
"Just make sure not to demonize a whole group of people while you address issues."
"We need to get student debt forgiveness; it's about the working class."
"Crime and social dysfunction come down to predictable social conditions."
"We need to find new cultural solutions. We need to find a way to maintain fertility rates while having education, while having gender equality, and while having a high level of prosperity."
"This has exposed a much larger issue going on here in New York City."
"Recognizing Male Privilege and recognizing the fact that it's a problem is a step in the right direction."
"Racism is still a problem in American society, no question. And slavery, which was racism's most evil expression, was this country's original sin."
"The disparities in our society are absolutely heartbreaking and unacceptable, and we need a rational discussion about their actual causes and solutions."
"America is not a fundamentally racist nation, but black America faces problems that are complex and systemic."
"Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don't have it better."
"It's not 'luxury' if there's not enough safety and security for black women overall."
"The repercussions of labeling HIV infection a 'homosexual disease' led to unsold suffering in gay communities."
"We don't even afford trans people dignity in death."
"Homelessness: it's one of America's vast epidemics, sleeping on park benches, drinking gasoline, and committing insurance fraud just to be able to pay the bills. It's not as fun as it sounds."
"It's important to remember how we got here because keep in mind that poll after poll shows that a majority of Americans don't want Roe v. Wade to be overturned."
"The world is changing, and cyberbullying, doxxing, and fake news are going to be coming to an end."
"I'm asking people to calmly and thoughtfully think through these issues."
"Systemic racism isn't like people being casually racist; that's not where the vast majority of the issue comes from."
"Racialized poverty, the way our prison-industrial complex and the justice system and the way our economy works all swirl together to reinforce the very specific economic deprivation of Black people."
"When there is no evidence of racism, it's probably not racism. When there is actual evidence of racism, it's probably racism."
"We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear."
"Sexual violence and misogyny are such a huge part of our culture worldwide."
"I think we all need to be a little bit more aware of mental health."
"It deprives people of opportunities to have healthcare, education, security, justice, and essentially a fulfilling life."
"In the midst of it all, we truly believe that love is the answer. Instead of pro-life or pro-choice, is it possible for us to be pro-love?"
"Our kids don't have fathers... You're five times more likely to go to prison or have a run-in with the police department if you don't have a father in the house."
"Kaepernick's cancellation bars him from making a living at a skill he has been honing since childhood."
"The trans issue generates a hell of a lot of noise and very very little light."
"It's about fatphobia, beauty standards, shame, womanhood, eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, and ultimately, it's about the philosophy of mind."
"The American dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families."
"At a time in America when we're lousy with billionaire super yachts, but we can't get our regular folks clean water, good food, a decent 'Star Wars' sequel, affordable housing, accessible social services or healthcare, well, if you don't have anything substantive to add or a solution to bring to the table, you're more than an impediment. You are a serious problem, and you're killing us."
"Misogyny is rife in the world...they're real things happening. We have to be able to write about them and especially in narrative ways because that's how we can get people to feel."