
Political Issues Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Freedom's always an important issue, and I think reproductive freedom is chief among them."
Josh Shapiro
"Technology has never been the fix to the problems we create with the technology. The problem is political, it's social."
"The same fourth estate seemed or pretended to find it inexplicable that I would put a genocide in Gaza in front of the voters in a byelection in 2024."
"The future of healthcare and whether or not we're going to have pay-to-play healthcare is becoming an issue too."
"We need to forget about political problems and get whatever Iran needs into the country because we need to get on top of this massive outbreak."
"The deep state is an issue, yes. How do you combat it?"
"We're looking at genocide, and we're looking at organ harvesting and we're looking at Hong Kong falling."
"China's problem, like Russia's before 1991, is the one-party problem."
"We're not picking Democratic issues or Republican issues; we're picking issues that are important to hard-working Americans."
"It's a spiritual problem that we're all dealing with, more than a political problem."
"Poverty is a political choice. There is enormous wealth in this country, and people born into disadvantage should not have a different childhood than people who are born rich."
"The film Ithaka, the title taken from a poem by C. P. Cavafy, chronicles the slow motion torture and execution of the Australian journalist Julian Assange, currently awaiting extradition to the United States in a high-security prison in London."
"The right to vote and have it counted... is under assault in state after state."
"Nigeria should be salvaged because it's a country with immense potential."
"How's political violence not the sole issue of the election? Trump should be hammering the Dems every day because they accept political violence."
"Oppression is being legislated... a lot of these attitudes and beliefs... being codified and passed into laws all across our country."
"Creating censorship regimes can lead to abuse by powerful entities."
"People no longer care about economic issues, they care about politics."
"Trump crushes Biden with a 35 point lead on the border."
"The American people can sense when it feels like people are being corrupt."
"I think every human didn't have access to life-saving information because it was silenced and politicized."
"The path is wide open and available for someone that can talk about the economy, energy, and National Security."
"Trans people have always been there, you just didn't care until it got made a big political issue."
"The concentration of power and wealth in this country is disastrous for our society."
"We actually are on the right side of the issue. So, it's very plausible that changing how we talk about these issues is a great starting point."
"She is addressing issues that matter to Millennials, like healthcare and college debt."
"But the democrats especially the ones in california turn a blind eye towards corporal Ronal singh who was killed by an illegal alien gang member who we hear the story time and time again."
"I think gun reform is going to be a single issue for me. It's the only thing that matters."
"It became an issue of politics. It shouldn't be. Should be considered a common enemy we could all get behind and unite against."
"Loophole allowing foreign governments to interfere with our American elections."
"Democracy isn't everything... Human rights are at stake."
"The politicizing of the Wuhan virus is going to continue until November and well beyond."
"The coronavirus and the president's handling of it is the top issue again and looks like it's going to be all the way from now till the election."
"Politics undermines democracy; political parties lobbying is really a big problem."
"This election is about reproductive Freedom. If you care about this you need to turn out and vote."
"Corruption scandals are becoming harder to sweep under the rug."
"There are already so many restrictions on our right to exercise that second amendment."
"I honestly wish that when we had to discuss you know the internet or net neutrality or moderation of comments on internet platforms I wish that wasn't a political topic."
"People are automatically going after... the type of guns that are on this table."
"Supporting white supremacists should have been the easiest to avoid."
"The radical left wants to do things like raise the minimum wage for the first time in decades."
"It's not about women's healthcare, it's about control."
"You need to know how you will approach this issue because it is going to become political."
"The issue of aging is not one that the White House wants to be talking about."
"We live in a time of unique crises: the pandemic, the border crisis, censorship, but one thing that is not unique is political violence."
"I don't know how we can't look at what happened on January 6th and think that's a problem that's a real problem."
"More Americans are concerned about inflation than the January 6th circus."
"There's nobody who wants an up to full term of pregnancy it just doesn't exist."
"There's the potential for a new fault line in America's ever-growing debate about parental rights."
