
Abuse Quotes

There are 1852 quotes

"Just because someone has been a victim does not mean they will become an abuser."
"Abuse is abuse, no matter how it happens, no matter how severe you might think it is or isn't."
"Every power the government takes it will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible."
"We need to talk about abuse and we need to talk about these things with care, patience, and less Reddit."
"Most narcissists are male, and therefore narcissistic abuse is largely something that men do to women."
"Demo Reel wants to tell us that abuse is bad… except in this instance where a character’s sexual abuse by their uncle is played as a joke repeatedly."
"Wherever there is influence and power, there are also those looking to abuse it."
"About two decades ago, authorities in Palm Beach, Florida, began receiving tips of a middle-aged enigmatic billionaire abusing underage girls in the community."
"This created a yearslong pyramid scheme of abuse, as some have called it."
"Just because a man may be physically stronger than us does not mean they cannot be abused."
"The true gaslighting abuse happens over time, over and over and over again."
"Behind every pathological narcissist is a person who experienced abuse, neglect, or deprivation as a child."
"I had the rare vantage point of seeing in real time how institutions protect men accused of abuse."
"I had just been attacked on my 30th birthday by my violent husband with whom I was desperately in love and knew I needed to leave."
"You never forget the first time someone hits you like that. It changes your life forever."
"Abuse is never a necessary part of falling in love."
"75 or more of those who commit acts of sexual or physical abuse against others were themselves abused as children."
"The best available research suggests that 75 or more of those who commit acts of sexual or physical abuse against others were themselves abused as children."
"Abuse is abuse, and I really admire the fact that Nikki decided that was not going to work for her and her daughter and chose to leave."
"In an abusive relationship, one person will try to control another by suggesting that there's something deeply wrong with the first but will never be specific about what that is...that is almost word for word what happens in abusive relationships."
"If you have been SA'd or abused...it is not your fault."
"It's not really airing out dirty laundry if it seems like a cry for attention; it's because abuse merits our attention."
"Blair went from a simple plagiarism allegation to allegations of emotional abuse, doxing, manipulation, spreading horrific lies about her friends, making her friends homeless, accusations of buying subscribers, hypocrisy, and the biggest allegation of all: being the new Creep Show Art."
"This is not drama anymore; this has become psychological and financial abuse."
"I've always wanted to say this because I know victims of these abuses are listening."
"I was a victim of sexual child abuse in the Boy Scouts of America...I came forward as a 14-year-old boy and stood up against a huge cover-up."
"These stories...if people were abused and leaders covered it up in places where we go to trust and love, it's like they would go mentally ill. The trauma was just like a ghost with unfinished business."
"You're throwing back in our faces a sacred responsibility and you are abusing it in obviously very transgressive ways. This cannot continue."
"Healing from narcissistic abuse starts with surviving, and you have to do that first if you're going to graduate to thriving."
"In our 10 years of being undercover, we have never seen such consistent, constant abuse to a newborn baby animal."
"The journal is where Ruby writes everything she did to these children over that six-month span."
"It can take years, even decades, for people to come to terms with their abuse and speak openly about it."
"Escaping personal or ideological abusive environments isn't always a straightforward matter of recognizing the situation intellectually and making a logical exit plan. Sometimes, rational rocket thrust alone isn't enough."
"All abusive environments are about gaining coercive control over others."
"Having had so much of their existence scripted for them, targets of abuse repeatedly report feeling like actors on a stage, forced not only to perform tasks but to perform characters created for them by their abusers."
"What we have is a process of self-replication: abusers who are split into an emotionally disregulated hidden self and a false performing self act in such a way as to split the people around them into emotionally disregulated hidden selves and false performing selves."
"Using your platform to prey on your audience is not okay; it's morally reprehensible, in my opinion."
"Child marriage leads to physical abuse, bodily harm, psychiatric problems, and a high risk of death."
"Girls who marry under 18 were more likely to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by their husbands."
"Growing up abused, because to this day, sometimes I'll remember something that happened, and I'll think that's not how other people experience life."
"When congressional oversight is abused, history doesn't treat it well."
"The narcissist is the first victim of narcissistic abuse."
"It's amazing how easy it is to justify all kinds of abuse when you believe your righteousness is beyond question."
"You are in an abusive relationship with yourself."
"He threw hot coffee in my face, giving me third-degree burns." - Tina Turner about Ike Turner
"He was tortured and he was killed by the very adults whose job it was to care for him."
