
Crisis Quotes

There are 4297 quotes

"People get through crises with service of some type."
"Look after your mental health. It's normal to feel stressed, confused, and scared during a crisis."
"If the crisis is where the hero is faced with a choice, then the climax is where we see the consequences of that choice on the story."
"Crisis creates a breakthrough if it doesn't kill you."
"China is currently facing a real estate crisis and a debt crisis, compounded by a crisis of confidence, which has ultimately led to a crisis of capital outflow and unemployment."
"When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough."
"The live ended, police and ambulances rushed to the scene."
"The real issues are escalating up to a tipping point where we could develop a gambling crisis like a gambling epidemic."
"An iconic American company's reputation in tatters."
"It took the world falling apart, but maybe we needed to take a step back to remember how lucky we are."
"Unfortunately, people only open their eyes once it's reached an insane point."
"God was somewhere, but here two strangers were all by themselves, caught in the crisis of forgiveness."
"We understand that this is an incredibly difficult time right now with unemployment at record highs and financial insecurity making everyone nervous about a potential depression."
"This crisis leads to liberation, this crisis leads to reprogramming of your mind, and to destroying lies and uncertain beginnings."
"The loneliness crisis is genuinely taken very seriously."
"With every crisis, there is so much opportunity, and I love that with this serious and measured tone you have a lot of hope under the surface."
"The power of prayer is something people are normally inclined to doubt, but in moments of peril, credulity increases, and the idea of a magical benefactor becomes irresistible."
"Every crisis, while it is deeply unsettling, inherently contains the seed of opportunity."
"In Chinese, as well as in Japanese, the word for crisis uses two symbols, one signifies danger, and the other opportunity."
"Cuba on the verge of collapse as country hit by blackouts and runs out of food."
"Just like the Joker said, 'When the chips are down, these... civilized people, they'll eat each other.'"
"I take the meaning crisis very seriously... I don't think everything's just going to go back to the way it was."
"Out of every crisis comes clarity and an opportunity to strive for greater values of integrity and transparency."
"The greatest crisis breeds the greatest opportunity for change."
"We live in an age when there's a crisis of trust in our culture."
"This crisis is also an opportunity to do something on climate change."
"We're going into the biggest crash in world history."
"Self-worth, valuing yourself, respecting yourself as a human being is actually one of the great crises in the world today."
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
"We're talking pandemonium. I think we're really seeing a really dangerous moment right now."
"Faith in democracy, democracy is in danger right now. Faith in the experiment of democracy, faith in the world, faith in the worldview, this is something that's being critically tested right now."
"This is a crisis within truth-seeking, within sense-making, and this has huge consequences for everyone in the rest of the world."
"The crisis has also brought out the worst; we've all heard about the horrible acts against Asian Americans blamed for the coronavirus."
"Wealth and income inequality are the biggest moral crisis, and I'll also say it's a spiritual crisis in America today, all around the world."
"All I know is that we have a major public safety crisis."
"In the heart of crisis, the spirit of community shines brightest."
"We have a critical thinking crisis. I think the last two years literally just proved that."
"The existing system was in utter disrepair. It was like a match to a pile of wood with gasoline poured on top of it, and the whole thing kind of really goes viral and takes off."
"In the midst of crisis, spirituality is of great, great help and relevance."
"Let us not forget that the Bhagavad Gita was taught to Arjuna not in a peaceful setting but in the midst of a great crisis."
"What do all four of these have in common? And the answer is, they are all man-made crises by governments."
"We face a terrible, terrible moment in American history, probably worse than any time since the Great Depression."
"This is not complicated stuff. We're in an unprecedented moment in American history. Tens of millions of people are hurting."
"The doctor had told me my heart was going to stop if I didn't get help."
"I'm running out of food and water, and have no way of making it to the city with what I have left. Sitting here and waiting isn't helping me anymore."
