
Dream Analysis Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"REM sleep is the principal stage within which we dream... and is the state during which we take these difficult, sometimes traumatic experiences from the day and REM sleep acts like a nocturnal soothing balm."
"By analyzing our dreams, we can discover things about our lives."
"Sigmund Freud... believed that dreams are a way of expressing those secret primal desires."
"Carl Jung considered dreams to be a tool used to restore or maintain mental health."
"Just as we reached for the moon, we can reach a higher understanding of ourselves through analysis of our brain's greatest mystery: our dreams."
"Stop taking your dreams lightly; they are pleading with you to focus on them, trying to show you what's already in place, seeking your agreement to manifest things you don't know that will run its course negatively in your life."
"I'm having some interesting dreams, which you know, I'm not gonna get into detail much about it, but something's shifting."
"Dreams reveal what needs focus, pay attention."
"People have their most profound lucid dreams in the morning."
"The dream is now revealing the root causes of the things happening in your life."
"Decoding the mystery of dreams is not a mark of the modern day but a practice of thousands of years old."
"As humans we are continually questioning the meaning behind our dreams."
"Your dreams are trying to help you appreciate this situation from a different perspective."
"One of the more powerful ones is lucid dreaming."
"How demanding is that dream of yours? What does it require for you to do?"
"Dreams are impartial, spontaneous products of the unconscious psyche." - Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition
"The dream is specifically the utterance of the unconscious." - Carl Jung, Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
"Dreams prepare, announce, or warn about certain situations." - Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life
"The dream may not have these things, but in the context of the dream you see it. You keep seeing this particular person..."
"What's phenomenal is the research is now showing us that these dreams are not random, they are our minds working through our anxieties."
"The symbols in dreams represent something deeper, it's not just about the literal interpretation."
"The same one that gave you the dream, beloved one, will also give you the interpretation."
"To dream that you are naked suggests being found out and exposed over your activities, you feel that you're being misjudged."
"A Po is a crazy, radical, nonsensical idea. That's the power of Po."
"Dreams are like personal letters from the subconscious mind."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"I'm about to get my dreams analyzed, this lady might be a witch."
"It's like I'm a third and first person viewer of the dream all at the same time."
"Dreams are like a window to the subconscious mind."
"Dreams are a bridge that help us glimpse into a higher reality."
"Dreams are just like random neurons in your brain going off but they tell you about your very real fears."
"Writing down your dreams, watching your dreams, it's so important."
"Take your dream seriously...record everything because...the dream is speaking to eat in your life."
"Our brains explore the mental landscape through dreams."
"It's like these fever dreams of things that you've been thinking about earlier in the day."
"Nightmares: distressing dreams triggering fear, sadness, or anxiety. Influenced by personal experiences and media consumption."
"Well, it seems that his little girl was suffering from very severe warts... So I placed a photograph of my daughter between the input plates of my wishing machine."
"The train dream was so ridiculous... it had some interesting parts but it was long."
"Dreams provide creativity and emotional first aid."
"I think this is a dream sequence. I think it's part of Bruce Wayne's nightmare."
"The vividness of dreams and the presence of hidden messages are powerful indications of the Awakening of the third eye, signaling a profound transformation in the way you perceive yourself in the world."
"So I just went back into warp and I started doing my own thing and trying to work some music of my own write some music now that was working so I was thinking is any dream at all worth pursuing because none of that is working."
"In this dream, I can forget about all the bad. I can listen and see and touch and think and understand whatever I want with my body."
"I've been having like the weirdest, most vivid dreams recently."
"Childhood memory dreams are a manifestation of the mind's ability."
"Being a celebrity is a dream to make so much money."
"Every dream is a direct, personal, and meaningful communication to the dreamer."
"The dream should be treated as a fact about which one must make no previous assumption except that it somehow makes sense."
"There's very important messages in your dreams."
"I had a crazy dream the other night... it was such a crazy dream that there were two events happening at the same time."
"Dreams are literally just your brain trying to tell you things that you already know because it's your brain, but like you don't know because we're stupid little monkey people."
