
Menopause Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Society in which we live, if it's more supportive to women going through menopause, can dramatically reduce the effect on our lives."
"We have a very specific survival advantage in having a menopause."
"Menopause is inevitable, suffering is not, but you're going to have to advocate for yourself because society has failed us."
"I've become a menopause warrior because once I went through it myself, I realized that there is a tremendous lack of knowledge, teaching, education, and even empathy for the menopausal woman."
"Ensuring a balanced diet with adequate protein, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 is essential for maintaining health, especially during significant life changes like menopause."
"Menopause is inevitable; it's not a bad thing. It is a natural process, but you don't have to suffer."
"What I love about menopause is women find this power to put themselves first for the first time in their adult lives."
"There is great evidence about how it improves your cognitive function during perimenopause and menopause and that's a big deal."
"Being open to possibility and just seeing menopause as not the end of life, but rather this incredible opportunity to play and have fun and explore."
"That's why I say, address your menopausal symptoms, take care of yourself, feel well, so that you will want to enjoy and appreciate other things in your life that also contribute to your well-being."
"Women want to only talk about women about this. There's still a big stigma around menopause and andropause. It's like a secret society that no one wants to talk about."
"Supportive understanding is crucial during menopause."
"Women who have been on a plant-based diet prior to menopause have fewer problems during menopause."
"You have more control at menopause than you ever had before."
"Probiotics ladies are really important during your menopausal years."
"With menopause, collagen levels start to decline and there is evidence that estrogen replacement therapy improves skin thickness."
"Once women have got through menopause, if they have learned that this anger can be transformed into something useful, then they do very well."
"Every organ system in the body is affected by menopause."
"The average age of menopause is 51 in the US."
"Intraabdominal fat is new and related to the menopause transition."
"You may know more than your doctor about modern menopausal medicine."
"More women will go through menopause than give birth."
"Menopause is inevitable and it's a natural process, but suffering through it is not."
"While menopause is inevitable, suffering is not."
"Women who had had healing practices for self-care had less symptoms of menopause."
"Initiating HRT at the time of menopause... reduces her risk of heart disease, dementia, and BMD."
"Here's where I would argue there's one area where you absolutely know things will get worse when you stop the estrogen, and that's bone density."
"Once estrogen goes down, that goes away. So if you take the estrogen off a woman 10 years postmenopause, she will once again go into a rapid state of decline."
"Menopause and turn women off and give them that extra quarter of a century afterwards but then here's the next twist males are fertile until the day they die."
"As your levels decrease eventually your ovaries will stop producing estrogen almost completely so now you've lost your protection."
"We can be in control of our hormones as menopausal and perimenopausal women."
"It's not inevitable that you're going to gain a bunch of weight and have really low performance just because you've gone into menopause."
"Menopause can have a huge impact on women's mental health."
"Women can also benefit from some menopause-informed medical care."
"Perimenopause and menopause do call loudly for women to think about their own health and care again."
"Menopause is a chance to explore your own identity."
"Another good thing about menopause is that it often comes with emotional stability."
"Menopause comes with challenges to mental and physical health but also some cool positive changes as well."
"Your hormones are your fountain of youth like why would you want menopause?"
"Menopause is a really big deal because it has such a huge impact on most women. It impacts our health, it impacts our disease risk, and really importantly it impacts how we feel."
"I think sometimes doctors don't have the right training in the menopause."
"She's 61, oh what are you hot flashing?"
"Menopause care doesn't have to be complicated or expensive."
"Menopause is inevitable, suffering is not."
"If you start hormone replacement therapy within 10 years of your menopause, you will have cardiovascular protection and some neuroprotection."
"...we do women a disservice when we presume that all women are lower risk or protected during their menopausal years..."
"if Mark Zuckerberg could Rebrand Facebook to meta maybe we can do this for menopause."
"For many women, they're going to be having symptoms even before they get there [menopause] and I think it's safe to say that the most common symptoms that women experience are the so-called vasomotor symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats."
"We have to have conversations like this, we have to normalize the messiness of menopause."
"Honestly I feel like you know what if you want to talk about menopause don't go to a 50-year-old or 45y old man come to some 50-year-old women that have gone through it and are are living this with you."
"It is unacceptable for your healthcare provider, if they claim to treat menopause, okay, you see it on their website, I'm going in for my menopause, to say that they don't prescribe HRT. Unacceptable."