"Corruption is the most important issue... end the corruption, you end 99% of the other problems."
"The problems we face are nonpartisan; solutions should be as well."
"There's not the political will oftentimes because abortion clinics will come in and argue you're going to put us out of business."
"Democracy is at the heart of this whole issue."
"This is bigger than the president. It's a symbol of our complacency."
"Normal process of transparent elections was violated plain and simple."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"Already there are attacks on our second amendment rights."
"It's pretty clear that this is not a left-right issue. This is not about left and right, this is about our rights."
"Science denial whether it's coming from the left or the right is really not helpful."
"Joe Biden's mess now. How do we fix it? How do we get out of this?"
"That is what courage looks like in the face of cowardice and political persecution."
"If he doesn't spend half his debate talking about how he can put America back on track with the economy, it is the only issue that he ranks higher on with audiences and voters."
"We have to acknowledge there is an elite, and the problem that we're facing right now is that the elite is very, very bad."
"The evidence is clear, a largely foreign funded targeted and coordinating attack on critical Canadian infrastructure is hurting Canada and harming Canadians."
"Trump is not the end-all. You don't solve the problematic issues that we're facing here in America just because you removed Donald J. Trump."
"No other candidate supports reparations. Can Bernie Sanders improve on this issue? Absolutely."
"When you have the disparity between the desire of the people and the actions of the government, something's broken."
"The erosion of confidence in our elections is an existential crisis for the United States of America."
"Joe Biden is going back to that old stalwart gun control."
"This is going to be a massive issue in 2020, this economic war that China's been running against us."
"It's not just that it's unpopular, it's that this is an issue that really matters to people."
"The mistreatment and discrimination against Palestinians is not unprecedented at all and is baked into the foundation of the political system in Israel."
"It is solely based on the flat-out disrespectful and politically charged responses that both dice and EA on several occasions directed at their fans and customers for voicing their legitimate criticisms."
"You cannot run a country when there is literally no trust."
"I stand up for Second Amendment rights. I don't think it conflicts with the need I feel we also need to have sensible gun safety regulation."
"Voter suppression and intimidation is a threat to democracy."
"I think it's a damn shame that something like a vaccine has become a political ideological issue."
"It doesn't matter who you vote for, white supremacy is on the ballot."
"There's no question at all... it's a political solution that needs to be done and gun owners need to get with it."
"Under the First Amendment, the prosecution cannot dictate what is true or false on politically charged questions."
"Economic issues are very important to voters."
"In America, we value our freedom, and right now a handful of lawmakers want to take away our freedom to vote so that they can rule only for the wealthiest few."
"This is really about taxation without representation... We just can't tax people without allowing them to be represented." - Delegate from Chintan DC
"In China, when you're oppressed you know why and you also know who's done it and why they've done it, and it's the state."
"China and Russia are always looking to get our stuff, our intelligence, our personal information."
"We need to be covering this with the same ferocity."
"The amount of time that we spend in this country worrying about gerrymandering is wildly disproportionate to the amount of evil actually done by gerrymandering."
"This midterm is no longer just about the economy; it's about social issues."
"We're usually talking about very basic gut-level problems that political analysis gets added to."
"We're dealing with spiritual problems manifested in politics."
"The real resource, the power they're fighting over, is the extendable slave labor of the tropics."
"To him, this is not an esoteric issue. It's not an abstract issue. It's very real."
"Threats to democracy as the top voter concern."
"There's only one issue, and it's freedom and justice."
"They're coming for your birth control, your gay marriage, your education."
"The thing about the South African farmers is it was a story that wasn't just not covered but it was being overtly denied and contradicted."
"Governments and competition with government the set the problem is we have Monopoly."
"The impact of voter suppression can be significant in the outcome of our elections when it goes unchecked."
"There's an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote and fair and free elections. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans."
"This is what happens when you have a political party that refuses to confront the reality of guns in this country."
"The purges in China have been building and building all throughout last year."
"I'm not gonna play these games when Michael Flynn comes out and says this and then lies... this is a very serious problem."
