
Diet Advice Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"If you fast at least 14 hours, you'll have a lot of health benefits."
"Eat until you three-fourths satisfied, not full."
"Eat your vegetables, eat your [expletive] vegetables."
"Get rid of vegetable oils religiously from your diet."
"If you are a calf, apart from that, no, absolutely milk is not good to drink."
"Start eating more whole plant foods and start moving towards a whole food, plant-based diet."
"More whole foods, lots of plants, and less processed foods are the three dietary tenets that I would give you to overall health and well-being, both mental and physical."
"Perhaps if we're consuming lectins we can consume sugars at the same time."
"If you read the studies, you realize nothing has changed. Meat is dangerous."
"Eat all you want if you just really get rid of your carbs and fat."
"Eat a proper human diet consisting mainly of fatty red meat, if you want some eggs throw some eggs in there, if you want some chicken or pork within reason it's probably fine."
"It's all about eating less glucose, less exogenous glucose coming in."
"If you eat just a lean piece of meat... it's gonna at least get the digestive system going."
"A calorie is not the same as any other calorie."
"It's important to eat a vegetable-rich diet."
"The number one tip that we have to get out of the way right off the bat is that if you're overweight or carrying excess body fat, you should put yourself into a calorie deficit first to get rid of that excess fat."
"If what you'd like to focus on is optimizing your own good health then sugars and grains and vegetable seed oils play no meaningful part in that whatsoever."
"Eat more fermented foods...like cheeses and yogurts."
"The best diet is a diet you can stick to and follow for the rest of your life."
"i think eventually if you have any kind of metabolic issues uh if you're a type 2 diabetic anything like that i think these will eventually start to affect you"
"What should we eat I've told you what they've got wrong what I'm going to tell you what you should eat number one eat real food that's where we started."
"It doesn't take a lot to really hit your fat content those calories to really start ramping up so I recommend with this stuff guys you weigh this out for sure don't just estimate almonds peanut butter almond butter peanuts whatever."
"Half of your plate should be some kind of veggie you love."
"Eat unprocessed foods, eat healthy, but don't worry about the little stuff."
"You should really just choose the natural option because that's gonna you're gonna be more right than wrong if you do that."
"Eliminate sugar and fake food from your diet."
"Going solo doesn't signify isolation; it signifies the courage to pursue genuine connections and embrace one's individuality."
"Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories do."
"If you're a healthcare provider and you recommend a low-fat diet, you're endangering people's lives."
"I know for a fact that the easiest way to lose weight, if that is your goal, on a vegan diet or any diet, is to eat higher protein because it's just so damn satiating."
"Kimchi, okay, this is one of my ultimate fat loss foods."
"More vegetables you eat, the leaner you'll be."
"This feels like the start of a Rags to Glory."
"Watermelon flesh with seeds is the way to go for any heart issues or blocked arteries."
"Eat less meat; it's statistically more expensive than plant proteins."
"Eat what you like... just avoid processed foods and avoid sugar and carbohydrate."
"The book is a very great story intermixed with some lessons on the ketogenic diet."
"If the gluten-free diet works for you, go for it, but please just remember don't compare yourself to anyone else on Instagram."
"One of the key things that stood out to me... really eating more plant-based food."
"It's medicine or poisoning, what your great grandmother said."
"Remember, it's not what you eat, it's what you absorb."
"On a proper human diet... you'll never stop eating."
"Avoid eating high-calorie dense foods as much as possible."
"When people eat protein in a weight loss diet, they end up losing 30% more weight."
"If you can reduce the amounts of high carbohydrate foods that you eat... you're going to ward off not only cancer but probably type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even dementia."
"Don't try to do crash diets or crazy diets that you know you're not going to maintain."
"Cereal and starch for breakfast is a huge no-no. If you can do one thing to change your biology quickly, it's get rid of any starch or sugar for breakfast."
"Maintaining lean tissue and a lean physique year-round while not having to deprive yourself is to get your protein numbers up."
"If you're listening today and you get rid of your visceral fat, you will have an entire new body and with it an entire new life."
"If you want to see results, try completely cutting sugar for a few months."
"If I want to be strong, I've got to put the right fuel in my body. It's like in the car, you can't put diesel gasoline when it needs to run on the regular kind." - Holistic Hilda
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"The only thing you need to do is stop eating plants and sugar, and these things just go away."
"Just add in more vegetables and fruit and eat less [expletive]. It's over and over the same message here folks, it's simple."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"If you don't have it in your kitchen cupboard or you can't pronounce it, you probably won't want to eat it."
"A diet based on vegetables and fruits and beans and whole grains is not only an easy diet but the most rewarding one." - Dr. Neil Barnard
"Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable; it's not inevitable."
"If you eat 500 calories a day, you're gonna lose weight."
"Absolutely nothing is fattening if you don't overconsume it."
"Keep the red meat in, particularly for women: the iron and the B12 and the zinc."
"Start consuming foods like ginger, garlic, onions, mushroom, pears."
"If it comes from an animal, you can eat it - that's the whole foods animal-based diet."
"If you are experiencing this and you're new to carnivore just know that it is not uncommon, it is not a sign that you are dying, you do not have to quit the carnivore diet."
"Give high fat, specifically eating more butter a try."
"If you eat bacon on a daily basis, you increase your risk of pancreatic cancer by 20%."
