
Miracle Quotes

There are 3537 quotes

"Every day is a miracle. To be a functioning, living organism is a miracle."
"Crazy faith has a sound, and when Jesus hears it, He stops."
"You being born is an absolute miracle; it's time we start taking advantage of the time that we have on this Earth."
"I woke up one morning, and the headache I had every day for a year and seven months disappeared."
"I'm a miracle baby; I wasn't supposed to be here."
"Your very existence alone, just for it to arrive here on this planet, is a miracle."
"Your body is a miracle. It knows how to fight infection."
"Your life will become like a gift, a freaking miracle."
"The resurrection...is a powerful vindication of Jesus' message because it has a low probability of occurring, and so that makes it miraculous that God did it."
"When you sow generosity, that will be the spot where the miracle occurs."
"The game you're playing is in some way, a freaking miracle in and of itself."
"The effectiveness of mathematics in the physical world is quite literally a miracle, which is best explained by the existence of God."
"The miracle of your mind holds the key to unlocking your full potential."
"When God speaks, laymen pick up their bed and start walking."
"When the dead thing hit the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood up on his feet."
"The chamber where Cisco and Kim had sought refuge is known as the Rim of the Three Miracles. The first miracle was that Cisco found the chamber with the air. The second was that he survived breathing the air with so much carbon dioxide. And the third is that he was able to escape the terrifying ordeal with his life."
"A miraculous rescue just occurred of a little girl who was buried for 48 hours in the rubble that was once her home."
"Each individual person is... a miracle, something that shouldn't exist."
"Elisha took his mantle, wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground."
"The integration of the two substances could not be produced by any known human technology."
"Child development is a miracle of learning and has fascinated scientists and storytellers alike."
"The master secret of the ages is the marvelous, miracle-working power found in your own subconscious mind."
"You are here, body and mind together. You are here, alive, completely alive. That is a miracle."
"Instead, Allah speaks to the fire itself and says, 'Be cool and peaceful on Ibrahim.'"
"When you look in the mirror, you're looking at a miracle. There has never been nor will there ever be anyone on this Earth exactly like you."
"The person that you're touching is on the cusp of a blessing, the precipice of a miracle."
"For me, that's kind of like a miracle story."
"His whole life is a miracle from beginning to end."
"Every person went out, twenty thousand people went out and said, 'Boy, I was at this service, I was at this place, and God blessed me and God gave me my miracle.'"
"Miracle, a heartbreak is healed. Revive, holy cow!"
"The miracle of life is about to happen... we're about to have some offspring."
"The rational man can hardly be blamed if he concludes that on that first Easter morning a divine miracle occurred."
"For those who accept the idea that God could have divided the Red Sea by performing a miracle, the lack of naturalistic explanation poses no difficulty."
"The miracle of life, I guess. It definitely is a miracle. It feels like a miracle."
"The greatest miracle of them all was the parting of the sea."
"The smallest possibility, you might as well call it a miracle."
"Immediately, the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague."
"I saw the hand of God. I saw what I needed to see that day. We saw a miracle. No doubt."
"Looks like the stream will continue, hallelujah, it's a miracle."
"God could heal an amputee if he wanted to, but I don't know of any case that he has."
"She's performed a miracle. It's a Christmas miracle."
"It's really a miracle that he's with us today."
"You both really see this connection as a miracle."
"All your life is a miracle. You are a miracle, my friend."
"If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."
"Expect a miracle; something good or big or life-changing is on the way."
"This has to be a true miracle... thousands of people are witnessing it."
"The miracle is always on the other side of an instruction and it's going to seem crazy." - Ryan LeStrange
"It's really a miracle that over four thousand people survived the wreck."
"A miracle baby boy was born in Beirut during the largest explosion in Lebanon's known history."
"We had a baby! It's truly a unique miracle, a cute little Martian baby."
"Get ready to see a miracle so amazing and wonderful that you and your family will be stunned."
"Miracles only come to those who never give up."
"When I raised Him from the dead, it was the most powerful miracle that had ever happened in this universe."
"Women can create life. It's pretty amazing, actually a miracle from God."
"You've been walking past it every day, but the Holy Ghost told me to tell you there's a miracle in your house."
"He raised his staff - and the sea parted for them."
"There were surprisingly and thankfully 22 survivors of the crash."
"There is a greater light and a greater miracle."
"The greatest Miracle exists within the human body. The Ascension is happening inside."
"Jesus told them that the day was the moment for action. They could walk without stumbling while Jesus, the light of the world, was with them."
"Everyone in Jerusalem was amazed when he brought his friend back to life."
"Your turn has finally arrived to experience a miracle that will change your life for the better and make you happier than you've ever been before."
"Never lose hope. Just when you think it's over, God sends you a miracle."
"Each Breath You Take is a testament to the miraculous nature of existence."
