
Chronic Disease Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"People who had increased happiness scores, positivity, a good sense of humor. Their longevity was increased even when they were living with chronic disease."
"Nutrition is the bedrock, the foundation of all human health and all human chronic disease and all human optimization."
"Chronic inflammation is the root cause of a lot of different kinds of serious chronic diseases."
"We've seen an explosion of chronic disease and obesity in this country."
"Insulin is the bad guy in the story, and when you understand insulin and insulin resistance, you understand all of these chronic metabolic diseases."
"Poverty increases your risk for mental illness and chronic disease."
"We were about to witness the most extraordinary explosion of chronic disease in human history."
"It's the inflammation that we don't see, that we can't feel, that's causing all the chronic diseases that we see today: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression."
"By tapping into those fat stores and decreasing our visceral fat, we are actually increasing our longevity, decreasing the risk of chronic disease."
"We don't have a pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes. We don't have a pharmaceutical treatment for hypertension. The point is that, you know, we can talk about reversing the underlying disease process by lifestyle interventions."
"Food is the cause of most chronic diseases, and it's the cure for most chronic diseases."
"We now have the science and technology and medicine to upgrade your biological software and reverse chronic disease."
"Without inflammation in the body, there is no chronic disease."
"Carbon offsets are useful if they pay for projects that wouldn't happen otherwise."
"Almost all chronic diseases are driven by nutrient deficiency and toxicity."
"95 percent of chronic diseases are food-related."
"We can end this chronic disease epidemic once and for all."
"Detoxification can save the big picture and bring chronic diseases down."
"We have the highest chronic disease rate of any country."
"Reduced risk of a lot of chronic diseases, if not all of them."
"Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes - all can be reversed."
"Chronic disease management isn't healthcare; it's just not health care."
"We can reverse a lot of these chronic diseases... that's a revelation."
"Eating a plant-based diet not only helps control your blood glucose and diabetes but also reduces your chronic disease risk overall."
"The underlying theme here is nutritional ketosis prevents chronic diseases."
"Vegans have lower levels of chronic disease."
"I think that we have to keep an open mind about treating the disease of obesity just like we look at other chronic diseases."
"The Inuits were resistant to cancer and other chronic diseases, likely due to their ketogenic diets."
"Life expectancy stalled since 2010, chronic diseases on the rise."
"I became aware of this beginnings this hypothesis that chronic inflammation was the root cause of a lot of different kinds of serious chronic diseases and that just fascinated me."
"We empowered me to really focus on the real solutions for chronic disease."
"Put hyperinsulinemia at the center of chronic disease and get everyone looking."
"Seed oils are the single greatest driver of chronic disease in humans."
"The industrial seed oils are the primary drivers of obesity, diabetes, and most all of our chronic disease."
"The system wants us to think it's complex, but if we got ourselves into this chronic disease mess in 50 to 75 years, clearly it's not that complicated."
"Chronic disease isn't getting better, it's getting worse. Life expectancy isn't getting longer, it's getting shorter."
"Insulin resistance: the root cause of chronic modern disease."
"It addresses the most common misconceptions people have about eating a plant based diet."
"The solution to stopping the progression of chronic kidney disease may lie in the produce market, produce aisle rather than the pharmacy aisle."
"Insulin resistance is the Sentinel problem in all of these chronic metabolic diseases."
"Of the people who died... it was clearly the chronic disease that was killing them... we have an epidemic of that in this country that makes Covid look like a cakewalk."
"We lose probably 2500 to 3,000 people from chronic disease every day... totally preventable."
"We have the highest health care bills on the planet and the worst outcomes of any industrial nation. It's bankrupting us. 80 percent of that is from chronic disease."
"Listen, unless you're getting a knee replaced or a hip replaced or you've had a heart attack, most chronic disease management requires you to be active in your care."
"Senent cells accumulate during aging and chronic disease and clearance of the senent cells alleviate several age-related pathologies in mice."
"We're suffering an epidemic of common chronic diseases."
"We now spend 3.8 trillion dollars a year as a nation in managing our chronic disease burden and not one of those dollars goes to produce health. It's managing the disease."
"Dietary interventions focused on reducing processed carbohydrates and ensuring sufficient animal products show great promise in eliminating some of this chronic disease burden."
"Nothing reduces human productivity more than chronic disease. Nothing costs more money than chronic disease. Nothing impairs the quality of living as much as chronic disease, and nothing kills more people than chronic disease."
"...my most favorite exercise... studying the optimization of health and the elimination of chronic disease."
