
Aging Research Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We are going to be in a very different world where we can control the age that we are in a way that we only dreamed of."
"We had some millennials on the study that had biological ages that were 20 years older than their chronological age, and by the end of the study, they were back at their normal biological age."
"Aging is not unidirectional. In my lab, we're driving it forwards and backwards."
"The idea really is to get exciting advances that are happening in the field of aging out to the community so that we can really make a difference and the community can benefit from all of the work that's happening here at UCSD and beyond."
"Putting people into hibernation really does lower their metabolism and thus slow their aging too."
"Having this much capital, this many brilliant minds, all being driven to try to resolve the riddle of aging, it looks really damn good for us."
"Age decline is clear and there is a lot of research to back it up, but actually when that point happens is exceedingly variable and dependent on motivation." - Professor Louis Passfield
"Limiting food intake is actually one of the probably most, I would say, reproducible interventions that's been shown to modulate the aging process across multiple organisms."
"So many diseases are age-related that if we could sort of figure out fundamentally what's happening there and push that back, I think it would dramatically reduce healthcare costs, increase quality of life, bunch of other good things."
"In order to keep the level of damage in this person's body down to the level that would naturally exist in a 30 or 40-year-old, all we need to do is progressively improve how comprehensive the damage repair therapy arsenal that we have is."
"The big thing that's happened in the past 15 years is basically the acceptance that this is a promising way to go."
"Caloric restriction slows the epigenetic clock in mice."
"The Horvath aging clock is the most accurate molecular measure of age."
"We'll certainly continue to explore how lifestyle changes can affect the Horvath clock DNA methylation pattern."
"The Hallmarks of Aging: deregulated nutrient sensing, telomere shortening, senescent cells, mitochondrial dysfunction, damaged proteins, DNA damage, stem cell exhaustion, inflammation, and epigenetic changes."
"They were able to reverse the signs of aging."
"They're going to be able to reverse aging in our lifetimes."
"Gabby Williams: The baby who will never grow old, a medical mystery."
"The goal of the aging research is ultimately to make aging a modifiable risk factor."
"These senescent cells, they're a driver of the whole aging process."
"Raising that profile, trying to get some more funding into aging research is the way we're going to solve this problem."
"The science today shows us that it's possible to slow, stop, and possibly reverse aging."
"It's doing everything from preventing diseases to fighting types of infection that are implicated in aging."
"Increasing NAD levels may have a protective effect by reducing oxidative stress."
"Scientists have already cracked the biochemical reversal of the process of aging."
"If we know that we can affect biologic aging with possibly things like metformin and rapamycin, why are we not considering these when it comes to saving lives?"
"Aging is just another disease that can and should be cured."
"What if you could radically slow down or even suspend the aging process and live for much longer?"
"There is a revolution in the science of aging."
"Future generations will wonder why we didn't work on aging sooner."
"Red wine modulates different aspects of aging, including gene expression."
"Researchers found that centenarians have relatively low sugar and insulin levels."
"If we can slow aging in humans even by just a little bit, it would be monumental."
"Humans can probably live up to at least 130 or possibly well beyond. There is no maximum theoretical age for humans."
"We're right on the cusp of solving some really fundamental problems that I think are going to change the course of how we age."
"If we can understand that, we can stop fighting disease one at a time and target these aging pathways as a way to more globally affect the body and have a huge benefit as we age, and so we can live healthier, longer. So that's the goal."
"We need more investment in research. There's very little investment into aging biology compared to cancer and heart disease."
"The free radical theory of aging has remained to this day an absolutely foremost pillar of our understanding of how aging actually works."
"If aging is loss of information, then to be able to prevent or to even reverse aging, the key question is how can we recover that lost information."
"If we could slow down aging, then we could slow down cancer, heart disease, protein aggregation diseases, all the diseases of aging potentially."
"There are specific genes that can alter the course of aging."
"It seems to have really this absolutely almost global effect on the aging process."
"We could see this reversal of aging... which also agrees with what we saw with the epigenetic aging clocks."
"If we don't reverse thymic aging, all other interventions will ultimately be futile because we'll die of immunosenescence."
"Our maximal lifespan as a species is 115 years, but that doesn't mean that in the future this has to be the limit."
"It's important for many reasons to start and target aging, and we have the tools to accelerate it right now."
"Whether or not it's a single gene or multiple genes is probably less the point. The bigger point... is aging malleable, yes or no?"
"What if we could construct a Ritz-Carlton hotel at 16,000 feet and evaluate whether there are any biomarkers of aging that actually improve under thin air?"
"The t-Cell Activation in aging... uses microgravity as a novel and accelerated model system for aging to investigate mechanisms of the immune suppression commonly seen in the elderly population."