
Life Expectancy Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"For every year that you stay alive, you get to tack on another three months of life."
"Patients with mental illness are now recognized to live over a decade shorter than healthy controls."
"Why are we dying in our 60s and 70s on average, right? That is literally middle-aged."
"Not getting enough omega-3, not having a high omega-3 index, was as bad as smoking with respect to life expectancy."
"Healthy life expectancy, to me, is even more important than life expectancy."
"When Franklin Delano Roosevelt established 65 as the retirement age, the average life expectancy in the United States was 63 years old. Today, the average life expectancy in the United States is close to 80."
"If I'm a 35-year-old now, I'm 30 now, but I have 177,000 days left to live, roughly, if I meet the life expectancy of the USA."
"If you smoke, please try to quit so that you can get 14 years pretty easily."
"The biggest gains we've made in life expectancy have usually had to do with infant mortality rates, which require unnatural medical interventions."
"Education is the foundation of the Human Development Index, which is measured on three critical areas: life expectancy, education, and per capita income."
"The United States spends more per person on health care than other high-income countries but still has a lower life expectancy."
"People that have an omega-3 index of 8% have a five-year increased life expectancy compared to those that have an omega-3 index of 4%."
"You are aware of the fact that an unprecedented way, life expectancy is actually going down in America because of diseases of despair."
"We're living longer than ever before, which means our retirement planning has to evolve to match our increased life expectancy."
"We're raising the first generation that will have a shorter life expectancy than either their parents or grandparents."
"The life expectancy on Pine Ridge is only 48 for men and 52 for women."
"All our life expectancies are substantially more than double what they were before the Industrial Revolution."
"This is probably gonna be the first generation of children who are going to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents."
"Now, in many nations, a ten-year-old can expect to live to the age of 80."
"Vaccines and other public health advancements have doubled human life expectancy in the last 200 years."
"The average life expectancy on the island is 85 to 90 years."
"The opioid crisis has actually caused life expectancy within the country to decrease over the last few years."
"If people know their sense of purpose and activate it in their life, that's worth about seven years of extra life expectancy."
"For the first time in four years, life expectancy in the United States of America has increased."
"There's a massive decline in life expectancy in the most powerful, developed, richest country in the world."
"The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life." - Matthew Walker
"From 1950 to 2010, life expectancy went from just 30 years to 61 years and the literacy rate from 12 percent to 68 percent."
"The medical advances in the United States have led to a tremendous expansion of life expectancy in the United States."
"The number one reason that we have raised the life expectancy as much as we have is because of public health, hygiene, and sanitation."
"Life expectancy... once you strip out the variables... we're not living that much longer."
"Healthy lifestyle may increase life expectancy, research says."
"Studies that correlate loss of even one year of Education... to a lower life expectancy."
"Life expectancy in the US is three years less than the average OECD country."
"Life expectancy increased by about three decades... that is absolutely astonishing."
"Vaccines literally upped our life expectancy. No vaccines right now, we would be living to 37 and a half."
"Education is the number one determinant for your life expectancy."
"The hormone that controls how soon you could die."
"GDP is at record highs while their life expectancy is going down."
"Former smokers live longer and have lower rates of diseases."
"I'm hoping that I'm kind of far away from dying."
"Working on getting happier is almost as powerful as dropping a smoking habit when it comes to life expectancy."
"Most likely he is going to be dead before he makes it to his parole hearing."
"Every pound you earn overweight shortens your lifespan."
"You cannot watch a clip of this man and assume that he is still going to be living 5 years from now."
"Life expectancy has changed, people are living much longer."
"The more we spend on healthcare, the shorter our lives are."
"The future is fun because not only is the technology brilliant, but also the life expectancy is between five and nine hundred years old."
"People need purpose. Most people die after retirement, like around 55 to 60, because they're not working anymore."
"Life expectancy between 2020 and 2021 dropped by three full years in the United States."
"That's why I know I'm halfway through my life. 80, I'm out."
"You gotta keep your fitness health in order... You might die."
"Considering how war-prone the Spartans were, this didn’t bode well for the average soldier’s life expectancy."
"Life expectancy has been dropping in the United States."
