
Victim Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Just because someone has been a victim does not mean they will become an abuser."
"The tragedy of all of this is Barbara Weaver was the perfect victim... she becomes a murder victim and now you have to think about their children."
"He was afraid, just like domestic violence victims."
"Just one of the many victims of the tragedy that is shaping our nation."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you were a victim of something."
"Janette DePalma was now being considered a victim of homicide."
"They showed the world what it was like to be a victim but not a helpless victim."
"Nancy Newman was lying beaten and lifeless on her bed."
"She was just a really good person, you know, never did anything bad to anybody."
"Miles was just an innocent bystander who simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"This was a murder that happened in the home of a lovely young woman, minding her own business, starting a new life with her fiance. It happened in broad daylight."
"June Lynn's story... how his life was cut way too short by a monster who saw living things as his toys."
"Cherry Joe Bates: described as being a sweet and outgoing girl, Cherry had dreams of becoming a flight attendant."
"The victim was identified as Danielle Bonfield, a 12-year-old reported missing that morning."
"Our compatriot was the victim of a blatant Islamist terrorist attack."
"It's not fair to Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and unborn Nico that Chris Watts, the guy who committed the crimes, gets to possibly rewrite history most favorable to himself."
"The graphics and visuals are genuinely gorgeous."
"Ann Hodges became the first and, so far, only recorded victim of a meteorite."
"She's over she's in her 60s her life was taken that night too Illinois state law did not protect her and we really do not protect victims of domestic violence."
"Bob Eagle was to become Young's first victim at Hadlands."
"No matter what she was doing during the time of her death, she definitely did not deserve the fate that she received."
"Denise seemed like an incredible person she did not deserve what happened to her."
"I'm happy they had the conversation, but I really wish this wasn't always at the feet of the victim." - Chappelle
"Why was someone doing this? Why did they choose me? Why did they follow me so far out?"
"Nicole Simpson was in her own home when she was murdered."
"Poor Inga just deserves justice; she was in her own apartment when she was attacked, and it's thought to be by someone she knew, she trusted."
"If you're a real victim of domestic violence, I would assume... you're immediately going to start to shake and panic."
"If you believe yourself to be a victim, you will consistently experience victimhood."
"Rape is okay if you see someone saying that please remind them that Martinez said in her second statement that it's heartless to invalidate a rape victim."
"The victim is always important," said Poirot. "The victim, you see, is so often the cause of the crime."
"Joel pson had officially become the first victim of murder in Appalachian Trail history."
"And the victim has never heard and the victim has Amber Heard."
"Nature as a victim, it's not only people who suffer from war damage but also the environment."
"Forgiveness is for the sake of the victim, it's not for the sake of the perpetrator."
"The victim's wounds were sustained because of self-defense."
"We just saved the victim that the nanobiter sent to me."
"Valum told the authorities that he had been dating teenager Mercedes Williamson for a few months."
"Gabby was 22 years old. Her life was stolen from her. She was stolen. She was taken at somebody else's hand. It's not fair."
"Victims absolutely suffer in the dark."
"Most of the victims will never see their money again."
"You can't go from being the villain to all of a sudden claim to be a victim when you created this entire narrative."
"I refuse to be a victim. It's not who I am. It's what was done to me."
"The attacks were uncovered after one of the victims had recognized herself in a video."
"Detectives quickly learned the victim Fabio Simonelli had been a superstar in the beauty business."
"One such early victim was a technical writer Cynthia Armistad."
"You don't have time to be a victim. Get the knowledge."
"This was the body of 12-year-old Georgia Leah Moses."
"The victim, the survivor telling the story, is the only person who can drop the term 'alleged' without scrutiny because they are speaking from their own personal experience."
"Annie needed two things in life to be happy: a victim and a bottle of arsenic."
"His next victim was found with that haunting message scrawled on the wall."
"I'm not anyone's victim. I'm maybe the victim of believing in these limitations and obstacles."
"To find the killer, you need to look more into the story of the victim."
"Sexual assault is not about sex; it is about power. The assailant wants to feel more powerful than their victim, so they violate, harass, and attack these people to flex their power or just feel like they have some for a brief moment."
"In this twisted tragedy though she became the victim to the thing that she was fighting against."
"Sad for the next person, the next victim."
"Every crime has a victim somewhere."
