
Whole Foods Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"It's great to have variety and whole foods as your main go-to."
"We want minimally processed, less ingredients, more whole food based analogs for sure."
"Eat real, whole food. Start there. For some people, that's enough."
"Shop the perimeter of the grocery store... the less you go down the aisles, the more likely you are to be getting whole foods."
"There's nothing I've seen that's worked better than an exclusively whole plant food SOS-free diet."
"Whole Food first and foremost, making sure that you're eating diversity, managing for the microbiome."
"Whole Foods, a whole food dietary pattern, minimally processed, like the foods that you find around the perimeter of the supermarket that you cook for yourself, is crucial for health."
"Eat food, not edible food-like products; not too much, and mostly plants."
"Real food, Whole Foods, fresh food, frozen is okay but eating food that's in an unprocessed state is critical."
"We need to recreate our environment and focus on Whole Foods."
"Focus on the quality of the food you eat. Look for real, Whole Foods as close to their natural state as possible, most of the time."
"You should eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods and avoid these refined carbohydrates, refined oils, and processed meats."
"You want to eat real food, live food, whole, complete food, not something processed, stripped down, cooked, or man-made."
"Real food is food that came out of the ground or animals that ate the food that came out of the ground."
"Whole foods not only contain intact fibers and a higher water content than processed foods, but they are also less calorie dense."
"This is your chance to open your mind to the power of high carb foods from whole sources and experience the true power of a low-fat, plant-based, whole food diet."
"If you eat whole foods, you can eat as much of them as you want because your metabolism will speed up and your hormones will change, and you lose weight as long as you eat whole foods."
"More whole foods, lots of plants, and less processed foods are the three dietary tenets that I would give you to overall health and well-being, both mental and physical."
"I've never felt more in tune and Alive as I do now eating Whole Foods, ancient Foods, heirloom Foods."
"The film was recommending a whole food, plant based diet."
"A whole food plant-based diet can help a lot because that's the main source of saturated fat."
"We evolved to eat whole foods and not foods that have been chemically and mechanically separated to an extreme degree."
"Ultra-processed foods don't get recognized by the body and brain in the same way as whole foods."
"The bioavailability of food... it's absorbed better from whole foods."
"We should be eating food as close to what our bodies evolved to eat, which is whole, real, unprocessed food."
"Do not juice your grapes brother, make sure you eat them."
"I think this is a really good feather in the cap for eating real Whole Foods."
"Better to eat the whole food... the whole food is always better way to go."
"Eating a diet that's rich in whole plant foods can help prevent and even reverse some chronic diseases."
"It's simply eating Whole Foods unprocessed it's easier that type of stuff right there y'all be asking me to diet and stuff my diet is easier to do these things when you keep it simple."
"Remember, whole food nutrition is superior to supplementation."
"The more bioavailable whole food nutrients you take in through your food, the stronger and more equipped you'll be at fighting whatever pathogen comes your way."
"And I think the best recommendation is if you can avoid anything in packages and bottles and cans, good idea."
"Just avoid packaged processed foods, in general there's pretty much, they just can't, from a nutritional standpoint, they can't compete with Whole Foods."
"If you're already eating a primarily Whole Foods diet and exercising, why not tinker with these smaller interventions to see if they have an effect?"
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"If it comes from an animal, you can eat it - that's the whole foods animal-based diet."
"Big emphasis on the phrase food with no nutrition label is the healthiest, aka whole foods."
"We need real food, we don't need supplementation."
"Whole eggs are nutritionally rich, supplying almost every nutrient the human body needs."
"You've got to eat the whole food. Eat the olive, eat the coconut, but not the oil."
"Whole grains are the complete grain... don't spike your blood sugar as much."
"I think the top three, I mean, I think the number one would be really to stick to kind of whole unprocessed foods."
"Focusing on foods that are the least processed foods you can eat is better."
"The real solution is ensuring that you're consuming a minimally processed whole food diet."
"It's always better to eat whole foods rather than processed foods." - Dr. Michael Greger
"Do not underestimate the power of eating Whole Foods... they're inevitably lower calorie and higher volume Foods."
"I try to go with a whole fruit or a whole food before grabbing a processed thing."
