
Life Advice Quotes

There are 9881 quotes

"Work towards a goal. Having a sense of purpose is great advice."
"You have plenty of time to do the things you want to do."
"If you do the easy things, life gets hard. But if you do the difficult things in life, life becomes easier."
"Find meaning because you can't always find happiness; you can't always find positivity, but you can always find meaning."
"Sometimes in life, you have to do what you don't want to do until you can do what you want to do."
"All you need, by the way, if you're listening, all you need is that one friend. One friend with a couch to sleep on, one friend with an idea, one friend with a manager friend they can introduce, one friend with one dinner they can take you to. Yes, and that is it."
"Enjoy your 25s, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You're going to have yourself a midlife crisis every 5 years, it just happens."
"On your deathbed...you're going to really wish that you listened to me right now."
"What advice would you give to a young person today... how to have a positive impact in the world, how to live a life they can be proud of?"
"If you're not clear on your worth, the world will always take you and put you in the bargain basement."
"Stop lying to yourselves. It's the single greatest mistake."
"Living your life as a lie is not a good thing."
"If you live for the internet, you'll die by social media."
"Without a clear vision, you'll end up running in multiple different directions instead of staying focused on what truly matters in your life."
"That's why anybody watching this right now, if you're in your 20s and everyone's like, 'Time to figure out who you are in college,' you're not going to figure that out that quick."
"Money should be kept in a pocket, not in your head. If you keep thinking about money all the time, you can't even enjoy the money that you have."
"A big part of life is simply just showing up."
"Life is so busy, so take every moment and live it to the best of our ability."
"Life is too short not to let others know that you love them."
"I gave a presentation called 'Build a Life, Not a Resume'."
"Trust, transparency, and self-care are the essential elements of a vibrant life."
"Having a purpose-driven life, I think, is a really important element."
"Always keep in mind... you're not guaranteed tomorrow."
"When you find that happiness, grab onto it and hold on to it tight. Happiness, you can't take it for granted."
"Any decision is the right decision, all that matters is where you focus your attention after having made the decision."
"There's very little point in driving a hundred miles per hour if you find yourself driving in the wrong direction."
"There's no point climbing up a ladder if the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall."
"Enjoy the hell out of it. Do things you've always wanted to do. Stop holding back the joy, be an expression of it."
"Followers go find purpose in your own life and stop wasting your precious time with mine."
"You can't make everybody happy, nor should you attempt to."
"Expectation is what kills you. If you don't have expectations, then you'll be fine."
"It's about taking your attention away from the past and bringing it to the present."
"The only risk in life is not to take the risk."
"Stoicism is supposed to be a guide for living a better life."
"How much better would our lives be if we actually just did the things that we already know that we're supposed to do?"
"Don't pursue happiness. Pursue a lifestyle that results in happiness."
"Life gives you lemons; you have to make lemonade."
"You don't have to go with the crowd. Life supports you in every way."
"If you're happy, you're doing the right thing."
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."
"Life is life, life's going to happen. I'm trying to instill confidence in them. Say, 'Hey man, get out there. Do something. Be optimistic. Life is going to happen.'"
"When you're 85 years old and on your deathbed, you're not going to wish you had fewer crazy stories. You're going to wish you had taken more shots."
"Document your life more, otherwise you'll forget the details, and the details are what make it worth remembering."
"Choose your battles; choose where you're investing your energy because there are some things in your life that do not deserve that energy."
"Life lives in possibility so you have to keep pursuing the next possibility."
"Have a fulfilling life yourself, make sure you smell the roses."
"The tighter I grip onto an idea or a standard or whatever it is, usually the worse things go."
"Stop looking for happiness outside of yourself."
"Never regret trying hard in life. You always want to try hard."
"Being grateful for what you have is another one."
"Life is better simple, but life is even better weird. So remember to stay simple but stay weird, fam."
"If you live for the weekend your shit is broken."
"If you want to build your dream life, you're going to get a ton of value from this."
"If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready."
"I think you should follow your dreams...to the extent that you can."
"You shouldn't plan your life based on what you think you should do or what you're capable of but start to devote yourself towards doing things that you care about."
"Just because you chose the doctor path doesn't mean you can't learn new things, follow your interest, follow your passion, don't just chase the money, life's too short for that."
"Carpe diem. Seize the day and make your life extraordinary."
"All pain is temporary. Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary pain and temporary conditions."
"Life is too short to be anybody else. I choose to be myself."
"Play, have fun, celebrate; don't be so serious."
"The shortest most guaranteed path to the easy life is to do the hardest parts of things as soon as possible."
"One day we will see each other and play again in the place where there is no lies, sadness, pain, and sorrow. Please enjoy your life to the best and don't hurt yourself or others."
"It's every single day. Consistency is the key to success in life."
"You can actually alter the trajectory of your life."
"The reward for becoming consistent is to experience consistency in your life."
