
Accessibility Quotes

There are 18184 quotes

"The capacity to create quiet and calm and mindfulness is available to every single human, period."
"The intrinsic practice is about cultivating a collection of tools based on science, philosophy, and spirituality to enhance one's wellness and happiness, accessible to all, without any commercial barriers."
"This breathing technique brings you right into the deepest part of physiology, anybody can do it."
"Everyone should have some relationship to the physical world and their physical body, regardless of abilities."
"We are shifting into a revolutionary period of time in our society where you have information vast amounts of information at your fingertips."
"Accessible marketing matters because it allows all users, regardless of diagnosis or disability, to fully engage and to fully access brands' content, their products, and their experiences."
"You don't have to be a millionaire to read books. You don't have to be a billionaire to read books. You don't have to have a special last name to read books."
"The self-driving technology has the potential to make it very available and cheaper for more people to be able to move around."
"It's not accessibility inclusion; it's a philosophy. Accessibility is a mindset."
"It's just a question of, do you know how to access it? Happiness can be a choice."
"Preserving games isn't about locking them away; it's about preserving access to games."
"The science that comes back from it... is going to be made freely available."
"Changing the habit is actually much harder but accessible to everyone, doesn't require any money, doesn't require any special software."
"It is making big material differences in the way that people with disabilities access copyrighted Works."
"My book is really the science and philosophy of consciousness, and I tried to make it as accessible as possible."
"Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were born with it."
"The stock market is still the most accessible wealth-building tool that the majority of people have access to."
"At its core, Overwatch 2 is a competitive game, so it's important that for the core systems and competitive system to be as intuitive and accessible as possible."
"Twilight Struggle, it's a real-life board game, and apparently, has a really well-done digital version. Just like the board game, it feels like there's a lot of kind of crap on the screen, but I can't... it's not that complicated to play. Hard to play right, but not hard to play."
"The American dream is getting further and further out of reach."
"The future of education... is like the best lectures possible about every topic conceivable produced in the best manner possible for everyone."
"The beautiful thing about meditation is that it is something that anyone can do."
"If you like strategy games, it's pretty cool, and I don't even think you really need to like Minecraft to play this game. I think it stands on its own."
"Your happiness is with you at any time that you wish to experience it."
"We should be making it easier to vote, not harder."
"I think there is a real user need to have, to be able to use computers easily."
"Suddenly, everyone's an artist, and you can be too, all you need is a phone and access to the internet."
"The default dance... really gives it the edge is the value; it's free, so that's an automatic 10 out of 10 for the value score."
"The problem was, people with disabilities were having a very difficult time, if not an impossible time, trying to grab a pair of these."
"If you don't suffer from any physical disability, try to use at least one of your fingers to search my channel and to search Google Scholar."
"If you make good content and believe in yourself, you should have some place people can find you."
"We tried to reverse engineer a whiskey for people that may not love whiskey... it's an approachable drink that truthfully I love."
"His content has not only entertained but educated, making the intricate world of fighting games open and approachable to all."
"Inclusive design is concerned about not putting up unnecessary barriers for people to use your product."
"The transportation community has failed the disability community over and over again."
"Just because you have the ability to purchase healthcare, it doesn't mean that you actually have access to it."
"We live in a wonderful world where people can learn about things that typically they never read about or maybe they'd have to wait 20 years."
"Functionality is key and accessibility is what we're going for."
"This painting does require a bit of drawing, but for those of you who are not very interested in drawing or just want to paint along, I will also have the line art available on my coffee shop."
"Using only your voice, you can start programs, open menus, click buttons and other objects on your screen, dictate text into documents and write, send emails—just about anything you do with your keyboard and mouse can be done with only your voice."
"We're gonna be able to live anywhere that we want and be able to feel like we are present with the people and the jobs and opportunities that we want to have access to anywhere we want."
"This is so good, and you don't have to wait for the holidays. You can have tamales whenever you want."
"Residents have access to all their daily needs within a five-minute walk... and the line's infrastructure makes it possible to travel end to end in 20 minutes."
"I wanted to offer education to people who were unable to afford it."
"We should make it as accessible and easy as possible for every single American to vote."
"It should be an obscenity that any American has to wait in line for hours to cast their ballot."
"Being able to support companies making sustainable options more accessible is a really good thing."
