
Worry Quotes

There are 1606 quotes

"93% of the worries that we have don't come true."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"If you just worry about getting Alzheimer's, you increase your chance of getting Alzheimer's by 63%."
"There's a lot to be worried about, but also there's some potential for utopia as well."
"Worry is a gigantic [__] waste of time and life and energy."
"She's just living her best life, don't worry about it."
"The only way to happiness is to cease worrying about things which are beyond my power of control."
"Fear and worry is like prepaying for something that's never going to happen."
"The present is continually becoming past. There is no point worrying about what's happened in the past and trying to change it."
"Control the things you can control, don't worry about the things that you can't."
"Sis, if you're gonna pray, don't worry, and if you're gonna worry, don't pray."
"I won't worry about that today; I'll worry about that tomorrow."
"99% of our worry will not come true; we have a lot of worries, but only a few will actually happen."
"We carry all of our worries and stresses like a backpack, and they kind of eat at us."
"The most common source of ongoing stress is your imagination. It's worrying."
"To worry about something you can't change is useless, and to worry about something you can change is stupid."
"Don't spend so much time worrying about what you don't have and being emotionally distressed because it can take a toll on your whole body."
"Stop worrying about what everyone's thinking about you."
"Do not worry about what God is already working on."
"Anxiety for me is the habit of worrying spiraled out of control."
"Instead of worrying, ask for divine guidance."
"People are worried, but they're doing their best. They're very resilient."
"You're sitting here in the nine of swords, having sleepless nights, thinking that the worst has happened, when the worst has not happened."
"Anytime you think the same thing five times, you're not thinking, you're worrying."
"You're never going to get the answers you need just by worry."
"The best thing you can do is not worry too much about the future."
"Help me to not worry about tomorrow but instead to focus on the Lord and on His provision."
"We cannot prevent the world from worrying, but we can become detached from the worrying set."
"The worst things in my life never actually happened."
"I worry about the most ridiculous things, things that my mind doesn't need to be cluttered with."
"Worrying is not going to affect the outcome. What's meant to be will be."
"You have nothing to worry about, do not yield to any kind of worry because see it's wasted energy."
"I worry for you, but I worry for me, I worry for all people who are being vulnerable in front of other people."
"I couldn't be more worried about America. It seems like our country is falling apart."
"Don't worry about anything, pray about everything."
"Just for today, I will not worry. Constant worries only lead to stress and unhappiness."
"Worry is unhelpful. Worry is worthless. It never changes the future; it never changes the past; all it does is mess up today."
"Worry is fear painting pictures in your mind."
"Ninety percent of the things you worry about never happen."
"This is real life, and in real life, you don't get back the years that you waste worrying about something that happened years ago."
"The remedy for mental unrest... lies not in an enlightened knowledge of the harmfulness and ineffectiveness of worry, not even in the acquirement of an unconscious conscience, but in the living of life so full and good that worry cannot find place in it."
"Ask yourself, what am I getting from this? When you are in the middle of worry."
"Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"
"Take therefore no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"Worry is projected into a future... it's the imagination of not knowing what comes next."
"Mark Twain’s famous comment – 'The worst things in my life never actually happened.'"
"We can either worry or we can worship, and I suggest the latter. The more you worship the Lord, the less you worry about the things you don't understand."
"Worrying about it won't change whether or not it happens; it just means I suffered twice."
"I've lost probably years of my life already worrying about the condition of those around me as opposed to the things that I actually have to deal with on my own."
"It's not about the action, it's about the worry."
"Nobody has ever found a solution to a problem by worrying about it."
"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."
"When we worry rather than trust God, we are assuming to ourselves a responsibility that was never intended to be ours."
"I sleep on a red eye like money on a bad bet, like time worrying about every bad thing that hasn't happened yet."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"Fear not, I said fear not man, enjoy your life. Why are you here, always worried?"
"Don't give in to fear, don't give in to worry. Worry is mentally and emotionally rehearsing what you don't want to happen."
"Think about how old you are right now. Go back 10 years ago. What were you worried about that was keeping you up at night? Do you even worry about that today? Was it the end of the world? No."
"There are actual things to worry about in real life."
"The vast majority of what you worry about is not going to happen."