"In life, there's never enough time to do everything, but there's always enough time to do the important things."
"It's a short life, so be picky with the strangers you talk to at this metaphorical party."
"Rule number 38: Don't waste your life worrying."
"Don't ignore your dreams, don't work too much, say what you think, cultivate friendships, and to be happy."
"It's important for you to be brave, be open to adventure."
"This right here is your game plan for mastering life."
"This right now is your only opportunity really to build a solid foundation for creating an amazing, fulfilling life."
"Perhaps the most important thing is you need to find your life purpose as soon as possible."
"The key to all success in life is learning. If you learn the right things and you spend time thinking about them, then this will allow you to avoid all the dead ends and pitfalls and tragedy that befalls almost everybody else."
"Listening to old people is basically a cheat code for life."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show them respect back. That's a good way to go through life, whoever it is."
"Life is short, and we should just tell people when we love them... Not speaking your truth is always way worse than what happens if you do."
"Over-investment in one area is always, always, always a bad idea in literally everything in your life, always, at all points in time."
"Life is too short, man. Go buy a new knife and enjoy your life."
"If you're bored, you're doing it wrong. Something's wrong."
"Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have."
"Life is very long, don't spend it doing dumb stuff."
"Don't die, yes, have, actually very good life advice."
"Saying no is just as important as saying yes. I think that's great life advice and design advice."
"Never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line."
"For every person in life, just like that, let me tell you, there's always a person who's afraid of something in their life that pushes their fears onto you."
"Stop letting people tell you what you can and cannot do in life."
"You don't wake up one day and have yourself together; a lot of people really have no idea what they're doing."
"The biggest regret in my life was not living it properly; don't let that be you."
"Life is short, it's very short. That's what everyone tells me all the time. They tell me, hey, you gotta cherish every moment in life."
"I think it's so important to remember that there's no right way to spend your time, everyone's timeline is different."
"We all are nobody's invincible, prepare yourself."
"Too much of anything is bad. Too much candy is bad. Too much money is bad."
"Use your paid time off; it's not like an arcade where you can't get a bigger stuffed bear by saving your tickets."
"Money won't make you completely happy, but it'll take away many, many things that can make you unhappy."
"It's all about making sure that you're not overdoing it in any one particular area."
"When life throws you lemons, what you do? Make that lemonade, baby. That's what I do."
"Stand up, step back, get a little different perspective."
"Don't let what-ifs haunt you: regrets, unsaid words, missed opportunities."
"Don't live life full of regret. Just do what you're here to do."
"Don't waste this life. Don't waste the precious time you have here on this planet because it just won't be worth it in the end."
"Most business owners, in their 50s when they finally hit it big... they're like, 'I really should have started small at stopping to smell the fucking roses in my mid-20s or mid-30s.'"
"Have a family, make money, get in shape, start exercising. All of these things will make you stronger and more powerful."
"Tomorrow ain't promised; what you waiting for? Why you wasting time?"
"Take things one step at a time. There's no need to rush."
"Be open to new possibilities in all areas of life."
"There's no trouble-free pathway through life; you can just dispense with that idea instantly."
"My advice is to just follow what you want to do, don't follow the dollar signs."
"Disappointment always comes, change always comes, but it's how we deal with it."
"Be unafraid, baby, 'cause we get one ride that we know of, just one."
"Broaden your horizons as far as you possibly can within the framework of your possibilities."
"Sometimes, you need a little bit of craziness in your life."
"It's easier looking back, isn't it? The trick is seeing what lies ahead."
"Your life isn't happening sometime in the future; it's happening right now, in this room, with whoever you're with."
"Everyone will tell you the most important thing in life is balance."
"Life is better when you're not a [__] to people."
"The biggest tip I can give you is just enjoy it."
"Just being a good human being is probably the most important aspect of being a parent."
"We should be cheap with our time and generous with our money because you can always make more money, you cannot make more time."
"Never give up is the golden currency of life rather than good looks, sporty talent, or academic brilliance."
"It's okay, don't be too eager to grow up, son. Ain't as much fun as it looks."
"Do what is going to make you happy, full stop."
"Take responsibility for 100% of the things that happen in your life."
"It's not being grateful, not learning from mistakes, not knowing what you want. The hardest thing in life is not to make it; it's knowing what you want."
"The number one thing that you have to have in your life is faith."
"Make the moment matter. Whatever you're doing, it should be fun."
"You can't get too high. You can't get too low. Tip on a tightrope, stay balanced."
"Time is ticking away for all of us at the same pace. Whether you are busy, you are lazy, you're sleeping, you're doing useful things, or useless things, it doesn't matter what you do or you do not do, time is ticking away."
"It's true in life too, you just have to show up."
"Trust me, even though when you're better, it feels pointless, a lot of the stuff you learn, like algebra, you're like, 'Why do I need this?' But trust me, it's so important, particularly if you want to go somewhere in life."