"Children with involved fathers had longer telomeres, predicting longer life expectancy."
"Life quality counts so much more than life years. Health span versus lifespan, absolutely."
"Look, don't be too upset. Considering the time you live in, she was probably gonna die of some disease before she turned 30 anyway."
"If you're really morbidly obese, you're not going to make it to old age."
"We spend 18 percent of GDP on health care, an additional trillion dollars compared to any other advanced country, yet have lower life expectancy."
"Using that recommended CDC amount of seven to nine hours of sleep, there is a simple fact: firstly across the lifespan which is the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life."
"Life expectancy dropped an entire year... that number had plummeted to 76 years."
"The U.S. uses more than half the world's healthcare resources but we're ranked 43rd in the world for life expectancy."
"What could be more indicative of a failure of American's institutions than its citizenry having less and less time on this earth?"
"Our lives should be burdened by punishment, not bolstered with longevity."
"Excluding nuts and seeds from a diet increases the risk of death and shortens lifespan."
"There was a point where there were African-American children in different urban settings that didn't expect to live to be adults because they saw so much death."
"What's important is that you make sure you don't run out of money before you run out of life."
"I know that I have probably a 24-hour window, and then I'll die."
"Our kids have fared worse here than anywhere... including lowering their life expectancy."
"I might only be halfway through my life and [ __ ] like when I thought I wasn't gonna live past 30."
"In just one year, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years."
"The social security formula is pretty simple. It's very easy to do if you know when you're going to die."
"Don't let age be your cage. Look how much life expectancy that we have left."
"No one lives to a hundred. It's so rare you see the news every day... Maybe 91. No one lives 100 years."
"Our lifespan is programmed within ourselves, cells cease dividing when we reach the age of 100."
"From since 1900 we've seen global life expectancy go from 32 years on average to 72 today."
"U.S. life expectancy continues to take a nosedive and the worst news it's way worse than we thought."
"Untreated depression in particular can dramatically shorten your life expectancy."
"He was just 45 when he died from stomach cancer."
"Here's what is true: U.S. life expectancy continued to fall in 2021 and probably in 2022 as well."
"So, if you make it out of infancy and childhood, you actually tend to live into your 70s. Most people become old, just like we do now."
"You're in your incubator right now, incubating your baby. You're meant to live a very long time."
"You just don't understand. I mean, someone 300 pounds, a grown man, just 300 pounds... I mean, that's taking years off your life right there. Years off your life."
"If you live long enough, cancer's going to get you."
"If you're eating a cup of beans a day, it's probably associated with about four extra years of life expectancy."
"If you have untreated ADHD, your life expectancy is 13 years less than it is for somebody else in your family who doesn't have ADHD."
"The life span of a person with MS is generally about on the average only a few years shorter than the normal life span of a typical American."
"The Earth has a life expectancy of 7.59 billion years."
"If a teenager who's obese or overweight, their life expectancy is 13 years less than someone who's not at that age."
"Life expectancy was 41 years; it is now 67 years. Over the course of the 20th century, there's been an increase of 25 years of life."
"Look at the life expectancy nowadays, people live very well into their 60s, 70s, 100s."
"I've got another 70 years left on this planet, and I want to enjoy it to the full extent."
"Life expectancy is 40, which is incredibly low. I got friends, we all joke around about how, you know, 40's coming around the corner. It's almost here, what do you think? Do you think you're going to make it?"
"A lion's life expectancy is lower than that of a zebra, a kangaroo, or even a little mouse."
"Life expectancy is 81 years above the oecd average in Norway."
"And marijuana actually extends your life expectancy."
"That's my life expectancy: if I don't get put on the transplant list, probably around the Year maybe more maybe less. If I do get put on the transplant list and I do get a transplant, we'll say yeah."
"We have vastly underestimated how much adult life we still have ahead of us."
"We can add about 10 years of healthy life expectancy."
"How long you think you're gonna live or in other words how long you will need retirement income for. Obviously the shorter your life expectancy the less money that you are going to need and the longer you live the more you will need."
"The average maximum life expectancy of the human machine, your body, my body, everybody listening right now, is about 95."
