
Reproductive Rights Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Women deserve the right to make decisions over their own bodies. They deserve a full range of reproductive health care."
Josh Shapiro
"Freedom's always an important issue, and I think reproductive freedom is chief among them."
Josh Shapiro
"If men could get pregnant, you could walk to a pharmacy and get an abortion with a flu shot at the same time, same day."
"If you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I'll restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"If you really wanted to stop abortion from happening, you would be out there rallying for open doors to women's reproductive healthcare access."
"We all know the ability to control the timing and number of pregnancies is vital to a woman's educational success and her ability to provide for her family."
"Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make and we remain dedicated to upholding these values."
"Even if it were a person, it doesn't have the right to use your body. And when we start to say that a fetus does have the right to use someone's body, we're granting them special rights that we grant to no other human beings."
"Two generations have now relied on this right, and one out of every four women makes the decision to end a pregnancy."
"If you're not being forced to give birth to children, your life is going to be better; the lives of your future children will be better."
"I'm a firm believer that a woman does have, in fact, a right to choose."
"A state taking control of a woman's body and forcing her to undergo the physical demands, risks, and life-altering consequences of pregnancy is a fundamental deprivation of her liberty."
"I would say that the life of the woman who has her own rights, and autonomy over her body would supersede the rights of a fetus."
"I would always argue that enabling a person to make individual choices about their childbearing status is always going to be superior to the government compelling people through economic or fiscal policies."
"There is no moral equivalency when you come to racism, and I do not believe there's a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom."
"We are in a democracy, not a theocracy, and it's nuts to allow government to think they can have a say in the choices a woman makes for her own body."
"Abortion is a valid choice for any pregnant person for any reason."
"I'm Gary Chambers, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to be one of the votes needed to codify a woman's right to choose as the law of the land."
"Having or not having children is an issue for all women, regardless of whether they went to college, and the birth control movement brought upper, middle, and lower class women together in ways that other social movements never did."
"I'm in favor of both birth control and abortion. I just happen to be in favor of the truth as well."
"What we're witnessing is the very beginning of an effort to roll back not just abortion rights or the right to privacy that the court found in Griswold v. Connecticut, but really roll back almost a hundred years of jurisprudence."
"If you can, in addition to building broad-based from below movements for reproductive rights and really connecting that to existing movements for civil rights, for labor rights, and also use that kind of energy to begin to build a consensus within the Democratic Party about getting rid of the filibuster, about court reform, then I think in the more medium term, you might be able to make some changes via voting."
"I want to protect women's reproductive rights in any way I can."
"It was more a feeling of disappointment and rage at the people who suggested we were somehow all hysterical women for suggesting that this might happen and that Roe would be overruled."
"If you're taking away our reproductive rights, at least own that you're gutless monsters."
"We are trying to fight against extremism and the dangers extremism poses to our democracy, to women on questions of reproductive care and abortion, extremism on guns."
"These anti-abortion laws that are passing in red states are incredibly cruel."
"You're gonna force a 10 year old to have their rapist baby? Are you doubly insane?"
"The overwhelming majority of the people of Ohio and the country do not want to force 10 year olds to have their rapist babies."
"The majority of Americans want to protect Reproductive Rights. They do not want the government to get in between them and their doctors."
"We are very focused on protecting that right to travel... ensuring that no woman, no person who is seeking a medical service in a state where it is legal, is prevented from doing that."
"The president... is very mindful we are all very mindful that the best and fastest way to fix that is by codifying Roe, restoring Roe, by legislation."
"What you do with your own reproductive organs should be your decision."
"California's commitment to being a sanctuary for those seeking reproductive care."
"The right to decide when to start a family or not is a choice every individual should be able to make on their terms, when the time is right for them."
"I'm heartbroken for people around this country who just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies."
"If a woman is forced by law to carry a fetus to term, is that not involuntary servitude, putting one human being in servitude of another?"
"How can you be pro-life and pro-choice? I support four choices: contraception, abstinence, motherhood, adoption."
"We're not telling them what they can do to their bodies, though. We're telling them what they can't do to a baby, a precious life."
"I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that women they can't control their body."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"Embryo conceived through IVF is legitimate and deserves a chance at life."
"Once reproduction became a biological choice for the mother, then fatherhood became a social choice for the man."
"Putting doctors and nurses in jail for abortion care is definitely not one of them."
"This type of ruling will have a chilling effect on reproductive care."