"Economics is everywhere around us, it’s easy to access and it comes with a set of tools that you get better and better at using."
"God's word is not so hard that you've got to send someone above the heavens to go find it for you or through the seas to go and get it for you, God's word is in your own heart."
"Healthcare should be of the people, for the people, by the people."
"We do have a lot of evidence that trans people have been begging and screaming for medical care like this to be accessible."
"No matter who you are or where you live, we're here to support you."
"The tower is only really accessible at low tide and it was built in 1926 as a stairway down to the beach for one of the residents."
"If you want to serve the public, you are stripped of all your access other than doing your job."
"Deep learning should be accessible to as many people as possible without fussing around with infrastructure."
"All the major breakthroughs in AI in the next twenty years will be doable on a single GPU."
"Every piece of knowledge you could possibly want is now available for free on YouTube."
"The vast amount of humanistic inquiry of art and music and literature and architecture, throughout virtually every humanistic domain, are not only accessible to but are made for the enjoyment and illumination of human beings everywhere and anywhere."
"This is such a powerful new tool in iOS 15 for accessibility."
"Magnifier is a welcome full-time addition to iOS."
"Accessibility is just here, and it's here to stay."
"Accessibility has indeed become a hot topic over the past few years, as more and more companies look to lower the barrier to entry for players with disabilities."
"The Last of Us stands as one of the most impressive examples, with massive tweaks available to visuals, sound, and gameplay."
"Learning has always been core to our mission of organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful."
"Your experience isn't affected one iota by the presence of a difficulty slider."
"There's a lot of people that actually have debilitating injuries, disabilities that prevent them from playing certain video games."
"Microsoft's dedication to accessibility was highlighted in its 2019 Superbowl commercial, showcasing its adaptive Xbox controller."
"It's not about adding cheats; accessibility controls are beneficial for everyone."
"Treat this as Finance for dummies, and I'm one of the dummies."
"Accessibility gets some big updates this time around."
"There's also a vest that deaf people can wear that translates in-game sound effects into vibrations too. That's really cool."
"Constant availability has shaped the way we experience relationships with each other."
"Everyone can and should have access to great learning experiences."
"Accessibility is just extreme design; it's just really good design."
"Highlighting excellence works. Highlighting excellence in accessibility."
"Accessibility does not exist in contradistinction to anyone's creative vision, but rather it is an essential aspect of any experience you wish to be enjoyed by the greatest number of humans as possible."
"Accessibility settings aren’t just useful for disabled people. I think a good suite of settings can offer a quality of life improvement even for people who don’t inherently need them."
"We can't live in a free world where privacy is a privilege. Privacy has to be a right; it has to be accessible to everyone."
"Every Christian should have direct access to the Bible. They should be able to read it for themselves."
"Accessibility is the part of the iPhone that's designed to ensure that everyone, regardless of their personal ability or needs, can get the most out of their iPhone."
"This is one of those accessibility functions that most people I speak to have absolutely no idea about, and yet it feels like some kind of magic."
"Live Text is something I find extremely helpful."
"Social media... you can kind of like access the people on your own."
"One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch... was kind of one of the first books that made the daunting topic of stock market investing actually understandable for anyone."
"That kind of makes sense... a public restroom by the... or the parking lot."
"I think anyone, at any time, can step into absolutely any book and fall in love with it."
"The goal of the Sounds True Foundation is to provide access and eliminate financial barriers to transformational education and resources."
"This is probably the single or one of the single easiest builds to play with in the game."
"AI done correctly, everyone should be able to have a tutor in their phone on any topic."
"It's a great question... in the president's American Jobs Plan, he's proposed to expand universal broadband access across the country to urban and rural areas."
"Bitcoin, you could just give property to five billion people."
"Therapy that you can have in the comfort of your own home."
"The best part about online therapy is how accessible your therapy sessions are."
"I wanted to find out what the key to learning good style was, because I believe that just like anyone can become a theorist, anyone can be a style icon."
"With Cash App, you can instantly invest in any stock with as little as one dollar."
"I'm writing for people like my daughter who knows that it's important, but she has other things that she'd rather do with her life than fixate on finances and investing."
"I want to make free content. So people all over the world, no matter what situation they're in economically, they get access to free high-quality education."
"Fasting is free to every single person on earth."
