
Personal Responsibility Quotes

There are 6017 quotes

"80% of our longevity and our health in the future is in our own hands."
"I have ultimate control over my behavior, thoughts, and feelings."
"I hope what they'll walk away with is the realization that you are the instrument of your life."
"Your life is a reflection of the choices that you make."
"I am responsible for 100% of the things that happen in my life."
"Each of us is responsible for what we put into our bodies and we're responsible for the way that we feel as a result."
"First, we basically have to take responsibility for our own health. The fact is that nobody cares about your health as much as you do."
"People need to be responsible for their own body."
"You have to be the change you wish to create."
"Life will never be joyous unless you bring the joy."
"Taking 100% responsibility for your life is the foundation of all personal development."
"Don't give anybody an excuse for doing wrong. When you're wrong, sit in it, acknowledge the fact that you're wrong."
"You and only you are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are."
"Recognize that there are two predominant personality types: those that are more on the personal responsibility side and those that are more on the empathy side, and that we need both. We have to value each other."
"You are not responsible for somebody else's behavior."
"To recognize happiness as your own responsibility."
"Being responsible for your own life means you're the master of your life."
"I'm the author of my own book, you're the author of your own book."
"When you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences."
"You cannot control anyone's choices, circumstances, or other people's choices; you can only control your own reactions."
"Our genes are a predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"You know your experience is up to you and the choices you make."
"Taking responsibility is the ultimate freedom."
"The choices that you make will affect how your life turns out."
"If I could preach one message: y'all take accountability for yourselves."
"It becomes a larger conversation on human interaction, the entertainment industry, social media, and individuals' personal responsibility, discipline, and self-awareness."
"When we take personal responsibility, we have the power to make things better."
"You can either be a victim of life or you can be somebody who's responsible for the life you're creating."
"It's no one else's job to take care of you but you."
"You are in charge of your life at all moments."
"It is my obligation as a member of my generation to try to play some role, whatever role I can, in being an instrument in that change."
"You have a responsibility to reset that pattern because it's driving you crazy and it's creating drama in your relationships and in your life that is totally unnecessary."
"The point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds, and die of a heart attack at 43, you can. You are free to do so. To me, that's beautiful."
"There's no excuse to be not knowledgeable about your health, especially in this day and age."
"It's about not wasting the resources you've been given."
"It's like, you can't help where you were born, you can't help the situation that you're in, but you can help how you react to it and what you do moving forward."
"You are in control of how you respond to the world around you; you are in control of making changes in your life to make your life better."
"Personal responsibility is more important than politeness because politeness can hide a lot of evil."
"I think personal responsibility is more important than freedom of speech."
"Taking initiative and taking responsibility is one of our core values in our culture."
"I've made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven; I'm just here to apologize."
"What I want to get to is I want people to understand that they are not victims of the world."
"Be safe so that you can protect yourself and your families."
"You're called upon to be everything you can be. Why? At least because the alternative is ending up in the position of Cain: rejected by man, woman, and God, then you're bitter, fratricidal, murderous, genocidal."
"Take control of your fate; if you blame your skills or lack thereof on some external factor, even if it's true, it's not helpful. Do what you can for yourself, and you'll be the best you possible."
"Ultimately we must each ask ourselves what is and isn’t acceptable and then let our voices be heard through our actions."
"It isn't hard to just stay out of jail. It really isn't. Just, uh, stay in school, get a good job, get a good woman, do what you got to do, put money in the bank, and stay away from drugs."
"Your outlook, your way of managing stress is entirely your responsibility and is the choice that you make."
"A man doesn't harm his loved ones, a man owns his actions and decisions."
"Forgiveness has to come from the people we hurt; no one else can forgive us in their place."
"If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?"
"Staying home when you are sick is a good general practice. But in this special situation, it is more critical."
"If you want everything to be good, be good yourselves."
"Shared responsibility is essential, and there's also only so much that society can do. At some point, the individual has to start taking responsibility."