"These kinds of misguided policies served to protect abusers and punish the abused."
"Surviving narcissistic abuse is a superpower."
"Her dad was a sick man, truly, like, he was horrific in every single way, even outside of the abuse of his family, he was just twisted in the things that he liked and the things that he wanted to do."
"This is trafficking. This is labor trafficking. This is child abuse."
"I was abused, emotionally and it's hard to say, physically."
"The reason people are victimized is because there are abusers. That's it."
"Nothing was done by the FBI even though Larry Nassar was abusing all these young girls he told."
"The police are the very people we expect to protect us, but what happens when they abuse their power?"
"Fear has allowed them cover to become petty tyrants within their state."
"You have no self-respect for yourself if you're letting somebody hurt you."
"The court has become a tool for a perpetrator to continue his abuse and control."
"As long as I was protecting the abuser from consequences, I was enabling the abuse."
"Two things can be true at once: monstrous cover-up by the Catholic Church and child abuse in public schools."
"The greater good cannot excuse abuse of power."
"I think that her story will continue to bring awareness to people that are currently in abusive relationships."
"It's not therapy. You can say it's torture. You can say it's abuse."
"You do not have to endure this abuse. You do not deserve it."
"Gaslighting: how an abuser gets to rewrite your reality."
"Gaslighting creates a narrative that the victim is inherently bad and broken."
"It's honestly heartbreaking to see beliefs meant to promote purity and goodness distorted into something just so profoundly evil and abusive."
"They're monsters. That's exactly what they are. You can't do that to that many people over and over knowing that you're doing it to hurt them, not help them."
"When the real word is torture because that's all it was - torture from beginning to end."
"It is not your fault it was never your fault this is not your burden it's the abusers."
"You do not deserve to be lied to or bullied or abused."
"Return policies were great until people started abusing them." - reflection on the deterioration of return policies
"Please remember that the lies, the gaslighting, the abuse that they try to inflict on you is a shitty reflection of them and not you."
"It was a terrible abuse of power and authority."
"HSPs can also be abusive it's not like we fall into this angelic category."
"Man's capacity for abusing his fellow man knows almost no bounds."
"MK Ultra involves ritual abuse, drugging, and hypnotizing victims."
"Hey, I really don't like how you treated me back there. Wow, so you're saying I'm a bad person? And then the argument starts. This is a common pattern of behavior. This is how abusers work."
"A cult at its most basic is an abusive relationship between the members and the leadership."
"Canada's abusive boyfriend returned the baseball bat to the closet saying you made me do it and now it's time to heal."
"We've been tricked into going along with our own abuse without getting anything out of it."
"Mr. Depp experienced persistent verbal, physical, and emotional abuse by Ms. Heard during their relationship."
"She lied, she was a liar, she was the abuser."
"In cognitive dissonance, we defend the abuser while feeling distressed by their actions."
"Emotional abuse is so devastating and if it goes on long enough it has very detrimental effects."
"That's abuse, ladies and gentlemen, that's abuse."
"Miss Heard does not deserve to be known as a representative of survivors of abuse."
"It's obvious, but sexual abuse is wrong. It's highly destructive and needs to stop."
"Abusers have contempt and disdain for their victims."
"Corinthians remove the wicked man from among yourselves. This doctrine might seem perfect for ridding the organization of abusers. Instead, it repeatedly works to expel the abused."
"The Jehovah's Witness organization is a group wrestling with huge internal contradictions... neglecting and abusing its own members in the most callous heartless ways."
"For as devout and good willed as Matthew is, his marriage is not as happy and loving as it appears to be. Suspicions abound that Matthew physically, mentally, and emotionally abuses her throughout their marriage."
"This is her last moments, perhaps, of happiness on Earth, trying to grab some happiness in between the abuse that was taking place."
"So, if I saw someone that showed signs of narcissism and they were abusive, well, at the very least I would want to know the way in which they were abusive because just hearing that they're abusive wouldn't tell me much."
"Abusers induce shame and dirtiness in victims to increase control."
"Whenever governments abuse language they're probably abusing other things at the same time."
"I was scared of what the part of Johnny Depp that is violent and abusive could do. I was terrified of that man."
"This is not even a case about whether or not Johnny is abusive, it's how big a victim he was."
"The impact of being shunned, being silenced, the impact of emotional abuse is hugely powerful and traumatic."
