
Reputation Quotes

There are 8669 quotes

"Nikocado would embark on a journey that ended up costing his entire life and reputation."
"You can always make more money, but you can't file bankruptcy on a reputation."
"Enough is enough. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation, and my legacy."
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."
"Ernest Shackleton’s reputation as an explorer of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration is as great today as that of Robert Falcon Scott or Roald Amundsen."
"You got to do something, be who you respect, and get well known for doing that, and then you'll love yourself."
"Sometimes the most selfish thing you can do is to be cooperative, altruistic, helpful, nice, be a good friend, be a reliable respectful person with a good reputation."
"At the very least, this is personality murder, reputation murder."
"An iconic American company's reputation in tatters."
"Your name is your credit; so basically, your name in the room stays in the room long before you leave."
"The year is 2023, and a once beloved game developer's reputation is in absolute free fall."
"My biggest fear is that I worked this hard to leave and people made me out to be a man I'm not."
"Integrity is the one word that comes to mind when I think of Penn & Teller."
"Hades: 'It's not that I'm evil, I just have a bad reputation.'"
"You guys have really learned how to communicate and network with people in a way. A lot of people talk very positive things about you."
"Even without a Super Bowl, Baker has rehabilitated his reputation around the league and may have snatched the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback job for the foreseeable future."
"Harvard has become the world's premier drive-through reputational laundromat."
"He made a habit of fighting bandits around the domain and was eventually nicknamed the Black Knight."
"Your reputation precedes you. Build and protect it carefully."
"Sometimes clowns get a bad reputation, but seriously, name one bad clown. I bet you can't. But that's because clowns bring joy and laughter, whether they like it or not, and they almost always do."
"You don't build a great reputation by talking about what you're going to do. You build it by doing it."
"In addition to being fair and just, sportsmanship also means that you don't do things that then make you look bad."
"Develop a sense of urgency. Get the reputation as the person who does things fast."
"This is a great new opportunity to earn experience, and those who choose to jump in and fight the corruption will have the chance to earn reputation with an all-new faction called the emerald wardens."
"It's a terrible thing to place on somebody with absolutely no fact. It has harmed my reputation."
"It's times like this where you create a reputation where people call you a leader. They don't call you a leader during good times; they call you leaders on how you handle bad times."
"In high school, she was known as very graceful, very classy, very intelligent still, but also just very graceful, very classy."
"The problem with the real world is that when you become such a well-known figure, your reputation precedes you, and you don't get the chance to make first impressions because they've already been made through publicity and media."
"Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us."
"Your reputation is everything in the business world. It's not just who you are, it's who you know."
"You're stepping into your wholeness, you're stepping into your career, your status, your reputation."
"Character is what's being said about you when you're not in the room."
"Saving innocents in imminent danger will make your legend grow."
"Tesla had built a reputation that it didn't constrain its actions by what had been done before."
"The Tiger would quickly earn a fearsome reputation and would play its part in helping the Germans smash through the extensive Russian defenses."
"A crooked New York state judge just ruled that I have to pay a fine of $355 million for having built a perfect company."
"I know people who've worked for both Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, and they have a very good reputation with their staff."
"You will never hear a teammate ever say anything bad about Jalen Hurts. His reputation just as a person is unimpeachable."
"Your reputation is everything. Guard your reputation with your life."
"There isn't anything more important to someone economically, practically, socially, biologically than their reputation because their reputation is a marker of their deserved standing in the social community."
"You have your good name, and that's it. That's all you got."
"We all expect nothing but the best from them, and that's because of the reputation they've built."
"I love the fact that they've made their name by breaking all the rules."
"Branding equals reputation plus consistency."
"Life ends, but the name and reputation are remembered for generations."
"When negotiating with people you care about, reputation trumps an ultimate win."
"Despite their repeated scandals, high net worth individuals and corporations continue to view Credit Suisse as a highly sophisticated and competent investment bank."
"Reuters is respected around the world for business news."
"Water 7 is known far and wide for its great shipwrights."
"God's reputation is the basis of my faith, not mine."
"Why don't you worry about protecting your integrity, and let me protect your reputation?"
