
Pressure Quotes

There are 7110 quotes

"You don't have to put pressure on yourself to be your best self every day. Just try and do it today."
"Enjoy your 25s, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You're going to have yourself a midlife crisis every 5 years, it just happens."
"This isn't about questioning anyone's sexuality or identity choices; everyone should live as they wish without judgment. However, the issue arises when straight black men in Hollywood find themselves pressured into compromising their public personas."
"Pressure is a privilege...you look at any aspect of Our Lives where we experience growth, it's under pressure."
"We're taking this seriously because even one slip-up can mean we're out."
"You are being formed into a diamond right now... Diamonds are formed under pressure."
"Under that pressure...that's when the most beautiful gemstones and crystals are formed."
"Bottling it isn't just losing a game; it's shrinking and how you manage under pressure."
"Fight or flight isn't it? It was there; they just needed to grab it."
"It doesn't matter what you accomplished in the regular season; it's can you replicate it when the games matter most."
"The economy is horrible, and Millennials are definitely feeling the pressure."
"Like, when we plant, bro, do you see how much pressure it puts on them?"
"The unrealistic beauty standards, the pressure broke both of them."
"If you feel the tension, you feel the pressure, God's trying to grow you."
"A good driver is to learn not to be pressured by anyone but to follow your own senses."
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just be better, and you'll slowly lose weight."
"Political pressure from the NCR Congress will place overwhelming force on General Oliver to launch his assault on Helios One."
"The real challenge is performing when you are under pressure."
"The effort has not been playing like a man under any form of pressure."
"I felt like suddenly a huge weight and a huge pressure had been lifted."
"The rat race isn't about working a nine-to-five job, but living life on such an edge that it means that you are chasing the next thing."
"Their eyes bore into me, whether in expectation or disappointment, the weight is crushing. My shoulders are not broad enough to bear the weight of it."
"In any pressured situation, you have to bring it down into one meter square, just focus on your immediate environment."
"Manifestation techniques and methods feel more natural, more go with the flow, not as much pressure."
"I'm looking my best when I'm under pressure. Some people aren't like that, but I'm like that."
"Just live your life as you, and it's okay. You don't have to feel any type of pressure to be something that you're not or to join a community that you don't want to be in."
"Pressure doesn't create you; it reveals you."
"You got one woman trying to perform five jobs... and then you mad at her because she's not meeting your expectation when your expectation of her is to be five people."
"If you have confidence, that eliminates pressure anyway."
"I want to play those close matches, want to win titles with the hill-hills and the 10-8s, and know that there's a lot of pressure on you on both players coming down the end of the match."
"Lorelai is an amazing ability to make rational decisions in high-pressure situations."
"The uprisings are a symptom of a pressure that's been unaddressed for too long."
"Free speech is under a great deal of threat, under a great deal of pressure."
"We have always been thinking about, 'Oh, we need to get a video up next Tuesday'... it's kind of stunted our personal growth."
"The time is on, the pressure is on, the clock is ticking."
"I don't put any pressure on myself. Expectations of playing, I could have a bad round or a good round. I just like being outdoors and being able to relax."
"If he loses this game, it's going to be so tough because if Magnus wins the first two games, it's over."
"At a certain point, the water will boil over; the seal will break, the pressure will be too much."
"To have that kind of pressure and then to come out perform the way he did, I love the attitude he had."
"The essence of a good attack is to push the defenders into uncomfortable positions and capitalize on it."
"It I'm nervous about how long this is going to take only because other people are depending on their successes."
"The Glazers will always be under pressure from the Manchester United fans."
"It's this pressure that actually makes me stronger."
"Be around people who handle pressure well so you can learn from them."
"It's always a little bit more pressure following a superstar."
"She's by far the strongest thing he's ever seen, the pressure coming off her is suffocating and crushing in tandem."
"Pressure makes diamonds... you're definitely someone who's like scheduled and destined to be this diamond."
"The biggest thing we can do to bring pressure on the Chinese is to make it clear to them that if they abuse human rights, there will be consequences."
"Every level comes with its own pressures and situations."
"How you perform under pressure is predicated on your practice."