"If it comes from planet Earth and we don't destroy it, then it's a good food, and extra virgin olive oil is one of those. Eat it, put it on everything, drink it as much as you want because it's a whole good food."
"Whole-wheat bread, the first word any green should behold: WHOLE."
"Our bodies are best able to absorb and regulate the intake of nutrients when they come from Whole Foods."
"Change your diet, get rid of processed foods, increase whole foods plant-based foods and healthy fats."
"The closer we get to a whole food plant-based diet, the healthier we would be."
"Eating whole foods is the best way to cut out seed oils and added sugars."
"If you just eat Whole Foods, you're going to be stepping in the right direction."
"Eat only real, whole, unprocessed food."
"Reduce ultra-processed foods, go for whole foods instead."
"Reduce your refined carbohydrates... eat whole, unprocessed foods."
"Eat whole, unprocessed foods, so meats, fish, vegetables, and don't be afraid of the proteins and fats."
"It's really in your best interest to eat real food and look for whole grains because you get the balance of nature with the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that aren't found in low carb keto processed foods."
"Elimination of processed food, eating whole real food, that's really the high arching high-level concept that I put forward to my patients."
"There's probably nothing more true than eating whole foods, than eating a whole sprout."
"The more whole food, natural food you have, the better it is for your body, meaning less chemicals, less inflammation."
"...eat clean, try to eat Whole Foods, real food all right..."
"...you might as well eat well, eat clean, try to eat Whole Foods, real food all right..."
"Whole foods provide additional nutrients beyond supplements."
"You want to eat a mixture of whole plant and animal foods that are nourishing and you want to avoid the refined foods, the processed foods, all of the junk food has to go."
"We're using the whole intact grain, not grinding it into flour, for maximum nutritional benefit."
"Protein powder is not a food, it's a supplement, but it shouldn't replace whole food from the earth."
"Eat the fruit. Don't drink the juice."
"I really don't think that a perfect diet exists instead we should be focusing on getting as many Whole Foods as we can."
"So much of my diet is made up of Whole Foods and I really prioritize that as a dietary pattern."
"Whole Foods really has been killing it with the summer selection."
"I think there's a need to move away from the easier, quicker prepackaged processed foods and more toward cooking with Whole Foods."
"If you increased your carb intake by eating real whole foods, you would lose weight."
"Virtually all of the observed associations favor the Nutri composition of a Whole Foods plant-based diet."
"Eat real food, eat whole food, eat unadulterated food."
"Swap out processed food for whole nutrient-rich options."
"One of the most effective ways to obtain nutrients is through chewing Whole Foods encompassing a diverse variety of them."
"We tend to focus too much on individual nutrients, but it's the synergy of whole foods that truly matters."
"Eat mostly whole, try to eat whole plant-based foods."
"It's not about whey protein, it's about real food."
"It just tastes like whole foods, you know. You can taste all of the goodness in there."
"Here's the cool thing about adopting a Whole Foods plant-based diet, you can eat as much as that you want and if that is all you ate Whole Foods."
"Be a little bit wise on the choices you make, but there are commercial products that use generally whole foods rather than bits and pieces and extracted thises and that."
"Eat Whole Foods, move for three months, and see how you feel."
"Amazon just opened their first cashier-less Whole Foods in D.C."
"The idea is whole foods don't take out the nutrients and do something special with it. Whole foods actually what really needs it to work that way."
"It just comes down to what I always talk about: single ingredient foods, like beef, eggs, avocado, berries, banana. If you're eating processed foods, they're designed to make you overeat."
"...you want to make sure that you eat not just Whole Foods but your whole foods eaten whole with the fiber and the water in tact..."
"Prioritize whole real food. Eat plenty of fiber from low carb plants, adequate protein, and healthy fats."
"Healthy side effects like healthy weight loss, more energy, and more easily controlled blood glucose levels."
"If you start to break things down and say, 'Oh this has sulforaphane, this has oxalates,' yes, it has vitamins and minerals and all these other things and it is a whole food that your body knows how to digest and use different parts of."
"Eating whole Natural Foods is always going to be superior for overall health."
"If you're new here we are a family of six and I have four little kids and then my husband and we eat mostly Whole Foods diet or at least foods that are minimal ingredients."
"They're making us sicker and sicker... they're making a sicker and sicker, which is why I take the whole foods approach."