"Harvard’s Center of Excellence in Women’s Health funded a randomized, crossover trial of a half a cup (118 ml) of unsalted soy nuts a day and achieved about a 40 to 45 percent reduction in hot flashes within two weeks."
"For the women who hear 'oh my gosh I'm in menopause or perimenopause I need to build muscle' and they go straight there, that can also be a very frustrating path for them because they get tired or they get super hungry."
"There is no one size fits-all it's an evolutionary process of how you're going to manage your menopause."
"I love talking about midlife and menopause and normalizing the conversation about midlife and menopause."
"Her game is all about education, that's what she wants to do is inform women about their best options when it comes to managing menopause their way."
"One of the best things about menopause is we don't have to deal with bleeding anymore."
"So you can't neglect them. We know from studies that around 80%, so 8 out of 10 women who are postmenopausal, will experience symptoms related to vaginal dryness, yet we also know really sadly about only about 7% of women receive treatment."
"Menopause is an Afterparty; it can be fun, and we can live our best life."
"Menopause is an Afterparty like it can be fun and we can live our best life but we have to know how to do that and we have to count on each other because our general practitioners we can't expect them to know everything they need to know so we've got to help each other."
"...those who had a healthy dietary pattern had about 30 less likelihood of experiencing hot flushes and sleep disturbances."
"Don't let the media of menopause being the end of your life be pervasive because it's not."
"...if you eat the Western diet, then, you know, average menopause occurs at age 52."
"When you don't have hormones in your body, like with your bone density, it messes with your mood, hot flashes, oh my goodness, they're not fun."
"Hot flashes, night sweats are a biomarker of greater cardiovascular risk."
"Menopause isn't an end. It's a powerful beginning."
"Understanding menopause will allow you to have a conversation with your Healthcare team around what do I need to do now, do I need to understand now, and how do I protect my longevity."
"There is nothing about menopause per se that would take away your sex drive. But what it really is, and remember I talked about that, your honest up is now positioned, and your soul wants to be heard. So suddenly your approach to sex is going to change."
"If Sophie felt you were okay on your own, would she want something different for herself? Love being on my own, I really do. Menopausal man telling me how to run my life, you know I don't think men get menopause, that's only women, and it's great."
"Women don't link that to their menopause, so they feel alone, vulnerable because they don't know what's going on with their body."
"You're just a different person, but because you're going through the menopause, Jane was like, there's no difference."
"...we are all about making peace with your menopausal body by finding a healthy weight, and moving in ways that feel like love."
"Approximately 6,000 women every day enter menopause, yet in a 2023 Caret Fertility study of 2,000 women, fewer than 20% understood potential symptoms before menopause began."
"The menopause is just naturally an evolutionary mechanism that makes us live until we're a hundred so we can be grandmothers."
"Starting estrogen in the first five to 10 years of your postmenopause can help prevent heart attack, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease."
"Avoiding animal products, also keeping oils really low, and having a half a cup of soybeans every day, reduced moderate severe hot flashes by about 88%."
"Women shouldn't have to suffer. Midlife and menopause are going to happen, but suffering is not necessary."
"Hormone therapy continues to have an important clinical role in the management of menopausal symptoms. There's still many women who can benefit from hormone therapy."
"You are huge and you are loud and proud about menopause and midlife and transition and all of that."
"We're in menopause the rest of our lives the 40% now mitigating symptoms anymore it's about our heart health our brain health you know how are we going to age and how are we going to manage all of this."
"So the benefit of estrogen replacement starts when your own estrogen production stops and your post-menopause starts its purpose is to compensate for loss of your own estrogen so that you bridge the gap."
"So the idea behind the five to ten years is to bridge the gap early enough so that there isn't enough time for the aging process to convert something that was beneficial for you into something that has become risky for you."
"Bridging the gap makes the very fact that you became post-menopausal irrelevant."
"It doesn't dry me out more when you need something that's working with menopause and working with the Breakthrough."
"Antidepressants should not be the first line of treatment for women presenting with experiences of low mood during perimenopause or menopause."
"We spend a third of our lives in menopause."
"Perimenopause means around. So, it's the time between rocking your best life and your period stopping."
"I'll bet you're just shocked at how much there is to this menopause business."
"Raising awareness is crucial because Women's Health menopause has been shrouded in secrecy until very recently."
"The world has changed hugely. Women going through menopause are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace in modern societies."
"Menopause is essentially the time when your periods stop."
"...most women do not need hormone replacement therapy for many many years or decades to treat their menopause symptoms."