"One of the amazing things about the 20th century is that the age of people's life expectancy has increased dramatically."
"Life expectancy in the UK certainly has stalled since 2010, and the burden of chronic disease as in healthy life expectancy is not improving."
"We're going to live a lot longer."
"Feminism means that men would live, if you take away the deaths attributable to the masculine role, men live about five years more."
"How well you live in the time you're alive, that is your healthy life expectancy."
"Canada's average life expectancy is among the highest of all the countries and is nearly four years higher than the US."
"Kerala is one of the happiest places to live and has the highest life expectancy in the country."
"The demographic majority group in an industrialized country having a four-year or greater drop in life expectancy—it's unimaginable."
"You know what, when I was 17, 18, I never in my life thought I would make it to this age. And that's not a joke."
"Your shelf life after retirement is about 90 days at best."
"Life expectancy is better statistically than any other time in history even despite horrible atrocities going on in the world."
"People that had the high omega-3 index had a five-year increased life expectancy compared to people with the low."
"The goal of this heat map is not that we can perfectly optimize based on... the life expectancy of both people within a couple."
"85 years... statistical life expectancy on this planet... by the way I don't really care what the actual number is I just needed something that made it made relative sense."
"Long story short: you need to understand that there are technologies that are likely to increase our life expectancy."
"Historically, there are longer life expectancies, less global hunger."
"For some reason, uh rappers, uh, like the length of their lives is just so short, the life expectancy of a rap is just so short, it is though, it is the most dangerous job and it's not come on, it's not like we got enough, we gotta stop saying that J Cole is not in any danger."
"Adding a decade of life expectancy."
"In 2021, women had a life expectancy of 79.3 years compared to 73.5 years for men. That's almost a six-year difference."
"The truth is that I'm dying stage 4 blood cancer there's no cure treatment can make me lose a year at most but honestly I feel."
"Social Security's formulas were balanced based on life expectancy in 1983. Our life expectancy has gotten better so merely average health today means you're actually winning the life expectancy mortality tables from relative to where Social Security was priced."
"Exercise for just 11 minutes a day after the age of 40 results in an additional 1.8 years in life expectancy."
"Living your life and dying on Mars at like 80."
"Lifespan times heart rate doesn't change with size; it's the same for everybody."
"My grandpa was diagnosed with congenital heart failure and given only months to live."
"If you somehow manage to get past your 18th birthday, you'll probably have a significantly longer life ahead of you."
"These so-called deaths of despair are one big reason why American life expectancy has actually started to decline over the last few years."
"Despite optimal therapy, HIV may decrease life expectancy and increase many chronic diseases of aging."
"Imagine a world where you're going to live a great deal longer."
"You're still young at 50, especially if the Lord gonna give you 80 years if you're blessed to see 80."
"Imagine if I said to you, 'Oh well, let's all die at 40 like we used to.' Would that make your life better?"
"The highest life expectancy from birth is Hong Kong that eats the most meat per capita on earth."
"There's about a three out of four chance that at least one person lives past their life expectancy."
"Vaccines are part of the anti-infection medicine that have dramatically lengthened the average life expectancy."
"That's why the average life expectancy is lower in communities that are poorer."
"I'm dying, sweethearts. I have terminal cancer, maybe 2 months left at best."
"If we spend so much money per patient per year, what do we get in terms of life expectancy?"
"If lucky, normally you live like 70 years, and if you are strong, you can go to 80, 90."
"In a blink of an eye, we nearly doubled the length of time that we live."
"The life expectancy for a patient that has type 1 diabetes is decreased by an average of a decade or more."
"Throughout most of human evolution, life expectancy was about 18 or 19... it was touch and go for the species."
"Do you have any idea what your odds are of making it to 100 years of age? It's about one out of five thousand."
"The life expectancy now is about 37 years old, because of our more sophisticated treatment."
"The decision to get tested is a deeply personal one; HD patients live on average ten to twenty years with symptoms which worsen over time and eventually become crippling."
"The best measure of human welfare is average life expectancy."
"We've built an initial model that we think relates those health indicators to life expectancy in a meaningful way."
"Low values of this feature seem to explain higher predicted life expectancy and vice-versa."