"I'm always worried about what's coming at me."
"I'm very worried about the degradation of our institutions."
"Either you can do something about the problem right now, or you can't. Worry doesn't add anything to your capacity to do anything."
"If you're like worried about how things are going and you're under the age of 30, you have nothing to worry about."
"Worrying is not going to lead you anywhere. Know that good will happen to you."
"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry?"
"Do not go through this life worrying about what might happen tomorrow."
"The only moment that is real is right now, and I'm really working towards being more present because why worry? There's no point."
"You'll look back and think, 'What was I worrying about?'"
"Living your life in constant worry of letting others down will actually prevent you from finding true happiness for yourself."
"Worrying about things in the moment sometimes doesn't actually fix problems."
"We lay aside our worries, placing our trust in your unwavering care." - Matthew 6:25-33
"The day will take care of itself... If you worry about something it never happens the way you were concerned about or it doesn't happen at all."
"There's no point worrying about something if worrying about it will make no difference."
"I'm more worried about the future of the world."
"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it will not get you anywhere."
"I wouldn't want to live so defensive and worried about stuff that's outside of my control."
"The fairy's prediction made the king and queen extremely worried."
"Why are we so worried? I know the self-interest here."
"Surrender worry and have faith that spirit is guiding you always."
"Worrying is praying for something negative to happen."
"Almost everything I ever worried about never happened."
"I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was very, very wrong."
"Why do you worry when God has promised you everything you will ever need?"
"Anything could be happening to her at any moment."
"I'm just worried about that just a little bit worried about that."
"I think the truly terrifying thing is that if you really want to be free from worry you have to learn how to coast."
"Stop worrying, find your peace in knowing what you have to do."
"We suffer more in imagination than reality. If it does happen, you know what you're gonna do. If it doesn't happen, you keep doing what you're doing."
"You're wasting your time if you're being worried. What good is it going to do to be worried?"
"They're just kind of freaking out, they're just worried."
"Worrying is a thought process that happens in your head it has no effect on the world around you."
"Put your worries in prayer instead of worrying about anything in particular."
"Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere."
"Well, my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."
"Worrying benefits no one at all...unless you enjoy worrying."
"Almost definitely will not happen. It almost never happens. It doesn't make any sense to worry about it at all, really."
"Realize what emotions are yours to control what emotions are yours to even worry about in the first place and then why are you worrying so much."
"Everything's going great, and then you start worrying about the future."
"I'm just trying to go through life being a little less worried."
"The more that you worry about the outcome, the harder the outcome is to attain."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for each day has enough trouble of its own."
"90% of the things I worry about never happened."
"Worry doesn't change the outcome; you might as well switch your thoughts."
"Life is full of troubles most of them never even happen."
"There's nothing to worry about, you are safe."
"I think everybody's worrying about things prematurely that they simply don't need to worry about right now."
"There's no point worrying about something because it might not even ever happen to you."
"We worry about our kids. That's what we do as parents, right? You worry about the decisions that they're going to make and who they're going to be."
"Absolutely my best day since I started worrying about him."
"Let's just keep going, let's keep going, alright, that gets asked me a little bit worried."
"Worry is wasted energy... Every time we go out and every time we get started it always just shows out and we don't... It's never as bad as we think it is."
"When you are flushed with worry and you think, am I going to be all right, and then you suddenly know. Yes, yes you are."
"Let worry alarm you, but don't let it conquer you."
"What's it going to hurt to worry? Just let it go, man."
"Let things work out the way they're supposed to - anything that you're worried about is needless worry."
"Just know and understand that whatever you're worried about, it's gonna get resolved."
"Mary Ellen's heart sank when the hunter informed her that her son's car was abandoned in Arkansas."
"Rest tonight, the things you have been worrying about God is already working on it."
"Your future self is laughing at what seems so big now—it'll be insignificant."
"What you're worried about may never happen, or it may happen and not be as bad as you thought."
"This is very, very worrying... it's just an absolute disaster overall."
"Worrying just makes things worse... focus your mindset on the good and positive."
"I do worry about my kids and what they're going to have to endure in the future for sure."
"She drops Keisha off, she's calling her all day, trying to get a hold of her, she's not answering the phone."
