
Daily Goals Quotes

There are 320 quotes

"Just for today, do not be angry, do be worried, be grateful, do your duties fully, and be kind to all living things."
"Your goal for the day is to make it to the next day."
"I find it massively helpful to write out my list of things that I want to get done for the day and check them off as I go."
"You want to figure out how to build momentum and make progress on something that matters to you today."
"Being purposeful and having real, certain intentions each day—no matter how big or small—is very important."
"Take it one step at a time... How can you be the good you want to be on that particular day?"
"Let's just try to improve every day that we're here."
"One's goal should be to act a little kinder than they were the day before."
"Let's not die; that's the goal every day, to not die."
"Just think of it as conquering your inner coward once a day."
"Make today count, do something that you love."
"Make today count, do something that you love today."
"Do one single thing that scares you every day."
"So when I go out for my walk, come back, and probably by the end of the day."
"Every single morning within each of these domains, health, work, and relationships, you define one daily quest."
"It's these little bite-sized pieces that I can easily chip away at every single day."
"Getting one tiny thing done in a day is a huge feat."
"Whatever you do today, make sure that you make it count."
"Being a little bit better today than you were yesterday."
"My thing is I just try to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today and I don't I don't trip off what everybody else is tripping off of."
"Don't worry about how many, try every day to save one."
"You may as well try to spend every day doing something that makes you happy."
"What do I got to do today to try to make my life a little bit better for myself and for the people around me?"
"If you can wake up in the morning with a smile on your face excited about the day and say you know what I'm gonna get it done today I'm gonna do something I love to do then you've won."
"You just have to feel better and look better and do better than you did yesterday, and you can start this tomorrow."
"I have been and I will continue to strive every day to be the best version of myself."
"Your goal for day number one is to master new English vocabulary words and use them in real life."
"Someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to, and something to give back... If you can get those four things in your daily life, you're pretty well set up."
"Every single day, I'm gonna settle for nothing less."
"Your goal today: make somebody smile at you."
"Even if it's just 1% better than what you were yesterday, that's what you're looking for."
"Outdo yourself every single day, make your company a better version of itself today than it was yesterday."
"This connection is a very intense connection with peaks and valleys... our love is complicated and complex and deep because it's healing."
"I make a conscious effort to learn something new every day."
"Always use your social currency because guess what, your network is your network."
"Every day I wake up and I try to do it better than I did the day before."
"I try to have a goal every day to try and touch someone's life every single day."
"We're all just striving to be a better version of who we were the day before."
"Daily motivation: Get up and do something today. If you get up and walk for 10 minutes, that's improvement. Be better than yesterday, man, for real."
"Make every day of your life the happiest day so far."
"Live your life to just get better every single day."
"Always strive to be the best version of yourself every day."
"Slowly but surely... trying to do little things every single day."
"Every single day you want to be better than the last."
"It's about just trying to improve a little bit each day."
"We have enough pressure... take that pressure right off... small wins every day."
"Let's secure the bag today, but we're securing the finger guns no matter what happens."
"Every day I'm trying to do better than myself the day before."
"Focus on trying to get a little better each and every day."
"The 20 conversion would equal 33 a day if you have 165 actions a day."
"The question is what gets you up in the morning, what's your mission today?"
"Highlight before five things you need to get done on a daily basis I promise you other stuff will come to fill it up."
"I act with skill and grace, my effort is valuable. Daily improvement is my highest concern."
"Season two was so good it's actually kind of got me jazzed."
"I'm here to compete with myself yesterday. I want to be better today than I was yesterday."
"If I could have that one moment during my day that makes me happy and I can give to someone else, then it's what I want to do."
"Do what you can do today and do it in the most perfect manner possible."
"The goal is to cook dinner in the morning and have a clean house by the end of the day."
"Every day you should try to grow, give, or learn."
"One percent better is all we're looking for each day."
"Hopefully I made you smile 'cause that's all I want to do every single day."
"Micro wins are based on using your physiology to help you succeed and achieve things."
"Set aside 10 minutes every day to win, to do something, some accomplishment, some small moment of capability."
"Just force yourself to write one page a day, just one."