"You should only expect to perform under pressure if you practice."
"The pressure of this place is consuming me; it's eating me alive."
"The pressure is what makes a diamond. You got to have some drama."
"You get to see who responds well under pressure."
"There is never any pressure to get rid of everything and always do it at your own pace."
"I think it's indicative of a lot of problems that we have in this country that wealth inequality creates this dynamic where people...feel this undue pressure to excel and to have status."
"Diamonds are just pieces of coal that handled stress really well."
"I love the pressure. It's kind of like being a flight controller."
"Pressure don't always make diamonds, sometimes it can bust pipes."
"Social pressure should always be used responsibly."
"It took about four years before the big collective social movements said enough is enough, and you start to see immense pressure on Roosevelt to do something like institute all of those things that we now with like social security."
"I feel like when this much nerves are in play, anything could happen."
"The amount of pressure he [Faker] was putting on side lanes, even when he couldn't pull off a roam, just by threatening, was incredible."
"It's always trying to put pressure on your opponent until they make a mistake, and you capitalize. Ice Cole is the nickname, you definitely live up to it because you come out here, and it's like I see no expression on your face. You're just entirely focused on that target."
"Women shouldn't feel pressured to look like a movie star every time they leave the house, and men shouldn't expect to see women in their real life that look like that."
"The pressure of being on top is, you have to be number one, or it's a failure."
"Pressure makes diamonds, and you're under a lot of pressure in some sort of way in your life right now, but you need to let that transform you into a diamond."
"If the championship is on the line, or my life depends on it, I wouldn't hesitate one second. Larry Bird is my man."
"This brings me goosebumps right here, just to see the unity and the joy that it brings to what it means to these players, especially being able to get the win."
"Pressure is a privilege. To feel that pressure is to feel alive."
"Rose of Cimarron: beauty and grace under pressure."
"They were panicking, nervous, they needed a huge distraction and they're pushing this distraction."
"So you're scared as hell the whole time you're scared you're you're you're like damn I gotta do everything possible for this [ __ ] but not to be as bad because it's going to be millions of people watching around the world"
"I can't imagine the pressure as a child of feeling like God is watching you at all times right like I used to get stressed out on Christmas."
"At the end of the day Eddie said this you're still a man walking out of a changing room to go and perform in front of 18 20,000 people and have another man Tron unbelievable."
"Gold is under pressure for entirely understandable, normal macroeconomic reasons."
"When we hold onto these goals or societal pressures with such a firm grip, we cage ourselves from being happy because we feel we don't deserve it."
"When you are forced to do something because failure is not an option, you find solutions."
"A dramatic cultural, criminal, civil, multi-institutional pressure campaign."
"Hang that metaphorical Sword of Damocles over your head."
"All the pressure is on you fact all right the pressure creates diamonds."
"There's a lot of pressure like you know like Jake Paul has everything to lose but like I'm a game time player."
"Do I recommend this thing heck yes it is amazing."
"Only work under pressure, we need someone to literally light a fire under us for us to get moving."
"They will torment you to make sure you don't set a precedent."
"The pressure is on... upgrading the engine significantly... drastic visual and technical leaps."
"You just need to waveclear and create pressure tower after tower after tower."
"Why were they chosen while all the other siblings were thrown away? The Hollow Knight was afraid, maybe it didn't think it could live up to the pressure of being the vessel."
"The pressure is making me become the version of me I never thought I would be."
"But man I would love to get rid of this idea that you haven't made it in music if you're not a household name let's just take the pressure off and recognize that there are so many other valid musical jobs."
"Pressure is essentially the answer to all of it."
"If I weren't running I would have nobody coming after me or if I was losing by a lot I would have nobody coming after me."
"Being a Manchester United goalkeeper, there's this weird pressure around it."
"So I think the lesson I learned is that I should go ahead and vlog if I feel like it, but I'm never gonna put another set of pressure on the vlog."
"It's hard to put into words just how much your whole future rides upon the moments inside of that cage."
"We should be thinking about these questions beforehand... so when you're under pressure, you still instinctively do the right thing."
"No pressure at all. It was a frank and candid conversation."
