
Kindness Quotes

There are 46150 quotes

"Just for today, do not be angry, do be worried, be grateful, do your duties fully, and be kind to all living things."
"Kindness is the greatest gift we can teach our children."
"The majority of people are good; we just need to remind each other of that."
"The number one quality people were looking for in a mate was kindness."
"Touch releases oxytocin, which is this little chemical that floats in your brain in your blood and it helps you be kind to other people and cooperate."
"Can't we just be nice to each other and be good people?"
"Be kind, be kind, be kind to yourself, to others."
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama...challenged me...why can't you use those same tools to study kindness and compassion?"
"I think when we are grateful and we recognize the things that we are grateful for, no matter how small they are, it allows us and prompts us to be kinder in the world."
"You've got to make moments of peace, moments of kindness, little acts of compassion now. That is how we get a beautiful future."
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone is fighting a battle you know so little about."
"What really worked was learning to speak with kindness and humanity."
"You never know what someone is going through, so be kind, be kind, be kind."
"Be kind to yourself and others, and don't believe everything you think."
"You're actually tormenting yourself over your own kindness. That's not fair."
"It's nice to be important, it's more important to be nice."
"My whole life is built around positivity and kindness. I tour the world sharing stories of inspiration and hope."
"Perform even the simplest act of love, which means willing the good of somebody else."
"The most controversial thing I teach... I just encourage you to behave [with kindness, love, peace, happiness, confidence, courage] even if you don't feel it."
"I'm not that heartless. He came all this way, braving God knows what dangers."
"In the workplace, if you want to succeed, you basically compete on one thing, and that is kindness."
"We believe in freedom, kindness, and fairness for all of God’s children."
"Raising the dead is a miracle, but every act of kindness and concern for someone struggling is the covenant way."
"Dawa is an obligation on all of us. It doesn't mean making a YouTube channel; it's about being there for others, even in the smallest ways."
"Elmo is just checking in, how is everybody doing?"
"Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing."
"Being a good person to you means they are a good person to you. Being a good person to everyone means that they are a good person."
"Listening very carefully, being empathetic... it's amazing as the patient, I'm like, 'Wow, this person is so kind.'"
"We just needed them to be empathic...it was the only thing that mattered because I wanted to put two decent, kind human beings into the world."
"With a little wrath did I hide my countenance for a moment from you, and with everlasting kindness will I have compassion on you, says your Redeemer, the Lord."
"They say you remember people for the way they make you feel, and I will simply never forget that kindness."
"The only way out was incredible kindness, which... is the power which nothing can resist."
"The couple was really beloved by everybody for their kind and caring nature towards everybody that they knew."
"If you continue to behave in empathy and be kind... then she'll notice, people do notice."
"Just put in the effort for those five seconds. The payoff is so monumental for the other person that there's no ethical argument to not do it."
"People have been really nice lately, and I'm really thankful."
"My body is my home and I will treat it with kindness."
"You don't have to tear girls down to bring yourself up."
"We shouldn't go around shitting on fat people just for their existence of being fat...it's just a respect thing."
"You find it very difficult to forgive yourself and give yourself the love and kindness that you so willingly extend to others."
"There is love, there is belonging, there is goodness, kindness, there are things you can do for other people."
"Treating others like you would want to be treated is something you really want to apply to your wife."
"Humor and kindness are weapons on dates; they need to be wielded with skill."
"I always get surprised at the kindness I received because I just don't expect people to be so nice to me."
"Practice self-compassion... treating yourself with care and kindness."
"Kindness and staying positive are at the heart of hopeful, uplifting messages."
"Your smile at your brother is a form of charity."
"The only thing we can do right now is to pray for each other, of course, to support each other and be kind, but to do the best we can about our own lives."
"If you raise your kids with kindness, they'll be kind."
"What is required is a return to values, a return to love and kindness and service."
"Kindfulness - mindful together with kindness."
"The right effort is not about striving harder, but about letting go and being kind."
"The effort of renouncing, letting go, giving up, stop judging yourself, stop striving, be kind, is wonderful."
"You never know what one act of kindness, even if they don't deserve it, could sow seeds of forgiveness."
"Kindness is real, and politeness is a kind of mask sometimes."
"Your kind comments are hugely encouraging...the encouragement that you give other people here is more powerful than you will ever know. It makes a huge difference for people. Sometimes, one kind comment could change the course of someone's life."
"Tiny acts of connection are the most powerful gift you can give yourself or someone else."
"I'm working on being kinder in the new year."
"This person is naturally a very giving person, very generous, kind-hearted."
"This person is really a sweetheart; they have such a big heart, generous heart, and there's a purity about them."
"Do little loving things every day of your life for your friends, relatives, and neighbors."
"Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
"Be good to the next person, no matter what color their skin is or how much they weigh on the scale."
"Life is not a zero-sum game. We're in this together, and the nicer we are to each other, the better off we all are."
"It was these acts of kindness that made Minnie a beloved figure in the neighborhood."
"Be nice to everyone, appreciate that everyone is trying to do the best that they can."
