
Health Research Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Reducing dementia and Alzheimer's and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality... there's a 65 and 66 percent reduction respectively in dementia and Alzheimer's."
"For every year that you stay alive, you get to tack on another three months of life."
"There's been a tremendous amount of research on health benefits of tea, especially green tea."
"Food as the pharmaceutical, food as a person...that's generally what I believe and what I can see from research."
"Chronic lack of vitamin D is an etiological factor in dementia."
"The idea of Geroscience is changing that approach. That is, maybe what we actually need to be studying and treating are the fundamental causes of aging."
"This is definitely a stunning study. I wish this study is sent to folks in CDC and FDA."
"Those subjects that got the supplemental vitamin D only had a 10.8 percent prevalence of influenza A."
"There's never been any long-term study showing that calorie counting is an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss."
"There was $73 million to build the ark, I believe. Put that toward a cancer cure, you know what I mean?"
"For the very first time, exercise is associated with a reduced likelihood of being infected."
"In 1950, researchers Dr. Ernst L. Wynder and Evarts A. Graham released a study that showed smokers had a greater risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers."
"The fact that the brains of chronic diet soda consumers are changing over time to value sugar and sweetener equally is a very good clue that sweeteners like aspartame could indeed be addictive."
"Fortunately, there is at least one piece of good news in this otherwise pretty depressing video: in that Minnesota starvation study... after participants were reintroduced to normal amounts of food, eventually their metabolisms did recover."
"The lower the levels of vitamin D, the greater the risk of dementia."
"The only difference between the responders and the non-responders was one bacteria in their gut, and that one bacteria was Akkermansia."
"The Journal American College of Cardiology published in 2020 a large literature review looking at meta-analyses and RCTs and top-level evidence and they found that there's no correlation, no association at all whatsoever with increased consumption of saturated fat and heart disease."
"The blood circulating through the bodies of vegans has nearly eight times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth."
"More than 12 percent of childhood asthma cases can be attributed to gas stoves."
"Increased relative humidity was associated with decreased cases in both epidemic phases."
"Coffee drinkers have less heart disease than non-coffee drinkers."
"A study finds that cannabis users are 25% more likely to need emergency care or hospitalization. But the question is, is it because of their cannabis use or is it that people more likely to need emergency care and hospitalization are more likely to use cannabis?"
"Research has shown that the effects of coffee really vary depending on the person and their tolerance."
"Exposure to vitamin D was associated with a 40% lower dementia incidence versus no exposure."
"Nature produced an article last year, May 2016, that 90% of cancers are lifestyle and environment."
"There have been scientists, there have been studies that come out and say, you know, your reaction to natural immunity is robust and long-lasting."
"Increasing levels of omega-3 in the cell membrane was associated with ten times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"There's a lot of evidence, over 2000 different peer-reviewed studies, that demonstrate turmeric is very, very effective."
"The reality is still pretty interesting to look at. They gave obese rats Sacha Inchi oil for 11 weeks. They found they had a decrease in bad cholesterol, a decrease in triglycerides, a decrease in inflammatory cytokines, decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha but most interestingly an increase in antioxidant capacity."
"Recent studies show that around 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for most healthy adults."
"If you read the studies, you realize nothing has changed. Meat is dangerous."
"Vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased disease severity and mortality."
"You have to realize what a bitter pill this was for a 25-year vegetarian to have to write in a paper that Atkins did better than the other diets."
"Research shows that a 7% personal body weight can reduce the risk of Diabetes by around 60 percent."
"Aging could be the root cause of so many other diseases."
"Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat reduces coronary heart disease events in randomized controlled trials."
"We have less confidence on the effect of saturated fat on the risk of mortality than on the risk of cardiovascular disease outcomes in general."
"Every single person has a level of bio individuality. Research and data is great, but honestly it's just research. It's not the end-all be-all. We have to know what works for us."
"No not that I've found out this is what I'm trying to demonstrate now now we've demonstrated quite clearly on my videos you've probably seen that's open low levels of vitamin D and more prone to viral infections."
"That is a huge, huge difference, p-value of less than point zero zero warned so less than a one in 1,000 chance of this being accidental random chance."
"People who eat nuts are much more health conscious they have better health outcomes across the board than the rest of the study population."
"Omicron natural infection had the largest protective effect."