"Creating small wins every single day is what is going to make you successful at this time." - Sagittarius
"Write down every single day the things that you've accomplished."
"You need to be getting 10,000 steps in a day, it's good for your health."
"What makes you keep going and makes you want to be the best version of yourself every day?"
"My goal has always been to like be excited for what I'm gonna do at the start of the day and be proud of what I've done at the end of the day."
"You focus on what you can do every single day in your own life."
"Ultimately, you want to get as many things checked off the list throughout the day, small things, big things, little things."
"I want to achieve one thing every day, even if it's just something small."
"I hope I've made you laugh, smile, just have a good time because that's all I want to do every single day."
"Defining three daily quests... in work, health, and relationships."
"You are perfect already. The only thing to do is improve yourself each day."
"Every day do something to make yourself better tomorrow than you were yesterday."
"Imagine starting every day with purpose, energy, and a clear sense of direction."
"You have 365 days in the upcoming year. Produce one thing of value each and every day."
"We gotta go 110 every day, we gotta give everyone our best effort at that."
"Hopefully I made you smile here today. That's all I want to do every single day."
"The most important thing you must have is a rigorous, maniacal mindset of continuous improvement every day."
"I just try and be a better person every single day."
"I always want to ... I feel like I want to start in on the day being the best version of myself that I can be."
"Every day ask yourself what can I do for somebody else today? What do I have that I can give away?"
"There have to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"Try to do something good for somebody every day."
"Are you making progress every day on something that's important to you?"
"The greatest result is happiness. You should all seek to become happy every single day."
"I didn't write a book, I wrote a thousand words a day."
"I always try to get one thing done even if it's minimal, even if it's something."
"Identify the top three things to accomplish each day and focus on achieving those."
"If you write two crappy pages per day, you've won the day. That's a successful writing day."
"Set a goal to do something helpful each day."
"Make it better than the last one, I try to make every day better than the last one."
"You need to stay focused on your inner peace and keep going every day after what you desire."
"Be a little bit better today than the day before."
"Always learn from your mistakes, learn from your regrets, and just better yourself every single day."
"Every day, work on something to better yourself."
"Good deeds for the day: Be kind even on your bad days."
"As long as you do those things at least you've done your main tasks for the day."
"The difference between a to-do list and a done for the day list... what would make me feel done for today?"
"Now we got multiple goals for today no no no oh my God no you're not oh Jesus."
"Commit to small promises to yourself every day."
"Don't get overwhelmed, just do something every day."
"Try to be the best version of yourself that you can be on any one day."
"Set one task that moves your life forward every day, and do it consistently."
"You've got to focus on taking just one step a day."
"Let me get up every day and I'm gonna be greater than I was yesterday."
"Stay focused on what you can do today that will make the world a better place."
"The goal every single day is trying to make your day brighter every single time."
"Every day I'm trying to make it better than the last one."
"Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction." - Unknown
"Chase something like that. Chase every single day."
"If you can lay your head on your pillow at night and say to yourself, 'I did the best I could today,' that is enough."
"Be the best version of yourself that you can be during that day."
"I want to get one percent better today."
"Just try to get a little bit better each day. That's something to think about."
"What do I have to do today to be better than I was yesterday?"
"My goal every day is to spread love, to spread joy."
"Every day we gotta dominate, man."
"May each and every day be a new Clean Slate for us to be a better person."
"Maximizing every day trying to get the most out of yourself."
"I think it's easiest when you have a set of metrics that make you accountable for doing little things every day and it just kind of stares you in the face until you do it."
"By focusing on your system and just focusing on today, you are going to find it a lot more satisfying."
"Reaching all my successes that I've set and just becoming the best version of myself every day."
"Making your life one step better each day."
"It was good for my mental health, and I was achieving a goal every single day."
"When you have a daily planner, then every single day your goals are in front of your eyes."
"You should be improving yourself every single day."
"That's what it's all about, getting better every single day."
"Every day I choose one win the day activity; if I do that, it means I have won the day."
"By doing it freshly and looking at each day as an opportunity to do it maybe a little bit more superbly than it had been done yesterday, there's beauty in that."