"From the very beginning, we get this setup that Jeanette is worried about her mom eventually dying."
"If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate."
"As a mother, if Kyle was my son, I would be so worried."
"Expect things you were worrying about to just work out perfectly."
"You could drive yourself crazy thinking about all that could go wrong."
"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."
"Don't worry about something for more than five minutes that isn't gonna matter in five years."
"Why worry about tomorrow when God is with you?"
"I am learning that worry doesn't change an outcome so why worry?"
"Most of what we worry about won't matter a year from now."
"I've had thousands of crises in my life, and most of them never happened."
"It's very worrying, men will do whatever it takes to make a relationship work."
"Don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will have its own worries."
"The things you worry about didn't matter at all."
"If you focus a thought, you better want that thought to happen because if you're worrying about something bad happening all the time, guess what? You could create it."
"It's okay to not worry too much, you're probably fine."
"I have a bad feeling about this." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
"I don't want to worry what I am going through is some undetermined health issues." - Simply Puff Logical
"Don't worry about what you cannot control, worry for yourself, for you can't control it."
"The bigger the denial, the deeper the worry."
"I'm losing sleep over this... hurry up and come home."
"It doesn't make sense to worry about these things."
"If we pray for protection but still worry, we don't truly trust God."
"Anxiety is looking into the future and seeing all the things which might go wrong."
"Most people are trying to avoid a bad future that hasn't happened yet."
"If you spend your whole life worrying, you might not enjoy it."
"I'm worried about things. I stress about the future of my children's lives and et cetera."
"I'm really worried, I've got a pain in my stomach."
"Mary Jane was supposed to be back in a few days. It's been too long but here's something bad has happened to her."
"Being a parent can be hell, but it's Heaven every day."
"It's not that people live in a bad world; they just live very worried."
"Everybody makes mistakes, and a lot less people are thinking about it than you are."
"Stop worrying and start living. Worry proves that you don't believe God can take care of you."
"What good does worry do me? It's like being in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but ultimately takes you nowhere."
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
"Do not worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear."
"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"
"Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries."
"You will never worry for the rest of your life like you do the moment you find out you're pregnant."
"Worry is a misuse of the imagination."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, it has enough problems of its own."
"Worrying is like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain."
"Worry has never changed anything for good."
"Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but you're not going anywhere."
"Life's too short to spend worrying about things that will never happen."
"Worry is interest paid in advance on troubles that may never come."
"Worry about nothing but a good night's sleep."
"...stop worrying and learn to love the bomb."
"You'd worry less about what they thought if you realized how little they did."
"I try not to worry too much; it's one of my mottos in life."
"Most of the time the things I worry about don't actually end up happening."
"I'm gonna go get some money, stop worrying about what that person doing all day."
"Therefore I tell you, don't worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"
"And why do you worry about clothes? Observe how the wildflowers of the fields grow; they don't labor or spin thread."
"Therefore, don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
"The areas of your life where you worry the most are the areas where you trust God the least."
"Whilst Marinette has a right to be worried, the reality is that she is playing chess whilst Gabriel is playing checkers."
"I've never had it happen yet, but I always worry about stumbling across a pot grow."
"I'm a little worried but at the same time, I'm probably going to push it off for another week if I'm being honest."
"What you can't control, don't worry about."
"They're really worried about what will happen if their truth comes to light."
"At the end of the day, it's just gonna be you, so why waste your time worrying?"
"You look worried. Something terrible has happened to Lag."
"Don't worry and waste mental energy on things that haven't even happened yet."
"What good does worry do me? It's like being in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but ultimately takes you nowhere."
"Don't get caught up in fear and worry."
"I'd be interested to know what you found out so far; I've been beside myself with worry," Philippa admitted.
"I want to not just be constantly worrying and constantly living in fear."
"Make life as a whole agreeable to yourself by banishing all worry about it."
"Worry doesn't come from the outside world, it comes from inside us."
"Worrying about the stuff is more likely to kill you than the thing that you're worrying about."
"I love you, but I worry for your life."
"Don't waste your time worrying about your death."
"When you worry about the worst-case scenario, you end up living it twice."
"Don't worry. Worry brings fear, and fear is crippling."