"Furthermore, it was found that the rate was highest among women aged 30 to 39 years old."
"Let's begin by looking at berberine's effect on diabetes and neuronal damage."
"Our diet and our gut microbiome may actually hold the key."
"Omega-3 fatty acid has been shown, during several clinical trials, to reduce the progression of kidney disease."
"Sugar, which for so long has given pleasure to humans, may hold a key to extending human life."
"Curcumin has been widely researched in the past 20 years for its proven effects as a powerful anti-inflammatory."
"It's very curious so this came up kind of across my desk yesterday and I've heard over the last few months that there have been some studies about mouthwashes and their possible ability to inactivate the virus."
"You can't be all about curing cancer and treating your employees like shit."
"You can see some kind of perception of T-cell response... longer and more robust than antibodies."
"Strength matters... 70% reduction in incidents and mortality from dementia."
"And in the end, they’re going to be our allies in health, not our enemies."
"There's some really good evidence that longer fasts that stimulate autophagy may be efficacious for cancer prevention."
"Brain scans have shown and have confirmed that magical combination seems to block the accumulation of those plaques."
"Patients with serious COVID-19 had significantly lower zinc levels compared to healthy controls."
"Higher avocado intake was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease in two large prospective cohorts of U.S men and women."
"It's not one study, it's the majority of studies... scores of studies showing dramatic reduction in cardiovascular mortality."
"It's starting conversations of what could contribute to poor HRV."
"The totality of these studies provides compelling evidence of the dangers of seed oils."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"Resveratrol exerts neuroprotection against LPS-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration."
"Onions have been shown in scientific studies to be protected against almost all types of cancers."
"There's actual good data in the medical literature to show that PCBs cause gut barrier inflammation."
"Mushroom consumption lowers both prostate and breast cancer."
"The highest amount of saturated fat have the least risk of heart disease."
"There's a super interesting study out of Kansas State from 2015 where they demonstrate that pepper almost entirely prevented the formation of HCAs in burgers."
"The most landmark finding, which the industry has done everything in its power to discredit, was called the Seven Country Study."
"I'm experimenting on myself...all of humanity is waiting on you here."
"People with low vitamin D levels were nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized."
"If this is not present... transmission is blocked."
"Dr. Greger's research shows veganism can prevent cancer and heart disease."
"Weak association between higher cholesterol and cardiovascular disease."
"NAD restoration through various methods has been shown to increase lifespan in lower-level organisms as well as in rodents."
"It is a game-changer and the reason it's a game-changer is that it allows you to understand the proportion of the asymptomatic population who's had this disease but hasn't had symptoms that are in any way significant."
"Vitamin D levels the lowest... exhibited the largest decrease in covid-19 infection and mortality."
"Researchers have shown that carrots are definitely good for your eyesight, but they will never allow you to see in a pitch-black environment."
"Research shows intermittent fasting enhances insulin sensitivity and fights jet lag." - Dr. Jim Stefani
"Exercise literally slashes the relative risk in half."
"Elevated CO2 levels directly affect human cognition, new Harvard study shows."
"The CDC acknowledged that natural immunity was Superior to vaccination against the Delta variant."
"Natural immunity provided strong protection perhaps even more so than those who had been vaccinated."
"There is an answer to IBS... a lot of names, one cause and we want to get to the bottom of it." - Jordan
"From all of the research I've done... a balanced, varied diet... is still the best solution to having a healthy body, a healthy gut."
"Tomatoes contain lycopene and lutein, studied for their health benefits."
"There's not a single study that has ever shown that lowering salt intake improves mortality in heart failure. In fact, every single study shows that it's a significant increase in all-cause mortality."
"Could nasal nitric oxide help to mitigate severity of COVID-19?"
"Natural immunity is 27 times stronger that people are 27 times less likely to get reinfected from natural immunity than people who had done the full two course treatment."
"The research is very clear. Dairy products and saturated fat are leading concerns."
"Non-androgenic effects...no risk of virilization."
"The influenza vaccine does not appear to reduce immunity against COVID-19."
"We investigated the rather sensitive subject of whether cycling can impact men's sexual health."
"Do your research and if your body doesn't need it, don't take it, but if it does then consider it, gentlemen."
"Triglycerides show improvement with alternate day fasting."
"It also delays the onset of Alzheimer's. There's lots of studies and evidence that prove that."