"If it's not a whole plant found in nature if it's manufactured in the plant if you can't make it in your own kitchen my advice is not to eat it."
"You should strive any woman to get the bulk, the vast majority of her nutrition through food, through whole food the way nature intended it to be."
"It's amazing what you can come up with eating Whole Food even in a tiny little National Park store."
"Let's focus on the reality that eating real food without all the junk and all the highly processed sugar and all that's the real culprit."
"...some of my favorite online resources are the brand new vegan has a lot of really good Whole Food plant-based recipes that are oil free of course Chef AJ Kathy Fisher has a really good book called straight up food that has a lot of good recipes..."
"We need to moderate high-density foods and focus on whole, natural foods."
"If you want to age more gracefully, you should eat more whole unprocessed foods."
"It's good to have lots of foods that don't have labels, that means they're probably found in the produce section of the grocery store."
"Whole Foods has these brown butter chocolate chip cookies they come in a single serving you get it at the front it is so good it's so satisfying."
"It's not that hard to get 30 grams of protein for breakfast, even eating Whole Foods. It can be relatively easy."
"Know what a whole grain is versus a refined grain."
"Whole food plant-based eating is not a diet; it's more about choosing to eat certain foods, mainly the less processed whole foods."
"This lifestyle really focuses on less processed foods, eating more of your vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds."
"I really don't like juicing, it's much better to eat the whole thing."
"Whole food plant-based foods are not going to hook your brain and send a cascade of dopamine like ultra-processed foods are."
"Whole grain doesn't mean whole grain; it's got to actually be whole."
"When we say eat five servings of fruit, we're saying eat the fruit that is within the sugar that is co-packaged with by Nature with fiber."
"The best way to get all these antioxidants is through a Whole Foods plant-based diet that has all the colors of the rainbow."
"There's no question in my mind that the best way to get all these antioxidants is through a Whole Foods plant-based diet."
"Cutting down on convenience foods and taking the time to cook whole foods has been a net positive for her family."
"Plants have power. So when you harness them correctly from whole foods, man, you can stave off a whole host of illnesses."
"Try and avoid the ultra processed foods and have as much diversity and of whole foods as you can."
"I like to eat whole food, so minimally processed things that come in the least amount of packaging as possible."
"If you eat a mix of whole plant foods and you get enough calories, it's almost impossible not to get enough protein."
"A whole food plant-based diet where you're not frying foods, you're not adding sugars, you're not using white flour."
"The more I lean towards whole foods, the better I feel and the clearer my skin is."
"Different fats affect that pathological process in a different way... some of these unsaturated fats, particularly in whole foods, may be inherently beneficial for reducing the risk of that process."
"The power of whole plant foods exceeds that of their component parts."
"When possible, buy whole, processed, mostly plant-based foods."
"Maximizing health with whole foods, not drugs."
"If it doesn't really have an ingredients list, then you're eating real food."
"If you're eating nose-to-tail, you can get all the nutrients that a human needs to function optimally without any of the toxins found in plants."
"Whole grains, whole wheats, in moderation, can be eaten every day."
"Increase the color on your plate, as long as it's color from Whole Foods, you're off to a better start."
"Nothing beats whole foods... it's all about moderation."
"I really do strive to make things myself as much as possible using real food, whole ingredients."
"You're eating foods that are whole and nutritious that give you the nutrients you need to be healthy."
"Prioritizing nutrient-dense, minimally processed whole foods but not eliminating foods entirely."
"Focus on whole foods rather than processed foods."
"That's amazing, that's you know, it's kind of a simple thing, you know, it's simple whole foods."
"Focus your diet on whole foods, not processed ones."
"Whole Foods makes up a large portion of Amazon's sub-brand brick and mortar locations."
"Eat a diet with lots of color in your food and really prioritize minimally processed foods."
"I recommend whole food, not processed food."
"There is nothing in oil that you can't get from eating real whole food."
"When we eat whole food, it naturally turns off your hunger hormones."
"If I got a client to follow 75-80% whole foods, they almost always have tremendous success."
"I want eighty percent of your calories to come from unprocessed whole natural foods."
"Eating whole foods, your body is a sophisticated biological organism, it knows what to do."