"Abuse is abuse and deserves to be investigated and if found punished harshly."
"Nobody really has ever the right to abuse another person regardless of their backstory."
"It's just psychotic how abused this person was and if you understand that you can understand how to help people and save them from this."
"Ubisoft spent years protecting abusers of every type at every level of the company."
"Not all abusers, or jerks, are narcissists. Although all narcissists are abusers and jerks."
"It's not as simple as just leaving; victims of abuse face immense fear and control."
"In what world is it okay to leave somebody lying in their own feces and bodily fluids bleeding and bruised like in in what way is that caretaking in any way shape or form right?"
"I think anyone looking at this would see it as severe child abuse."
"We have to go off of evidence, and we should encourage women that are actually abused to go to the police because now we're in a situation where if you don't go to the police, how can I just believe you?"
"I think her most believable evidence is Johnny would get drunk and high and get mad and then eventually he would hit her to the extent that she explains the brutality is unbelievable."
"Mr. Ferguson is a result of years and years and years of physical neglect and abuse on behalf of his mother, no doubt in my mind has borne out in this report."
"I know there's so many people out there that are struggling that are survivors of abuse that are unfortunately suffering in silence."
"Abuse as criticism makes it impossible to meaningfully improve."
"You owe no loyalty to abusive people. Period."
"Every single day around the world you see abuse of power... This has to be checked."
"It is when it gets into being abusive and being exploitative that it becomes an issue." - Evie Lupine
"Women and children should not have to answer for an abusive man's very worst acts."
"Beneath all of this really is a lot of darkness. There's a lot of abuse and control and fear and pain."
"When I left home, I found out that the abuse doesn't leave you."
"The more cult-like an environment is, the more that abuse thrives."
"You don't negotiate for better terms with an abusive partner, you leave."
"If you have something good and it gets abused, you regulate."
"Regardless of if this is true or not, Ruby and Jordy duct-taping their children, starving them, and doing all the other stuff that we've heard over the years, it's not okay."
"If you know that you have a friend, a co-worker, or a family member being abused... do your best to sneak a phone to the victim."
"I've always felt that men, you know, are not discussed enough in the conversation about abuse."
"When I talk about people who are creating parasitic react content or people who are mostly going out of their way to absolutely abuse tools on YouTube like DMCA like copyright claiming tools then yes I'm going to talk about it."
"He hits you once and you're not the same anymore."
"The face of an abuser, liable of sexual abuse, who has caused a great deal of pain and suffering and torture."
"How do you help victims of abuse by denying that their claims are real?"
"I got yelled at for the rest of the night through my locked bedroom door. She threatened to take everything I earned away, threatened to beat me the moment I came out of the room."
"You don't know what those things did to us. You don't know what he did to us."
"A 21-year-old young man in China is believed to be tortured by police. His alleged crime: sharing information about Xi Jinping's daughter."
"We are all just nuts. We've all been abused. It was like we had a bad relationship with a psychopath for four years."
"There's no excuse for abuse. This is a sign of a lack of the fear of God and of danger ahead, and you must take it seriously."
"When you have federal law enforcement being used in this way... that way lies the death of the republic."
"You don't have to spend time with abusive people even if they're your family."
"Absolutely heartbreaking and soul-bearing Memoir about abuse in a queer relationship."
"You should leave a partner for two reasons: cheating and abuse."
"Society abuses her emotionally, mentally and physically until dysfunction becomes her norm."
"The sheer depth of the abuse at Ubisoft, how it's baked so inextricably into the company's culture."
"Ubisoft's entire corporate culture is built to protect powerful men who use that power to exploit, terrorize, and rape people."
"It's about the people Ubisoft hurt, the women, the marginalized people, the people who have been bullied by executives, powerful men, and Ubisoft."
"It's okay to cut people out of your life who abuse you."
"It is abhorrent that this is still something that goes on within churches, that this is still within anyone's culture to hide the abuse, specifically sexual abuse of children."
"Emotional and intellectual abuse can lead to complex post-traumatic stress, the same as physical abuse, the same as sexual abuse."
"The language you're using is the language of abuse."
"You know abuse is not okay, and you have to speak up."
"The same pattern. Isolating young women, getting them alone, women in a position of directly working for Weinstein or being professionally dependent on him."
"But yeah I was with him for a long time um I don't know why I stayed I think mentally and emotionally I think abusers have a way."
