
Coping Quotes

There are 7544 quotes

"People get through crises with service of some type."
"Mind management becomes absolutely essential in us being able to cope with anything that we've gone through."
"One of the skills you have to learn is not falling apart in the presence of pain or suffering. There's a lot of ways to do that."
"Whatever you're going through, you got this."
"It let me get out of these thought loops that I was in."
"Stress is stress. You have to overcome it. But the benefits are massive."
"The key to resilience is the radical acceptance of all our emotions."
"Why you smiling? Because what else am I going to do?"
"You can get through it, but I just think you get through it better with faith."
"You will not get over, you will learn to live with it."
"Humor is how I get through life. It's how I've gotten through anything difficult in my life."
"When you experience true heartbreak, it is one of the most devastating feelings in the world. You're a zombie; you're dead inside."
"It's hard, I think when it feels like World War III, and you're having a meltdown, sometimes it's just about the principle."
"Our instinct when we have fear is to be quiet and shut it down, but actually saying it out loud... it dissipates."
"Mindfulness practice can help us cope with everyday problems."
"If we didn't find humor in the situation, we would drive ourselves insane."
"The question isn't can you handle the situation. The question is can you handle your mind?"
"Everything is gonna be okay. Whatever happens, you can deal with that."
"You never get over it, you just deal with it better."
"But first, we'll go grab an ice cream cone and talk about it. What do you say?"
"There's nothing that can be said that's going to make me feel better right now. It's about how you respond, how you get back up."
"Time heals all; you just get better at dealing with it."
"Life has its ups and downs; we kind of all just go through these crazy transitions."
"I can't make it go away; I can't control how other people feel, how they behave. So in any way, if I can't control the situation or change it for the better, I try to change its effect on me and others."
"What's more important I've found in practice is this emotional world and how to deal with life as we face it in our modern age."
"I wanted to focus on the big subject of your emotions and how we deal with them, especially in Buddhism."
"It's fine. I'm a strong person and I can survive this."
"If it does go wrong it's okay because you can move on."
"When people wonder how I can tolerate all that little stuff, it's because like, I went through some big thing. Like, some little negative comment, what do I care? That's very minor."
"Connection between responsibility and meaning: You want some meaning to set against the suffering, where are you going to find that? Well, reliably, one place to find it is in responsibility."
"The ability to laugh at our darkest moments is essential."
"People are worried, but they're doing their best. They're very resilient."
"Psychological trauma actually refers to the stress that's greater than the ability to cope with the emotions that came with the experience."
"It's not the external event but your reaction to that external event is that you cannot cope with it."
"Sometimes life gets really heavy, and it's nice to just have some optimism of what good things are coming."
"Disappointment always comes, change always comes, but it's how we deal with it."
"If something goes wrong in your life, just yell 'Plot twist!' and move on."
"We'll do what anybody does; we'll go on living."
"The universe will only ever deal you something that you can handle."
"To cope is to make a specific alteration either mentally, emotionally, or physically that allows you to manage or adapt to a situation that is causing you stress."
"Life that is lived coping is no life at all."
"You have to look at what's darkest in order to be able to contend with it."
"Being able to sit with the emotion. Feelings don't go away just like that, like flipping a switch."
"People do the best they can with the tools they have."
"I was in a really bad spot, so this is the cope."
"Reacting like that felt like I had failed, but now, looking back, I realize that anger was a reasonable reaction to the type of things I had been put through."
"Trust that you know how to deal with the situation."
"The actual story of The Devil Wears Prada is about Andy's internal struggle, specifically how she is forced to change in order to cope with the difficult situation she has found herself in."
"The voices are never gone, but the volume's turned down."
"What defines you is what you do with that pain."
"What I do have are the fantastic memories... and holding on to that is what gets me through the tough days."
"Don't try to numb the pain; that may just delay the healing."
"Little comforts cost money, but they can also make you feel okay for a moment when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart around you."
"Estrangement... it's not always a bad thing. If a relationship, and a family relationship, is abusive, manipulative, or deliberately cruel, or characterized by so much eggshell walking it's unbearable, maybe estrangement is not necessarily a bad thing."