"You have to seize the Moment. This Moment may not be able to be recreated."
"Be more of the thermostat of life rather than the thermometer."
"Follow your heart, do what you love...you have to try and do a bunch of stuff before you find your destination of what you want to do in life."
"Please have a good day and night, as what else is there for us to do?"
"You're not going to get it all right, just make sure you nail the big stuff."
"Don't take life advice from people like Andrew Tate."
"The first 20 years of your life, don't [mess] it up. The second 20 years of your life, make your money. The third 20 years of your life, work on your passion. The fourth 20 years of your life, give back."
"You already control your life. Do what you're comfortable with and mind your business, and you will go a long way."
"Life is too short to have toxic folks in your life."
"In life, you don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate."
"There's no hack to that; you've got to go out and build who you are as a man first."
"You cannot make up for lost time, no matter what you do."
"There's going to be some unpredictable changes in your life, but these are very positive for you."
"Something to do, something to love, and something to look forward to."
"Find something to live for and live for it, because everything else is just scenery flying by."
"I encourage you not to live your lives on balance, but rather off balance on purpose."
"Be goal-oriented... Be very, very careful about what you set as your goal, because you can take yourself down some horrifying paths. But once you have a goal that's honorable and exciting to you... you're seeking truth, you're trying to get better."
"It's a time for making mistakes, it's a time for taking risks, it's a time for hustling, it's a time for figuring [ __ ] out."
"You're never going to be as young as you are at this exact moment."
"Life is not a race, my friends. Try to enjoy it sometimes."
"If you don't work hard now, you'll work much harder all your life."
"Stress often comes when our lives are too complicated and in order to detox from the complication, you gotta let some things go."
"Life is too short to not start that relationship."
"Time literally flies so quickly, and just remember to always hang out with your family as much as you possibly can."
"That's exactly the sage wisdom you would expect from a Waffle House at 3 A.M."
"Consistency is more important than intensity in every area of your life."
"Love people and use things, because the opposite never works."
"You just gotta do that, whatever's gonna make you happy."
"Simplify your life. Why would you want someone to complicate your life?"
"I believe it's extremely important and prudent that every individual has their own life philosophy that they hold dear."
"Sometimes you got to know when to hold 'em, and you got to know when to fold 'em."
"You only get one life. You don't want to be 80 and regret things."
"Battle through because I'm telling you, when it's gone, it's gone."
"Focus on the task at hand, stop looking at the future."
"Don't ever allow the first impression to determine where you're scheduled to go in your life."
"This adventure in life I have, this tip is not just for overcoming depression. This is gonna get you excited to wake up every day."
"Make your money in the second 20 years of your life and use that to invest in your passions in the third 20 years."
"What's missing if you're not fulfilled in life is a deeper connection to yourself."
"You should respect the power of the truck, the venom of the snake, and the danger of a fire, respect it, but don't be afraid."
"It's smart to just stick with one that works. Too many excuse, too many problems."
"Go out there and make a success of your life."
"Live your life like a documentary crew is following you around everywhere."
"If you're going to go to New York City, you better have your act together."
"Don't be afraid to make changes to your life."
"It just makes a lot of sense to explore the world and do cool stuff that I wouldn't necessarily get to do when I'm older."
"Like, find someone to talk to. There's better ways you can deal with this. And you're young, you're 16 years, 17. You don't have to be doomed, you know. You got your whole life ahead of you."
"Everything you're doing right now is exactly what you need to be doing and everything will be fine."
"I think people should think about [mortality] more."
"Your relationship with people is going to shape your entire life experience."
"Live in the present moment, not in the past, not in the future."
"It's better to go out for experiences...that's something that lives on in your mind forever."
"If you have the option or can find a way to kind of find that in your life, go for it."
"Sometimes in life, you gotta just chill out."
"You gotta let that shit out. You gotta let it flow. Otherwise, you're gonna be in agony for the rest of your life."
"Following the joy has always been better than following the discipline."
"Your time is limited, do not waste it living someone else's life."
"There is no point saving these up for years and years and years thinking oh I'll do it later."
"As long as you know when to hold them and know when to fold them, you'll know when to walk away and when to run."
"All you got to do in life, ladies and gentlemen, is never give up and keep pressing forward."
"The most important thing in life is to get to know yourself better."
"Our minds make it way too complicated. The blueprint for living an amazing life is not complicated. It's simple."
"You just have to do something purposeful to yourself. You have to do something that you like doing. You have to do something that gives you meaning, and you have to live a life that is true to yourself."
"If you're not doing what you love, you're wasting your time."
"The proper solution was to live properly as an individual because you're more powerful than you think."
"Graduate high school, don't have a baby out of wedlock, get a job. Those are the three things if you do that then you will not be permanently poor in the United States."
"If you don't want to be criticized, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
"Women don't complete you, bro. You got one life to live; live it the best you can."
"Enjoy your life, enjoy spending time with your family, make sure your family loves you."