"A true reputation is not built by what you occasionally do... It's not something that you project or perfect; your real reputation comes from relationship and repetition."
"By now, you've probably also noticed all this mumbo-jumbo about reputation."
"Your reputation is everything. And you've got to guard it scrupulously."
"You will be misunderstood by people in your life... What I try to focus on is my reputation with myself."
"I think it's really funny sometimes how much time we spend trying to build our reputation with people whose opinions don't ultimately matter."
"A true reputation is not built by what you occasionally do or wish you were... Your real reputation comes from relationship and repetition."
"Honestly, if someone tries to be like, 'This is dumb,' and you say, 'They went to Harvard,' like, what are they gonna do?"
"The best thing for me is all these guys that have been saying all these things about me and now watching them squirm."
"You're not going to find one person backstage that has one negative thing to say about Mick Foley."
"I think that a prudent and intelligent customer will see what the problem is and that games can overcome a bad reputation from a bad launch."
"I don't wish for people to like me or even respect me. I simply wish that those people that hate me at least hate me for things I've actually said or done."
"There isn't anything that you have that's more valuable than your reputation. You trade on your reputation. People who have stored up genuine value in their reputation and who have been honest players... are much more likely to be rewarded with a deserved prestige."
"People who have stored up genuine value in their reputation...are much more likely to be rewarded with a deserved prestige."
"You can't buy your reputation; you need to earn it the hard way."
"To be slandered is a terrible thing, but it is on the whole a lesser evil than to be thought better of than we are."
"Do you know what the civil service is saying about you? That you're a pleasure to work with."
"I'm a YouTuber with a flawless reputation; you might say everybody loves me."
"I built a big business from nothing, and people know there's some accusations that this is not a business, but when you have to deliver service and you have to be sustainable, the operating model needs to cover its cost."
"We want the world to know that we're dependable. We can be accountable."
"Publicly guillotining yourself is reputational suicide."
"Your rep matters; you're a great father, you're a great husband, you go to church, you do unbelievable work."
"Tony was extremely well regarded; his clients loved him and felt like he was the reason they were able to live free of pain."
"What's the point of living a long time if people think you're an [expletive]?"
"He was known to have never told a single lie."
"You can't accept that, and I always say this, I wouldn't accept it because it would make me look bad."
"It's bad for your family, it's bad for your finances, it's bad for your reputation, and you do it only because you care about the country."
"If you do what you do and do it so well that people actually want to tell their people about it, you have done something great."
"Name is what made the play? No, the play made the name."
"It takes a lifetime to build your reputation and it only takes a second to lose it."
"The former president often calls him 'the worst election integrity governor in the country.' Contrast that with Pence, who yesterday called Governor Kemp 'one of the most successful Republican governors in the country.'"
"Reputation is the thing upon which all the trades that you engage in with everyone else depends."
"Defamation is about vindication and restoring reputation."
"Farmers are the one profession that keeps their reputation. Why are we standing by while they get dumped on the hardest?"
"I'm forever thankful to the truehearted folks who have continued to put their faith in me, even in the face of Marty's attempts to damage my reputation."
"It's also one of the reasons when I do, I'm still working exactly how I'm gonna do sponsorships. I get a ton of companies wanting to request to pay and I've been very, very cautious about that because reputation to me is everything."
"What's the best way to get a good reputation? Go out of your way to be kind."
"Seeing things that aren't true about myself and my character being questioned, and wanting to defend myself but also just wanting to like, I don't know, be happy."
"Your influence, your reputation is like a skyline... when you drive through the city, everybody can see that skyline, and I can see you from miles away."
"Manchester United were once the most feared team in England when they were under the management of Sir Alex Ferguson."
"He should not be afraid to be thought of as mean, as giving liberally and spending freely will lead to ruin."
"Michio Kaku has gained a reputation as a renowned physicist and futurist."
"They were basically saying things like they knew I was a nice guy and that it was just a joke, but they wanted to hear it from me, just to stop my character being damaged."
"You should be more focused on deserving a good reputation. Don't do things you know to be wrong."
"His tactics were deplorable and that made him in some opinions a good lawyer but in others a dubious character and damaged his reputation."