"It's not even about the sex, it's about power."
"You cannot have the abuse of emergency powers like this."
"Nobody has a right to abuse another person because they've had a bad day."
"She decided to lay claim to the story about an abusive partner."
"I know that I have done nothing wrong by speaking out about the clearly abusive situations."
"It is not your fault. You are not to blame. It is their shame, not yours."
"Abuse isn't always obvious; it can be a thousand paper cuts."
"Painting a victim as deserving of abuse is manipulation."
"There is no virtue in indulging an abusive person in the community."
"As a survivor of abuse myself, seeing someone make false allegations about something serious hurts me deeply."
"If you have experienced abuse, assault, manipulation, coercion, please report it to Jade Oh. Consider reporting to Jade Oh, you get to stay anonymous if you want to, but those people actually be held to accountability and to justice."
"If someone abuses you, they will justify why and for that reason they will feel no remorse."
"She admitted it. She confessed to a catalog of abusive actions."
"You couldn't have aided Ruth Neve in abusing her children more if you'd actually physically helped or abused them."
"Family is abusive, you don't have to stand by them."
"Rationalizing abuse just because it's family can mean lifelong cycles that hold you back."
"Even if he is an abusive person, which he may very well be, doesn't mean he's abused every person if he's ever interacted with."
"You can determine how much mental or emotional abuse you allow."
"If you are physically abused, never do I tell anybody to stay."
"Standing around and being abused in the name of another person's narcissism is not Noble and it's not martyr-like; it's dangerous, it's unhealthy."
"Anyone blaming the victims nearly never been in a situation of abuse. It's hard to get out of that situation."
"Sexual abuse isn't just about our bodies; it's about our minds and spirits."
"The things I learned through the abuse... incredibly powerful."
"I actually have had this conversation with another woman and it's the idea that just because a man may be physically stronger than us does not mean they cannot be abused."
"For many others who are still suffering from abuse, we urge you to contact the national domestic violence hotline. It's completely confidential and they can help you find a way to safety."
"Tom's owner was being physically abusive to Tom, stamping on his tail and telling him to never go down to the basement."
"Domestic or interpartner violence is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship."
"There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies."
"Sexual abuse is probably the most profoundly damaging betrayal that anybody can experience."
"There is no excuse for abuse, and abuse is the result of sin."
"God hates abuse, but God does not hate the abuser."
"It is not your fault. No matter what kind of abuse you have experienced, there is nothing you can do, nothing you can say, nothing you think that makes you deserving of that abuse."
"The point of forgiveness is not for the benefit of the abuser, it is for the abused."
"Abusers will often try to control your financial situation, what you say, and what you tell others."
"Monitoring activities, exerting financial control, isolating the other person... These are signs of coercive control."
"Once abuse, the relationship is over. Don't ever forget that."
"So many perpetrators of this abuse were abused themselves."
"Abuse has been my birthright. It shouldn't be anybody's birthright."
"The inequity doesn't just apply to pay, it applies to women who are in abusive relationships and women who are in exploitative careers."
"What do you think about the allegations that Gracie has stated? Do you think that Aaron truly is the abuser that his family says he is?"
"Unfortunately, I do think that Gracie is the victim of horrible, horrible abuse and a horrible system that is in place and that she truly has suffered from all of this."
"Regardless of whether an individual believes her testimony they should believe that nothing good can come from minimizing and mocking descriptions of abuse."
"This comprehensive academic study gives damning insights into the level of abuse mishandling in the organization."
"He didn't know the secrets you were keeping because not even I could tell him. I was so frightened that I never told my dad about how she was harming me."
"There's no excuse for abuse, trauma can come in many shapes and forms."
"Not even the solitude of her own home is safe; he is an all-consuming, all-encompassing dark cloud that makes every aspect of her life miserable."
"There's a difference between abusing yourself and abusing someone else."
"This investigation shocked and angered many... an outrageous abuse of law-enforcement resources and authority."
"I truly feel in my heart if she was arrested she would have called her parents, they would have intervened and once she was away from her abuser she would have came clean with the abuse and gotten help." - Angela
"People who really been abused when they're younger, you wouldn't go into me and make a joke about it, you know? It pissed me off."
"The only thing that could save this story is for it to eventually be revealed that Adam is kind of abusive."
"If you are one who has never come forward about the abuse that you have suffered, I want to challenge you to at least talk to someone else."