"The amendment guaranteeing access to Reproductive Services...significant support crosses partisan lines including a third of Republicans and a stunning 85 percent of Independent Women."
"It's a grotesque use of government for Donald Trump to appoint himself as the person who's going to make decisions over women's reproductive rights."
"I support abortion rights is a universal right for all women in America."
"I support Roe v. Wade, that's what I run on, that's what I believe."
"This is a referendum right now on Reproductive Rights on same-sex marriage on the future of Medicare Medicaid and Social Security."
"This right that was fought for half a century ago should remain with a woman or family, her faith, and her doctor."
"A bill to codify the protections for abortion rights that are supposedly enshrined by Roe versus Wade."
"Your conversations with your doctor and your decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion care, are your own business, no one else's."
"We trust that the DOJ will initiate investigations and file lawsuits to protect Reproductive Rights."
"Abortion bans don't actually stop abortions from happening... you're just banning safe abortions."
"You're an idiot. Okay? Here's what NARAL actually tweeted: 'We'll be damned if we're gonna let five men, including some frat boy named Brett, strip us of our hard-won bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.'"
"You couldn't pass legislation; it was handed to you on a platter by the Supreme Court. I'd say it wasn't hard-won bodily autonomy and reproductive rights."
"No one believes life begins at conception. No one believes embryos are babies or children. Those who claim to are trying to manipulate you so they can control women. Don't let them use this question to call them out. Reveal them for what they are."
"It's really forced pregnancy, you're pro-force pregnancy."
"If you're targeting me or my children and trying to convince us not to reproduce, then I don't think you really love me."
"This election is about reproductive Freedom. If you care about this you need to turn out and vote."
"Having sex does not mean you have to have a baby."
"The idea that my daughters may lose the right to control what happens to their bodies keeps me up at night."
"Withdrawing a woman's right to choose whether to continue a pregnancy does not mean that no choice is being made."
"Do you want a six-week abortion ban or do you want access to reproductive health care?"
"Democrats will keep fighting ferociously to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"No government or politician should force a woman to carry out a pregnancy."
"Every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country."
"I think the world is infinitely better when people are able to proactively choose Parenthood and to opt out of it when it's not meant for them and more people should be able to make that choice."
"If men could get pregnant, we wouldn't even be debating abortion."
"I believe that life begins at conception. Your body is your choice, and you make a decision before conception happens."
"Making abortions illegal is simply a sanctimonious self-righteous form of violence against women."
"You don't take away a right that's been around 50 years and have a party go to extremes to make sure rape victims have to have forced berths."
"What is up with all of these new abortion laws that are cropping up mainly in the America South?"
"It will only be equal if men can give birth too."
"By declaring reproductive freedom as a fundamental right, we are seizing control of the means of reproduction."
"Whether you can decide when and whether to have kids is the biggest determinant of whether we're healthy, how long we're going to live, are we educated, can we work outside the home. It's a fundamental human right."
"The radical far-right extremist Supreme Court just voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. This is a dark day."
"Abortion restrictions exist to control us, not to protect us."
"Access to contraception is a basic human right."
"If abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either."
"People that get abortions aren't literally trying to have children. You're just... You're forcing them to have children."
"When we go back to Washington we will be putting Roe v. Wade codification on the floor of the House to make sure that women everywhere have access to the reproductive health that they need."
"We do need to expand the court which is why we do need to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure access to abortion for all people."
"We need to abolish the filibuster so we need to codify Roe v. Wade pass the Women's Health Protection Act we need to abolish the filibuster we need to expand the impact of these policies."
"It is a woman's body. I don't think I have any right to dictate what she does."
"Vasectomies are on the rise as a way to balance reproductive rights."
"There's a special cruelty of forcing a child or anyone to carry a baby and then not be there for them as the government in support and in programs and in aid and in counseling and in other programs necessary."
"I'm pro-choice on these things, but each one of those times it was because I asked her why didn't you just take the morning after pill."
"26 states are expected to ban or severely restrict abortion rights in wake of the Supreme Court's ruling."
"If you believe in a woman's right to choose, then there's no way in hell you could believe and support the Texas law to ban abortion."
"The Supreme Court ruled to strike down most states restrictive abortion laws."
"A baby should be able to be killed until its head exits the birth canal."
"We are very close to having the votes in the Senate to be able to codify Roe versus Wade."
"Every American should have the right to choose when to start a family."
"I'm pro-choice. I believe men and women both have the right to choose whether or not they are parents."