"Historically, City's got a reputation of being a family club, a fun club."
"Your brand is the story people tell themselves about you and the expectations they have of what you're going to be like when you walk in the room."
"According to Al, it's rare for any artist to turn down one of his requests. He's actually estimated that 97 or 98% of all artists he's asked have given him the green light."
"I think, you know, that the taint sticks, and I can't think of any actresses who have prevailed and who have been canceled."
"Private equity firms have a bad reputation for gutting companies, laying off staff, and saddling them with tons of debt."
"Keep your promises. Whatever they are, the one thing people remember about you."
"That's amazing. So, Trump is one bad guy away from being, 'Remember that funny guy who used to tweet the crazy [expletive]?'"
"Sometimes it's better to say nothing and let the whole world believe you're a fool rather than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"He developed a reputation for his integrity."
"People do not care for your words; they care about your character. Let your true self shine through your good character, because that is what you will be remembered by."
"USA Today says Grand Rapids is the craft beer capital of the U.S."
"I think it's a very sad reality and it's been difficult to see that in many cases, people only care about morality insofar as their reputation requires it."
"God uses crooked sticks to make straight lines."
"You don't hear stories about Joe being just mean to somebody."
"Thomas was given the nickname 'the dumb Ox of Sicily'."
"The Knicks are living off the fact that they're in the middle of Manhattan."
"What is at stake in this trial is a man's good name, even more than that, what is at stake at this trial is a man's life." - Camille Vasquez
"Words matter, and Miss Heard is condemned by her own words."
"It is about Mr. Depp's reputation and freeing him from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years."
"I want to be known as the best fighter in the world."
"I moved pretty fast and so one day I heard the boss telling somebody, 'Don't get in Stanley's way, he'll sweep you right out of here.'"
"Karma, a three-time world champion for a reason."
"When I'm gone from poker I'd like to at least be remembered for putting my money where my mouth is."
"I'm not nearly as wild as people think I am but that's fine... people are gonna think what they think."
"The name Einstein has become synonymous with the word genius."
"Principles and our good names basically all we've got in this life."
"You can't make it here in New York, you're too high-profile a figure."
"Just a tremendous honor and to be so well thought of to be allowed to sell their very Flagship product, it's amazing."
"Marshal Georgy Zhukov enjoys a reputation as the most famous Soviet general of the Second World War and as one of the best allied commanders during the war, and General Eisenhower argued that Zhukov deserved the credit for the defeat of the Nazis."
"This case for Mr. Depp has never been about money... it's about restoring his lost reputation."
"If everybody's saying the same thing about you, the problem is you Illuminati."
"His reputation led to him being greatly feared by the enemies of the demon clan."
"Las Vegas is known as a city of second chances."
"The story of your Redemption is gonna outlive the story of your reputation."
"Anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you."
"I think if you remake it properly, its reputation will carry it."
"His name will forever be tainted by what happened to him and that's really unfair."
"Good governance matters just that little bit more to Singapore, drawing its rise to fame."
"Smartmatic vows to clear its name and hold Fox accountable."
"The ultimate form of leverage is to become so undisputably good that people call you."
"Posture as a debate lord, but then you preemptively back out because the other guy is super extra mean? Yeah, that makes you look like a [ __ ]."
"Craig, the bearded mechanic, is the best motorcycle mechanic out there."
"If he could beat Jones for five rounds, nobody's messing with him."
"Trump's lawyers losing all credibility and we see that happening in all of the cases."
"But does tequila really deserve its reputation as a party enhancer?"
"Your settlements reflect your growing reputation."
"Square's position as a company of note within the video games industry was solidified."
"Real recognize real. If my name's in your mouth, you're my [expletive]."
"If we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
"Roy Keane's a better player than he gets credit for he was a great player yeah he was a great he doesn't get that credit at all I think people just think he was a bit of a thug just because."
"Moreover, even Gaunt’s enemies were quick to admit that he was a brilliant political figure and one possessed of his own mind when it came to a great many issues, notably the religious tensions of the day and the war in France."
"I don't want to promote anyone on my channel who I feel as though would be a negative reflection of me."