"You won't ever get over the pain, but you'll learn how to deal with it."
"The only tools we have in the face of the worst emotional experience we all go through at some point on this earth are understanding and each other."
"The trick isn't pummeling the grief; it's transforming the grief."
"It doesn't take away the pain, doesn't take away the sadness, but it gives you permission to still enjoy things and find reasons that you're still here."
"Particularly hard when you've gone through a lot of death, whether it's the death of loved ones or the death of things in your life that you thought would always be there."
"Sometimes your brain does with trauma what it does: puts it away the best you can."
"Trauma is not the problem; it's an inability to deal with trauma that is the problem."
"Take every day as it comes, especially if it's been super difficult."
"The best way through pain and loss and grief is to find purpose."
"You have everything it takes to handle the present situation."
"It allowed me to think, 'I'm going to be okay.'"
"In order to make their deaths have meaning, I've decided to live my life with positivity."
"There's no cure for what we went through, but there's a way to deal and a way to move forward."
"You know you're good at good scared. Good scared, yeah. Dig it."
"I don't show any emotion because if I do, I won't stop crying."
"Grief is like a wave... Whenever that wave comes, you gotta learn how to ride it out."
"It never ends, but it does get a little bit better."
"People would say, 'oh, it gets easier' and I don't think it gets easier; I think it just becomes normal."
"Maybe if I pretend everything's a big joke, I'll be able to do what I have to do."
"We weren't blaming each other for the death, which made our marriage stronger."
"It's okay, you got this. It's going to be okay. You just take it one step at a time."
"If you're using drugs to just get by or to escape, then I think that puts you in a really bad spot."
"The more you have stress in your life, the more you're able to cope better if you know how to use these situations as a learning tool."
"It's all about increasing morale in a crappy situation."
"We do engage in unseen battles, whether it's the struggle with negative thoughts, coping with emotional wounds, unseen enemies, or resisting temptations that nobody else knows about."
"Falling into depression is not the solution."
"My worth was not based on what happened to me, it's how I dealt with it."
"Keep your heads up and just be there for each other. It's okay to be sad."
"I felt so much better after my son told me, 'Mom, I don't want you to worry or be afraid. I'll be there for you, and we'll figure it out.'"
"Uncle Ben meant the world to us, but he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts."
"Dyslexia has made me simplify things. Complication panics me and confuses me."
"Grief isn't something that you get over. I believe you get used to it. It's like carrying a stone in your pocket. It doesn't go away, but you get used to the weight."
"You can't underestimate the power of just not feeling alone in what you're going through."
"The heartbreak is palpable. You really don't get over this stuff. You don't get through it. I mean, you just continue to live with it on a daily basis."
"To fall apart just means to lose one's capacity to cope."
"You'll never get over such a tragedy, but you can get through it."
"No matter how hard things get, if you can laugh them off, one day you'll find happiness."
"Prayer helps lessen the feelings of depression and anxiety."
"Detach your emotions from situations that you cannot control."
"I'm literally learning to live without somebody that I thought I couldn't live without."
"The day I lost my daughter, that pain became my shadow, and I'm still with it."
"Once you get past the pain, you'll be able to close your eyes and remember everything good that your son did, all the beauty and light he brought to this world."
"The sadness quickly turned into anger, the same kind of anger I felt towards those that were responsible for Rachel's death."
"I see what it does for me in those moments when things are stressful or like I'm feeling anxious. It settles me."
"I'm okay or as okay as a person can be in this type of situation. I'm at my parent's house, and Ted is here, and he brought me my cat, and life sucks less with a cat on your lap."
"It's tragic to lose somebody. And you struggle with not knowing and you build a wall."
"It comes in waves honestly; there's days when I'm fine and others I'll just crumble. We love her; it's always going to be a part of us."
"It's pretty cheesy, but the philosopher Crispin Sartwell asks, why do we have flowers at a funeral? Why, when things are so ugly, do we have something beautiful sitting there like, just an insult? But he says, no, it's because it reminds us to keep desiring. And that's what life's about."
"Nancy consoles her, saying that she had a nightmare last night too, and that the only thing you can do to stop it is tell yourself you’re having a bad dream."