"Father refresh the soul of this woman of this man and make the miracle happen in the name of Jesus."
"It proves a miracle; it was an absolute Miracle."
"I know I'm blessed, God here to save me, some say I'm a walking miracle."
"The genetic makeup of identical twins has always been a fascinating biological occurrence not to mention a miracle for families to conceive."
"You have to step into the unknown to create some type of miracle."
"The consciousness itself, the very beat the very fact of being experiencing reality is a kind of miracle."
"Your miracle is imminent, it's within prayer reach."
"Dunkirk: the largest sea evacuation in history, a miracle achieved at great cost, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat."
"The miracle is that everything you see was created out of absolutely nothing."
"Let's stop trying to make everything make sense to the unbeliever. It's a miracle; receive it or you don't."
"There's one hope left for this increasingly shaky miracle."
"The fact that I ended up getting it I felt like was a complete Miracle."
"Even a couple of doctors talked about, 'This is a miracle.'"
"Something specific is about to happen, and you're the one who will experience a miracle first."
"Maria Nelly Murillo and her infant son escaped the crash, wandered into the jungle, and lived for five days before being found. It was a miracle they didn't die."
"The fact that you're sitting here tonight is the greatest miracle the world has ever seen."
"Just one of them Lord is a greater Miracle than the creation of the universe."
"That is the only way to explain it, the good Lord put His protective hand over me. He stopped the combine. God is the only thing that can break the laws of physics and stop 40,000 pounds moving at 22 miles an hour in its tracks."
"It's currently Christmas Eve for me and this is a literal Christmas miracle."
"The concept that anything gets made ever is miraculous."
"They feel like your connection is a miracle."
"We had 300 foot rope and we just about maxed them out to get down to those people. This was nothing short of a miracle."
"The body of the saint had not decayed at all, in fact, the body looked and felt as if it belonged to someone who was merely sleeping."
"I don't know what else to call this... an absolute Miracle."
"The man's a walking miracle... they were just baffled by his recovery."
"All it takes is a spiritual bath, all it takes is a sage cleansing, all it takes is an energy alignment for the miracle to come through."
"After 30 hours in the death zone at minus 25 degrees, Lincoln Hall should really be dead."
"It's gotta be a miracle. How else do you explain it?"
"If a miracle could be patience personified, this would be it."
"I said, 'In the name of Jesus Christ, get out of your chair and walk!' And she arose and walked!"
"It is simply a miracle, there is no way to explain it."
"Not only did Annabelle survive without injury, but shortly after the symptoms of her diseases completely disappeared."
"When we come together and worship God in spirit and in truth, He's able to do the impossible."
"She begs for you to come back and by some miracle it works, the amulet shines brightly."
"Praise sets the stage for the miraculous! Sing unto the Lord a new song!"
"You're next in line for a miracle that will change your life and make you incredibly happy. You will have more money than you can imagine, and all your bills will be paid on time."
"He is a literal miracle and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you grew him inside of you that he's an actual human being that's living and it's got his own life and he's going to have this whole future and dreams and everything."
"When I lay hands on the sick, they will recover."
"You're still a goddamn miracle, man. You're still a miracle."
"This is the sound of dry bones rattling, this is the praise making the dead man walk again."
"I needed God to move supernaturally for me to live."
"You shall witness events where it will be said, 'Only God could have done this.'"
"Lubu is gonna have to pull some kind of miracle here."
"Activate us tonight for the documented miracle! Glory to God, hallelujah!"
"Imagine a wonderful Miracle happening in your life."
"That appears to be nothing short of a miracle."
"To assume that a two-year-old has the mental, emotional, and physical strength to fight off her grown man attacker feels like a miracle if it's true."
"God is a miracle-working God. Now watch this if you believe God's power just moved through this room and you sense the presence of God."
"This is the day everything changes; this is the day where the miracle has our name on it."
"The Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea."
"He got up, took his mat, and walked out in full view of them all."
"Expect a miracle so bright, you won't be able to miss it."
"We still had a miracle, we still had a baby."
"Miracles can disprove naturalism if they're authentic."
"Something wants to be born of passion, and this energy is keeping you from it. It's almost like a miracle or an Impossible Dream is trying to bloom for you."
"Say to the mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea."
"When God intervenes, forget about it. He's going to go to the very end of the end of the end when there is no more rope to hold on to and then God shows up because that's when you need a miracle."
"Your miracle begins when you step out of your own suffering."
"You have this incredible gift of life granted by a miracle congregation of star scraps across the universe."
"You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle."
"The real miracle is that God took three loaves and made them into 5,000."
"He's been a miracle for us, given the circumstances."
"It was just a miracle that these two separate donors came up at the same time."
"Despite this, once lit, the candles burned bright and true for eight full days. This supposed miracle of God is the cornerstone of Hanukkah."