"You can't just say that Phil Spector was a great record producer, which he was, or you just can't say he was a killer, which he was."
"It was absolutely disgusting what the media and also Phil's defense team did to Lana's name."
"They literally called me a liar, and it wasn't true. It just drives traffic from people who want to see my content."
"Jesse proved to be a force to be reckoned with."
"One of his many aliases in the manga is the hundred man Slayer."
"Larry Fink went from being the laughing stock of finance to the linchpin between Wall Street and Washington."
"It's really important for me to be perceived as a good human being, a caring individual."
"As soon as the risk of damaging your reputation is gone, so is all your interest in justice."
"The legend of his prowess and achievements soon extended throughout all the known world."
"This guy always brings the pain, he is an esteemed nerd."
"My reputation is more important to me than the money."
"A personal brand is simply you, is how people perceive you, what they remember about you, the reputation that you've built."
"Your brand exists whether you want it to or not. It's built from the very first moment you interact with someone else."
"Twitch's controversies impacting its reputation."
"You know my character, you know his character, you know our reputations for honor and telling the truth."
"He's totally backed off using the Mad Dog. The Mad I think he realized the Mad Dog was far too cool of a nickname to give somebody who you don't like."
"What's happening here is you know who I am you know who he is you know his character you know my character you know our reputations for honor and telling the truth."
"Rackham talked a big game, as many pirates may have at the time, but the reality is that he begins our story as only a lieutenant on a far more prominent pirate’s ship."
"But if he was here to defend himself today, he might just point out that you have, in fact, heard of him."
"Remember this was a guy that was extremely likable but as the layers continued to be pulled back we started to see David's True Colors now he'll do absolutely anything to mass the damage he has done to his ex-friends."
"People have been buzzing about him over the past two years."
"Elon Musk may not be the best rocket builder who ever lived since the Big Bang."
"Your reputation over time becomes a competitive advantage."
"He’s a man of the community, one of the good guys."
"She's an upstanding citizen, mother, wife, and has the support of her community."
"Costco doesn't need to pay people to say they like working there."
"His reputation as a scam artist could potentially overshadow his athletic accomplishments."
"Anyone who knows me... knows I'm a man of integrity, I am honest, loyal, a hard worker, and a genuinely nice guy."
"My reputation, my name, my name, my name means every single thing to me."
"I went into this movie expecting a lot of things that he sort of become known for."
"Hitler himself was envious of Crowley's infamy as the most evil man in the world as well as his magical prowess."
"You want to call me a biased journalist, you want to say that I'm rooting because I like Gervante. I met you, I was at Mayweather McGregor. Were you charming? I was, of course."
"Death Stranding was sold entirely on Kojima's name and the brilliance with which he crafts his games."
"Sometimes I feel like I've earned a bad rap."
"Known for his audacious bets and crazy returns, Plotkin was a superstar trader."
"Matlock is ethical, he's a straight shooter and he's a hell of an investigator."
"Donald Trump is not a politician, he's a builder. He delivers on what he says he will do."
"Money cannot buy your reputation. That's earned, right?"
"German engineering is renowned around the world."
"You got to close this, there's literally not a single speck of dirt on this guy."
"Danny from All, another driver in the field that's cementing his reputation as not only a race winner but a championship Contender."
"It's important to show people that integrity pays off, being solid pays off."
"At the time he died, his name was mud across Europe."
"I mean, they used to call me lightning legs back up in the north."
"Two is eight and one against super bowl winning coaches. Yeah, so he's a goat killer."
"So you might run away from a battle with an Orc captain to save your skin - and get called a coward in a future encounter."
"Judge me by my haters... judge me by the quality of person that goes after me."
"Words can evoke strong emotions and cause irreparable harm to a person's reputation."
"This trial is about clearing Mister Depp's name of a terrible and false allegation."
"The Laterno company is still around to this day, known for their manufacture of the Titan range of haulers for use in mines and quarries around the world."
"We're really trying to build a reputable brand."
"At the end of the day, your credibility is now down the toilet where all the other turds are supposed to go."
"Cheating, whether it's in phone benchmarks or anything else in life, just makes you look bad."