"Wealth is never destroyed, it is merely transferred; and that means that on the opposite side of every crisis, there is an opportunity."
"The most fearful thing for the financial industry is a run on the bank and the depletion of liquidity."
"When things like this happen, you really see what humans are capable of."
"The crew is out of options and running out of time."
"You can't hide from the real you at a time like this."
"All the golden ages of history always start with a huge crisis."
"Mass eviction fears as 12 million will owe six thousand dollars in unpaid rent and bills by January."
"There is a terrible crisis in America that nobody... is talking about... and that is the number of adult children who don't talk to their parents."
"So much is at stake in the present crisis, so much more than Britain's relationship with the EU."
"I cared no more about that camera than the passenger of the Titanic cared about a hat or a coat."
"Fatima is the key to understanding the current crisis."
"The whole planet is going absolutely nuts... You need Jesus."
"Eve believed her husband; she called on everyone to wait a little longer as Gavin would surely come to rescue them."
"The greatest political, economic, social crisis of the world capitalist system certainly since the 1930s."
"To say that the situation in the UK is dire is an understatement."
"This relentless killer is supposed to restore solidarity, family, friendship, community, and harmony as we all mobilize to eradicate it."
"We could be heading for a crash of civilization."
"Venezuela's oil industry is in intensive therapy."
"Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis, but there are solutions."
"Now is a better time to buy. These crises create opportunities for long-term investors."
"This ambiguity works quite well; we are actually stuck in with this crisis of faith and how it's intensified by this potential demonic possession because we have the experience shifting levels of belief and doubt alongside him."
"Every minute counts with what we are dealing with right now."
"Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him the most, he vanished."
"Semi-reliable communal sense-making is the number one crisis. If we do not learn how to come up with a narrative that we can share, we're gonna take the most hopeful and best experiment and trash it."
"Our democracy came dangerously close to catastrophe."
"A lot of people aren't searching for answers or ways to improve themselves or their life until they've hit rock bottom."
"In times of crisis, seeking solace and meaning in the face of uncertainty is natural."
"We are witnessing what looks like the end of the world. This is not a movie. I repeat, this is not a movie."
"In the middle of all this bull, Bruce really thought it was a good idea to take a private helicopter into Metropolis."
"The end of the world is just the beginning: mapping the collapse of globalization."
"We got much more than a rainy day. We got a pandemic."
"Every crisis is also a good opportunity, and you can see the opportunity."
"This was a dark day for all of us, but the bright spot is the incredible heroism of our fellow New Yorkers, helping each other in a time of crisis."
"I'm pretty much fucked. That's my considered opinion. Fucked."
"We are facing the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced."
"We're in the middle of one of the greatest public health crises in the history of our nation."
"Prince Harry said the misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis affecting everyone, not just in America."
"Misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis."
"This coup attempt is a tragedy for Nigeriens; its success would have devastating consequences far beyond our borders."
"When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
"I think the crisis presents a tremendous opportunity."
"When you see blood in the streets, it creates opportunity."
"We're in a national emergency; we need to act like we're in a national emergency."
"So much of what's happened since then, the erosion of confidence in business leaders, in politicians, stems from that crisis and bailout."
"The challenges with crisis or anything bad that happens to other people is we never think it'll happen to us."
"It'll never happen to us until it's too late, and boom, it happens to you."
"The war is exacerbating the greatest cost of living crisis in a generation."
"Things just went from pretty bad to nuclear."
"It is not about being let down; it is a collapse."
"One cannot choose when hardship comes, but one can choose how to respond to it in times of crisis."
"Capitalism never solves its crises problems; it moves them around geographically."
"With the world burning behind them, he asks her, 'Who are you?'"
"Your home is in crisis, and you're going to lose your family."
"We always make our biggest changes during times of crisis."
"Transformation always happens collectively through some kind of a crisis that makes us pay attention to something."
