
Lifetime Quotes

There are 508 quotes

"I love looking after my patients from cradle to grave."
"Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in a total of all previous lifetimes on this planet."
"The relationships that you build can last a lifetime."
"So many memories; it's the stories that will last a lifetime."
"So one third of our life, or about 9,000 days, are spent asleep."
"This is one of the biggest things to happen in our lifetimes."
"One of the most meaningful innovations that we will see in our lifetime."
"This connection is a true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"They were feeling love developing pretty early on they saw you as someone that they could for sure love one day for a lifetime."
"This is the culmination of a lifetime of heroic deeds."
"This is the romance of a lifetime. True love."
"I've seen progress take place in my lifetime."
"This is probably the greatest opportunity in anybody's lifetime."
"The night sky is not going anywhere, and you have the rest of your life to enjoy it."
"This is true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"It's durable, it will outlast you in your lifetime."
"This is a collection, again, curated over a lifetime."
"Favor and blessings last for a lifetime and add no sorrows to it."
"He lived a productive full 88 years. What a life."
"We are in the most important battle of our lifetimes."
"This is gonna be highlighted, you know, the opportunity of your lifetime."
"You get free desserts for life, how bloody good's that?"
"Enduring connected Love of a Lifetime."
"You are the love of my life and all my past ones."
"This kind of relationship feels once in a lifetime."
"To find another like you would be another lifetime."
"You have many talents that you will share in your lifetime."
"It's the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I have memories to last a lifetime."
"This is the romance of a lifetime."
"It's free, your first Odo application is free for life."
"This is going to be the romance of a lifetime."
"The first impressions last a lifetime."
"True love is coming in very soon, and this is going to be a romance of a lifetime."
"This is a very once in a lifetime connection."
"Things happen for a reason, a season, a lifetime."
"It's a beautiful romantic satire that goes through a whole lifetime's worth of romance, family, and death in just mere days."
"It was a once in 2000 lifetimes natural event."
"There's something sacred about what you're about to create in this lifetime."
"It takes a lifetime to build trust and one time to ruin it."
"There's once in a while, there's once in a lifetime, and then there's once in forever."
"This is one of those experiences that you'll remember for a lifetime."
"This is a truly rare opportunity to set yourself up for life."
"This lifetime is about being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor."
"It's about relaxing into interpersonal connections."
"This is sort of a lifetime that's forcing you to acknowledge your emotions."
"A moment of weakness can lead to a lifetime of regret."
"Himl wanted to leave behind unforgettable memories of love and care that would last Frein's entire lifetime."
"He could play with him for an entire lifetime and it still wouldn't be enough."
"The adventure of a lifetime, some might say."
"...the memories you create here will last a lifetime."
"Change happens through a lifetime."
"I don't think we'll ever we're ever going to solve it in our lifetime but it's definitely fun to talk about."
"In the few hours that we had together, we left a lifetime's worth."
"They can define a legacy and last a lifetime."
"This is a lifetime job. Just work on it."
"I've actually been dreaming of this moment for my entire life."
"Over a lifetime we built something together, something beautiful and intricate and just for us."
"Love of a Lifetime kind of energy."
"We've pretty much had our fill of storms for a lifetime."
"Carpe Diem. Seize the Day. Billy sees the lifetime."
"Half a million dollars was more money than she had ever seen in her lifetime."
"This is a romance of a lifetime I have been waiting for."
"Worship is so much bigger than just like getting on stage and like it's not just this experience that we get to have to conjure up on a Sunday morning like it's it's a lifetime."
"It truly is the trip of a lifetime."
"Now this is what I've been waiting for my whole entire life."
"So now I definitely know I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"It's a title I will carry for the rest of my life."
"It really was turning into a session of a lifetime."
"This is awesome. This will I'll never get this opportunity again in my lifetime."
"I would call it a session of a lifetime, oh yeah, no for sure. You only get this once in a blue moon."