"You can be emotionally, sexually, mentally scarred for the rest of your life, but if you kill your abuser, you're not a good victim anymore."
"She was physically, sexually, and psychologically abused by Mr. Broadrick."
"Julie Winningham had become Keith Jesperson's eighth victim, but she would also be his last."
"Jimmy Prout became the target of this odious, cruel, malevolent cult."
"Jimmy was tortured over a number of months... a shell of their former self."
"Don't become a victim. Don't make others into perpetrators."
"The entity they're experiencing in this property is definitely the victim."
"If you feel that you are a victim of abuse, it is not your fault."
"One thing I can give this movie is that it at least has a victim of the puzzle box skinned and needing someone to bring them victims to resurrect them."
"Her dreams were immature and dangerous, but they may have been partially shaped because she was the victim of this offender."
"Vitaly Kahlúa is not an avenging killer but an unfortunate victim of a tragedy that destroyed his whole life, parents, and relatives of the dead schoolchildren."
"The victim was taken to autopsy by Professor Stephen Jones, who noted that the only item she was wearing was a gold wishbone ring on her right your finger."
"Death threats I'm going to come and find you I'm going to slice your ears off I'm going to I mean horrendous stuff how did you not then feel like a victim"
"You know, you can be a victim of a crime, but if it's not somebody you know, it's a different kind of trust."
"Bundy did not target prostitutes which are easy victims, he targeted young, young attractive, intelligent, often beautiful and successful women."
"A person can be the victim of a horrible and unimaginable death and be responsible for that death at the same time."
"I think everyone can agree that even if we don't have the full picture of Kala's life, she was still a victim who did not deserve any of the horrible things that happened to her during that kidnapping."
"The victim is voiceless, rarely allowed to tell her own story."
"It’s time to move beyond the victim-survivor binary."
"Framing the victim as an intriguing mystery to anchor the story structure around."
"Victims are often represented through a mix of idealization and sexualization after death."
"The perfect scam is one where it is hard for the victim to even understand how they were scams."
"It's never the victim's fault never."
"True Crime is really about solving the victim's story."
"By the time they got there, he was unconscious. Emergency responders administered CPR to the victim while awaiting Hospital transport."
"I'm not a victim. I just got victimized. True. But I'm not going to let that victimizing experience become identity."
"You are looking at the latest victim of a game called Texas hold 'em."
"It's quite hard to equate the man in front of you who's like really aggressive and belligerent all the time to somebody that was once a victim himself."
"Russell Williams's first victim was a woman known to the public as Jane Doe."
"One of Dorothea's first targets was Ruth Monroe."
"I can identify the female victim based on her fingerprints. Tiffany Ambrose, Roman's girlfriend. She was no angel."
"It's a brilliant exploration of what abuse does to somebody's psyche, how it ensnares the victim before they ever realize they're a victim at all."
"Bobby knows it's not fun when someone doesn't fight fair his fights with most of his bullies were him being the victim of people not fighting fair."
"It's heartbreaking every time we hear about a victim that has died at the hands of an offender."
"The murder soon gained national attention due to the age of the victim and how gruesome it was."
"The function of all abuse is to turn the victim into the external reflection of the abuser's own internal reality."
"But the essential profiles were correct and this was indeed a genuine victim who was in need of justice."
"Marina was more than just a victim to her tragedy."
"The bells wanted to keep it a secret... because if you were the victim of witchcraft, it was going to make people avoid you."
"Shauna Shaf lost her life in an attack that was carried out at her house in Las Vegas."
"Try to have some empathy for the victim. It's good."
"I'm more inclined to believe the victim."
"Alice is just a cute innocent archetype, timid enough to be a good victim but still smart enough to fight back."
"She was another one of his victims."
"Eleven remembers Heather, who must also be a victim."
"Murder investigations without a body are rare, but it's even more rare for someone to be charged with murder when the victim hasn't been found."
"Good, loving husband and father of three gunned down on his front porch."
"Nula wasn't killed by a random thief."
"Our words will move us into that which we desire for our life because what you don't want to do is to be a victim of someone else's presence."
"Restorative justice comes from the approach that the victim matters as much as the offender and that they should have an opportunity to confront the offender if they choose."
"Its eyes widened in horror, its mouth stretched impossibly wide in a wordless scream of rage and hurt, and, with nothing human left in its mind or heart, SCP-096 took its very first victim."