"We all make our own moral decisions... I take responsibility for my moral decisions."
"Stop blaming other people for your relationship problems... take responsibility for all your bad, stressful relationships. You are responsible."
"Taking responsibility for yourself is really important even if the action that happened was wrong and bad. Take responsibility for how you respond to what happened."
"Make a positive impact on the world; this doesn't have to come at a cost to you."
"If you're holding on to something, it then becomes a choice."
"The only person that could turn this person around is me... and that's what I started doing."
"We have to all take accountability for our own actions."
"Poor people believe they are creatures of circumstance. That means that life happens to them."
"Sometimes you piss people off and you just have to deal with the ramifications of that."
"It is not their job to make your life perfect; that is your job."
"Whatever it is that you think needs adjustment in this world, you should be the one to change it, if not all of it, at least some of it."
"Genes load the gun, it's what we do that pulls the trigger."
"The actions that you take are way more important."
"I think it's everybody's responsibility to be the best person each of us can be and be as self-reliant as we possibly can so we're not a burden on everyone else around us."
"You want to make sure that you're the source of your own happiness."
"Becoming obese might not have been your choice, but remaining obese, that's on you."
"The beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend on how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves."
"I can't control the stimulus but I can control the response."
"Your best bet is to do what you can to take care of yourself properly, to treat yourself like you're someone responsible for helping, which is partly because I do believe in this ancient, fundamentally Western idea that people are of intrinsic value."
"Neoliberalism ascribes virtually all responsibility for personal and social welfare to the individual."
"People who don't have their own houses in order should be very careful before they go about reorganizing the world."
"Make at least one thing better every single place you go."
"Each of us every day decide with every decision whether we're going to make the world a better place or a worse place."
"Discipline is knowing what you're supposed to do and doing it. It's about making the choice to get up early, to do some kind of workout, eat good foods, clean your room, make a list of things that you're supposed to do, and then actually doing those things."
"I have a responsibility to do better. I should actually take care of myself."
"The road to power is in taking responsibility... your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone."
"At the end of the day, you've got to live with you."
"You have 100% accountability for what you do about it now as an adult."
"Be proud of the man in the glass, be proud of that man that wakes up every day and does the best that he could do with his priorities."
"Personal responsibility message because it's the antithesis of victimhood."
"The ball's in your court and your life is in your hands."
"It's your responsibility to heal that wound."
"Ensure your house is in order before you go about changing society."
"Your past has shaped who you are now, but you are 100% responsible for who you are today."
"To say that everything is permitted is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with our consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
"Ultimately, it's people's behaviors in their daily lives that will decide whether this thing spreads."
"Each of us, regardless of the job we do, each of us in the choices we make every day, we have to make smart choices for ourselves, for our family, and for every family."
"I think it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their lives."
"Your success, or lack thereof, is for the most part determined by you. There are things that are beyond your control, but you have far more within your control than you are even aware of right now."
"Repentance is not passing the buck off on someone else. Repentance begins with taking ownership of what you have done, owning it and confessing it, not blaming someone else."
"You're the only one that cares about yourself as much as you do; you can advocate for yourself better than anybody else can."
"If we don't take personal responsibility, how can we expect to change or grow?"
"This is like you're finally feeling like you are responsible for yourself, finally feeling like you're pulling your own weight, you're doing things that are serving you."
"Disease and illness can be blamed on your very own vibrations."
"You're doing it to yourself. 90% of the time, you're doing it to yourself."
"Lifelong learning and self-education are paramount. You've got to take full responsibility for it."
"In my life review, I saw it wasn't about how people treated me; I could play the victim all day, but I don't do that anymore."
"With freedom comes the freedom to be stupid. It's a yin and a yang that if you're going to accept freedom, humans are going to make stupid decisions. You have to accept that as part of freedom."
"Nobody can heal you. Nobody can change how you talk to yourself. This is an inside job."