"Semiconductor become the foundation of the world economy. So if semiconductor plant being destroyed, then that will be a disaster."
"From these crises, we need to seize the opportunity to build back and build back better than we were before."
"A deadly night and, obviously, incredibly significant the rescue of these two hostages."
"A lot of innocent people who are starving, a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying, and it's got to stop."
"Call five friends, find out how they're doing. Social distancing means that we are not allowed as human beings to do all the things that we usually do in times of crisis."
"It's about the truth being the only thing that will allow us to retain our morality and our decency in a grave and serious time."
"Prepare now because when it hits, it'll be too late."
"The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will be when the crisis hits."
"Often when we're in resistance of releasing something through fear, then the universe steps in and creates a tower moment like the lightning strikes the tower or the situation and makes things fall apart, but it's so you can have a new beginning."
"These folks are not living on the sidewalk; they are dying on the sidewalk."
"The daring and determination of our people in this crisis reminds us that no matter how hard it gets, Americans will keep on fighting to victory."
"Often disasters and times of crisis are used to leverage further power for already powerful entities."
"The underlying currency of the country or the world in the case of the US dollar is simply collapsing."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and the patients during this very uncertain time."
"The humanitarian impact threatens to be enormous."
"It felt as if everything was about to come crashing down around us, but it didn't."
"I think we can all acknowledge this one is a little different than the others right like this one is like basically America's last stand before we dive into complete and utter chaos and the choice is yours."
"We're looking at a major crisis...escalating collapse."
"That's what happens when people start to realize what the hell is really going on. Then they start panicking and doing stuff like that." - Participant in the video
"Blood is thicker than water, but only one threatens to drown me right now."
"Emergencies bring out the best and the worst in people."
"Everywhere you look, there's a crisis riddled with incompetence, division, and dysfunction."
"There is a bizarre silver lining perhaps still out there."
"If you're going to crush the entire world's economy, that's actually going to kill a lot of people."
"If you ever think you have a stupid and abusive business idea, a way to leech more money off people, let this be reminder that honestly you could do worse."
"This is a crisis and what a crisis mandates a decisive leader with the vision that's what you have."
"Don't you want someone to love while the world is smoldering around us? It's so romantic."
"People who defend evil ideologies justify themselves with constant expectations of catastrophe, as if we were in an endless state of war-like emergency that required the suspension of moral order."
"If we lift Title 42, it's going to create a true crisis on the southern border."
"The effort at disclosure would be hijacked by elements who had then spin it in the direction of a threat or an eschatological crisis."
"We do have a mental health crisis in this country."
"We needed this. We needed to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"I realized during this whole thing about how prepared I am"
"The character of a nation is difficult to discern until its people are put to the test."
"The only thing worse than an unnecessarily slow recovery is a reversed recovery."
"We are in a race against time, and we are losing."
"Thoughts with everybody who's in Kiev and in the country of Ukraine right now."
"I think we're going to see a lot more suffering and a lot more cases and deaths."
"The end is nigh but there is a light at the end of the tunnel."
"The picture that you've just painted is a society that's failed to me that is a society that has reached crisis point."
"An amazing across-the-board failure and no one who is paying attention could possibly look at a failure of all of those things and come away with the impression that anything small could possibly put us back on track."
"In times of crisis, we're forced to return to core principles to physics to chemistry to science that is true no matter what your horoscope says."
"The problem is that this power outage isn't just bad for the cold. People can't get food, restaurants and grocery stores can't open, it breaks down the supply chain."
"This is really just a staggering blow to the economy."
"When mankind stood at that point where self-annihilation could occur."
"For tur horst, an outage is more than just an expensive inconvenience. 'This isn't like I'm going to lose a casserole in my fridge. You know, this is I may not be alive tomorrow.'"
"Don’t let America’s hospitals become the equivalent of California’s homeless crisis."
"We're in the midst of a serious financial crisis, and the federal government is responding with decisive action."
