
Choice Quotes

There are 30586 quotes

"It gives you a choice to decide whether it's worth being angry over this thing."
"If you harvested [Little Sisters], then you're a complete scrub."
"I take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions, and for choosing something different."
"The only way you can come out of unhappiness is if you choose."
"Leadership is not a rank. Leadership is not a position. Leadership is a decision. Leadership is a choice."
"You go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated."
"We can choose our own evolution, we can change the way our brains work... This is a really important time and if we choose correctly and we choose wisely, consciousness could exist for a very long time."
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
"The Cornerstone of feminism is choice for women."
"When offered more options, we tend to be less satisfied with whatever we choose."
"Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."
"You have three choices: you can go down, you can go sideways, or you can say, 'This is going to be the best experience of my life.'"
"Love and fear cannot coexist at the same time... Which do you want to pick?"
"Happiness is a choice that you have. You actually would make that choice."
"Stimulus, response; in between those two moments, is a choice."
"What we need to teach is how to cope with the so-called tyranny of choice... When exposed to too much choice, it actually has the opposite effect; we shut down."
"She chose to be with me when all I had to offer was myself."
"Happiness is a choice. It's not based on circumstances; it's based on choices."
"The only person you're destined to become is the person you decide to be."
"Nobody is entitled to be chosen by anyone else in the world."
"The last of man's freedom is to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"Our greatest human power is the ability to choose our thinking, choose our feelings, and choose our actions."
"When you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences."
"Happiness is a choice because in every moment, you get to choose what to focus on."
"We're all married in this room; we're all happily married, so we didn't get lucky. It's like you just have to work at it every single day. It's a choice that you make."
"Make the conscious decision about who you want to be each day."
"Either you choose pain or you keep letting pain choose you."
"Are we aware, are we conscious, are we making deliberate choices, or are we driven by unconscious pain?"
"We create these identities; we can just as easily, if we choose to, create a different one."
"Learning to not participate in things just because it's available to you."
"Falling in love is not a choice... Staying in love is a choice."
"Exercising choice is one of the core foundations of happiness."
"True power comes not from conflict but from our ability to choose our own path, not the one society dictates."
"Don't stay in a relationship because you can't live without your partner, stay in the relationship because you want your partner."
"You have a choice, you're either going to repeat what you're doing or you're going to evolve it."
"You can choose your friends and family. Yeah, you can choose your family now. It's choice, not blood."
"Patti Smith touches on this in her poem: 'As we age, we get a sense of threat. That doesn't mean we grow up or grow old. You don't have to if you don't want to.'"
"Relationships are a choice. You choose this person every single day."
"You don't find your partner; you choose your partner."
"I always loved this expression: This is where you either turn into wine or vinegar."
"You get to be privileged and a victim at the same time. Pick one."
"In those very moments, you will have a choice to proceed, and you can either choose fear or you can choose love. And I hope in those moments, you will choose love."
"Human beings are the sorts of creatures that could make things better if they chose to."
"What you gonna do? You gonna give up, or you're gonna keep going?"
"Empowerment means being able to do what you want."
"Man can choose his destiny. He is different from all other living creatures in that he has the power of choice."
"The last of human freedoms - To choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"Choices have consequences, and we are all given a choice."
"Don't be cynical. Hope is a choice, cynicism is a choice. I hope you choose hope."
"You can recreate yourself at any moment, whenever you choose to. You just have to let go and surrender."
"It's about choosing to fight. I'm choosing to live. That's who I am."
"Many people who are terribly abused don't grow up to be abusers. They decide that they're going to take the opposite route."
"Morality applies to situations of choice, and if you have a gun to your head, you're no longer in a situation of choice."
"Difficult times could define us, they could diminish us, or they could develop us. You decide."
"Consciously choosing freedom from the conditioned mind."
"Freedom isn't just about being unchained; it's about choosing where you belong."
