
Anger Management Quotes

There are 1316 quotes

"It gives you a choice to decide whether it's worth being angry over this thing."
"I have the same anger as every single one of you, but I don't use that energy for anger."
"Does your anger actually help you? Does it serve where you want to go?"
"Be angry but sin not. He obviously knows you're going to be angry, but how are you going to deal with it?"
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."
"If you're able through mindfulness to interrupt this conversation and simply witness the feeling of anger as it arises you'll find that you can't be angry for more than a few moments at a time."
"Mindfulness... can become the difference between being angry all day long and being angry for ten seconds."
"But if anger is directed also towards ourselves, right, then it can serve as punishment too."
"Patience cures wrath by one first understanding the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking."
"Rage can be an incredibly effective tool channeled correctly, but channeled incorrectly, it just splashes around everywhere and nothing happens."
"The more you think about and understand anger, the easier it is to control it."
"Why did that make me feel so angry? Where did those thoughts come from? What really caused me to feel so troubled?"
"I think it's much more productive to understand the root of that anger rather than simply get angry with them in return."
"Healthy anger is a boundary defense. Suppressing healthy anger suppresses the immune system."
"This helped me with my anger management because, let me talk, this helped me with my management, and I found out through taking anger management courses that it's not anger I feel, it's hurt."
"If you're holding on to resentment and anger, that will influence your biology and your immune system."
"Everybody should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."
"Anger is a natural response to someone screwing with your human dignity."
"Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."
"One of the symptom criteria for BPD is intense anger or difficulty controlling anger."
"The anger of man worketh not the righteousness of God."
"One of the things that deals with anger is humility."
"Be angry and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath."
"If you're gonna be mad, put on a cape so you can be super mad."
"So first of all with anger is to see if you can avoid it. And if you can't avoid it and you're angry then learning how to distance yourself from that experience, so it can subside very quickly."
"I realized that underneath my anger was a deep insecurity about not feeling loved."
"Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath."
"He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who captures a city."
"If you want to overcome anger, imagine the other half of the paper. The mitigating factors, the things you admire in that person, the good parts."
"Anger clouds judgment; it is like holding a drinking poison expecting the other person to die."
"I needed to let go of my anger with certain individuals that I am working with and to focus on getting my vibration back in balance."
"You're gonna learn to manage your anger, you've got to realize the cost of uncontrolled anger because you're less likely to get angry if you remember that there's always a price tag for uncontrolled anger, it's very expensive."
"Anger is a symptom; it's easier to feel the anger instead of asking the question of why it's even there."
"Becoming a person that does not sin against God in your anger is to become a person that believes that vengeance really does belong to the Lord."
"Every man should be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."
"Everyone makes mistakes, why would we ever get angry at such a trivial matter?"
"We should all be angry at societal injustices... but the solution to that should be to work to rectify those injustices, not to scream and shout and be uncivil."
"Anger issues... that is a red glaring flag with sirens on it. You got to run."
"If you're angry about something, you don't act on your anger. You wait 24 hours, 48 hours before sending that email, before yelling at someone."
"Just because you're angry doesn't make the worst things you want to do right."
"Anger can be a power when it's channeled properly."
"A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves a thousand moments of regret."
"Anger leads to hate, and when you're being told that you should hate other people because they're different to you, it accomplishes nothing."
"Anger is a short-term high and it's a long-term low."
"I've always told her, don't ever make Phineas angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry."
"When he realized that his rage was going to ruin his relationship with Megan, and so he finally did something about it."
"Don't give in to anger; give in to love, empathy, and caring."
"Anger is a normal emotion that can be expressed in unacceptable ways. The trick is to find appropriate outlets for it."
"The strong man is not the one who wrestles good, the strong man is in fact the one who controls his or her anger."
"Stewing on that anger, nurturing it, just drains your energy."
"Take that anger and channel it in a positive manner; do something productive for society."
"Anger is the devil's cocaine. It feels so good, and sometimes it's justifiable, but it still makes you do stupid stuff."
"To me, anger is a reaction to what somebody else said to you. It creates an emotion. The dark side turns your anger into controlled rage. Now you're in control."
"Anger is the elephant in the room, so you just need to address it in a way that doesn't escalate the situation."
"It's very difficult to be smart when you're angry."
"Life's too short to be angry, too short indeed."
"Remember, it's easy to be angry on the internet."
"Okay, recognizing, okay, what’s going on? Angry, angry. Okay, let it be there."
"For this man just to imagine that he could have carried on being angry and never have seen a deeper reality both in himself and in the world."
"When somebody says something to you that is about to gain an instantaneous angry response, you're way better off taking a deep breath."
"Anger causes us to lose control, to do things we regret later."
"It's okay to be angry; just take that anger and make it turn it into activism, turn it into productive constructive action that improves life around you and improves the life around the world."
"Realize that anger isn't going to solve everything."
"I focus my rage into non-violent resistance."
"I totally understand the anger, but we can all agree on some fundamentals."