"If we can't win two championships, that's going to be on me because this roster is good enough."
"Take your money seriously. Once you take your money seriously and you put some time in it, whether it's this book or wherever you want to get your information, you're going to be better off for it."
"Life is what you make of it; it's your responsibility."
"Nobody's showing up to fix your life for you. At a certain point, you have to decide it doesn't matter what's happened; I'm the only person who owns my own future."
"When the person becomes less of a victim to their environment, they are more of the creator of their environment."
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves."
"Many Self-Help Gurus and Spiritual Teachers have taught their disciples this and then proceeded to lead them on the path of taking personal responsibility for their life and their relationships."
"Man is the master of his own destiny, he is the captain of his own soul, and it is up to him to steer this vessel of himself toward the ultimate Harbor which we are all seeking to find."
"The greatest Folly of all is to make the same mistake twice. If you make it once, it may be anyone's fault; if you make it twice, it's your own."
"He does not socialize the mistake; he uses the word 'I made a mistake'."
"The best bet you can make in life is always on yourself because ultimately it's up to you whether or not you succeed."
"I looked at my garbage and thought, maybe I can't fix all the world's problems, but I can take responsibility for my garbage."
"You are responsible for your own feelings. You choose how you feel."
"Take responsibility for 100% of the things that happen in your life."
"I believe in individual choice and personal responsibility."
"How did you know that you were on the right path to ending your generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks? I always give the same answer: I took responsibility for my anxiety."
"Own your good, own your bad, own your pluses, own your mistakes."
"Your life is your responsibility...when you stop outsourcing your happiness, your validation, your support, and you bring it back in, it's so liberating."
"My choice to believe and behave this paranoia culminated into criminal activity for which I stand before you today, ready to take accountability."
"It's nobody's responsibility but your own to make it happen for yourself."
"It's not them who are going to live our lives; it's we who need to live our lives."
"The man is neutral. The thoughts and feelings that you're having, you are creating."
"You have to be the change that you want to see in others."
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to things."
"It is not your fault but it is your responsibility to heal and to change."
"Sooner or later, you need to learn that no one else is going to take care of you."
"I'm accountable and responsible for everything that happens to me."
"Work-life balance doesn't necessarily exist, especially if you're running your own company...everything's on you, even when you're sick."
"A human being will have nothing for his own benefit except whatever efforts he made."
"I take accountability for everything that I do."
"It's very easy to become a victim in this world and just say all these things that are happening to me are other people's fault."
"My mental health is primarily my responsibility."
"You cannot control the things around you, but you can always choose what you do next and what you make it mean."
"True wisdom is: you're the problem, and then fix it."
"Do not rely on your government to save you if you're in trouble."
"Turn to what you can do, what you can control. Don't look to blame anyone, don't look to scapegoat anyone, don't look to escape through denial, but choose the thing that you can do today."
"Don't rely on destiny. You create your own destiny."
"If you haven't found meaning in your life, it's because you haven't taken on a big enough burden. It's a strange thing that that's true, but I think it is. It's the closest to truth that we have."
"There's so much in our lives that we can't control. What you eat, deciding to get up every day and move your body, you can control that."
"If you live in the United States or Canada or the Western World, you have absolutely no excuse... to make the absolute best of yourself."
"Every individual is responsible for healing himself or herself."
"Knowing your own self-worth and knowing that you're responsible for your own happiness."
"God has given me a life and a mind of my own. By His grace, I will own my choices and choose God's best for me."
"In order to take back our power, we must take responsibility."
"You take responsibility for your entire life, no longer blaming anyone for anything."
"At the end of the day, you're not happy with your life, so are you going to change it or not?"
"You've got to put in the work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days."
"The cavalry is not coming, Santa Claus doesn't live in Washington D.C., it's up to you."
"You can endeavor earnestly as best you can to notice where you're actually coming from and the effects of what you're doing."
"Happiness, health, and strength are within our control."