"Eat fat and protein to help keep you full longer."
"Excluding nuts and seeds from a diet increases the risk of death and shortens lifespan."
"Choosing one of these 10 healthy snacks is also better than choosing an unhealthy snack, because it's gonna keep the calories down low, as well as help you get all the nutrients that you need for the day."
"Avoid stress-eating traps, focus on keto and fasting."
"Add them to your diet no matter if you're young or if you're old you can get some benefits."
"Your food has to be the food that your DNA is looking for, the food has to be the food that your DNA is used to. That is not going to cause inflammation in your body, that's going to give you all the nutrition that you need."
"When you try a ketogenic style diet, it can help quite a bit with that." - Stan
"Eat nutrient-dense foods as often as possible."
"The more ways you could include fresh fruits and vegetables, the healthier you will be."
"The problem is not the meat; it's clearly the processed carbohydrates that taste way too good and we eat way too much of it."
"Cut out your liquid calories, that'll make a huge difference for almost everybody out there."
"Weight training, moderate cardio, and a high protein diet: three things I can recommend to absolutely everyone."
"They'll still be there. Your senses are right that it's useful to have some raw vegetables too in your routine."
"Choose a diet that you plan to maintain for the rest of your life."
"Experts say adding superfoods to your diet gives extra energy and disease protection."
"Cut out the sugars which retain fluid and consume foods high in potassium."
"Stay away from inflammatory foods like sugar... excess starches... processed oils."
"My favorite diet? Simple: calorie in, calorie out. That is what works."
"Fix your diet... all of your health gets better."
"Pull out your three-word magic wand: That's not food."
"I just hope that there's enough people watching this maybe they have a family member that is trying to go carnivore or something they can at least directly hand them the highest quality studies."
"Calories matter, but here's some other stuff that can help you."
"The saddest part of all is that we give people this really horrific advice to eat less and move more"
"I recommend that you make your own ketones by eating a very, very low carbohydrate diet. Your body will make ketones for you."
"If you want to lose fat, eat very few carbs or no carbs."
"Please tell your friends and loved ones about the dangers associated with lectins."
"You've got to find a sustainable eating plan, not a diet for life."
"So obviously higher protein low carb and resistance exercise is the combination that's going to be most beneficial."
"Do not fear carbohydrates in the food matrix."
"If you're in a calorie deficit you will lose weight."
"The best diet you should do is the one that you will follow."
"There's no problem consuming vegetables and carbohydrates in moderation, especially if they're seasonally grown within a hundred mile radius from where you live."
"If you want to lose weight, eat as many non-starchy vegetables as you can."
"The healthiest sweeteners are whole plant foods, like fruits and sweet potatoes."
"Now the two foods that don't trigger insulin don't create an insulin response would be fiber and fat."
"Start by cutting back on fast food and soda... don't set yourself up for failure, set yourself up for success."
"If any of you guys fell off the wagon over the holidays all you gotta do is fast between now bedtime and and fast as long as you can tomorrow."
"Differentiating between good and bad carbs is crucial."
"This shouldn't just be a diet it should be a lifestyle change."
"If you are a vegan YouTuber with no understanding of gut health or nutrition... then quite frankly shut the fuck up."
"Avoid pre-workout meals if you want to tap into your fat stores."
"Focus on fruits and vegetables... eat them, don't drink them..."
"Eat whole unprocessed foods. Really try to cut out the junk food."
"You can't really get that fat on fruit long term."
"Ultimately when we're trying to gain size, we want efficiency. We want food that we can eat, they say it's protein rich, it's high in, you know, good fatty acids, it's got enough carbs in it."
"The only diet I need to do is eat good and work out, there's no other way around it."
"Eating whole foods is the best way to cut out seed oils and added sugars."
"If you're eating more than one meal in a day, you're fucking eating too often for that day."
"Walk away from the table, cut calories basically. That's my advice. People try to make stuff so complicated, it's not complicated at all. Cut them calories, that's all you gotta do."
"The number one tip for a calorie deficit is sustainability."
"Contrary to prevailing diet advice, authors of recent systematic reviews and meta-analysis claim that there is no excess cardiovascular risk associated with intake of saturated fat."
"The most important dietary guideline we need to get out to the public is eat real food."
"Promoting not eating too much and Portion Control."
"Why is it the two things that we tell obese people to do to lose weight, eat less and exercise more, are the exact two things that any normal human being would do if they wanted to assure that they were hungry?"
"Avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible."
"By adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, you're going to be more full, and when you're more full, you're less likely to binge and you will lose weight."
"You want to lose weight, then bump up that fruit and vegetable intake."
"Avoid over consuming refined carbohydrates."
"Eating the rainbow is an easy way to remember to make half your plate a rainbow."
"Eating a high carbohydrate, low-fat, plant-based diet is your best chance at achieving maximal insulin sensitivity."
"A proper human diet is by definition a lower carbohydrate diet."
"The most important thing people need to know is just don't eat garbage."
"Implement diet changes, plant-based diet is the way to go and it works fast."
"There are no purely good or bad foods; it's going to be more related to the amounts."
"Based on your knowledge and experience as one of the world's experts in carbohydrate metabolism, should people be avoiding carbohydrate-rich food in their diet? Not for that reason."