"Italy's healthcare system is very close to breaking right now."
"Perhaps crises like these can teach us to be more aware of the global community that we live in."
"The American people will come out the other side of this crisis stronger."
"If we do not have a full court and it could potentially go 4-4, then this country is going to face the worst crisis it's faced in 100 plus years."
"Brexit is a necessary crisis that exposes the weakness of the state and could lead to a new politics of national improvement."
"We have a crisis here. We need to do things to make sure that our highest court in the land is holding to the highest ethical standards."
"We compromised our way into an existential crisis, we need progressive change now."
"Global hunger: the worldwide addition. People may be almost 265 million people by the end of this year could be facing acute hunger."
"I thought we were done for, we were going to lose everything."
"And this, my friend, is a dangerous combination, colliding crises, compounding each other."
"Arcadia Bay is gonna be destroyed... there has to be a way to stop this."
"If a gay person dyes their hair they are a visibly spiraling crisis twink and I want to be a crisis."
"The right question is what is the best thing to do to save Ukraine from further disaster." - Noam Chomsky
"It takes unfortunate things to happen to these children before anybody wakes up right before mik staer happened with the with the H situation right nobody really knew this was a big deal a couple people were talking about it."
"If they're saying that the s*** is going to hit the fan, they should be advising you to start focusing on self-reliance."
"The climate crisis is the biggest crisis facing us right now."
"Crisis is not necessarily a bad thing, crisis is the beginning of opportunity."
"The world situation is just very grave, and in that context, people have always turned to the spiritual life for comfort and consolation."
"In an instant, a million people in Ukraine have been forced to flee."
"In these troubling times it's important to keep in mind what the state of things are because these are not normal times."
"God is talking, because he disrupts the ordinary things by crafting a crisis."
"We need an adult in the room now; this is the United States of America under siege."
"It feels like an earthquake has happened. Everyone else has felt it but no one here."
"Shouldn't the solution be too, if the root of our ecological crisis is religious?"
"The UK is currently in the grips of a fresh food crisis."
"Buy when the cleanup of the blood in the streets is happening."
"Our economy will emerge from this crisis even more concentrated and consolidated than before."
"I think it's finally come to a boiling point."
"Without rapid interventions in many parts of the world, millions of people are going to die."
"Everything is being manipulated: food crisis, supply chain crisis, climate crisis."
"With everything falling apart, we can reshape the world in ways we couldn't before."
"It's not a surge, it's a humanitarian crisis."
"There will come a point where you are totally alone. There will come a point where there's nobody coming for you."
"Remember, this is one of the worst things that they have seen."
"I think it's a train wreck I think it's coming and it's coming hard."
"It’s a disaster for everyone from the billionaires to the small investors who see their retirement savings go up in smoke."
"The worse it gets, the more it induces people to ask the right questions."
"A voice of reason is much appreciated in this moment of calamity."
"Racing at an amateur level is over at that point if we do not act."
"Thank God her one-room apartment remained intact and safe."
"If the ship is going down, it's better to honorably go down with it."
"The biggest convincing factor that I have is that I cried out to Jesus at my lowest point."
"Humanity collectivizes at that crisis moment."
"This will pass, and we're gonna be even stronger for it."
"The Seventh Seal takes place in a distant past during a different crisis, an epidemic that threatened all of Europe: the Black Plague."
"When there's fire, there's opportunity. When there's chaos, there's opportunity."
"It's a civilizational crisis for the United States, and people need to deeply reflect on it."
"Together we will get through this awkward and quite horrible time."
"They say that there are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and championship football clubs lurching from crisis to crisis."
"It's no longer climate change, it's a climate crisis."
"What is going to happen is that we'll go for another 5 or 10 or 15 years and have another meltdown and a few more million people will lose their jobs and their houses and their businesses."
"A depressing situation all together but what makes it particularly depressing... is the total collapse in statesmanship in Europe and indeed in the West."