
Advantage Quotes

There are 5380 quotes

"We have a very specific survival advantage in having a menopause."
"Charge forward confidently; the situation, seen or unseen, is in your favor."
"We've forgotten the importance and the advantage of having a family-run restaurant."
"The world is changing too fast, so it's not easy to turn your entire worldview upside down, inside out, even if it gives you a 10 or 100x advantage over the traditional view."
"The faster that you can stop believing that it's not real and just realize that something that you're doing all the time then you can use it to your advantage."
"Force multiplier firearms and things aside, the ability for the individual soldier to notice something and take advantage of it in the moment."
"The way you make hard things easy is you stack the deck in your favor; you don't try and play with a disadvantage."
"In the context of entrepreneurship, ADHD can be a severe advantage, quite possibly a superpower."
"I'm really not sure if the enemies are ever going to catch up to me because I'm way ahead of them right now."
"I think it shaped me a lot, you know, I think that not having a lot at a young age is a very big advantage."
"It's going to deeply affect everything you do... why handicap yourself when you can use it to your advantage instead?"
"Negating an attack and gaining life points can be really, really strong."
"When you have the advance of striking first in an end game, it's very like C5 cuts all the communication of the black position here."
"Your disadvantages can become your best advantages."
"Maintaining your pristine decision-making abilities 100% of the time through this cycle...is going to be your biggest edge."
"Self-awareness is key, even when considering our advantages and the stories we tell ourselves."
"Through challenge comes change, through adversity becomes an advantage."
"It's a big advantage to grow up in a family that doesn't have a lot of money because if you have the unconditional love of two parents and you know you have to do something with your life by yourself, it's a big advantage."
"Your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages."
"The world will always take advantage of you if you don't develop a self-love system whereby you can release yourself from the trauma and from the bondage of mistakes made and things done."
"America has the best hand ever dealt of any country on this planet today, ever."
"I can see forever being able to see every single secret room for the entire floor is an insanely powerful ability."
"If you understand the system, you can use it to your advantage. If you don't, it is going to screw you over."
"White is now up a pawn, and I believe completely winning."
"You're literally just completely invulnerable to damage while this thing is up."
"If you played Disc Priest, you're having the best time ever because you double dip on almost every ability that's been added to the game."
"Failure teaches you things you don't learn from success. This is a unique competitive advantage you have right now."
"Pot of Greed allows you to draw two cards from your deck with no restrictions, no costs, no once per turn, and no downsides."
"Every dumb culture war actually cuts in Trump's favor."
"What a phenomenal advantage it is to not be alone in a survival situation."
"Spider-Man's spider-sense... is the one thing that makes him more successful than virtually any other character out there."
"It's better to be lucky than good. It's better to be both lucky and good."
"If you're at least aware of any problem, trust me, you are already a step ahead of a lot of people."
"The hidden abilities within you, once unlocked, won't allow you to stop bullets with your finger, and you won't be able to fly off into the night like Superman, but you will be able to gain an unfair advantage over 99% of the people on this planet."
"The sooner you can get clarity, the sooner you have an edge on everybody else."
"Pot of Desires... allows you to draw two cards on top of your deck, making it an instant plus one in terms of card advantage."
"It's easy to take advantage when there's lack of education. When you have education, you're going to use your smarts against somebody who doesn't. That's your up."
"Our big payoff, the card that just kind of closes out the game, is Tendershoot Dryad."
"You're a clockman, remember? Time is always on your side."
"Being able to have a third person perspective is probably about as close to a superpower as you can get."
"The turbine gives you a lot of power advantages."
"Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical."
"This is everything they should have taught us in school, and it's pretty simple. If you understand this, you will have a huge advantage in life."
"In a game where you can get only a limited amount of units... the ability to generate units out of thin air is kind of overpowered."
"This is a big win for Slanesh in the backfield because Slanesh is going to be getting a ton of freebies."
"When you're up a piece, that's exactly what you want."
"Pocket aces here guys, the best hand in no limit hold'em for Jesse."
"What can they do when I got that PC tech on him playing scoo bro? What can they do?"
"The fact that they don't understand yet is opportunity."
"It draws cards so it's its card advantage more ways than one."
"Fascists have the advantage in spreading misinformation at high volume."
"The left can use that frame in our language to our advantage."
"Whatever it is you do and make sure to take advantage of those psychological back doors."
"Hope is a perk that will make you run seven percent faster when all generators are completed for 120 seconds."
"Alert: great perk that helps you make better decisions."
"Dead Hard: This perk essentially gives you an extra hitpoint."
"There's something incredibly satisfying about finding an item that allows you to breeze through hordes of enemies."
"Spook is good because it masks your walking, so if you're behind someone they don't really know you're there and they just kind of stand there."
"Every little advantage in the NFL is a real thing."
"Rapidity is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness."