"Every change a producer, director, writer, set designer, editor, actor, or anyone else makes when they're adapting a literary work lowers a figurative sword of Damocles one foot closer to their shoulder."
"You'd be shocked at how motivating a looming deadline that everything is counting on is."
"If you constantly get yourself in situations where you have to do it or everything else will crumble around you, you'd be surprised at what you can get done."
"That just makes things that much scarier and puts much more of a burden of execution on to TSM."
"There is a phenomenon where the pressure on an idea becomes so great that people feel intimidated out of questioning it."
"They put a lot of pressure on me. They did the wrong thing."
"Cubic, you live for that moment, the game depends on you."
"In an economy where time is money, shortages only increase pressure to deliver."
"Why do we sometimes fail to perform up to our potential under pressure?"
"He's pushing her and I think the Congress into a position where there is no other option."
"Diamonds are made under pressure. You are correct, sir."
"Comparing your journey to others can create tremendous pressure."
"The heat's on Mitch McConnell... filibuster this thing."
"Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, over time, pressure busts pipes."
"That's an athlete thought. Athletes inherently have to like pressure."
"It's good to recognize potential but don't let your expectations put so much pressure on a situation."
"Art is constantly getting barraged with requests."
"There's no margin here, there's no wiggle, there's no wiggle room."
"Everybody feels like we're all kind of under arrest, we're all everything we say can and will be used against us in the court of public opinion."
"They really put a lot of pressure to compete... more detail and more frames."
"At Man United, it became too much pressure, not too much about pressure to win."
"I feel great. Now the pressure's different than what it was at the beginning of the week."
"I think the care wouldn't be there to make work that you really think is incredible and then the success wouldn't be there so that pressure ultimately creates the success."
"Alternative media pressures the mainstream media to do their job."
"The reality is if we keep raising interest rates it's going to put more pressure."
"It's like a slow tightening vise that gets tighter and tighter until something eventually breaks."
"That is a lot of responsibility to fall on your lap Mr. Payne, the whole world is watching."
"Here we are... I feel like if Nintendo knows the amount of weight on their shoulders right now by announcing a full-size Direct..."
"They take the wall off people, they strangle you, they keep you locked in your own final third."
"Pressure makes diamonds, and Dustin P's diamonds shine very bright tonight."
"The worst of the pressure is the self-imposed kind... that voice in your head telling you it's not good enough."
"Do not feel pressure to build everything yourself."
"What happens if they bow to the pressure? What would that do to us as a democracy?"
"Tensions are so high because top is so unforgiving."
"I think the Supreme Court is fully politicized... they respond to political pressure."
"It's much easier to pressure corporate America into doing their bidding than it is to stand up to the government."
"The pressure that we were under from the weinsteins to make those movies as quickly as possible was brutal and we couldn't do them as well as we wanted to do them."
"Even though I put on like a toughness, I felt the pressure, I felt the doubt, I felt them all saying, 'You can't do it.' But I'm from the trenches."
"This was an extremely high stakes offer for jks."
"Don't get internet-bullied into investment decisions."
"It's a tough moment for all the drivers, especially first qualifying of the year as well. I think nerves and tension are rising as well."
"Relentless pressure must be maintained on the Russian occupation throughout the winter." - Richard Barons
"Sometimes the right pressure can turn you into a diamond. Yeah, and the wrong pressure turns you into dust. Do you want to be dust?" - Girl meets world
"Oh god, there's just so much pressure against baylor."
"I think it's a little less pressure but I'm still kind of, like, it's the same 'cause I don't know what's going to happen."
"She's so young and stuck in the position of topping a monstrous breakout year."
"But what I'm saying is if you've got the best team and supposedly I'm rightly so the best manager the most success and you don't win it oh not over one season you can't just say you have to win the Champions League this season."
"With this hero power, you want things that create pressure and damage, right? Because you have ways to kill people pretty quickly."
"That's part of racing, part of the pressure I guess."
"This is a developer running out of chances and playing with EA's patience."
"Diamonds are formed Under Pressure bro so like some people are made for the pressure and it just helps them to excel in life and grow."
"The pressure that hot women feel to always be friendly and smiley."
"Will they defy the odds and become great, or crumble under the weight of expectations?"