"We're losing sight here of what started all this... the Russian interference in our election process."
"This campaign is more than healthcare, it's more than education, it's more than the postal service, it is democracy."
"Right now there's an enormous invasion of the human rights of the people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo."
"I don't even think you can blame capitalism on that. I think you just can blame sociopathic people that both crave and ascend to positions of power."
"You need the people who are complicit in it all, you need them prosecuted."
"We must support women in this fight regardless of political persuasion."
"This isn't a political issue, this is a human rights violation."
"Our issues are with the Chinese government, not the Chinese people."
"Women must control their own bodies, not politicians and the government."
"He's one of the few players in NFL that had the c.a jones aka kahunas to stand up to the NFL to Dr. Falke and to just this whole political thing regarding COVID."
"This we should keep up the pressure, I think this issue more than any is going to be the issue that defines the country moving forward."
"Many people have never heard of us or Ron; the information is being suppressed."
"Listen to us. We care about child care credit, safe schools, and health care."
"Can you understand the rage in the country as a result? I know I can."
"Abortion rights and a resilient economy including a historically low unemployment rate."
"Corruption remains a critical issue that deeply affects nations worldwide."
"If we don't fight like hell right now around these issues, those things that they want are not going to happen."
"When we're talking about Ukrainian corruption and Ukrainian collusion, that is the real story, yeah, that is where the corruption lies."
"There will come a moment where tax fraud and money laundering will be Donald Trump’s biggest problem."
"What troubles us mostly in the southern states is that we face reapportionment. We're getting ready to now to reapportion our and later this year the entire House and Senate here in the state of Georgia."
"European leaders have succeeded in making immigration one of the dominant political issues of our time. My purpose in writing this book is to urge Europeans to act differently before it is too late."
"We believe women and their doctors should have control over the medical decisions, not the government, not politicians, and certainly not the courts."
"We've opened Pandora's box with technological politics, unlike the utopian visions we once held for things like the internet."
"You heard him talk about key International topics domestic issues like the economy like the Border like immigration there."
"You have freedom of press and he's trying to limit freedom of press. That's a problem."
"When people look back and say well you know what Bernie was there talking about these issues when they didn't have majority support in polls maybe that's worth something."
"Protests sweeping China against authoritarian policies."
"It's a very specific political problem and I just want to come on is about I'm gonna be about time for the debate soon I just want to come on for a little while because I want us to start to think about what that means."
"Issues where there's broad agreement, places like healthcare, affordable housing, and family-sustaining wages, those are kept off the table."
"The wearing of masks has been politicized for one particular political position, it's just ridiculous."
"This is a desperate act to cover up 40 years of corruption."
"I'll reveal the voter suppression in Maricopa County that seems to be responsible for Carrie Lake's shocking loss."
"Free speech is a big seller for our younger generation."
"Immigration restrictionism is now one of the very few issues in this country in which a majority of Canadians all agree on."
"It feels like a Biden Administration problem, not just a Facebook or Twitter problem."
"Not just that they're racist or that they believe in white nationalist replacement theories but that they were the ones to help stage the insurrection from the inside."
"They don't want to talk about this... this is getting so bad."
"This is even more important than the border than anything else because that is the big grievance."
"A massive ordeal especially with what's going on in Washington."
"The real issue here transcends political affiliations, it's about the core values of our nation."
"The degree to which voter suppression is alive and well in America in Kansas, in Georgia, I mean this is -- it’s kind of remarkable that it’s getting worse."
"Republicans have been on the wrong side of cannabis, Roe v Wade, birth control, and gay marriage."
"Reproductive freedom is on the ballot. Social Security is on the ballot. Medicare is on the ballot. The Affordable Care Act is on the ballot. Gun safety is on the ballot. And democracy itself is on the ballot."
"It's not a right-wing talking point... before you go help the defense contractors and the bankers and the drug companies and the oil companies make sure maybe you should help actual human beings like our kids first."