"I'm not a victim. I got out and I moved on."
"Don't be the victim in that transaction. Don't let them sell you an unworthy piece."
"it is very common for a victim of abuse to either stay or return to their abuser"
"You're not a victim. You're a perpetrator. You're a criminal. You're a culprit. And for it, you will die."
"The Predator will become angry with the victim for escaping."
"Wanda did nothing wrong. She is the real victim and the greatest hero."
"The victim needs to be detached and in some sense distant from the social order."
"Holly was another woman that had her life taken away from her in a domestic setting."
"The situation is a bunch of mess. The only victim in this situation is that innocent baby that's brought into this world over some selfishness."
"I want them to be caught. They've done damage to me. They've taken things that I can't get back."
"what dalton had finally just discovered were four bullet holes in ryan's face and head ryan had committed no crime he was a victim the same way heather was a victim but somehow ryan had survived the attack on december 23rd"
"...The defendant has from the beginning told lies to law enforcement. He has repeatedly perceived himself as a victim of society, forgetting that the victim here was Barbara."
"Ellie is simply the victim of a monstrous lie."
"For the first time, we can glimpse the victim face to face."
"Ryan had committed no crime. He was a victim, the same way Heather was a victim."
"Dealing with stalking is something that I don't think human beings deserve."
"This didn't happen to you by chance. Someone intentionally did this to you."
"Most importantly, it has to happen in the context where the victim has a hard time defending themselves."
"One thing which is very important today is to change the perspective of the masses about the reality of who the aggressor is and who the victims are."
"They never guessed that they'd become the latest victims of a lucrative million-dollar scam."
"Boyle Heights really has become the victim in many ways of so-called American progress and the American dream itself."
"When you're talking about murder, there's two people who usually know about the murder and one of them ends up dead."
"She's a victim of the circumstances."
"It's most probably a victim because he was impersonated by the attacker."
"Who was this victim dumped with no dignity within this trash heap?"
"We have to remember who the victim is and who the perpetrator is."
"My thoughts are absolutely with the player that's the victim in this case."
"Everyone knows Eli Hart as the victim of the senseless and horrific crime, but Eli was so much more."
"The most disturbing murder cases are the ones in which the victim was just living their daily life completely unaware of their fate."
"I see my mother as a victim of domestic violence and a victim of abuse."
"I was a victim of identity fraud three times."
"I feel an enormous sympathy for her because I feel that she was a victim of her time."
"Word reached Birmingham, England, that Henry was one of the victims of the Titanic disaster."
"Let's leave that man in the past, you're a victim and did nothing wrong, and he's receiving his punishment, bearing his sins for life."
"We must not forget the life that Janelle lived and remember young victims like herself."
"Detain me here forever if you will; confine or execute me if you must have a victim to propitiate the illusion you call justice."
"Bart Gunning is the victim here today, and he is a victim of injustice."
"Victim support is the one I value most."
"Every victim is someone's daughter, someone's son."
"Abuse is all about the abuser; it has nothing to do with you."
"I think this is where Tapp finally realizes that Lawrence Gordon is not the perpetrator of these games and traps, he and his family are victims of it."
"There seems no logical explanation other than that she's been a victim of crime."
"You were definitely the real victim here."
"I never wanted her to blame herself for the vile actions of that monster," she was a victim but she was also a fighter, a survivor.
"Why does it feel like the burden of acceptance falls onto the victim?"
"Once you understand how the hunter sees the victim, then you recognize that the victim was chosen for a specific reason."
"She would be the one who would be the fifth victim, the final victim of Jack the Ripper."
"Mary Kelly was 25 years old, so she was the youngest of Jack the Ripper's victims."
"Everybody should know Derisabel Baez's name."
"It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, it's a victim."
"The most extensive example of a myth that is basically considered fact has to belong to the victim Darlene Ferran."
"The world found out that Johnny was in fact a victim of violence rather than the one who was inflicting the violence."
"Chris is a victim of a system that does not have readily available mental health services for people who need them."
"He's the victim now, don't come at me with the financial stuff."
"But once it's taken from you, you know, the lawlessness, basically, if something happens to you, there is nobody that you can report it to. There is no justice to be had."
"The biggest victim is the truth. The simple truth."
"We're all victims of this UFO cover-up that sooner or later has got to end."