"The life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than non-smokers."
"Even wiping out heart disease, all cancers, and diabetes would still barely bring the average life expectancy up to around about 90."
"In 1975, an average 50-year-old person in America was expected to live another 27.3 years... Flash forward to 2005, and an average 50-year-old American was expected to live 31 more years."
"Pushing that envelope of human longevity doesn't just extend lifespan, it gives you such a tremendous gain in healthy life expectancy."
"They're going to need a place to live for 65 to 75 years because their life expectancy is 100 now."
"Loneliness is not a clinical disorder, yet it's actually proven to be correlated with earlier life expectancy, shorter lifespan."
"The retirement age is 67, your life expectancy is 78, work for 50 years to be free for 11. Does that sound like a fair deal?"
"We live 34 years longer than they did. That's an entire second adult lifetime added to our lifespan."
"Life expectancy and overall health surprisingly increased."
"I've got another 40 years at least."
"The Human Development Index is actually a measure of three different things: life expectancy, income, and education."
"Dropping out of school is correlated with a lower life expectancy."
"Vaccines are one of the reasons why our life expectancy has increased steadily."
"Having a sense of purpose is worth about seven years of extra life expectancy."
"Singapore has the longest healthy life expectancy in the world."
"The life expectancy of Libyans increased from 55 to 64 years over the course of 11 years."
"Told by two heart doctors that my heart is worn out, I have been given less than two years to live."
"Is it crazy to be optimistic and assume that we're going to live to be 90 or 100? Not these days."
"Humans are on a never-ending quest of finding ways to expand our life expectancy."
"The miners that worked here, they worked their whole life from as young as eight... They lived and worked here until the miners were about mid-30s to 40, and that was their life expectancy."
"Citizens of Beijing have increased life expectancy by four years or more from these massive reductions in air pollution."
"She lived to be 80 something, so I'm hoping I live that long."
"This has got a life expectancy of 70 years, so with the Krickstein installation, this should outlast a lot of us watching this video."
"At an ACE score of six, there is almost a 20-year shortening of life expectancy."
"The greatest advances in health status and life expectancy occurred in the early 20th century and result from social movements' efforts."
"I've already lived longer than doctors gave me to live."
"Life expectancy only began to increase in the second half of the nineteenth century."
"Please don't discount the advances in medicine to potentially increase your life expectancy."
"To be poor is not to suffer from a mere absence of money and income; it is to suffer from a shortened life chance."
"As the number of children per woman decrease, the life expectancy increases."
"People have been living longer than ever."
"We've talked about health and that in Australia, and our life expectancy, so we're pretty lucky now."
"The average life expectancy and the standard of living of the majority of humanity have risen."
"You're likely to outlive your turtle."
"Improvements in life expectancy came at the right time as well."
"Antibiotics have increased average life expectancy in the developed world by as much as 20 years."
"Life expectancy is sure to increase as strength increases."
"The life that we're living, we assume we're going to live longer... but do we know when our life comes to an end?"
"Life expectancy in Germany is 2.5 years higher than in the United States."
"With declining birth rates and increased life expectancies, many industrialized nations are seeing their population getting older."
"Life expectancy is the average number of years a newborn can expect to live."
"Cuba has similar life expectancy and lower infant mortality than the United States."
"Our life expectancy has obviously increased quite a bit due to things such as improved health care, clean running water, better nutrition."
"As long as diseases are rampant and millions of people cannot expect to live more than 20 or 30 years, no man can be totally healthy even if he just got a clean bill of health from the finest clinic in America."
"The life expectancy of people nowadays across a global scale has never been higher."
"Life expectancy: American men on average will live to 77.11 years and American women 81.94 years."
"People with the disease have a much lower life expectancy."
"You can live a normal, long, healthy life; your life expectancy is still the same."
"35 is a good age to be in general, you still have over half of your life ahead of you."
"It's not out of the ordinary now to live to like 90, right? Or 100 even."
"How long am I going to live? Probably just 3 to 4 months."
"The molecular biologists are unanimous... simple single-celled life ought to be common as far as we know."
"It's not an issue of your retirement age; it's an issue of your life expectancy."