"No one has actually done that type of experiment where we compare perfect eating but not proper sleep to perfect sleep but horrible eating, but sleep still carries a significant vote in determining your mortality."
"Ectosteroids with at least within the context of the research is typically looked at as a health promoting compound."
"We have found such strong links between insufficient sleep across the lifespan and your risk for developing Alzheimer's disease."
"You have high cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol which more and more research is coming out to show definitively that that's probably not the huge risk factor that we all thought it was."
"High-fat diet accelerates epigenetic age in mice."
"Ketones may be the overall common denominator that we're after."
"Severe patients: 87.4 percent still had some sort of symptoms after 60.3 days to more than two months."
"Spanish doctors say foot sores may be a new symptom of the virus."
"This was very interesting for me to see a study saying vitamin C doesn't work but melatonin works."
"Probably the majority of cases of Alzheimer's disease could either be prevented or substantially delayed."
"We really can reduce the global burden of dementia."
"There are now, uh, I think at last count last week, 17 separate studies confirming the benefit of high levels of vitamin D."
"The majority of recent research suggests that eggs pose no risk to our health."
"We are going to review a new study... 'Potential reversal of the epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention.'"
"Men who were eating the Mediterranean diet had better sperm count than men who were eating the Western diet."
"A study presented at the nutrition 2023 meeting in the U.S has suggested that a regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of fatal dementia."
"Practically every cancer studied has been shown to be related to vitamin D levels."
"These are local hormones that regulate inflammation, swelling, fever, clotting, and the immune system."
"The highest level of Omega-3 was associated with 10 times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"There may be factors that potentially confound the relationship between weight loss and health outcomes."
"You can actually turn cancer on by higher protein intake and turn it off."
"Less than 30% of cancer can be explained by genetics."
"Rapamycin, the drug that blocks mtor, is a universal anti-aging drug."
"If you consume at least two to three servings of full fat dairy per day, you will have a 23% less chance of getting type 2 diabetes."
"Hope was raised that the tea link was causing effect when the randomized trial found an improvement of bone turnover markers."
"Omicron may suggest lower severity of disease."
"Low vitamin D levels associated with higher risk of severe COVID-19."
"People with low vitamin D were 10 times more likely to have complications and die."
"The link there, the biochemical link is through cortisol."
"Recent scientific research suggests that done properly, crash diets can be a great way to kick-start long-term weight loss."
"What biochemical pathway is being perturbed that's causing these lasting deficits?"
"The highest quality ones, the mendelian ones, are showing higher LDL is associated with higher strokes associated with higher mortality."
"Always do your own research, always talk to your own doctors, always talk or seek out a registered dietician."
"I'd rather people eat a real food saturated fat type ketogenic diet then add in these other pieces until we have more information."
"There have actually been a lot of studies linking gut health to mental health."
"In six countries, a plant-based diet or pescatarian diet were associated with lower odds of moderate to severe covid-19 compared to control groups."
"Natural immunity seems to also be more durable."
"Decaffeinated coffee drinkers... showed the same decreased risk of death."
"A new study shows that cranberries offer incredible neuroprotective benefits."
"Women in age gap relationships in either direction have faster mortality rates than those who are in relationships with someone their own age."
"Honey has been beating its synthetic counterparts quite handily in many recent scientific studies."
"There has been a ton of data going back as early as 2007 connecting the dots between vitamin D insufficiency and alterations in glucose homeostasis."
"There don't appear to be any adverse effects from taking NMN, but long-term safety is unknown."
"Those with decreased ACE2 levels are also those who have been seen to have more severe COVID-19 cases."
"Age acceleration linked with increased infectivity for COVID-19."
"Why do people who attend church live on an average seven years longer?"
"Women with extra estrogen... had significantly lower prevalence of Covid-19 diagnosis... and reduced hospitalizations."
"Based upon this research from Sinclair, we can potentially take these kinds of supplements and maybe increase NAD production."
"The combination of Nrf2 synergizer and collagen downregulates NF Capa B, the body's master switch of the rapid response to stress."
"Low levels of Resveratrol, especially in synergy with other polyphenols, work in humans too."
"High or normal vitamin D levels are associated with less risk of COVID-19."
"The link between diet drinks and diabetes disappeared when they corrected for other potential factors."
"Those with the highest LDL levels lived the longest."