"Building a home lab is going to be a huge advantage."
"Every midlaner scales insanely off of levels. You get solo minion exp, meaning you unlock your abilities first and win trades with a level advantage."
"The more information you have, often the better off you will be."
"The ability to change your mind with a better argument is sort of an advantage."
"Our community gives us a huge advantage over those players."
"Reach advantage is only an advantage if you actually use it."
"I think g2 has a significant edge personally."
"Luck is on your side, but there's something curious."
"Books are a cheat code, maybe not as good of a cheat code as Newton."
"We have an unfair advantage because we are here early."
"The thing is, like, I feel like Ludwig and Typical Gamer kind of had a leg up already. We needed to humble them a little bit."
"You're more adaptable and that's a pretty big plus."
"You're getting over on him at the least if it's not stealing, you know what I mean?"
"Being able to write well, it really is a superpower."
"Sprained ankles: underrated. You can milk it."
"You just put yourself in the most powerful position ever."
"Myth number fifty-four: you can automatically win a 1v1 if you have Kitsune, shark, anchor, and sangu AR. Bomb trap him, slam him. Myth true."
"This is a good position, this is a good position."
"Talk to a senior before you begin your journey because that is going to give you an unfair Advantage."
"Anything that adds to your AC is a good thing."
"Vancouver Titans caught that one advantage and they just gripped it."
"It's definitely safe to say gaming setups do make you better in Fortnite."
"Understanding what perceived value is and kind of how to use that to your advantage is a huge benefit."
"But what if I told you that the laws actually work in your favor?"
"It's like there are actual hidden Pathways that these people are taking advantage of to get the drop on you."
"You have all the ammo you need. When you have all the ammo, you win."
"In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
"This thing is rigged in our favor completely rigged in our favor if we hook up with God's heart for this generation we cannot lose."
"I thought I was still in an okay spot because of that prophetic bolt."
"And if you have that belief that got us with you then it's it gives you a leg up for sure."
"Tactics: Forcing sequences of moves to gain advantage."
"Humanity's superpower over other animals is cooperation."
"It's about how can we manipulate the system to work for us."
"If you're picking the right tight end, you will have a week-to-week advantage."
"You can trust any promise they make and you can sort of use that to your advantage."
"Definitely take advantage of that and you'll have a bit of an experience edge over other people once you do hit 70."
"Knowledge is what gives us leverage in life."
"We're back up by two possessions almost instantly."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"DK can accidentally win a lot because his Advantage is insane."
"You should have auto deploy parachute turned off. This is going to allow you to get to the ground before other enemies do which is going to give you a huge advantage during the early game."
"Blasting is gonna blast you ahead of everyone else."
"If you're a blue side, then you just get that level asap and just look for a play."
"Whenever you're at your strongest, that's when you should make plays."
"I mean, you're assuming and he has top priors, so I'm like yeah he's going to go top mark for free."
"Perks are a huge advantage...they allow us to outplay a little bit more and win gunfights."
"If you have both a legendary cloak and the garish weapon... you're just going to tear through the leveling content."
"This new summoning technique will give you the advantage."
"What's better than being good is being different."
"I think Europe is definitely advantaged coming into this."
"Your weirdness is your competitive advantage. No one can beat you at being you."
"Some people think I look like a dude and that helps."
"I think you get the idea that this guy pretty much is an insta win once you get it."
"Forget Me Not can use this power to his advantage in a huge way in the right circumstances in one case he's even able to dupe all of X-Force..."
"Tesla's supercharger network is one of their biggest advantages."
"Go to the higher ground because that's where the advantage is and don't let other people get the higher ground over you."
"It's not about seizing the enemy's position, it's about seizing the most beneficial position on the battlefield itself."
"Are you kidding? What a freaking team! Oh, one signing has been made, Pino is going the other way around and on top of it, 118 million for the main man of Real Madrid right now, Vinicius Jr."
"We have played in a campaign where the sorcerer was basically rolling advantage on every single attack roll ability check and saving throw they made so that every single spell they cast was triggering a wild magic surge, it was awesome."
"Jan puts his knight on c5 so the bishop has to chop, and Jan's got a very nice advantage."
"The balance of advantage seems to be clearly shifting towards the Russians."
"Just by understanding the very basics of this, you are going to automatically be better than 90% of the traders out there."
"It feels like you're actually up a lot of pawns."
"We're two up and in the ultimate driver seat right here."
"London Spitfire had the upper hand at every twist and turn."
"The graveyard strategy, you see, if a deck is capable of interacting with or using the graveyard in some way, that usually gives a strategy a huge advantage."
"If your deck can use the graveyard well, you're going to have a big advantage against Decks that can't."
"We have something the enemy does not: Heroes."
"A first goal here, an opening goal for Tom, surely puts me in the driver's seat."
"Fortunately in this particular department they had something of an advantage."