"Whole foods in their natural state have an effect on calorie intake and on overall health effects."
"Eat a more Whole Foods balanced diet, don't rely upon hyper palatable processed snacks or sugar sweetened beverages."
"If you are blending it and eating the whole foods, I think there's more benefit there."
"Eating unprocessed whole real foods can help to minimize the post-translational modifications of your key proteins in your body and can help you age more gracefully."
"The best way to do that is by eating the proper foods, that's real food, whole food that's unprocessed."
"It seemed like a way better way of eating unprocessed Whole Foods."
"Start with real whole foods and specifically prioritize protein."
"Ultimately my diet is not perfect, it's not clean, I just kind of try to eat a variety of whole foods."
"The more whole plant foods we eat, especially fruits and vegetables, and the fewer processed foods we eat, the easier it is to lose weight."
"Make sure that what you're eating is high quality in its whole form and mostly comes from plants."
"The quality of your food is unbelievably important; you need to be having a majority of whole, minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods."
"Salt is good for you, especially if you have a whole food diet; you are lacking in salt."
"Eat the rainbow, eat tons of Whole Foods."
"The recipes in this book are quite simple and whole food based but they don't compromise on taste."
"The longer I shopped at Whole Foods, the more I thought that this is a place where the skills of a literary critic might come in handy."
"Whole Foods tends to have a little bit more of the organic, gluten-free vibe."
"Stick with real food, whole food."
"It's very common sense it makes sense to people that we want to nourish our bodies with living fresh whole minimally processed foods."
"I love cooking, I love healthy food, I think you just can't beat it, putting a bit of time each week into making whole food meals."
"If you eat whole foods and you prioritize protein, you're going to feel more satiated."
"Basically, if food comes in a package, I'm not eating too much of it."
"If you can get the same substance from a whole food and get your protein and get diversity, that's great because you're stretching your body's repertoire of responding to the things we're putting into it."
"Once I started implementing the Whole Foods, everything felt so much better."
"For 30 days, you'll eat nothing but real, whole, nutrient-dense food."
"Whole foods are longevity foods because they contain a variety of special prebiotic ingredients."
"Don't try to do this through protein powders... if it comes from whole foods, that's where you're gonna reap all these benefits."
"Eating more whole foods as opposed to processed foods should help lower the sodium intake."
"It's not about low carb or high fat, it's about eating real food."
"You want to select more often whole grains."
"I prefer whole fat milk and whole fat yogurt."
"Focus on eating the majority of your food coming from fresh, whole produce."
"If you can get all your protein from whole natural foods, you're going to be better off."
"Eating clean is about eating less processed foods and eating more whole foods."
"It's about eating whole real foods."
"Food has many healing properties if it's a whole food plant-based diet."
"Just eating more meat and just sort of understanding that whole foods are always going to be better."
"I shop the perimeter of the grocery store. That is it. I am not buying all that packaged food."
"Quinoa is a whole grain that gives all the nutrients: the iron, the fiber, and good carbs."
"When it comes to nutrition, the closer you get to eating real Whole Foods, the better you're going to be."
"It's better to stick to whole food groups and not anything that's processed."
"Try and eat more whole foods, eat more protein, eat more vegetables."
"Cook 30 food is all about using great whole food ingredients."
"Children should eat food, real food, whole foods as much as possible."
"It's a reset where for 30 days you are cutting out a lot of different processed foods and focusing on eating a lot of whole foods."
"Focus on whole, unprocessed foods because these are so much more satiating."
"I'm trying to eat a lot more whole foods."
"Eat your vegetables, eat your fruits, try to incorporate more whole grains."
"Whole grains versus white grains or complex versus simple carbs, the complex, the starches like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, farro, all of those kinds of whole grains are gonna have that fiber still included."
"When you eat healthy and you eat whole food and you cut out the processed food, you feel so much better."
"...most people could probably just benefit from eating whole foods."
"Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits are all in the same family. I love having this on hand because it's a real whole food and it's so satisfying."
"Focus on Whole Foods... focus on real foods."
"Eat whole foods; you'd be a long time getting fat on potatoes, but if you ultra-process the food, it turns into something else."
"Healthy food is all about using wholesome, whole food ingredients."
"Focus your diet on whole, unprocessed foods."