"Take what you know and apply it... the best time to apply what you know is when you're under pressure."
"I really get no sleep guys but I don't need it. I really don't. I work great Under Pressure."
"Finally, Jeff vo riding an elite migraine two times in a row you're okay you're okay long makeable Jake this putt separates the men from the boys no it also separates the headaches from the migraines Jeff pen State Alum they."
"You don't need to be an overnight sensation. You don't even need to be number one."
"I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure."
"Well, that's fine, you know, pressure makes diamonds."
"Don't feel the pressure of being in everything."
"It's kind of like they have to be a secret because there's so many expectations put on them and so much pressure."
"An individual's ultimate survival... depends on his or her ability to exercise sound judgment under pressure."
"It's nerve-racking, there's so much pressure but it's also the most worthwhile thing I've ever done."
"The President of the United States Twitter rage didn't end there he also decided to go off on tariffs."
"I'm a big fan of genre... I love those extreme kind of worlds that put the characters under a lot of pressure."
"Your word is your strongest thing as a man and I think it's, I wouldn't be jealous, I think it's unfair and a lot of pressure to put on a young kid."
"Every lyric, every bar is a freezer, I apply the pressure and y'all know I never ease up."
"Ashito sees that every player on the team really understands their role on the field to put pressure on opponents."
"Don't feel pressured to donate monetarily it helps out a lot and I appreciate the support but um yeah I don't I never want anyone to feel pressured or like they have to there are plenty of free ways you can support like subscribe share."
"Surely you can have some empathy with how much pressure you are putting on your partner."
"I could not believe the pressure, I thought he was going to pop my head like a zit."
"I think a lot of this is on the line right now."
"Pressure and then there's smart pressure." - Unnamed speaker
"I think our team did very well for all of us this was the first time at Worlds even though there was a lot of pressure we were able to over come all that pressure to perform."
"Which quarterback has the most pressure on it: the greatest quarterback ever Patrick Mahomes or Mr. Irrelevant?"
"Aim for both speed as well as accuracy in order to perform under pressure."
"Give this man flowers now. He's carrying pressure. He's the LeBron James of boxing, and he's doing it at a high level every time."
"That right there is some serious clutch performance."
"If we don't win a championship this year, I mean, we might as well call it a wrap."
"Life used to be fun, but my stress level is like out of ten, it's like maxed out, you know."
"Pressure can make diamonds but sometimes these diamonds can be a little bit flawed."
"Apparently now we're immune to pressure. Okay, I really like that."
"Bailey Under Pressure, man in his face, he does not care."
"Tradition and expectations run deep within a family, and although these two things are often meant in good faith, the immense pressure put on children can sometimes hold dire consequences."
"Section 230 needs to change and the way Senator Holly and now Senator Cruz and other people are saying... needs to be maximum pressure."
"Sex positivity, which was supposed to be a liberating doctrine, has ended up making a lot of women feel pressured to just have a lot of sex on men's terms."
"If you want to date someone exclusively, it can't be any sort of pressure you're putting on them."
"The presence of the blessing does not mean the absence of pressure."
"He's sent you here from God because that's a hell of a lot to live up to."
"Everyone is down to their final life except for Miss Bandy."
"At this level, the amount of goals they've scored in those high-pressure situations, you just feel mentally that may actually affect."
"Mira is very versatile, adding pressure to attackers."
"I don't understand how they keep doing it must be a lot of pressure to keep delivering like that."
"i quite liked the pressure and it really felt like you're doing something important you know it's on tv and if you screw up it's there for the world to see and that sort of thing."
"You need to have a sense of urgency when the clock is ticking down."
"Let's see if Tonzilla can deal with the pressure."
"The pressure was high, I had to get it right."
"The essence of this fight for me is the person that likes to fight with all the skills to do it against the person that wants to compete and doesn't really like the pressure."
"Fantastic ability on the ball but when he gets pressed he struggles."
"A lot is weighing on me, and the pressure is on."
"It's a slow rollout... they're turning the heat up."
"The final game, all the pressure, who's gonna go big."
"You have to deliver, you have to go out there and dance like your life depends on it."