"Finally there's someone to blame, which it's much easier not to be angry at everything all the time when you can just be angry at a couple things."
"If somebody wants to engage with anger, you cannot return with anger, number one thing."
"Venting anger is cathartic and natural but let's have just a little perspective about what we decide to get angry about."
"You are only in charge of the way you react to things and so if you react with severe anger maybe you hurt that person with your words you know you're responsible for that."
"When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry or you can learn."
"When you took the effort to look beneath his anger, you saw a different person."
"Rage is not a primary emotion. Underneath anger, I find a lot of fear."
"Your incapability to control your anger is not an excuse."
"When you feel growing anger, you're almost certainly on the wrong side of an issue."
"No, definitely just, I think this one took me as like she's angry you're allowed to be angry and frankly if you're in a situation where you're pissed off with your boss you're gonna get angry that's normal."
"Once you get triggered... as your anger rises, your IQ goes down." - Robin May
"So now to review this long video and we spoke about basically it's just anger. This is a cover-up for the feeling of hurt."
"This video is going to have a really large impact on any anger that you would have had in the future... it can really prevent you from getting angry."
"I've learned that I can control my anger. I'd be a much happier person if I wasn't so angry all the time."
"Never let the sun go down on either one of you being angry."
"And if anger is fueling you to be the best in the world, that might actually work and get you there. But once you're there, you've got to stay there. And anger won't KEEP you there." - Jim
"When angry, it's easy to become aggressive towards others."
"Anger is a necessary tool used to be seen, to be heard, and to be felt."
"As Christians, we must strive to suppress our anger and wrath as it conflicts with our new nature, which is in line with the nature of Christ himself."
"Be patient. Don't lose the reward by getting angry now."
"I would be completely all those people who are just... blind with rage."
"I think shouting and screaming at a kid in anger is bad. We shouldn't do it."
"A gentle response diffuses anger but a sharp tongue kindles a temper fire."
"Acting with restraint rather than anger leads to good decisions."
"Don't let the sun set upon anger, and be bold even when you feel like retreating to your safe little cave."
"Instead of acting out on your anger, use that energy to be the change you wish to see in the world."
"Anger is a really passive aggressive response... it's displaced."
"Anger is not always a negative thing if you allow it to put you into action, into positive action."
"There's this whole Modern Trend of people getting angry at video games."
"People are looking for a reason to be angry, a reason to hate people."
"Someone who is in a conscious state... does not get angered easily."
"When you're angry at someone, it's kind of like going to the store and buying a bag of rat poison."
"Don't go making no permanent decisions with temporary anger and temporary feelings."
"Remember to sleep on it, don't act out of anger."
"You have to allow yourself to see it though. You have to allow yourself to see it. You're going to have to let go of your anger. Don't get addicted to your anger. Don't get addicted to a grudge."
"Anger management really helped me and changed my life."
"Embrace your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger."
"Anger is just simply a tool, just like any other emotion. I don't want to make you unsafe."
"Listen to that anger because it can be a real teacher."
"There's a reason that evolution has given you anger... rage... righteous indignation."
"Danny Ocean, no. That Andrew has rage that he can't do a [ __ ] crew."
"Understanding that anger is actually anxiety, it's a fight threat response."
"Innocent people get truly angry, and real anger or emotion doesn't flip back and forth like a switch."
"Boys are not born angry, they're born blank canvases and then they learn anger."
"I realized that I had been directing all my anger about it toward the people who had stood by and watched and not done anything."
"How do we express that anger and how do we create bridge building healing dialogue?"
"It's important to check the origins of your rage against any other chick. Is it rational?"
"Anger is a secondary emotion; get to the root of it."
"Direct your anger towards misleading labeling, not criticism of diets."
"Let the anger float. We're just getting started."
"You can't repress your emotions you can't repress anger to try and repress anger it will only cause other problems physical and emotional you have to learn how to use your anger."
"We need to get rid of the hate, get rid of the anger, and try to find ways to be more peaceful."
"I realized that holding on to that anger does nothing."
"That's what happens when you care about something, you get mad."
"Forgiveness releases anger. I have not been angry since then."
"We only have two options: either allow anger to paralyze us and the violence continues, or we overcome and try our best to help others. It’s our choice. Let us please maintain respect."
"Being able to just smile and be happy... not be addicted to anger... that's the key."
"Holding on to anger is like having a flesh-eating disease, honey."
"Unchecked not cool like unintegrated anger non-sacred anger."
"Iroh tried to teach his nephew not to use anger and aggression but rather to be at peace."
"If someone is angry, help that person at that time." - Nick
"Unhealthy expressions of anger ultimately block off opportunities for love and connection."
"Anger is such a valuable tool; it tells us so much."
"There are healthier ways of dealing with the anger that valve makes everybody feel."
"Intense mood swings, rage... destructive rage."
"You've never lost it with somebody, got so angry with someone you just lost it with them? And I said, 'No, actually, I'm pretty calm.'"