"Your faith in me bridges your prayers and my responses. It is through your faith that a great and powerful miracle will unfold in your life."
"The miracle almost always comes on the other side of the step of faith."
"Jesus knows exactly how to work your miracle and He will tell you what to do."
"It's truly a miracle that no one died in this terrible event, and only three people suffered injuries."
"Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' Why would the Father permit Jesus to do this miracle if he's just a man?"
"Jesus walking on water...violation of the laws of physics."
"That little boy is just a miracle and a testament that God lives."
"I received a brand-new liver in one second by the power of God!"
"How did Jesus feed the 5,000 he prayed over it and then you're able to feed others?"
"He needed to heal the paralyzed man because this paralyzed man would then be walking around with this bed that he used to lie on."
"That incurable disease has just been cured by Jesus, that impossible situation has just been made possible by Jesus."
"Jesus sped up time. Jesus slowed down time for the disciples when he was with them."
"It all boils down to you're a miracle you're born in a miracle don't ever forget that."
"Your person sees you as this beautiful person, you are a miracle."
"The preservation of the Quran is a miracle of Allah."
"We experienced a miracle, we experienced just the things that we prayed."
"All I need is a miracle, all I need is you." - True wisdom from a 1985 hit by Mike and the Mechanics, indeed the truth of the Christian faith is guaranteed by a miracle, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
"A miracle is basically something that defies natural law, that it cannot be attributed to human ingenuity but a miracle is a supernatural act of God."
"The fact that somebody showed up out of the desert might be a miracle."
"The path to a miracle is through uncomfortable territory."
"I received by faith all the Miracles you have in store for me every day."
"I suddenly saw a crack of light and my god, it was a miracle."
"Our God has the power to breathe life into dead situations to turn barrenness into fruitfulness and to make the impossible possible."
"If you are still here watching this... I just think that you're like a miracle."
"I was absolutely healthy. That's when doctors started calling me a medical miracle."
"The ultimate miracle is someone that's born again."
"Jason was dead, murdered, buried, and mourned. But for him to return to this world is a miracle."
"There's something about a truth or confession here, it's like you're seeing some kind of miracle."
"Evolution is liberating—it's just as miraculous if it takes millions of years as it is if it took seven days."
"Healed the man and he just walked away. No fanfare."
"There's a miracle right under your nose, it's in your mouth."
"This is truly the greatest miracle to date that Our Lady has ever worked."
"It really could be considered a miracle."
"It was a miracle, and we feel blessed by that."
"It's a miracle, it's very much a miracle."
"I went from an inch leg length discrepancy to perfectly balanced, no leg length discrepancy at all. It was a pure miracle."
"You are infinite, you are infinity, you are part of a divine miracle of life."
"When Israel went out of Egypt, the sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back."
"Prepare for a miracle, prepare to be shocked."
"We are walking miracles; our heart beats, and I'm not telling it to."
"Some of y'all, this going to be a miracle."
"God is not a god of compromise. He's going to bring a miracle into your life. Don't accept second best."
"Teamwork and responsibility can indeed bring very special rewards, even miracles."
"You're a miracle, the next stage of human evolution."
"Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.
"I really feel that whatever's going on here is gonna feel like a miracle."
"It's a miracle that they're still alive."
"Your existence is a miracle and a blessing and a gift for every single person on this planet."
"Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk."
"The $75 million plane has become an unlikely boat floating down the Hudson River."
"Have the faith of God... if you say to this mountain, be taken away and cast into the sea, and you don't waver in your heart... it shall be yours."
"It was truly a miracle that the neighbor came in the house when he did because he possibly saved my life."
"This really is a miracle, such. I feel really blessed and I'm so grateful."
"The miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe led to the birth of a new nation forged from two ethnic groups and two cultures: Spanish and Native."
"By some miracle, the cyclists managed to escape the train with seconds to spare."
"To get this many people off in such a dire circumstance in a very short period of time with no injuries is miraculous."
"We were given a miracle because of you, we are a family because of you."
"Are you too cynical to believe in a miracle?"
"They need a miracle. They need a new hope."
"When you talk about where life comes from, you are talking about the miracle of life itself."
"This woman in Ethiopia has not eaten in 16 years, not a single piece of food or a sip of water."
"I'm not a man of faith, but whatever God you pray to must be real because you're alive, and this is a miracle."
"Thanks to what you might call a genuine miracle, each member of the choir survived, completely unscathed."
"I've got a girlfriend, guys! And let me tell you, as a single father who's usually way too busy to date or do anything, that's nothing short of a miracle."
"You are on the verge of a miracle, all of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp."
"Mother holds the baby close and starts singing, miraculously reviving the child."
"You received the greatest miracle, salvation, not by works but by faith."
"It's almost like a miracle food in a way."
"Energy soars on your shining wings, spread the miracle of happiness."
"The powerful thing about this miracle is the message behind the miracle."