"It's not a party problem, it's a problem with government overreach."
"One of the biggest problems is that people aren't involved with the EU."
"Those core set of issues... Freedom to thrive in this economy for our seniors, freedom to be free from gun violence and the threat of it."
"Black voters are saying hey pay attention because we will show up and we will vote on this issue."
"No matter how much the media and the politicians don't want to talk about this... you cannot just sweep these things under the carpet."
"Zahi Hawas is a symbol of a bigger problem: suppression of history for massive and messed up political and corrupt reasons."
"Focusing on those key issues like Medicare for all, $15 minimum wage... I really think that's what's going to set a challenge for Biden come 2024."
"We cannot buy our way out of the problems we face, especially the problems within our senior military leadership."
"When it's a [expletive] kidnapping of a governor, what are you talking about? How could you make this a political issue?" - Commentary
"People are more concerned about the livelihoods of their children than they are about the filibuster."
"The choice issue is going to matter a lot in the House Seats." - Celinda Lake
"Immigration is such a net winning issue for Republicans that anything he could say is probably going to be good for him."
"It does not matter if you live in New York or Florida or anywhere else, freedom is on the ballot."
"There's a pattern of leaders getting us in trouble."
"This is not just an election about healthcare or education or climate change, this is an election about whether or not we maintain our democratic form of government."
"Basic human rights... somehow a political stance."
"Whatever partisan divisions there are around other issues, there don't have to be around this one."
"Health Care money that's our money that we've already paid for that we should be able to draw down from the federal government and we're not able to."
"Political discrimination is a huge topic and which is, it seems to me, not receiving anywhere near the attention it needs to get."
"This is a political issue as much as it is a policing one."
"The ineptitude at the highest levels of government... just quite incredible."
"Addressing foreign immigration in the election."
"The problem of Nigeria can never be resolved by personnel changes."
"Kids need to be kept safe. Children have been used as a bit of a political football here."
"Abortion stands for other things, and when you drill down into these things, they all stand for social class."
"Disney decided to wage war... by rail against the so-called don't say gay bill."
"Republicans leading at 24 points on the subject of inflation... that is just going to simply drown out a 12-point lead that Democrats have on coronavirus."
"The politics that would prefer to protect corrupt cops rather than expose them."
"We're here today to defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history."
"The solution to our immigration crisis is not that hard to see, and everyone knows that. It's playing politics with immigration in Washington that prevents it from getting done."
"I'm talking about other issues that I think most Americans... are concerned about."
"What's been completely missing from the reporting is Russian interference there's big claims they're trying to interfere in the midterms."
"Voter suppression is real from making it harder to register and stay on the rolls, to moving and closing polling places to rejecting lawful ballots."
"Black exploitation films often addressed social and political issues of the time such as racism, police brutality, and inequality."
"Adapting to contemporary socioeconomic and political issues is one way the genre has survived."
"Let's talk about the issues. Let's talk about why in the 1990s Wall Street got deregulated. Do you think it has anything to do with the huge amounts of campaign contributions and lobbying?" - Senator Sanders
"The United States is having very real problems... We are failing in Iraq."
"The economy remains the top issue."
"Young voters are ranking the economy and abortion and other issues at higher levels than they are the Israel-Hamas war."
"Voter suppression still happens today."
"In the grand scheme of things, I think the government has bigger fish to fry."
"Healthcare, student debt, the economy... these are the issues driving young voters."
"A dead, a killed political leader becomes totally immortal and he becomes a symbol, a banner, and a big, big problem for the state."
"The most important political problem we have right now is that we have a populist government that has taken control of the reins of power."
"The public supports this left, right, and center."
"The main problem in Romania is the government corruption."
"What concerns me is you can deal with the criminality in that, but you're not dealing with the political marketplace."
"Our democracy hasn't been doing so great recently, there are increasing signs of polarization and dysfunction."
"There's a disconnect between what politicians are doing and what is needed to be done."
"You can't try to fix today's problems politically... man's problems are not essentially political, they're spiritual."