"How do you expand access to something and get the price down? A market works in everything."
"You should also be careful that the colors used have effective contrast, and work equally well when reduced to a black and white design."
"Your interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives."
"Honestly, the skincare collection that is available today, just at the drug store, even at gas stations from what I've seen, is so much better than even what I had when I first got into skincare."
"I was personally amazed how interesting the growing reality of conflict in space was as a topic—I found it amazing how relevant such an inaccessible realm is becoming to earthly geopolitics… again, I suppose."
"There's no reason why we can't give everybody unlimited free education as much as they want, as fast as they can have it."
"Even though the parks are closed, you can still catch performances of parades and fireworks from around the world."
"Disney Photopass has released complimentary photos of Magic Kingdom's Happily Ever After fireworks to download for free."
"I've always believed that accessibility is a core value of the Disney brand."
"BetterHelp is online therapy. If you want to talk to a therapist, BetterHelp is a great way to start."
"There's no reason we shouldn't be making more films. The technology has made filmmaking 98% cheaper than it was in 2000."
"It does not require Steam, and the license is also extremely permissive."
"Is it something I have to follow along with? Right? Is it a foreign movie? Kind yes, it is, but it's super accessible."
"The best camera is the one you have with you at the time."
"Our mission is to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available."
"History is not just for professional historians and professors, and it's not just for smug, self-appointed arbiters of culture and Hollywood movie stars. It is for all our citizens, or it should be." - George Allen, Governor of Virginia.
"Vampire Savior paved the way for a whole new subgenre, did it in ways to open up the door for new players without subtracting from people that are already entrenched in the genre."
"All you need is a cell phone and your brain, and you can go anywhere."
"It's very easy to write very complex things... but I love stuff that is simplifying; it makes it much more accessible."
"One of the priorities I will have is...eliminating the language barriers."
"The best thing that you can do from a sociological standpoint is improve people's ability to understand money and to access money."
"2 million people now have access to affordable health care thanks to the reopening of the special enrollment period."
"What we need to do is decrease the cost of education."
"We should ensure that anyone who doesn't feel comfortable in sex separated bathrooms...has easy access to a space where they do feel comfortable."
"The internet basically allowed anybody to put up news."
"We should be developing programming tools that are accessible to domain experts from non-technical domains."
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to be a programmer."
"They're the kind of thing that you can do walking to your car."
"The long sword is a powerful weapon offering incredible reach and mobility and thanks to a relatively simple moveset, it is also a very easy weapon to pick up."
"Programming is amazing and it's something that we should be making available to as many people as possible."
"Making this scan data open source and available to everyone is a really significant step."
"You don't need to have a computer science background or a computer science degree if you want to start learning programming."
"The world of social media has opened up opportunities that for many were previously impossible to obtain."
"If you make a good game and you want it available for everyone to play for years to come, make it open source."
"Whether you live in Kansas, whether you live in Missouri, whether you live in California or New York, the cost of care is often beyond that which families can afford."
"The book is written in such a fun and engaging way, and it's definitely highly accessible for people of any level of scientific training."
"Flossers are like reading glasses. You should have them everywhere."
"All people have a right to high-quality, non-judgmental, affordable healthcare."
"We want the ideas and insights we cover to be available for free to anyone, anytime they need them."
"We are living in an era where information is easily accessible, and we have more knowledge at our fingertips than ever before."
"You don't have to suffer in silence. Jesus is only one prayer away."
"Mental health care is so broken in this country it's failing to reach half the people who need it."
"Planned Parenthood provides so many other services that women are dependent on, services that they can get for free, services that cost a lot of money if you go to a conventional doctor."
"AI makes big budget quality more accessible, which means smaller studios and indie creators can create cutting-edge visuals without breaking the bank."
"We should be incentivizing young people to get into trades by making utility vehicles more accessible, not taxing them out of reach."
"Accessibility is great, but the accessibility without financial education can be dangerous."
"I really appreciate that services such as BetterHelp are there to help make mental health support more accessible."
"I always felt that if I was going to be a historian, it should not be for some tiny exclusive audience confined to ivory towers, whether in Oxford or Cambridge or Harvard."
"If you ever see me on the streets, don't be afraid to come up to me, we'll talk football."
