
Unexpected Challenges Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"As a parent, you spend your whole life trying to protect your child... you never would think you have to protect your child from harming somebody else."
"The loss of signal had occurred 39 seconds earlier than predicted. And that was not good news."
"We got much more than a rainy day. We got a pandemic."
"This is probably the first time that we're pretty blessed to be able to come in here twice a week and kick it with our friends about [expletive], but sometimes this job calls for much more than you could imagine."
"Nobody was prepared for this. What we've done nobody can even imagine."
"Sometimes the floor falls out from underneath you, sometimes literally and sometimes figuratively."
"Why are there plants? What are those things? Oh no, these look like a problem, a massive problem!"
"Once you get, everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face."
"How do you deal with an unexpected situation meaning one that you've never previously encountered?"
"I think they're confused with where they are right now because I don't think they ever thought that they would be in this situation."
"Remember when I said I'm a great swimmer? Well, all that gets thrown out the window when you're attacked by a [ __ ] water Dementor."
"Miracles are on the other side of an instruction that makes no sense." - Ryan LeStrange
"I never in my wildest dreams did I think that as a police officer, as a law enforcement officer, I would find myself in the middle of a battle."
"Anticipate it and expect it... worst type of attack is one that you're not expecting."
"Everyone has a plan till he get hit in the face"
"I've been attacked by cheesy, I've been attacked by junk, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"Playing Minecraft, the most peaceful game in the world except when a creeper walks up to you."
"Valor is a gift; those having it never know for sure if they have it till the test comes."
"21 years of experience tell Dr. G. that this case will be anything but a walk in the park."
"The scientists are doing a phenomenal job with something that came from out of nowhere."
"When everything is going smooth, there's going to be unexpected things that are going to happen in your life, and you have to deal with that."
"Once I teach you, you could be sticking your key in your door and the ninjas come out of nowhere, but your 52 percent should be so well, you know I'm Pete them all."
"Success often comes from overcoming the unexpected."
"It's not about the shots that you take, it's the one that you just don't see coming."
"There's no plan until you get punched in the mouth."
"We are not always successful in keeping those tethers attached, and it’s always a little bit scary when you find yourself holding an object and you realize that there’s no tether attached to it."
"You think you understand something... ...but then it hits you with a curveball."
"Wesleyville Yogurt has survived its greatest challenge, which turned out to be people not having enough sex because they were grumpy that there wasn't enough cider."
"This has not been the cakewalk Putin expected... it is not going according to plan."
"I was not prepared for the level of work that they put the cast through for these stunts."
"Okay, wait, there's a ton of fire turtles out here, are you kidding me?"
"It's actually very normal for marathon runners to use the bathroom while running."
"You won't be derailed by the unknown unknowns."
"Jesus exposed them to a degree of discomfort that they didn't expect."
"Reality stabs you in the back because that's what reality does."
"I accidentally fell asleep, but honestly, throughout nursing school, I've learned that happens."
"Imagine moving into your new apartment sight unseen and discovering that you've rented more than you bargained for."
"I honestly didn't expect to have to bring the heat like this."
"Everybody has a plan until Akuma punches him in the mouth."
"Life goes on and life throws you things that you don't expect and then sometimes you realize it's all for the better."
"Enjoy the journey because that's where we're often sent on detours."
"You wouldn't even think about it, but I'm telling you. Toilets. Get ready for that."
"Life couldn't be better, then out of nowhere this monstrosity of a creature straight up from your scariest nightmares shows up."
"Lessons learned: Something will always go wrong, you just have to roll with the punches."
"The real world down here operates in the chuck norris punch you in the face slap you with a giant fish."
"Welcome everyone to the new era. What is that sound? What is going on? Okay, the new era is starting off with a little bit of construction."
"You want the Secret Stash to be there, you know? You don't want to get that phone call from your guys saying, 'Dude, is this it?'"
"Disaster would not wait until you're ready to face it."
"This is not supposed to be part of the challenge."
"When you get to that place where you say, 'This is something I never saw myself doing. This is something I never saw myself dealing with,' just turn your palms to your Father like this and say, 'Surprise me, God.'"
"Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face."
"Everybody's Got A Plan until they get punched in the face." - Mike Tyson
"You build it, you carry it - that's something Disney does not warn you about."
"We all had XK-Event preparation training, but this went above and beyond anything we had trained for. It was inevitability."
"This Premier League season is like that, it's a completely different race now."
"But as we know the tournament's not going to go so smoothly."
"Until you get punched in the face, your plan looks pretty good."
"How do you create something for that moment that you didn't expect?"
"Everybody has a game plan till you get punched in the face."
"Everybody got a game plan until you get punched in the mouth."
"I thought it was safe in the wilderness, now they're here too."
"Plans change. Everybody has a plan till they get punched in the face."
"We never expected to be in the midst of a plague."
"Just when you think a task like that is done, it turns out the world kind of doubles down."
"The punch you don't see, that knocks you out."
"Imagine being an Iroquois and coming back to your boss and you're like yeah we've been defeated and they're like what what stopped you ah we got hit with carrots."