"When one human being expresses kindness and appreciation to another human being and it's received, it raises the serotonin level in both people's brains."
"Be good to yourselves. You deserve it. And we just keep going. It's the best we can do for us; it's the best we can do for others."
"Thank you to those who are kind and supportive. I see you."
"Kindness is currency. Kindness is such an underrated superpower in today's world."
"May you be filled with loving kindness, may you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease, and may you be joyous."
"In the process of getting to all of those goals, you have to make a commitment to be kinder to yourself."
"Kindness is contagious and it provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"Most people will say that there's much more peace, much more ease, much more comfort inside their body physiologically when they are open-hearted, kind, and generous."
"Kindness, be kind to each other. If you're kind to each other, everything else is going to melt away."
"Kindness and love instead of the values that currently dominate, selfishness, greed."
"Be kind to your neighbor and be loving, be generous."
"Kindness towards others, beginning with myself, buys us a shot at a warm and generous heart, the greatest prize of all."
"Alicia thanked Oswald with a warm smile, which melted Oswald's... heart."
"Do not forget, be kind and keep an open mind, everybody."
"It's so much fun but just love on them; there's no reason to not do it because aren't we talking about just caring for other people?"
"Your kindness is such a blessing to this world, your existence is such a blessing to this world."
"She was always willing to drop anything she had going on for someone who needed it."
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast."
"Thanks for being my friend and not always calling me a seed."
"I pray over you a release of the blessings of God's undeserved kindness and total well-being."
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
"Please be kind to yourselves. Please take care of yourselves."
"Your handmade cards, guess what, are a hug in the mail to them."
"Please, please make at least one card the rest of this week. Put a stamp on it, send it to somebody. We all need a little sunshine right now in our mailboxes."
"Americans are some of the most accepting, wonderful, kind, empathetic individuals on the planet."
"Heaven helps kind people, and after the past disaster, related happiness is definitely waiting for her."
"Self-love: putting all that time and effort and energy into loving and caring for yourself, being kind and compassionate to yourself just as much as you have been with other people."
"Thank you so much; it really looks and smells delicious."
"Skyler was a gentle, loving, kind individual who would not hurt an insect, let alone being mean to a human being or a murder."
"Don't ever turn cold just because people are treating you that way."
"Be kind, It'll help those people, make their day, make their week."
"Competitive kindness, that is my kind of competition right there."
"We can make kindness go viral if every time someone does something nice for us, we do more than one nice thing for someone else."
"I'm planning a seed for the future, a world in which kindness, love, respect, simple, simple things, and I know that we can never pay back the gift that was given to us, but we've decided that we're going to spend the rest of our lives trying."
"Kindness is a very, very Christ-like characteristic, and you don't hear much about kindness."
"The attractive quality of kindness... it's sort of a built-in attraction. It's just there. And when a person's kind, it not only shows in their face but naturally, most of all, in their actions."
"Be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"Put on a heart of kindness... it's our responsibility as a child of God to be kind."
"The kindness of God leads you to repentance."
"Don't let kindness and truth leave you; bind them about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."
"Practice kindness and compassion to one another."
"Tasting the kindness of the Lord means experiencing it."
"Kindness can change your family, it can change your working location, it can change your friendships."
"Love is just kindness with its work boots on."
"You want cheap thrills? Kindness is the cheapest thrill of all."
"A random act of kindness is a non-premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world."
"If somebody has no respect for you, do not think that your kindness will make them respect you."
"Your good deeds are not going unnoticed. The good stuff that you're doing... it's not going unnoticed. It will come back multiplied, quadrupled."
"Let's all commit to each other to continue to be kind and support each other."
"Happy birthday, yes, boom, four acts of kindness."
"I'm going to recycle my can. That's an act of kindness."
"We're gonna build that together, and each chair counts as an act of kindness."
"I'm at my local post office, and there's this kid who needs some brand new wheels, so we're going to ship out some to him."
"We are like Abraham, tested to see if we also will respond with hesed and be like God who is the source of all hesed and loving kindness."
"We can still be kind and loving but speak truth and be strong in those words and stand up for God and stand up for what's right. We just don't have to yell and scream and pound our fist."
"The Bible says encourage each other and build each other up... You've been raising your kids... with kindness and compassion and courage, and that's a huge encouragement."
"Kindness doesn't mean you have to be agreeable; it just means you have to be kind and respectful within the conversation or whatever action is taking place."
"I said love everyone, treat them kindly too."
"Joel turned the clippers on himself and shaved his own beautiful blonde hair off in support."
"Tyrea Pryor... selflessly helping a lady across the car park. It was pouring down rain in Independence, Missouri, but that didn't stop Tyria from taking his coat and draping it over her to keep her dry."
"After the year we've had, we all need some serious faith in humanity restored, and if you look around you, you'll find that people can be so sweet and cute."
"Just because I don't agree with someone on everything doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with them. When I say be kind to one another, I don't mean only the people that think the same way that you do. I mean be kind to everyone."