"I'm trying to make the most out of every single day."
"Try not to make enemies and try to achieve highly each day."
"If you want to be healthy, you need to service that goal in some way every single day."
"Every single day, everybody needs to work to become better because you need to work for something."
"You'll be successful if you wake up every day and you analyze what needs to be done and you chase it."
"Just promise yourself that every single day you're going to try to do just a little bit better than you did yesterday."
"Every day we try to get a little bit better, right? Every single day, we're a little bit better."
"Every day I try to be better and do better."
"If you can get up every day knowing what you want and why you want it, and you have a compelling vision for your life, you need to break down your big goals into little goals that you can accomplish today."
"Make sure you have a call to action up every day."
"Focus in on one thing every single day that can make you better."
"His goal daily is just to feel great, feel inspired, feel like he's working on something that's fulfilling him."
"Some days your goal is to thrive, some days to catch up; today my goal is just to survive."
"Do all that can be done each day."
"My goal every day with this business is to go to bed proud of the work I've done."
"Do one meaningful thing every single day after work."
"We're gonna have a productive day today and get a lot of things done."
"What do I want every day in my life? I enjoy being happy, being fit, healthy."
"I just want to have the most productive day possible."
"Make good choices, try to make one good choice a day."
"Every single day, try to figure out how to level up just a little bit."
"Every single day, I want my destiny, I want my dream."
"Each day is an opportunity to put causes into motion that contribute towards the effects you want."
"What are the five things I have to do every day in order to be successful?"
"Everything should be one play at a time, each day one day at a time."
"It's not necessarily like working as much as you can in a day, but it's like working at the right things every day."
"Make today count and love one another."
"You're on top of your productivity and you're getting all the things that you want done every day."
"It's that one percent that you do better every single day."
"It's about waking up every morning and thinking I'm the best and I can deliver."
"Let's just all aim to do something little every day to be better at whatever it is you're trying to be better this year."
"The biggest dream really is just to make the best of every day, day by day, week by week, month by month. You can't really look too forward into the future because it's not expected, so we take it day by day and we move from there."
"Every day you're gonna get up and you're gonna do at least one thing to get you closer to that goal."
"In life is to assume that you have it, and the challenge is to have humility and focus on getting better every single day."
"Being one percent better every day."
"You must summon some sense of purpose every single day."
"I think every day you should try to be better than yesterday."
"We never talked about wins and losses, we talked about the daily expectation of one another."
"A revolutionary way to get 1% better every day."
"Write whatever you can on a given day."
"I have to be very self-motivated and think to myself that I got to be better every single day and I got to improve."
"Let's make the most of every step today."
"Every single day in my life, there has to be improvement."
"I became so obsessed with making sure I did everything perfect that I maximized my results on a daily basis."
"Every day I want to do good and every day I want to be better than I was yesterday."
"You want to better yourself each and every day, not specifically in sports or basketball, but just be in life in general."
"You have to take initiative every day."
"Write down three things every day that if you accomplish, the day is successful."
"Every day, you need to be a little better than the last."
"How or what do I want to feel today?"
"I was able to accomplish everything that I needed to accomplish today."
"I did everything that I wanted to do today."
"I'm hoping that by having them together, it will help me be more conscious of the stuff that I'd like to complete each day."
"Try to do good on the other end; that's all we can do is try to be better every day."
"You'll be amazed at how much you achieve if you focus on small daily things that are congruent with the bigger goal."
"You got one shot at today, make it count."
"Try as much as you can every day to work towards possessing every single one of these habits."
"Every day we're elevating, every day we're staying motivated."
"Your job is to get better every day."
"The cash register must ring every single day."
"Celebrate the small wins and choose what greatness looks like each day."
"It's what I always say bro, you trying to be better than what, better than the last day."
"You should have a sense of purpose and be working towards that purpose every day."
"Pick one thing that you're going to focus on every day for you, no matter what."
"Try to like constantly improve every day."
"Try to make some kind of dent in this ground every day."
"Every day I get up and I don't think about what I accomplished yesterday, it's what can you do today. Can you be better today than what you were yesterday?"
"You got to try to learn something every day, man."