"Thank you so much for being you. My husband passed away this summer, and you are getting me through every week."
"I’ve learned how to really process trauma better."
"It's not what happened to you as a child that matters most, it's how you deal with it today."
"We have to learn to laugh about these situations. Dementia is horrible...it's degrading, it robs them of everything."
"In the middle of hurt, and in the middle of pain, and in the middle of somebody dying... somehow, I feel okay."
"Jealousy is really difficult...it can really be a difficult set of feelings, a very hard thing to cope with."
"No Mess is just a mess; it was a series of decisions where someone was just trying to do the best with what they had."
"Bojack, when you get sad, you run straight ahead and you keep running forward, no matter what."
"Yikes, that sounded kind of depressing. Better put a 'LMAO' in there to throw them off."
"You just have to immediately accept it. Fighting, thrashing, panicking, freaking out only makes it worse. You just have to calm, breathe, meditate, and take control of your mind and then just accept it."
"Imagination is an emotional coping mechanism...while we're imagining how great things could be, we feel a little bit better."
"In my mind, she's still alive because you get involved with all her things and you know doing things for her every day that sometimes I forget that she's not here with us anymore."
"I finally feel like I'm in control. It's a lot easier to cope with people hating on you when you're fanning the flames."
"It still did what it did and continues to, you know, be a song that people will tell me helped changed their life or helped them cope with a death of a loved one or something like that."
"This summer has honestly been pretty difficult, and I'm just ready for a new chapter. I'm feeling like fall is going to do that change for us."
"Life hit me hard. I was grappling with a painful breakup, the loss of two family members, and the passing of one of my closest friends."
"The human brain knows loss and it knows grief and it knows coping and it knows survival."
"Sometimes I feel like my only choice to not let things affect me is to maybe change the way how I view the world."
"You don't get rid of anxiety, you just get better at dealing with it."
"It probably wasn't a good idea for me but I like to pretend like I'm doing just fine when I'm not."
"People experience trauma, I would just erase that. Things happen, it is what it is. Things happen, you can boil all of this down to fear of rejection. People are okay with failing, they're just not okay with other people seeing them fail."
"The only way to defeat physical loss is to live with a higher hope."
"On the worst days, I can always come back to painting and make it better."
"These small joys are what keep her going through her daily struggles."
"You can't pick your life but you can make things less stressful than they are."
"I know this album has definitely helped me through some tough times over the last few months."
"I've learned how to handle pretty well my health stuff over the lengths of prep."
"He's never going to get rid of this stigma, but it doesn't mean he can't live with it."
"I still have my crazy low days but I mean today was a good fair day."
"Casey hears the words it's almost over and she once again goes to a childhood memory."
"It's really hard when you have all those negative feelings and you're just feeling really down about yourself."
"Sometimes when life just throws these things at you, you just have to like deal with them."
"If you can make these low points funny, then you're gonna be okay."
"Therapy helps you to become more accepting of yourself...especially when things don't go according to plan."
"When you're so busy, you don't have time to be helpless and hopeless because you're busy."
"We tell ourselves all kinds of stories to get through the night."
"Take the anger, the hurt, the frustration, and channel it."
"I understand this whole situation may seem overwhelming and that disruption to everyday life may be severe."
"Life can be difficult, and then you have a choice on how you're going to address it."
"So, when times get tough, do what Padre Pio said: pray, hope and don't worry."
"I'm just gonna hide here under my blanket and I'll come out when this is all over. Um, that's not a good strategy."
"If I can write about it, it'll be okay. If I can write about it, it will be just fine."
"Personal struggles beyond the spotlight marked Natalie Wood's life, battling depression and relying on alcohol to cope."
"She makes several mistakes along the way and her frustration prompts her to run outside crying."
"I think my brain is numb, I think I went to whiskey to bourbon."
"There's a way to get stable again, there's a way to not freak out and panic over what has been lost."
"Sometimes it's not all right, and that's okay. And that's okay."
"It's almost like grieving somebody who you knew was gonna pass on and you just had to find a way to cope with that situation."
"It's better to just learn to deal with it, learn to acknowledge it, and take that feedback."