"The essence of the right of return is choice. Palestinians should be given the option to choose where they wish to settle, including return to their homes from which they were driven."
"From that space, it's limitless because you're able to make endless amounts of choices of who you'll be, how you behave, what you'll do."
"When you wake up in the morning, you got to just choose to be happy. You got to have that optimism."
"Everything in a democracy depends on individual sense-making and meaningful choice."
"No one else is cursed to be Batman, but there is still a future with Batman because there are good people who will make that choice."
"You and I have a choice. We get to say what will be my response to the grace that God has shown me."
"You have the power to choose. Choose health and happiness."
"Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance."
"Love is a choice, it's an act, it's a sacrifice."
"I express myself in positive ways. Everything I do is by choice. I can choose what to say, do, and think."
"You are not defined by the conditions you were born into; you're defined by what you choose to do with them."
"All that you've lost and that's when the despair sinks in... I made a choice: I'm gonna do this."
"You can choose what meaning you give to things and you can choose how you interpret information."
"There's going to be an offer for a higher level of commitment, and you're going to have to decide."
"Sacrifice is something people decide on their own, not something they force upon others. It is a choice between the survival of the fittest and stepping over the rights of the weak."
"Everything's our choice. Every moment of your life is a choice."
"You have chosen to defy peace; you have chosen war with a God."
"Red pill versus blue pill, you got to take the red pill and dive deeper into the rabbit hole. That is where you can grow more."
"People don't tend to pick the person that makes better sense; they tend to pick the person that they feel like they had to fight for more."
"You can either be a victim of your life or the master of it, but the choice is yours to make."
"Happiness is a choice. There's not like I even as I'm architecting all this stuff, it's like, it's not like I need the yacht in Cabo to be happy."
"You have a choice to do a good thing or a bad thing."
"It's almost as though there is a God and he gives us a choice. We can use our emerging technological abilities to improve the lives of the human species and create an abundance where no one needs to starve or be deprived, or we can create a greater means to destroy ourselves. It's our choice."
"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, from what I know of hate, I think that ice is also great and would suffice."
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
"A higher moral principle is that the women should be free to choose because of a whole host of historical reasons."
"The voluntary option is superior because you just get to choose."
"Having the right to choose is more and not having the right to choose as immoral."
"People should be allowed to make that choice."
"People don't realize how much agency they have. They can choose their response to their circumstances."
"If you're holding on to something, it then becomes a choice."
"We all have a decision to make: We can choose failure right now... or we can choose to go through the hard door."
"Your life and the outcome of your life and the destinies of your life is going to be based on what you choose to think."
"Financial freedom: doing what you want, when you want, the way you want to do it."
"You could be listening or watching a bazillion things right now, but you chose to take some time for yourself and listen to something that can help you create a better life."
"You need to pick a team. Are you on team autocrat or are you on team democracy?"
"Human mothers have a maternal instinct along with something far more powerful: a soul, a mind capable of making choices."
"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."
"You cannot choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you feel about it."
"If you love, sometimes it's a choice to choose to be compassionate, to choose to love anyway despite what might be going on."
"The more attached we are to a belief system, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves."
"Realizing that you have choices is incredibly powerful."
"Don't let the fear of making a wrong choice prevent you from making any choice at all."
"The entire world is given a binary choice: either recognize the PRC or the ROC as China, but not both."
"You have free will to do whatever you choose."
"A thought that presents itself to you can start you spinning in a direction if you take it, but it can't start you spinning if you don't hold on to it."
"You cannot remove the things that trigger you... but you can always choose not to repeat the pattern."
"Eventually, somebody's going to come through with a love offer; if it's a love triangle, they'll choose you over the other person."
"If I had to choose, I would still choose you after all the things society has told you to imbue."
"You choose life and good and blessings by being that which you choose."
"We always have that choice every single day. We are our lives in effect is the sum total of all the choices we made up to this point."
"It's all about choosing what you can tolerate and what you cannot tolerate."