"I don't know any diet to this day that has, in my eyes, that people I know in front of me reverse chronic disease with any diet other than vegan or whole food plant-based diet."
"...the degradation of the microbiome over time is so correlated with poor health outcomes and with chronic disease."
"Life expectancy in the UK certainly has stalled since 2010, and the burden of chronic disease as in healthy life expectancy is not improving."
"It is well-documented that plant-based diets reduce the risk of chronic disease."
"We have never had such a high amount of chronic disease as we do today. Life expectancy is declining for the first time in the history of humanity."
"...prostate cancer should really be thought of more as a chronic disease than a death sentence."
"Addiction is a chronic disease that changes last very long."
"High PUFA body fat is the best explanation for our modern epidemics of chronic disease and obesity."
"Insulin resistance causes inflammation, weight gain, and is the main driver of chronic disease."
"We have to change our thinking surrounding obesity to recognize it's a chronic disease."
"Chronic disease will disappear, and I think it's possible for us to do if we have the will to do it."
"Approximately 80 percent of chronic disease and premature death could be prevented."
"I think the future is really going to be changing cancer from a fatal disease to a chronic disease."
"All these things, these chronic diseases of modern society, are improvable if not reversible by eating a proper human diet."
"In my view, it is the most powerful intervention out there that you can do for chronic disease."
"I'm looking at this right now and seeing he has Xanax, he has dyslipidemia, he has coronary artery disease - these are chronic conditions."
"We discuss diet and nutrition and how this affects health and chronic disease, and show you how you can use this to optimize your health and happiness, both mentally and physically."
"Bronchial asthma, chronic inflammatory airway disease."
"The commonest cause of death of a patient with chronic kidney disease isn't that they end up on dialysis; it's cardiovascular disease."
"We empower people to find better health and to overcome chronic disease through whole food plant-based nutrition."
"Anemia of chronic disease is to hide iron away from the serum where bacteria could potentially get it."
"Both animal-based diets and plant-based diets can lead to reversal of chronic disease."
"Most diseases that are chronic diseases are inflammatory diseases."
"It's a fun disease to treat because you get to know the people really well."
"It's no secret that there are the foods that people and populations have been eating for thousands of years without being plagued by the chronic diseases that are running rampant in the modern world."
"Children of low birth weights... are at more risk of becoming obese, developing heart disease, developing diabetes, developing stroke."
"Chronic diseases... are a result of insulin resistance."
"We can eat to defend ourselves against conditions like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune conditions, dementia, and even cancer."
"This is actually, I think, one of the maybe the only chronic disease that we can cure."
"If a plant-based diet was a pharmaceutical drug, it would be a trillion dollar drug because it's a medication that can reverse practically all chronic disease."
"86 percent of the 3.8 trillion dollars that we spend in health care costs are due to chronic diseases that can often be prevented or even reversed."
"A clinical exercise physiologist is a healthcare professional who has special training to work with patients and individuals with chronic diseases."
"One of the most powerful alternatives to medications for chronic disease management is lifestyle change."
"We've been eating meat for what, three million years as a human species. What other animal on the planet that has been eating meat its entire existence gets chronic disease? None."
"I really feel like when it comes to chronic disease you have to know about diet, lifestyle, nutrition."
"Chronic disease accounts for 70% of all deaths in the US, the vast majority are preventable."
"Belly fat is a real concern when it comes to risk of chronic disease."
"By and large, the obesity crisis and chronic disease is largely caused by just simply eating too much food."
"People with pre-diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."
"Our chronic phase patients are achieving very durable responses, with a close to 90 percent five year survival."
"It's a chronic disease with excellent prognosis when folks are compliant."
"Disease doesn't start with the big things like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's, kidney disease. Disease begins with the little things."
"We've turned this into a really chronic disease and also a preventable disease."
"Chronic disease is caused by two things and two things only: number one, your body's missing something that it needs, or number two, it's exposed to something that it doesn't need."
"Doctors don't get taught about how food plays a role in chronic disease to cause it or conversely how food is the most powerful tool we have to cure chronic disease."
"By the year 2030, we're talking 47 trillion dollars associated with chronic disease."
"Exercise is a really important part of dealing with it long term."
"We know lifestyle medicine improves these chronic lifestyle-related diseases."
"You will develop chronic disease and you will age faster if you don't have these protective compounds in your body on a daily basis."
"Your environment, your food, your exercise, your stress, your chemicals, your emotional everything... that's what's going to impact whether you get a chronic disease or not."
"The best way to treat chronic disease is to create health."