"I like to fake laugh a lot throughout the day."
"There are so many fish in the sea, don't stress over one person."
"If you sit and you let it catch you, you'll find that you can handle it, that it's better than running all the time."
"It's not about totally erasing the pain from it, it's about learning to maximize and wring out the good that we can and deal with the rest."
"Bourbon won't solve all your problems, but it's worth a shot. That's my motto."
"You've helped me cope through my first year of middle school."
"Hell, that I could have just a new favorite thing in such a [ __ ] horrible year is pretty damn significant to me."
"Take a break... If you're really in that stage where everything just hurts, take a break."
"There's no logic to what's happening here but in spite of that it is in fact happening here so we live with that we deal with that we don't question it and that's just how our life is."
"Fear is a little term undermining sensation but if you deal with it day by day a minute-to-minute do what you can you can that's a way of coping."
"It's about coping. It's about trying to find solace in a world that's already ended."
"All we can do is just hope Ching is in a better place."
"Even in those moments that feel like sheer agony, you can look back at those and think, 'Yeah, that was agony, but I'm here, I made it.'"
"I felt it, it's addicting, so I need to do something that's gonna just tame the beast."
"Accept everything just is what it is and I just take the situation that I have."
"I'm happy, I'm fine, me laughing in this video at all is not because I think the whole thing's not serious but you just have to laugh sometimes."
"If your day sucks, you fake it, 'Hi, how you doing?' Because when you smile, everything changes."
"Whenever things get too overwhelming take a break maybe maybe go play the guitar maybe go travel the world or do something which makes you really really happy just don't lose this this is the most important thing that you have."
"Cremia has known that the moon will kill everyone no matter what they do and she decides to fill Romani's mind with thoughts of happiness and dreams for the future so that she can spend her final night in peace instead of fear."
"Are you mad, angry, sad? We're all humans doing the best we can."
"For the rest of the day, I go through everything that happened over the past two months... I just get more and more upset."
"Okay, this is life. [Expletive] happens. What can I do about it?"
"Every fear, give them faith. Every pain, give them power."
"When somebody dies, you feel shitty. You feel shitty for about a year. But that doesn't mean you dealt with that death."
"Are you being a gentleman, or are you just trying to avoid the problem?"
"There's blessing in the breaking even if it's just road rage as simple as that to maybe losing someone that you love there is no perfect way to heal."
"Courage to cope with what we see day-in, day-out."
"The suffering actually does give you room to make your own little tale."
"Everybody's got stuff in life... this is how I dealt with it to make this short journey we have on this earth the best it can possibly be."
"If you thought your week was bad, just pretend."
"But when it comes to our own personal needs and wants, it also doesn't mean that you deny those, it means that you find the magic within those and that you don't let the sensitivities of whatever those are overtake you."
"We enjoy laughing at all times. I feel like even when things get dark, I laugh harder."
"Let’s put a positive spin on all this, shall we?"
"Your feelings are very valid, but like you're gonna be fine."
"I was getting overwhelmed so eventually thank god I don't even I don't know how I don't remember how but I did fall asleep."
"When you're dealing with an emotional dilemma, sometimes there's no better solution than to just wail through your feelings."
"Each time she makes a wish, it's always for Lulu and Liam to come back to be with us. Nessie knows this wish will never come true."
"Sometimes you just gotta bask in that heat." - Pat McAfee
"When nothing makes sense, love has been the only thing I've personally always been able to grab onto."
"How do you deal with drama school rejections? Hang on tightly let go lightly."
"Don't allow your pain to completely ruin your life and isolate you from the world."
"I'm tired of people minimizing the harassment I received over the last week."
"Carrying on as normal in the face of everything is, I would say, not mentally healthy either."
"A lot of you in the comments to my recent videos are asking me questions along these lines how can you keep a positive disposition in the face of so much anger hatred and poison from your ex-wife."
"Your emotions are valid, but can we maybe find some way of processing them without diving headfirst into a stack of soft pumpkin and open flame?"
"I know I must focus on what I've gained instead of what I've lost, but damn it's hard."
"Everyone has their own way to deal with pain."
"I was very smart because you just kind of like shrugged it off."