"You really don't need to listen to every episode, just listen to the ones that spark your curiosity. Think about it like a party full of strangers; you don't have to talk to everyone, just walk over to the ones who look interesting and get to know them."
"You are not what has happened to you; you are who you choose to become."
"Now that you know, you can apply knowledge and make a different choice, demonstrate a different behavior, create a new experience, and that new experience creates a new emotion."
"You create your reality. You create that body that best serves you."
"In an age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"It's so normalized to be like if someone says something to you, of course, you're going to be upset... Why do you have to be upset? You can choose how you want to respond to it and how you want to feel about it."
"I think I'm going to prove you wrong. Easy path, hard path? Hard path, every time."
"Falling down is an accident, but staying down is a choice."
"Equality is better for everyone. I think, you know, I love my job because it's an optimistic and a hopeful job which is about creating more choices for people."
"What I'm trying to equalize is opportunity and choice."
"Becoming obese might not have been your choice, but remaining obese, that's on you."
"I believe women are sovereign individuals and they can make any choice they so desire."
"You literally have the power in the present moment to change and make new choices that lead you on a new path."
"We all have our own personal agency. We're all people with our own thoughts, brains, who make our own choices."
"There are choices we could make that could have an influence over what happens next."
"The world was all before them, where to choose their place of rest, and providence their guide."
"For most of us, our evolution is driven by choice or simply the natural flow of our lives, but Barry's metamorphosis into the man he became was anything but a choice or natural."
"Pour life, love, and interest into this affirmation, and you will have chosen happiness."
"Whether our destination lies before us or behind us, the decision is ours to make."
"The greatest gift God ever gave man is the power of choice."
"Between stimulus and response, there's a pause, and in that pause lies a choice, and in that choice lies our freedom."
"You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego."
"I choose this path because I can. There will always be people like them, so there will always be people like us."
"A world where free people make a free choice to have a heavenly existence has more goods than one where they're merely created in that state."
"It's actually more moral or better, morally speaking, to not be good by nature but to choose to be good despite not being good by nature."
"The more understanding we have, the more ability we have to act as we choose."
"Choose love. You always have a choice. Make yours with love."
"The human mind is much like a farmer's land... The land doesn't care what it's planted; it's up to the farmer to make the decision."
"We are not trapped on any destined path; at any point, we can change that, we can make a different choice."
"You get the opportunity, just like I had the opportunity, to choose what you want. What are your goals, your priorities?"
"If you're overweight, it's hard. If you're pre-diabetic, it's hard. If you can't move your body, it's hard. Or, you can lift heavy [expletive], and it can be hard. You can choose to eat things that may not be on your menu normally, and it's hard. But at least you're living it."
"Rebuilding them is a choice that I see a lot of people make, and it's the worst of the three because people do not change because they are being forced to by someone else."
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Which do you choose?"
"The issue is not merely deciding to stay with the tinkers because that was the status quo; a choice reveals an aspect of their character."
"People will generally pick the path of least resistance."
"Having the freedom to make choices, consider the consequences, and be responsible for your own fate affords you some amount of agency."
"Freedom or liberation is understood as the capacity to choose."
"The feminist movement fought for our ability to make choices."
"I'm a firm believer that a woman does have, in fact, a right to choose."
"What if you could choose every day to be blissful?"
"I've made the choice... rather than be possessive of each other, to just choose each other."
"We all have a choice when it comes to this conversation about racism, and we can learn to lean into that choice."
"Get realization and begin choosing a higher octave today and shine bright."
"It's very important that you choose wisely who you give yourself and your time to."
"You can be positive even when it's negative if you decide to."
"I cannot change the past but I choose happiness now."
"No matter what goes on around you, you can choose to tap into the strength within you."
"You have to choose your pain: the pain of disconnecting from something that is clearly poisoning you, or you suffer the pain of losing your whole life to a situation that God never ordained."