"I feel like I've been dreaming of filming this video for like my entire life."
"Son, you get $10 million, but a snail is chasing you for the rest of your life."
"This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me."
"I'm very sad to say the least but this was the trip of a lifetime."
"I wish I could see her smile right next to me for the rest of my life."
"I've already built friendships that are going to last a lifetime."
"I've never seen a piece like this in my life and I'm so excited to have a piece of furniture that I know I'm going to have for my lifetime."
"Getting dressed for the rest of my life."
"Once in a lifetime. Once. Just once in a lifetime. So I hope you look forward to it, okay? Sounds good. Look forward to it."
"The great thing about college is the opportunity to make friendships that last a lifetime."
"This is the opportunity of a lifetime right here."
"All I need is a day that will last me a lifetime."
"This truly was a trip of a lifetime."
"This was the opportunity of a lifetime."
"They are giving for your whole life."
"They're not currently ready to change their behavior in this lifetime."
"Your lifetime is not the end of the story of God."
"Marriage is a lifetime commitment."
"Learning those languages... they're just going to stay with you forever."
"It's the work of a lifetime, the most beautiful thing I've ever done in my life."
"The best part about memories is that they last a lifetime."
"Create memories that last a lifetime."
"You make friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for life."
"So Daniel, you're spending the rest of your life with him."
"This was an experience of a lifetime."
"These opportunities happen once in a lifetime."
"We have two um once in a lifetime opportunities two different opportunities once in a Lifetime and I I don't mean three yeah, no sorry sorry three I'm sorry three once in a lifetime opportunities."
"It was the opportunity of a lifetime."
"Celebrate your passion because to be a fan means making tonight last a lifetime."
"I just want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"This is a romance of a lifetime I have been waiting for, slowly but surely coming to realize that you are opening my eyes to how life could really look like."
"The greatest thing in the world that you can do is love people, and it takes a lifetime to learn how to do it."
"Over the course of my lifetime, I've bicycled now almost 95,000 miles."
"The best investment you could make in this lifetime is to invest your resources in someone who could do absolutely nothing for you."
"As of right now, these would be the 10 that I would keep for the rest of my life."
"I'm pretty sure it's a lifetime PR, and that is just like insane."
"A lifetime ambition has been achieved."
"That would be a memory for a lifetime if it can happen."
"It was really fun, I'm glad that we did that, once in lifetime experience."
"Truly a once in a lifetime experience."
"This could be the moment of a lifetime."
"London. It's a city you can enjoy coming back to...for the rest of your life."
"This trip has been a trip of a lifetime."
"Witness the birth of a supernova In Our Lifetime."
"For all, it is the achievement and opportunity of a lifetime."
"The memories that you're going to be building, they last a lifetime."
"What a lifetime experience this is."
"Honestly, this is like the experience of a lifetime."
"All I want is a lifetime worth of Taco Bell."
"LoveSac products are built to last a lifetime and that's exactly what we've been looking for."
"Remember, best buds, you and I, for the rest of your life."
"So it's crazy that I have been working for, technically, all my life."
"It's a journey of a lifetime every time."
"One lifetime is not enough to learn everything that you need to learn."
"I love you my whole life one way or another."
"The music of your lifetime is colored by the relationships you have."
"Some people could spend their whole lifetime and never find what we have."
"I'm going to put this in Home Alone just because I don't think we're ever going to witness anything like this again in our lifetimes."
"Once you get this certificate it's yours for life. You don't have to renew it, you don't have to retake any exams. If you have it, you have it."
"How many loves do you actually get in a lifetime?"
"Materialism has focused the mind entirely upon this small span of time, which we call a lifetime."
"This is probably the only time in my life that I will be able to do something like this."
"Love such as ours happens only once in a lifetime."
"You've probably had ADHD your entire life."
"We've been together more than half our lives and we've shared an entire lifetime together."
"Three seems enough for one lifetime."