"Whoever's best at utilizing any of the tools that present themselves is probably your front runner for this event."
"A good education gives your child a head start in life."
"In terms of investments, the edge is knowledge."
"This kind of card draw can be absolutely absurd."
"Block Dragon allows you to turn all of those materials in the graveyard into extra advantage both on the field and adding those two cards to your hand."
"The best of both worlds: a situation in which you have the advantages of two very different things."
"He's got a supernatural advantage over the kind of knowledge any human would be able to obtain."
"What a mechanical gifted player! But it's gonna be huge for Team Mia, no Layla and that's gonna be a little bit of a winning Factor."
"There is no other Kyle Pitts... he can be a cheat code."
"Pitts is the one guy that could be the tight end cheat code this year."
"Negotiate this week and you'll end up with so much more than you'd normally expect."
"If Zane uses the drone and clone technology at the same time, it's like having three players shooting simultaneously."
"In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
"Invincibility is undeniably a great powerup."
"Having expensive tastes could give you the edge even during a revolution."
"Education plays a very important role in our life. If you have good education, it's an advantage."
"Free up your time... that's your secret advantage."
"Every real professional looks at the market and says you can't escape advantage of it."
"To be able to despair is an infinite advantage..."
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't."
"All it takes is a bit of cheating and you can get your way too. Let's bloody go!"
"The Jack of all trades tends to win the one-on-one battles."
"In a situation like that, having a high-capacity autoloader... would have been a very good thing to have."
"Fortune favors the bold, and luckily for you, Buccaneers and Pirate Republics have a clear advantage."
"I feel like you can't see it, so it definitely gets plus points for that."
"Firing a better round than your opponent does give you something of an advantage."
"Even if you have two evenly matched units charging into each other and one has javis and one doesn't, if the one that has javis gets his javi toss, they will win."
"Tools of the Trade: Catapulistic if you got hovering kite."
"Understanding the science behind stocks can give you a big advantage as an investor."
"If you educate yourself with the resources and the tools and the technology of your time, it's always an advantage."
"When you have a get out of jail free card, why not abuse it?"
"Knowing these tactics can still give an individual some form of advantage with regards to awareness."
"The most dangerous thing on the battlefield is a man with a radio who knows how to use it."
"Vex already had a great time playing into Sylas before his base health nerf."
"Early bird gets the worm or in this case the freeway it is."
"In order for you to be a producer, you have to understand how to use these Technologies to your advantage."
"The most valuable thing you can have in this game is numbers Advantage."
"In the land of the blind, one-eyed man is king."
"It's a cheat code. I swear to God, it's a cheat code."
"Mike Sexton always has home court advantage on the World Poker Tour."
"You have the time on your side, you have the income on your side."
"Black already is much better now. You will bring your queen and your rooks in. Black's got an amazing position."
"If you have a cheat code in life, take the cheat code."
"I felt like the little bit that kicked CLG over the edge for the victory was the amount of time these players have played together."
"Having a versatile tight end you can neutralize the defense's best pass rusher is incredibly advantageous for the offense."
"Working with your ancestors is literally your cheat code."
"Some of us have the cheat codes in this game called life—your ancestors are your lifeline."
"The guy thinks the game from up top and that's why they're always a step ahead of everybody else."
"Any little edge we can get manpower recovery is gonna make a big difference."
"Market downturns steal from the unprepared and give to the prepared."
"The more you play, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more of an edge you have against your competition."
"The Originals always have advantages to exploit."
"You are going to realize something quite super significant when it comes to the actual advantage."
"The hill is always going to be the better option."
"Lying would do you a lot of good if you're the culprit."
"Tactics allow somebody to reverse a positional disadvantage and make it into a positional advantage."
"Hard Bargain: buying and selling prices at vendors are much better."
"What kind of casino is this? He's just giving them to us."
"Once you get to the front, you're gonna want to use that bit of power to squirt, squirt it and keep moving forwards."
"It's about using equipment and field modifications to your advantage to turn sniping into your favor."
"It's almost unfair when you're not only taking advantage of hitting balls around the block but then finding that tiny hole."
"In these situations, the Legions had a clear advantage."
"Two more points, ma'am, a nine-point lead has opened up for deep cuts."
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism, which can be used to great advantage in relationships."
"The meticulous work of Ukrainian intelligence identified entire ammunition factories, giving Ukraine a huge advantage."
"A slight advantage is where you're going to be the same in one of the triangles but you're going to have an advantage in another triangle."
"The game is skewed towards T1 but nothing is free."
"Someone who is able to communicate a complicated idea clearly or to illustrate a nuanced idea with an easy-to-understand metaphor is someone with a huge advantage."
"Uncertainty is your friend if you're an investor."
"Guiding Bolt deals 4d6 radiant damage and awards advantage to the next ally that attacks the target."