"I feel like I'm gonna be doing just fine, but we'll see, maybe boss has a big old surprise for me."
"What happens when old is not as it appears, and an unusual call becomes a frustrating chase."
"I decided to set up camp there and in my new area there was an unwanted guest."
"Adaptability is being able to do whatever the next thing that walks through the door is, and you never know what that's going to be."
"Things that caught me by surprise... things you'd expect to be guided through... were missing, at least in my experience."
"Someone's going to have a rude awakening like literally something's going to backfire in someone's face or in yours."
"Dark rooms in clubs: a culture shock I wasn't prepared for."
"You just never know what hole is going to hop out of, you know? He's... yeah, it's kind of like me."
"It's like everybody has a plan until he punches you in the face."
"Every now and then, suddenly, an important question gets in your way."
"In life, a lot of times we get thrusted into stuff we never thought we had the strength for, and somehow we find it."
"This went from how to do a revival to what the hell's wrong with this truck real quick."
"We didn't ask for this. All we can do now is deal with it."
"I'd sit and shoot her for like two hours on the beach in a bikini and then at the end I'd go oh Elizabeth we got to do it again cuz the camera was out of film."
"One of the key actors in this Best Picture Oscar-winning film died before the end of filming, resulting in millions of dollars of post-production work to wrap up his storyline."
"Good luck with your monster in the pond, I hope you figure that out."
"Oh let's uh let's give this a shot stage 2 what I'm on stage 2 why am i on stage 2 what this isn't anger Birds"
"It's mind-boggling how many survival stories exist where people had to endure an ordeal in areas where they should have been able to find help."
"It's unfortunate that it hit you all at the same time."
"Now they stand a better chance at coming out alive when the unexpected happens."
"That was way more difficult than it should have been."
"But then as things hit you at left field your curve might change."
"This will be fine, oh God there's another gem pie but look at all the debris."
"The course and quality of your life depend on how you handle the unexpected."
"Good thing your bees are so tough. What the heck even was that thing?"
"Everybody has that sense of urgency you know what once you're like halfway into it you don't want to wait a month and have a bump in the road you didn't expect and not be able to do your transfer you just have this like I want to do the transfer."
"Thanks, stars. You guys are all right. When the bots started to act up, I feared the worst."
"The new king will be forced to defend his throne and life from the most unexpected of foes."
"A crisis that I never thought I'd see in business."
"The team thinks they're almost done with the fight, but then Mattock himself shows up."
"We're not astronauts, we're oil drillers. We're not even supposed to be here!"
"I couldn't have said yes faster if only I'd known the horrors that were awaiting me."
"So it's like this little curve ball. It's like, man, it's like kind of taking the high ground when you don't expect it."
"They're gonna be these little things that nobody told you about or you haven't fathomed."
"Surely didn't know it yet but a small bubble of helium had formed in his left inner ear causing extreme vertigo."
"I tried to avenge her, but it turns out slaying dragons is actually really hard."
"High School is supposed to be about studying socializing and marching band practice, not fighting vampires."
"Make sure it would be able to endure the craziest of notes, notes that no one would ever expect because that will happen a lot of the time."
"This is the stuff that comes up and bites you real quick."
"You know good plans don't hurt this much."
"It's been more work than I ever anticipated or imagined."
"The greatest fear of all is an immense responsibility you never asked for."
"So many things that they don't tell you like before you become a first-time parent, and there's a lot of things that people don't mention, but it's mainly the scares that you tend to face when you're first-time parents."
"It's possible that one of the first two shooters will come to the line, have some kind of a problem, they can't get their gun loaded or something, and so you'll be bumped up. So even if you're the hole shooter, you should really be pretty much ready to go."
"This is what I signed up for. I didn't sign up for allergies though."
"When it's time to deal with the unexpected."
"Everyone's gotta plan until they get punched in the face."
"Everyone's got a plan until they get hit."
"Countless International students have made considerable sacrifices both financially and emotionally only to face such a sudden and a life-altering outcome."
"I shall be brief as I have rather unfortunately become Prime Minister right in the middle of my exams."
"It's a classic case of things don't always go as planned, you bounce back, you make it work and you do what you can."
"We got a lot more than a delay on our hands here."
"Their success lies not in careful planning, but rather in adaptability in the face of unexpected problems."
"Darby Phase at Ranger School is all about adapting to the unexpected."
"Even experienced hikers like Chris can encounter unexpected situations, and it's vital to have a plan in place for communication, supplies, and emergencies."
"You don't wake up in the morning and think you'll ever have a special needs child."
"The trial of our faith is most severe when divers trials happen to us when we look not for them."
"I love the thunderstorm that decided to start while I was filming, but the show must go on."
"It's grit at its finest, right? Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face."
"I enjoy dealing with the unexpected challenges that arise in caring for patients with backgrounds vastly different from my own."
"I originally was going to get this lens from Olympus as a loan before I went and purchased it, but unfortunately, COVID happened, of course."
"Will you be ready to face even the most unexpected enemy when the time calls for it?"
"Everybody's got a game plan until they get hit in the face."
"Life has a way of knocking you straight in the teeth with a puck when you least expect it."
"My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you."