"Be kind to one another. A simple but powerful precept and one that to many Ellen appeared to live by herself."
"I don't think you have to have a talk show to be nice to people. I just think that kindness is something that we should all have. That's an innate quality that we have, and we need more of that out there."
"Kindness is a virtue, not a brand, and expecting anyone to be the paragon of such a pure quality is bound to cause disappointment."
"One simple small act of kindness goes a long way."
"Doing an act of kindness makes you feel better, improves your mental and physical health, and the person receiving it feels good too."
"I think there are plenty of kind people who still know how to say no to certain things and not be taken advantage of."
"It's through the kindness that you give to others and through the kindness that others give to you that we keep each other afloat in this world."
"Kindness isn't just something we schedule within our day... it's how we live."
"A kind person is a person who stands out in a crowd. They may not be the one who talks the most, but there's something about a kind person."
"Be ye kind, one toward another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"Kindness is a very, very Christ-like characteristic."
"Be ye kind, one toward another, tender-hearted," forgiving one another even, "as God in Christ has forgiven," us."
"Kindness is not an excuse for letting people get by with whatever it may be. It's a strong, vibrant, godly trait to be kind."
"An act of kindness sometimes is the strongest defense you can have."
"You can't fight kindness. It's a conquering element of character to be kind when someone is very unkind to you."
"Kindness is a gift from God, provided by the Holy Spirit, and we are the channels through which Almighty God speaks kindness to those we live with, those who are our friends, strangers, wherever it might be."
"You can express appreciation and make a difference in the lives of the people around you."
"Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
"Kindness is a built-in attraction to a child of God because Christ is our life."
"Kindness also recognizes the worth of a person."
"You have such a beautiful, kind energy. Protect it and give it to those who deserve it."
"Maybe strength isn't the answer. Maybe kindness is."
"Beating someone super strong by being super nice wouldn't that be a truly great puzzle?"
"Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
"The last kind thing you've done for a stranger? We went and bought some food for a homeless person who was outside Rite Aid the other day."
"Kindness, compassion, and what I call radical love... are the three most important things they could teach their kids."
"You have a natural respect and kindness that is something people really admire and because of that, a lot of people will aid you in making your dreams come true."
"The practice is unconditional kindness, the practice is unconditional love."
"Compassion today, kindness, is the ultimate flex."
"Go and be dutiful and kind to her, and Allah will forgive your major sin."
"It's not enough to fake being a nice person, you actually have to be a nice person."
"I'm so grateful for everyone's kindness and presence and the joy there was in the field this morning."
"I do [ __ ] for people that I know would never do [ __ ] for me, but I do it 'cause like, man, that just who I am. It feels good to do that."
"Be safe, be kind, and know that you are appreciated."
"Why not be nice to yourself? Why not be kind to yourself? Why not nurture you? You're the only one that's with you; you're the only one you got."
"By generating this beautiful kindness and gentleness, this wisdom this compassion grows and grows in you."
"You can shift the frequency toward love, towards kindness, then that's going to help you get into your power."
"Be a friend, tell a friend something nice. It could change their life."
"Be a friend, tell a friend something nice. It might change your life."
"There's nothing more important than kindness to yourself and to other people."
"Let's be kind here; me and you are best friends, right?"
"Fame at the age of 42 playing gentle giant John Coffey in 'The Green Mile'... he just was an all-round good guy."
"Being kind to others takes away attention from us focusing on how miserable we are."
"The best of you are those who are best to their families."
"Let's counter all the sadness with some kindness."
"Love is the key. If you're walking along, give someone a smile, you've shared a little bit of love."
"I'm so proud of everyone who has come forward and proud of all of you for your kindness."
"The ultimate source of mental health is warm-heartedness."
"Let's be careful that we don't step on one another's toes. Be kind to one another."
"If we want the world to be more beautiful, kind and just, then our activism should be beautiful, kind and just, and often it's not."
"Every act of kindness matters, but every act of darkness is duly noted."
"Kindness is the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"Kindness and good behavior are the foundation of success."
"Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and treat others the same way."
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
"A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."
"It's been a long time since I felt kindness."
"We have to be better. We have to love more, hate less. We got to listen more and talk less."
"You have the power to brighten somebody's day."
"That kindness was the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"One doesn't set themselves free, we set one another free with patience, kindness, and courage." - Narrator
"Kindness, love, grace allow heaven to become embodiment, much more than a place."
"Just love your neighbor, everyone. Love thy neighbor."
"Megan was so kind-hearted she never had anything bad to say about anyone, always smiling and encouraging, wise beyond her years."
"We teach our kids to go through life being kind to people, standing up for themselves, and being confident."
"It's definitely a time to be patient and be kind to others."
"She was always described as a caring person, someone who would drop everything to lend a helping hand."
"I'm one of those people who believe that compassion and kindness can actually change the world."
"We're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves."
"Because when we work from a place, I believe, that says, 'I'm enough'... then we stop screaming and start listening, we're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves."
"Do not hurt others and do not speak harsh words, even if they're true."
"Make somebody smile with your smile when they're not smiling."