"Choices matter, and you're not really sure which choices matter. You're always aware of the consequences of your actions."
"Your choices matter, and you're not really sure which choices matter. You're always aware of the consequences of your actions, and then when those things pay off, it's very interesting and satisfying, even if it's a bad thing."
"There's a fair at the beginning, there's all these things you can do at the fair, and there are things that are pay off right away, there's things that just kind of happen, and you're like, okay, and you sort of have... You don't realize you have agency over it."
"Who I am and whether I'm good or bad or achieving or not, all that's learned along the way. Just ride. We can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice, no effort, no work, no job, no savings of money."
"All of us have fought, but you have a choice to rise and when you rise, you can also arrive at a better place than you've ever been."
"You can choose what you are going to tell yourself about what's happening."
"It should be a woman's right to choose what they're able to do with their own body."
"Growing up is inevitable, but losing your childlike wonder is a choice."
"Choose with your intuition which option is calling to you."
"People need more than just choice. Yes, choice is good, it's good for people to have free choice, but that's not the end-all be-all of life."
"Feminism isn't about saying women you have to do X, Y, and Z instead of A, B, and C. It's about saying women, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do with your life."
"It's up to you to choose how to incorporate your dream experiences into your waking life."
"It's the difference between freedom and not freedom."
"Let the people decide, let the people choose their leaders."
"It's such an important moment in time that we can choose to be on the sidelines, be part of the problem, be a part of the solutions, be a part of the evolution, the positive evolution of society."
"Pick your team, right or left, take the red pill or the blue. You can vote, but even if you win, still everyone will lose."
"Find a woman who's self-sufficient; that way she's choosing you because she wants you, not because she needs you."
"You take the blue pill and you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more."
"The choice point is a very powerful, positive thing."
"Destiny may be a tapestry of many colors, but each of us has the power to choose which thread we follow."
"To live in such freedom, we must recognize we were born free. We must choose to break out of our prisons. We must make the escape. We must fight for our freedom, and we must keep it real about what living in freedom means."
"You just need to give them the information and they can choose."
"Dig deep and find your voice, don't forget you have that choice."
"Saying no allows you to live the way you want to live."
"The biggest gift we have as human beings is our awareness because awareness is what gives you choice, and choice is what gives you freedom."
"Once you realize that your brain is constructing the world around you, it empowers you to start making choices about not only what to believe but perspective how to see things."
"Every moment of your life is a choice. How do you want to spend that moment? Who do you want to be?"
"Fulfillment is a choice, feeling successful and good and content and strong is a choice you make with what you've got."
"Jim Rohn says it like this: 'There's a pain of discipline or a pain of regret. Choose your pain.'"
"It's hard to shake someone out of this low vibrational place because if they cannot look around and see the beauty in all of this, it's because they're doing it by choice."
"Choice is a gift. It's always there. You can choose what you focus on, and what you focus on is what you're going to experience."
"The difference between having to do something and getting to do it is all my perspective."
"You may not be able to alter the position of the stars, to stop the earth from revolving, to cause the winds to blow or the sea to calm, but what you can choose is what you'll think."
"Your greatest power is your power to choose."
"You are manifesting a life. Are you manifesting a positive life? Well, that's a choice."
"We couldn't choose our parents, but if we could, I would say you."
"The last of the human freedoms is the ability to choose one's own attitude."
"Life's all about choice. Some guys don't have a choice; they've got to eat today. It's just a reality."
"We have everything that we need to transcend, not to survive. We have the ability to choose, and so the new question is, will you change it?"
"The only real power we have in the world is choosing our response. We can't choose what happens to us."
"Whenever something hurts you, there are two options: you can either become wounded or you can become wise. This is the choice."
"Debates about what books belong in public schools often miss the point: it's not just about content, but about context, consent, and the right to choose one's narrative."
"We really have to decide whose cue we want to take up: do we want to take up the cue of the violent colonizers, or do we want to take up the cue of the nurturers of civilization?"