"After menopause, they've never seen fibroids in a patient. They disappear."
"Not all women get hot flushes and hot flushes are not the only symptom of menopause."
"For every woman the most important approach to anything in life but especially perimenopause and menopause is healthy living."
"I started going through menopause like 45 or 46 so I was about five years into zc before I went through that and so it was kind of a breeze for me nothing bad really happened I had a few hot flashes in 18 months and I was done." - Dana
"Menopause miracle is far and away the best thing I've ever stumbled across that is safe even for breast cancer patients."
"Body identical hormones including transdermal estradiol in association with progesterone are probably the best choice in terms of benefit-risk ratio."
"Progesterone and some specific molecules can favor neural regeneration against the belief that post-menopausal women who are hysterectomized should not receive progesterone based on the fact that progesterone was essentially used for preventing endometrial proliferation."
"Menopause is not causing your weight gain."
"The most common cause of divorce at the time of menopause is the menopausal woman's decision to become independent."
"If you didn't really like that when you were pre-menopausal, you're probably not going to like it when you're perimenopausal."
"It is a real priority that young women who have an early menopause are really listened to and given treatment and the right dose and type for them as soon as possible."
"If we get enough women demanding more in the world of menopause, things will get better for all women."
"I absolutely love it. I think of so many things that I can teach you to make your menopausal life easier."
"People weren't talking about menopause anyway, but actually you can hear a story seven or eight times, and it's not until let's say the ninth time when you hear it from someone who looks like you or has a similar experience to you that you can go, 'Oh, actually, I'm not alone.'"
"Early menarche and late menopause prolong estrogen exposure, increasing risk."
"Menopause is all about the ovaries—the most important structure in the female reproductive tract."
"It does help in things that are due to estrogen depletion related to menopause in our skin, such as the thinning of the dermis, loss of collagen, and loss of the supportive framework."
"Women in perimenopause and menopause need to focus on exercise and building muscle."
"Menopause is inevitable, but suffering through it is not."
"Women in their 60s who've not been on hormones, is it safe to start now? No."
"You will be a menopausal woman for the rest of your life. That one simple fact should change everything about the way you think about menopause."
"There has never before in the history of humankind been an education on menopause available to women that is easily accessible and easily understandable."
"So these three diseases are the most important aspects of post-menopause which constitutes the entire second half of your life."
"Not even the best diet and the best lifestyle habits in the world can prevent menopause. It's not a punishment, it's a gift."
"'If you had symptoms during the perimenopausal period and were having hot flashes, you're likely to have hot flashes that continue after the final menstrual period.'"
"'Women are spending about a third, maybe even a little bit more, of their life as post-menopausal women.'"
"'Hot flashes are associated with heart disease and osteoporosis.'"
"What we have done is said wait a minute, we think menopause deserves a specialty."
"When you're working with a menopause specialist, you're ahead of the game."
"Enjoy the metamorphosis. Everything in life is a process and when it comes to menopause, there are huge cultural differences in attitudes about it."
"HRT is safe, it can be started early, it can be started in the perimenopause."
"The truth is perimenopause and menopause are natural."
"Here's what I found. I found nothing. Almost nothing was there as far as menopause weight gain inflammation. But then I kept seeing this theme inflammation, inflammation, inflammation."
"The years after menopause have already been some of the very best of my life."
"The more we realize how many symptoms of menopause are actually within our power to control."
"You can't stop menopause but you can focus on controlling what you can control."
"DIM can alleviate menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of estrogen-related health problems."
"Menopause is not a sickness. You just stop making eggs. So your ovaries don't make eggs anymore."
"I wish I'd have been more diligent prior to menopause starting to begin my strength training then to prevent loss of some of that lean mass."
"It's a journey and the beautiful thing about it is if you don't get to reverse the menopause, the beautiful thing is that you get to be healthier."
"The estrogen window of opportunity refers to a limited period of time in early post menopause when taking estrogen replacement can prevent or reverse some of the life-threatening diseases that are associated with menopause."
"There are three Biggie's that you can almost entirely prevent if you take estrogen replacement during your estrogen window: heart attack, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease."
"We have to normalize the messiness of menopause."
"If you want to talk about menopause, don't go to a 50-year-old man, come to some 50-year-old women that have gone through it."
"Menopause itself actually just means cessation of the menstrual cycle; it's completely natural and healthy."
"Menopause can be really a positive time in your life."
"Menopause is basically when they don't have a period for 12 months later in life."
"Symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal dryness, weight gain."