"Remove barriers to practice, making it easy to sit down and actually do the thing you want to get better at."
"People in favor of universal easy modes want more people to enjoy more things."
"I believe that everybody can become a good breather, and these steps are free."
"If you're not going to face-to-face confrontation or talking about your feelings out loud, you're able to send a text and get a quick and thoughtful response from your therapist."
"I think if we could figure out a system to ensure all people have access to health care, that'd be awesome."
"The limitation was their inability, and not everyone has access to an instrument."
"I think it's a whole other conversation, right, like the way the legal system isn't really built to be accessible to people that don't have a lot of money."
"We will build a national broadband network infrastructure... to give access to fast and reliable internet to all Jamaicans anywhere in Jamaica."
"I've also added a doorway here, which lets you just enter into the greenhouse from the main hallway."
"The best things get better when more people have access and when more people are able to participate in the game."
"Food security is the ability to always have physical and financial access to enough food to meet one's dietary needs and lead a productive and healthy life."
"Japanese engineers decided to invent a new way to play badminton that is accessible to all people, even those with partial vision loss."
"Everybody deserves the right to defend themselves, regardless of their budget."
"We want to bring the house of the Lord even closer to our members."
"We want people to have more access to games, not less."
"You could still progress and see the content and finish the story if you play a couple of hours a week."
"We are committed to making technology accessible for everyone."
"It's not a small amount of work to remove an epilepsy trigger... it was marvelously professional of them to remove it as quickly as they did."
"The truth is, not everybody finds it easy to get somewhere."
"Stadia is about removing barriers for players to get to their favorite content and moments."
"A great education cannot be the exclusive right of the rich and powerful. It must be accessible to all."
"Founded by a group of college friends, Crunchyroll was set up to give access to every anime fan across the globe to the most East Asian video content possible."
"For decades, anime was an obscure and difficult to find form of art, but now it was being brought into the light. Everyone rejoiced."
"You can really meditate anywhere, anytime, anyplace. The more you can incorporate it into your daily life, the better."
"It's offering an opportunity to someone who would never have the chance."
"You don't need money, you don't need credit, you don't even need a college degree."
"For a superstar to be that chill and accessible, it almost never happens."
"It's a buy-to-play game with no subscription and no pay-to-win."
"Education should be a lifelong, self-directed process, available to anyone and everyone who is interested in it."
"This is the kind of no-brainer, fun audio purchase I think a lot of people can get behind because you don't have to be an audiophile or an expert in hi-fi to just enjoy it."
"You can absolutely learn this technology. You don't need a degree, you don't need to be a math genius, and you can learn this all for free."
"Therapy has never been more widespread, socially acceptable, or accessible."
"We intend to make things as accessible as possible for people who wish to make what-if scenarios about their favorite series."
"Anything life-saving, medicine or vaccine, should not be copyrighted and prevented from being reproduced elsewhere."
"I try to be as open and as accessible as possible because I just want everybody to know that I'm human."
"Every child, no matter where you are born, should have access to a college or trade school education."
"Developing a budget program that anyone could access...it's something that you can always go back and refer back to."
"I think there's a lot of people out there who don't have access to this knowledge... and what you're doing here really helps people like that."
"I'm going to make it very easy for any American citizen who can't afford it to go down to the local post office and get a passport ID."
"It has to be free. $100 is a high bar for 90% of the people in the world, and if I can't make this in a way that I can touch 100% of the people in the world, I'd consider myself a failure at that point."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are accessible to everyone now."
"The important thing here is that you can reach all the functions that you need to while driving without taking your hands off the wheel and without taking your eyes off the road."
"There is an absolute truth and this absolute truth is accessible to human beings."
"Public transit...an absolute necessity for low-income people to survive."
"I want you guys to be able to watch my videos and enjoy them without having to pay for them."
"It's one of the few 3D puzzle games out there that isn't explicitly for fans of the genre."
"Games should be approachable and enjoyable for everyone."
"This is an at-home adventure that you can pick up right now."
"It's not just gurus and really smart people doing this; normal people can do this every day."
"No one should have to use the command line to do what they want to do on their computer."
"Boxing is a unique sport where anybody, there's no barriers to enter."
"We need to provide child care all across this country, available for every parent, available, affordable, high-quality."
"Moving elections to weekends or holidays could help alleviate some of these issues."