"I know it’s hard to not let anger turn into hate and a desire for revenge."
"Do not trade on days where you're angry, upset about anything. Just please don't do it."
"It takes a strong person mentally to be able to understand there's balance in life."
"It sounds so obvious that if most of these people could experience love in a vulnerable way, they wouldn't be so angry all the time."
"When you feel so mad that you wanna roar, take a deep breath and count to four."
"I just want to give us all a little permission to be angry."
"Learning how to process our anger and how to reach forgiveness is an incredibly important step in making sure that we save our planet."
"Life's too short to get mad about things, even if it's fun to get mad about things sometimes."
"If you're angry, you get to say it. You also have to figure out how to work through it."
"I'm here to exact my revenge I've been stewing in my own rage for awhile exacting my revenge sounds best."
"If it makes you happy, why the hell you got to be mad?"
"It's genuinely hard to be angry at a human being who makes you laugh."
"My wife gets angry with me, that don't mean she hate me. I get angry with her, that'll mean I hate her. That's right."
"Being angry and casting that out in the world is easy... but letting go of the hate is the hard work."
"Some of you have a temper you're entertaining already who's already fitting that role, and it's kind of like really breaking this person's heart."
"But whatever its cause, excessive anger is a kind of insanity -- it reorients the entire world around oneself."
"It's a kind of superpower to be able to say, 'Oh well, I just got angry. How long do I want to stay angry for?'"
"If you wake up angry every morning then tomorrow you're going to have a reason to be angry."
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone but you are the only one who gets burned."
"Use your anger productively rather than negatively."
"Anger in my opinion, there's a classic like Buddha quote that says it's like drinking poison and expecting your enemies to die."
"How do I deal with anger? I went to therapy, it ain't much more complicated than that."
"Anger can be a very destructive feeling or it can be a very wise friend to you."
"Just pay attention to the wisdom of your anger."
"Underneath their anger, inevitably there's hurt, there's pain, there's sorrow, there's sadness."
"The pleasures of being an angry [expletive] are overrated."
"It's okay to be angry, but don't let it fester and become hateful malice."
"Sometimes you just need to get angry. Anger as a tool can be used for good or bad."
"It's okay to be angry, as long as you're logical."
"It's okay to be sad and angry. That doesn't make you weak, those are tools for you to be a more well-rounded person."
"Noble anger is not about getting even with a person, but about protecting one's own good, the good of the community, and even the good of the person who hurt us."
"Once a Taurus gets upset, run for your life."
"You get a choice... Am I going to be curious... or am I going to be angry?"
"Anger is an emotion that tells us our boundaries have been challenged."
"Use your anger as a source of empowerment, assertiveness."
"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but by biding his time, the wise man calms it down."
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."
"Please keep in mind that one of his key messages is that anger is evil."
"Being angry doesn't mean you're being hateful... it means you love yourself enough to get upset."
"Control your anger. Be careful of giving in to toxic energy."
"Anger is only a problem if you can't control it. If you can put anger in the correct direction, it's extremely motivating."
"When you have anger you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference."
"Rage is something that's dangerous for the world at large; it often makes our freeways and highways more dangerous, it can make public places more dangerous."
"I let myself get overcome with anger. What I did was not just, it was the opposite. I clearly still have much to learn."
"If you need to cry, cry. If you need to [ __ ] be angry, be angry."
"Anger to narcissistic rage... it's like the emotion has metastasized."
"I won't be pleased with myself, but I'll leave furious with anyone else I could possibly blame."
"Holding on to anger will eat you alive, but truth at any cost."
"Cease from anger and forsake wrath, do not fret; it only causes harm."
"Some parents when they're angry get along much better when they don't live together."
"All anger ultimately is down to unmet expectations."
"Don't be angry it it doesn't get you anywhere find find the good find."
"Knowing Dom's anger and his incredible superhuman strength, I would have led with that."
"His response was to be angry. Are his actions justified? Maybe not, but his feelings are justified."
"Anger is a healthy emotion, but in an adverse childhood, it becomes a punitive tool."
"People don't make you angry, you allow the anger to dwell within you."
"There's going to be a big big problem with anger there already is."
"It's not about being angry; it's about satire. I'm describing the ridiculous but real."
"Life is going to try to knock you down. There are politics. It's going to happen."
"Anger brings the statement into the subjective and the subjective is where it belongs."
"Put all that anger and energy back into yourself to make yourself even better."
"Many people could be feeling very assertive or very angry at that time."
"He's shooting himself in the foot and he's blazing his guns around because he is so angry that he's cornered."
"Try not to get into angry confrontations if you can because what you're doing really is creating resistance."
"Anger is a killing thing, he kills the man who angers."
"Being angry does not necessarily make you correct."
"If you can't come to a resolution using your words, like a big kid, there's just so many other options before you get there."
"The basis of anger is fear. Whenever you are angry, there is a seed of fear within you regarding that situation."