"Music is so fabulous you know I could just give you what is now a cliche but it's a great quote of Rachmaninos who says you know he said finally that a lifetime of music is enough for a lifetime but no lifetime is enough for music."
"Gentlemen, I've been waiting for this moment my entire life."
"I'm committing to this for the rest of my life."
"I'm here for the adventure of my lifetime."
"If he doesn't come in my lifetime, I want to run my race and hand the baton to the next generation until they run their race."
"You're being honored for something this lifetime."
"This is going to be the investment of a lifetime."
"This is something that's going to last this guy the rest of his life."
"I'm banned for life from the win. I'm 86 forever."
"I'm not promoting serial monogamy, but most of us are slated to have two or three very significant relationships in our lifetime."
"Kurosawa is one of those directors that only come around in a lifetime."
"As long as you keep it maintained properly, it's going to last you a lifetime."
"Did you know the sharks, they go through thousands of teeth in their lifetime? It's a lot of teeth."
"This is the greatest move of the Spirit in my lifetime and I would probably say this century."
"Promotions help us retain our customers not just for a single transaction, but for a lifetime."
"You could own it for the rest of your life."
"Remember you have a lifetime to get healthy and you need to stay healthy for the rest of your life."
"On the basis of that it's very easy to and I think we generally do adoptive sense of personal identity that is very much confined within this lifetime."
"This is, in my lifetime, the best dynasty."
"There's so much here, you could study this for a lifetime and still have more to learn."
"You changed your focus. It's not on them anymore. You changed your focus this lifetime. Congratulations."
"Grief continues for a lifetime through major life milestones."
"I want to encourage you to the things that God has done in your lives already throughout this week are meant to last a lifetime"
"It was an experience of a lifetime."
"This pick was the pick of a lifetime."
"It's the best piece of tax legislation I think we'll ever see in our lifetimes."
"But at the same time, he already has a lifetime of stories."
"I'm giving you the promise of my lifetime."
"This is a unique opportunity in our lifetime."
"Craft the vacation of a lifetime."
"I do have enough time, I have a lifetime to trade."
"Being a parent is a lifetime job."
"You are going to find that you have found a hobby for a lifetime."
"You have a lifetime of beautiful moments to share."
"I'd rather live a lifetime our short time with you than a lifetime with anybody else."
"The most important vote in our lifetime."
"I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for this moment."
"...your network is what pays dividends over a lifetime."
"Creating memories to cherish forever."
"Much of the fear in our world is rooted in modern science and the three abrahamic religions insisting the game must be played in only one small lifetime."
"This is the moment indeed, one of those moments that we'll all remember perhaps for our lifetime."
"I mean this is the biggest event in our lifetime ladies and gentlemen the history."
"These guys have waited their whole life for this opportunity."
"Real estate, you never go wrong at all, at all. It's a lifetime investment."
"These are definitely a lifetime pet."
"It's a book that you can have for the rest of your life that you can use to learn mathematics."
"He's a legend in his own lifetime, there's no doubt about that."
"Throughout your life, you will produce enough saliva to fill a typical backyard pool."
"Build a foundation that lasts a lifetime."
"I have my son here, Cody. How long have you worked with me? My whole life."
"In the few hours that we had together, we loved a lifetime."
"Power of attorney is only effective during the lifetime of the person who gave power of attorney."
"Investment success isn't what happened last week or last year, it's what happens over your lifetime."
"It's something that I think I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
"We've designed our system from the get-go to consider the entire plant's lifetime."
"All horses get beat, but he's still my best friend and he's been a horse of a lifetime."
"I don't want you for a night; I want you for a lifetime."
"It truly was the party of a lifetime."
"He will climb to Mount Everest's peak; it would be an achievement to last a whole lifetime."
"I cannot believe I get to spend my whole life with you, and I can proudly tell the world that you are mine."
"I will care for her and cherish her for as long as I am alive."
"Opportunity of a lifetime for both players."
"That is the view of a lifetime, Alex."