"Dietary cholesterol does raise serum cholesterol. 395 metabolic ward experiments prove that you are a lying fucking retard."
"It addresses the most common misconceptions people have about eating a plant based diet."
"Flaxseed muffin study: Decreased division rate, aggression, and increased cancer cell suicide rate."
"We want to answer an important question: do these things objectively work? The answer is yes."
"The accumulation of evidence supports the importance of vitamin d."
"I cannot agree more, I think we have to study a bit more DHA omega-3 and how this impact preventive functions because that could be a preventive intervention."
"People who consume more than 40 percent of protein in their diet have significantly lower hazard ratios for all-cause mortality."
"Dr. Ignarro's research team also revealed that nitric oxide plays a crucial role in preventing formation of plaque."
"Overweight and obese men and women randomized to two cups of water before each meal lost nearly five pounds more body fat in 12 weeks than those in the control group."
"14 studies backtack analyzed have shown that women who eat more soy live longer."
"There's definitely data on sleep duration and longevity."
"I was basically fascinated by the research that I was doing on the medicinal mushrooms."
"We're going to review six randomized control trials that do not support the dietary guidelines."
"There's really no evidence from randomized controlled trials showing that when you consume a low-fat and specifically a low saturated fat diet that there's any Improvement or significant reduction in cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease mortality."
"Positive emotional style was associated in a dose response pattern to lowering the risk of developing cold after viral challenge."
"Recent research has shown that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can help regulate blood sugar levels."
"The best study ever of the Mediterranean diet... was successful in lowering their rates of cardiovascular disease."
"People who have lower levels of Akkermansia municipalia are more likely to become obese or have their metabolic health not in the best condition."
"Proceeds from tonight's benefit will help launch a new center for research on child and adolescent health."
"Extending the human health span is a global priority."
"Thank you so much everyone, seven thousand dollars for Alzheimer's care and research."
"We actually do include them in our portfolio diet trials... so far it looks like there's no harmful risk anyway and maybe even some benefit."
"Not just longevity, but the quality of that time."
"If we compare people's responses to the same meal, the different blood sugar responses can tell us if their muscles and liver are working well."
"The fasting mimicking diet... could be protective in human patients for a variety of different diseases."
"The FMD reduced chemotherapy-induced DNA damage in T cells."
"Improving calcium and vitamin D nutritional status substantially reduced all cancer risk in post-menopausal women."
"For every bouquet that you order, two dollars of that goes towards breast cancer research."
"We're getting very confident about the cardio-metabolic effects of the fasting mimicking diet."
"It's a really great charity, it doesn't only help with research but it helps with people who are actively living with the disease today."
"There's new data on lifestyle, diet, and CKD progression, although most of this is observational."
"The best epigenetic aging reversals were up to four to ten years, and the best plasma pheno age reversals were up to 9 to 11 years."
"It's been shown in studies to decrease total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and increase HDLs, so it balances out your lipids."
"Cacao studies have shown that you could double the amount of circulating stem cells in your circulation."
"Hybrid immunity induces more polyfunctional Spike CD4 cells than vaccination only."
"Our findings are suggestive of a small but potentially important reduction in cardiovascular risk."
"French researchers suggest nicotine could protect against COVID-19."
"It's important for many reasons to start and target aging, and we have the tools to accelerate it right now."
"We just raised $30,000... for a cure."
"Subjects that had higher amounts of anthocyanins ended up having about a 15 percent less chance of developing type 2 diabetes."
"Vitamin D supplementation reduces osteoporosis, but what is the evidence for additional health benefits?"
"At an ACE score of six, there is almost a 20-year shortening of life expectancy."
"The intermittent restriction is a promising avenue that people are looking at."
"It may inhibit some types of cancer."
"The evidence is pretty overwhelming that if you drink green tea regularly, it lowers the risk of several types of cancers."
"We are really at the beginning of a new era of really being able to truly understand not only what's in our food but how our body responds to what we put inside it."
"Exercise alone was just as effective as chemotherapy."
"The combination of exercise with chemotherapy was associated with the slowest tumor growth."
"Researchers have found an association between cacao and lower risk of many chronic diseases."
"Multiple studies have shown that people with high intake of chocolate products and cocoa-derived flavanols experience a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes."
"The premise of this study is that one diet doesn't fit all."
"I think we're really on the trail of something really important in terms of health, longevity, metabolic health."