"Supporting women in all areas, so reproductive rights."
"Roe v. Wade protected a woman's right to choose up to the point of viability... viability was always the main question when it came to Reproductive Rights."
"We want women to have easily accessible, affordable, and reliable birth control and access to abortions when necessary."
"So there is no right to kill your baby and that doesn't matter what the procedure is right whether it's a pill whether it's surgical."
"If the government can deny you the right to an abortion, is there any reason they couldn't also force you to have an abortion?"
"Nobody cares about your sacred sperm but there's no logical difference to be made between what you're reading in Justice Celino's opinion and laws that would do the same thing to any other medical procedure including especially vasectomy."
"Major corporations are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to groups actively raising money to overturn reproductive rights."
"Your body as a battleground: Kruger's powerful commentary on women's reproductive rights."
"As a result it appears this issue is more Universal there is such broad support with the American people they understand that Reproductive Rights are tied to their basic freedom." - Democratic congresswoman Catherine Clark
"I'm thinking a lot about reproductive rights... Everyone's right to plan when they want to have a family."
"I want presidents and politicians who are focused on equality, making sure women can control their own bodies."
"Republicans say we don't like big government, but we'd like to be inside your uterus."
"Our democracy is a prerequisite for all the other issues you care about. Abortion bans violate the separation of church and state."
"Abortion rights is something that's very very close to my heart and it's something I care about deeply."
"I think it is not a male legislature's place to weigh in on women's reproductive rights."
"People who have abortions are our future and we deserve to be in leadership in this movement."
"You don't have a right to force someone to remain pregnant."
"Everybody should have access to be empowered to control the reproductive decisions and that should not be based on your socioeconomic status."
"An abortion is a choice. It is your body and it is your choice."
"Women must control their own bodies, not politicians and the government."
"Hookup culture will be absolutely decimated if roe v. wade is overturned so it turns out all we needed to do to destroy hookup culture and embrace trad wife was make women face consequences."
"The government is going to seize a woman's body and say, 'You are not allowed to do what you want.'"
"Men's Reproductive Rights are limited to the choice of whether or not to have sex."
"I will forever be pro-choice because pro-choice is pro-woman. You can't be pro-woman if you're not pro-women in the womb."
"The right to an abortion has been a right on paper, not a reality."
"Our reproductive rights are being erased until women have legal control over our own bodies. We just cannot risk pregnancy. Join me by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I'm calling for a sex strike, pass it on."
"It's pro-choosing the right to have an abortion if you feel that's necessary."
"We as women should have the right to choose."
"IVF is so much more tangible to people than when you explain to them what has happened since Dos in terms of women with ectopic pregnancies and being denied procedures because doctors are leaving to call their lawyers."
"Birth control and safe and legal abortion provide an empowering agency..."
"Forcing someone to remain pregnant violates bodily autonomy."
"This is what an attack on reproductive rights actually looks like."
"This is about reproductive justice, reproductive freedom."
"Abortion is okay. Abortion is common. Abortion is health care. Abortion is necessary."
"Now is the time to be loud and vocal supporters of abortion care and abortion access."
"Abortion should be decided by the mother, doctor, and conscience."
"Seems like everyone needs it, not just women. People with uteruses get abortions, trans people get abortions, trans men and non-binary people, people of all genders get abortions. Love you, huh?"
"Would you, a plan cover abortion, Mr. Secretary? I guess it would. I don't believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice."
"Even if you personally would never get an abortion and you never want to even think about getting one, other people also deserve to have that choice."
"We keep, how hard is this concept? So, you're making an argument, yeah, that all of a sudden the baby goes through metamorphosis of a species change."
"You only want to force people to have babies they don't want and you don't actually care about it because you've proven time and time again here that you don't even know exactly what a baby is."
"Colorado just defeated prop 115 which was a ban on late term abortion."
"Work with organizations advocating for legislative ways to protect access to abortion and reproductive health care."
"It's their body, it's their child and it's only right that they have a choice."
"Abortion is important because I have special needs siblings and family members."
"This is about protecting women's bodies...50 years since Roe vs. Wade, there is no exception in Roe versus Wade for pandemics." - Tish James
"People want the freedom for a woman to choose what they want to do."
"A woman's right to choose when she should have or not have babies."
"Abortion is health care and abortion must continue."
"Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and consent to becoming pregnant is not consent to remaining pregnant."
"It's not freedom to tell women what they're allowed to do with their bodies."