"Chaos is chaos. Dreams have a role to play in the waking world."
"Everything else was obeying dream logic... but the man in my dream moved with the simple briskness of a real person."
"Messages from the Divine realm...so pay attention to your dreams maybe keep a dream journal."
"Life is like a game. How can someone go to bed and dream of something that didn't happen yet?"
"Dreams are incredibly meaningful. They're one of the primary ways that the unconscious discloses itself to us and brings us information that we can't really get any other way."
"Pay attention to your dreams and what you're doing in your dreams... they're like seeds that grow."
"Pile number two's dreams: where souls venture at night for observation and reflection."
"Releasing the fears and you will be having a lot of unusual dreams around this time, whatever the situation is, it's about."
"Keeping a dream journal next to your bed is sending a command to your subconscious mind."
"How much does science really know about sleep or Dreaming or how they intersect with our waking world?"
"Your dreams are telling you what is standing in your way and what's blocking you."
"Your subconscious mind through your dreams has been trying to bring you that guidance, that direction."
"Dream symbols are the essential message carriers."
"It's funny how dreams can tell you so much about what's going through your head and what's important in your life."
"The importance of knowing your subconscious by recalling your dreams is substantial information to understanding yourself and your own Visions."
"Dreams are the primary way in which God speaks, dreams are a coded message that God has sent to us."
"Lucid dreams are really about self-awareness."
"Dreams are very detailed and speak to your future."
"Your dreams are speaking to you, discover things, don't be scared or uncomfortable."
"The dream was related to me by a male 46 years old who claims to be in the throws of a major personal transformation. Whether he is a narcissist or not is quite irrelevant."
"You're really good at analyzing your dreams."
"You can imagine it's going to be a lot more messier than what you saw before for perception, but still, it's pretty amazing that you can decode dreams now while people are sleeping, you know, while they are in rapid eye movement sleep."
"Dreams are the playground of our deepest anxieties, where the ordinary becomes the extraordinary in the most unsettling ways."
"An archetypal dream then also shows a specific contextual relationship to your conscious life."
"Healing is change. Learning is change. When you dream at night and you're having really weird, vivid dreams, there is a suggestion that that could be because you're in a phase of your life that you're learning."
"I feel like that could be a good psychology study for anyone, of like, 'Oh, if you're having bad dreams, maybe talk to the dreams, like, face them head-on.'"
"Dream work and prophetic dreams is one of my favorite ways to work with the subconscious mind."
"People misinterpret dreams, so we shouldn't really trust them."
"Dreams are extremely expressive; they show us just how expressive our minds can be."
"The interpretation of dreams, where we have the shoe and the moon."
"Freud published 'The Interpretation of Dreams' in 1900 and 'The Theory of Sexuality' in 1905. Imagine what that did to the world."
"The resultant images from your own dreams is probably the best way of getting into this stuff."
"Dreams compensate for things; they don't tell you things usually that you already know on the surface."
"At one point you're going to start worrying, like if it's a happy dream, maybe two weeks and you're like, okay this is really strange because it's now a part of your life."
"If you dream journal right when you wake up, you will be absolutely amazed at the level of detail that will start to come back to you."
"...every night the most rational people in the world still have dreams... acknowledging the images and feelings of a dream allows the unconscious to slowly introduce something at least on a feeling level."
"I've had the most bizarre dreams this week, just straight up weird but super real."
"The stuff that is appearing is itself transparent, just like the stuff that appears as solid objects in your dream is your own transparent mind."
"Sex dreams are almost never about sex, they're often about being accepted, being deemed worthy."
"Dreams are fascinating and mysterious, and they can reveal a lot about ourselves and our subconscious mind."
"When the dream repeats itself more than once, then it's more significant than the dream that came only once."
"Dreams work to solve the problems of the dreamer's conscious waking life."
"And you said, 'Analyzing dreams.' Well, I just love talking about it. I could talk about it for hours."
"The dream of being chased and feeling paralyzed and unable to move is almost ubiquitous."
"Our dreams and our unconscious, what's there are archetypes, that there's something that all of us share."