"We take the most responsibility for ourselves and our actions. That's what the law of karma does—it puts it right back on us."
"It's not enough to go to church or temple; what matters is taking responsibility for our actions and making ethical choices that reflect our deepest values."
"Personal responsibility. These food companies are not at fault for putting that crap out there."
"It's always easy to force other people to do something. It's a lot harder to man up and step up and do it yourself."
"If you work in a company, let me promise you something. It's a lot more fun to die on your own sword."
"I've always done my job primarily for the paycheck... I've always done my job as a means to take care of myself, my responsibilities."
"Jacqueline, do the right thing. Delete the profiles, or at least change the content up to be more about yourself."
"Averages the enemy, success is your responsibility, and change can happen in an instant the moment you decide to flip the switch."
"Don't be so quick to always blame just the evil one. We have free will, and sometimes it is our lack of attention."
"We've got to take ownership of our own lives, and it starts with the individuals in this room."
"Taking responsibility for our life changes everything."
"Successful people take accountability for everything that happens in their life, even if it's not their fault."
"We're all in the process of making decisions, and those decisions don't just affect us, they oftentimes affect other people."
"Astrology does not dictate your life; you dictate your life."
"We're in charge of our lives, and the lifestyle choices we get to make every single day."
"It's one of the best things I've heard you say, man. Mindset is the only liability."
"Diet is probably the number one way that people can control their health."
"If I have a problem with a relationship, it's my problem, which is really good to know because if I have the problem, I also have the solution."
"The secret is that's how to make lasting changes, by taking full responsibility for your health."
"No one cares about your health as much as you care about your health, and any meaningful changes require a shift in overall lifestyle, which is the accumulation of small actions performed on a day-to-day basis."
"I will put forward the policies that I believe in, but after that, it's about giving people back their responsibility and increasing their purchasing power."
"85% of a man's sorrow in life is going to come from being self-imposed by failing to act and analyze in a critical situation."
"When you come to reach towards the end of your career... it becomes about your personal responsibility to make sure that you are out there on the pitch."
"Circumstances are created, they don't just occur."
"Through it all, he doesn't make excuses, he doesn't give in to fear, he understands that his life is in his control."
"It's my own responsibility to make sense of existence, and it's a heavy responsibility."
"I'm not here to make excuses for what happened. I did it. A coward would sit here and come up with this elaborate reason or try to blame something. I'm not going to do that."
"You are responsible for who you are. It's not hereditary; it's your responsibility."
"The only person you can control is yourself; you can't control anyone else."
"Just take agency of your wins and your losses."
"Knowledge is key, and you can't blame the system. The system's gonna keep going, so you've got to adjust to the system."
"I apologize to you for not using my common sense."
"You are the one who made the mistake, a mistake based on something that should be common sense."
"The message is that you're really responsible for your life. You are responsible for your life."
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"For every one unit of freedom, you need two units of accountability."
"At the end of the day, you always have control over you, the decisions you make, and the actions you take."
"We gotta teach young people how to really take ownership of their life."
"You have to own your life. If you haven't heard of the notion of extreme ownership, I highly encourage you to read the book by the same name."
"You can't control the world, you can't control other people, you can only control yourself."
"Remember that you create your own happiness from within."
"We are all the masters and commanders of our destiny."
"We have to take responsibility for the things we say and do and be aware that like, 'Oh, I'm [expletive] up here and I can do better.' That's like the goal."
"What I'm talking about is the tens of thousands of men who've been positively impacted by him telling them, 'Get your life together, you're depressed, you're in control of your own fate, get into the gym, get some exercise, run your own life, be able to be financially stable, be able to support yourself.'"
"If I don't clean up now, I'll continue to live this life. And I don't think that I can stand this life much longer."
"Excuses are tools of incompetence, used to build monuments of nothingness, and those who use them seldom amount to anything."
"Did you know that you can choose every single one of your actions? I think sometimes we act as though someone else is making choices for us. It's not the case."