"Abortion is about autonomy, in this case bodily autonomy."
"Any elected representative who wants to undermine the right that women have to bodily autonomy, especially via abortion, there should obviously be outrage."
"This is the power to take our country and turn it in a new direction just like that."
"Abortion is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should overturn it."
"Remember, if you're a couple, if you're a guy who's trying to get pregnant, your wife or partner wants to get pregnant, that's a right, that's a basic human right."
"Planned Parenthood isn't just for abortions; They also do cancer screenings, they help trans folks with hormone replacement therapy."
"Roe v. Wade is gone, and every woman in Alabama who gets pregnant is gonna be forced to give birth soon."
"The bodily autonomy argument needs to be considered in the context of rape."
"Are we going to force a child that was raped to give birth against her will?"
"Abortion is connected to birth control; the two are both contingent on the fulcrum of personal choice."
"The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber."
"Nobody whose right to a safe abortion has been taken away is going to care that the decision got leaked months before."
"If we want empowered women then we come at it from a place of self-respect not can I make a trip an hour away to have an abortion when my poor choices didn't work out..."
"75 percent of Americans believe that this decision should be made between a woman and her doctor. 75 percent of Americans, red states and blue states, old people and young people, want Roe v. Wade."
"Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and consent to pregnancy is not consent to remain pregnant."
"You can get an abortion for any reason because you should not be made to be pregnant if you don't want to be pregnant. Period."
"Abortion is about an individual's autonomy and sovereignty saying I'm going to terminate this pregnancy what happens to the fetus is a separate question."
"How can it possibly be moral to force someone to remain pregnant against their will?"
"Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban."
"A full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision."
"Shame on you for standing out here thinking you know what's right for other people's bodies."
"The only viable option left for the majority of Americans who support the now defunct right of women to control our own bodies is to take out your vengeance at the polls."
"There are two important things happening in America. One is the taking away of your reproductive rights, no matter who you are in America. And the other is Donald Trump knowingly wanted to overturn the election in 2020."
"I think the whole point of Roe is a protection of privacy and a protection of the right of individuals to make choices about their own bodies."
"Abortion: Let's make it legal, safe, rare, and in the meantime, focus on the sex education that actually makes abortions unnecessary."
"I just think it is what it is. Right now, if a man wants to go and correct his vision, he can go get lasik surgery or wear glasses. If a woman chooses to give birth or deny that and terminate, she should have the right also."
"Do you guys support men having the right to have a financial abortion?"
"Over the weekend thousands fled to the streets to demand protections on Reproductive Rights."
"This potential overturning of roe v wade a huge win."
"Choice is such a personal and complex issue it cannot be dictated by the government."
"The Department of Justice brings a blockbuster lawsuit against the state of Idaho for its total abortion ban."
"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and have devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard."
"The truth of the matter is, he has no control. You cannot shame nor pressure a woman into keeping or giving up a child that she does not want to."
"We believe legislators most of whom are men should not be making decisions about women's choices for their reproductive health."
"I don't understand why we're legislating women's reproductive systems, and let's be honest, it's mostly men."
"No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy that they don't want. Period."
"It is my choice, it is my body, it is really my body, my choice."
"It's not about quote life, it's about control... controlling women and controlling families."
"It's never gone away...it mutates like a lot of flu viruses."
"People are scared, sad, and furious that the U.S. may again deny women and non-binary folks their reproductive rights."
"An abortion is a medical decision between a patient and their doctor, full stop."
"For many people, ending up at a Crisis Pregnancy Center when they're looking for an abortion can be deeply unsettling."
"Having to pay some fee for a few years is way worse than possibly being forced by stupid misogynist laws to carry an unwanted fetus to term, go through life disruption, the agony, the risk of death. Poor men."
"Now more than ever we need stories like this one, stories that dive deep into the brutal realities of what it means when reproductive rights are ripped away from people fighting to survive a system hell-bent on breaking them down."
"I think the basis of that world, all those questions that Margaret Atwood proposed about women and reproductive rights, are still in play now. All of them."
"Abortion is now not just about abortion, it's about freedom."
"We should have full reproductive rights for all which includes the right...to control their body."
"People who don't want to have children should never be forced to. They do what they want."
"He's a bit of a free spirit and I think that's very attractive."
"Since the Dobbs decision, a lot of Americans... got educated that abortion is Health Care."
"Preventing an unwanted pregnancy is vital to reproductive health and gender equality."