"The only two species on planet Earth that go through menopause are female humans and killer whales."
"Menopause hormones, women's health, it's such a huge issue."
"Menopause represents a situation in which you've outlived your ovaries and the hormones they produce."
"I feel that menopause seemed to be a dirty taboo word... I think that it should be celebrated; we're entering a new chapter of our life."
"Bone density being a big factor that starts to really decrease with menopause."
"Insulin resistance really starts to go up with menopause as well."
"Our protein needs really go up after menopause too."
"We're taking the stigma, shame, and anxiety out of experiencing menopause."
"Menopause is part of midlife, but midlife is far more than just menopause."
"When I say menopause, I mean from 35 until death... we are so much more than just hot flashes."
"A later age of menopause is associated with a higher breast cancer risk."
"If you are fairly young and if you haven't gone through menopause yet, you have a better chance of healing."
"Women have been going through menopause since the beginning of women. Since there were women, there has been menopause. Your body is supposed to do this."
"We spend a third of our lives on our menopause journey."
"Hopefully this will get you started on your menopause journey and give you some good solid evidence-based ways for you to stay healthy during this phase of your life."
"As women, we encounter various health issues during both pre and postmenopausal periods; fasting is a simple, easy, free tool that you can utilize to have major health improvements in your life."
"If you are suffering symptoms of menopause, there are options; talk to your doctor."
"Sometimes there are no quick fixes; this education is not about learning how to get a quick fix, it's about learning how to logically manage your menopause in the way that's best for you."
"Menopause is not just an end, it's a new beginning."
"Women during the change of life can find all of a sudden they're more tearful."
"Women who have female family members who went through a natural menopause at an early age are also at increased risk of going through an early menopause."
"We're making it our mission to start an open and frank conversation about the menopause."
"Menopause is when our periods stop and officially you have to be a year after your last period."
"I'm Paula B, I'm your best middle-aged fitness friend, and around here we are all making peace with your menopausal body by finding a healthy weight and moving in ways that feel like love."
"Menopause is in many ways the same thing as puberty in reverse."
"Exercise touches almost every single domain that is affected by menopause."
"Going into menopause with that strong foundation of exercise... it's not just cardio, resistance training helps with your balance so you're less likely to fall."
"What people need to learn is the first line therapy for menopause is transdermal estradiol."
"If you're 45 years or older and you're having hot flashes, you're having vaginal dryness, you're having irregular periods, it's not a mystery; we're expecting it to happen."
"The average age of onset for the menopause transition is 45."
"If you're someone suffering with hot flashes, if you're someone who is at high risk for osteoporosis, if you're someone who's struggling with depression in the menopause transition, menopausal hormone therapy appears to be a very very safe option."
"If you have menopause before the age of 45, we do recommend everybody take hormones regardless of symptoms until at least the average age of menopause."
"Supporting women during the menopause not only helps an organization with their staffing and their turnover but it also shows that to their people that they really care about them."
"The gold standard for menopause and perimenopausal treatment is sex hormones."
"Women continue the cycle of ovulation and menstruation until they reach menopause."
"Is it possible to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis after menopause? Absolutely."
"The biggest misconception about menopause is that it's just hot flashes."
"It's very important to take care of our bodies... especially for women after their menopause, training helps them a lot."
"The menopause isn't just about symptoms; it's about a long-term female hormone deficiency."
"And around here, we are all about making peace with your menopausal body by finding a healthy weight and moving in ways that feel like self-love!"
"Menopause brought so many things, I call menopause the great body snatcher, she just takes everything she wants and she does not believe in returns."
"If it isn't hot, I've got symptoms... symptoms of the Big M."
"For majority of women with fibroids, by the time they enter menopause, those fibroids begin to shrink."
"It has to be destigmatized; the shame has to be taken out of menopause."
"It's quite common for women going through menopause to experience these symptoms."
"Soy products are beneficial both for men and women, both before and after menopause."
"Speak to your doctor about what you can do to help protect your health during and after menopause."
"Progesterone is the real needle mover for menopause."
"Women that adopt health-promoting diet lifestyle habits on average have substantially less secondary effects from menopause."
"Nutrition is absolutely key to reversing menopause weight gain."
"The key to reversing menopause fat gain and actually getting fat loss is thinking about nourishing your body."
"Let me tell you something, that menopause, when she steps into your life, she gonna take it all away from you."
"Living a good clean healthy lifestyle can help us get through menopause and the rest of our life."