
Expression Quotes

There are 38905 quotes

"Art is something that human beings do to relax, to express themselves, to bring joy and catharsis to themselves and others."
"As a Virgo, you guys are some of the most creative people; you're the musicians, the painters, you are the people who have bomb creative expression."
"If it's 'cause you have something that you're trying to express or that you're just in love with expression itself, with art itself, those are great reasons to start this journey."
"Making art is all about outputting; it's taking something within yourself and putting it out into the world so others can experience it."
"Great photographers, great artists, they can capture these things about the weight of things."
"A number three year is about expansion, expression, and enjoying life to its fullest."
"If you're mad about something, you can either sit in silence and stew about it, or you can speak up. Just say what's going on. You will feel better, and whatever the issue is, will likely be solved a hell of a lot more quickly and painlessly if you just use your damn word."
"I've had to make so many new friends along the journey that I've learned to just say how I feel."
"Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak. If anyone's not allowed to speak, then it's not freedom of speech; it's freedom to conform to certain parameters of what are acceptable."
"You will only express your true unique self if you refuse to let anyone impact and suppress that expression."
"Pride Month is obviously a wonderful time of the year. It's that one month where so many people who feel that they cannot express themselves can finally do that; they can finally be who they truly are."
"I find anime to be one of the most expressive and interesting forms of media currently in existence."
"It's a nightmare. It's miserable. It's a nightmare and a half."
"Charlie expressing herself via song, and it working... the song's never miss in this show."
"The only component of mathematics that has been invented is the expression of it."
"Our instinct when we have fear is to be quiet and shut it down, but actually saying it out loud... it dissipates."
"God, we thank you for the presence in our lives. We will not let a rock cry out in our place."
"We all need to achieve balance and so when we say one thing too loudly, we're probably going to end up doing the other."
"I'm actually a little nervous. I was asked earlier if I get more nervous if my mothers were here or if, you know, other guests were here, and I said, 'No, it's my mom,' you know? It's our moms, right?"
"Your heavenly language without love is just loud."
"This is a creative person... there's some sort of secret that they're holding on to that they need to release."
"Our language is like a cracked tin kettle on which we hammer out tunes to make bears dance when we long to move the stars."
"Getting more and more people to express themselves and express their unique point of view is something I wake up every day feeling really lucky to be a part of."
"The biggest thing is preserving freedom of speech and expression."
"My capacity to tune into the energy of love gives me the words I need when I'm ready to speak up."
"I don't regret anything I said. I regret how I said it."
"Your participation is actually an expression of your faith."
"One of their cornerstones...is freedom of speech and it's the ability for people to say whatever they want provided it's not...violent in nature."
"You have an abundant amount of creativity; get wild with it, show it off."
"A human being who doesn't dance is not a fully expressed being."
"Don't let your mouth write a check that your [behind] can't cash."
"I'm literally speechless with how happy I am."
"Freedom, no negotiation, my sister, no relation. We all just want to have freedom."
"Write about your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for helping me tap into my God-given creativity and wisdom."
"That jacket represents my individuality and my belief in personal freedom."
"A call to share your voice and speak your truth."
"To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds."
"Makeup's just one part of me, but art is the part of my heart."
"What you say means nothing compared to what you actually are."
"For many attendees, known as 'burners,' the event is about providing a space for countercultural expression."
"It takes more things to frown than to smile."
"We live in a free country, and for me, what consenting adults do is an expression of what it means to live in a free country."
"We are ultimately, to date, the highest expression of planet Earth's entire intelligence in a single species."
"You are worthy. We're worthy of being able to express ourselves. Our emotions, our feelings, are valid."
"It's time to really open up, it's time to get out there, time to express what you're really feeling on the inside."
"Tell us you like Hunter Hunter without saying you like Hunter Hunter."
"I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to touch the sky with my own two hands."
"I don't need to have a physical representation to show my love for someone."
"The point of view of the person that's expressing themselves, you know, and what they mean to the world and who appreciates them, that's what makes a piece of art worth millions of dollars."
"I love you so much. Yo, James, I love you too, man."
"The task of the arts is to give expression to the full range of the human condition."
"Emotion is not male or female, emotion is emotion. Emotion is a beautiful thing."
"When you love someone it shows in your actions... when you really have love in your heart it must show in your actions."
"If you have to let go of the consequences of your words because you're just going to let the cards fall wherever they're going to fall, you get to have an adventure because you don't know what the hell's going to happen."
"Say what you need to say and do what you need to do. Spirit is encouraging you to make sure this is an evolving situation that it doesn't stay stuck and stagnant because you cannot overcome your own temporary fear."
"A sword is a strange and beautiful thing, sometimes just one swing of your blade can communicate more than a lifetime of words."
"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas."
"No job and no one will stop me from talking about the Lord."
"Amore is too strong a word to say it too early but has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late."
"The best thing you can do is be genuine. If you believe something, say you believe in those things."
"Every second that goes by is just another moment to show who you are, how much you love someone, what your boundaries are."
"The one thing that artists have is creative freedom."
"A creative person withers unless they're doing something creative."
"Don't tone down your dancing. Like dance as hard and as free as you want. Be yourself 100%."
"Don't piss on my face and tell me it's raining."
"In this day and age, with access to social media and whatnot, it's given people a platform to express themselves, make cool content, and most importantly, get offended by things that are completely harmless for no reason at all."
"It's very important as you go through life that you not only know it but that you feel it and you put it out there."
"I think you risk damaging your soul under certain circumstances when you don't say what you think."
"Art is our deepest form of communication and expression."
"Do you ever do that thing when you're drawing expressions and you're making the expression on your face subconsciously while you're drawing?"
"In North Korea, we don't say 'I like it'; we don't allow to say 'I'; we said like 'we like water'."
"This must be a museum because you are a work of art."
"I don't care if you're a prince, I love you, and I'll always love you."
"Men and women both mainly criticize, but the way they express it and the consequences they face can be vastly different."
"I want to start the show by saying holy [__] that was so much fun."
"Believe in yourself... Stand strong, focus on your purpose, release the fear of persecution, and speak your truth."
"A man having the ability to share his philosophies and his ideas and his perspective is part of freedom because a man is not about his physical strength, it's about his intellectual strength."
"Art doesn't need to be pretty to make a statement."
"To have a human thought, to be a creative human being, is to be an expression of nature itself."
"Words are used to express reality, not create reality."
"Something about its unapologetic expression of its ideas is inspiring to me."
"My yellow month and the self-portraits are revealing things beyond my words."
"Allow ourselves to express in the fullest way possible."
"Being able to walk freely in just being expressive is a beautiful thing."
"A woman who is willing to express herself is such a desirable woman."
"Enjoy your hobbies and fun times; be more expressive with your talents."
"He unlocks levels of Shakespeare he never knew he had in him just to describe how beautiful he thinks Lorraine is and calm her down."
"I'm so happy that we're spending quality time and I'm able to express my love for you."
"It's time to release old energies, it's time to express what needs to be expressed."
"Instead of teaching our children to sit down and shut up, we should be teaching them to stand up and speak out."
"There's nothing certain I could say about art, nothing objective or pure, other than it is everything."
"Such an Instagram reels, but that is beautiful."
"It's art, people. Don't let anyone tell you what it should be, just express yourself."
"Write yourself out of despair. You don't need to be Hemingway to express yourself and find solace in writing."
"You're not free if you can't say what you think."
"Find out who you are and start expressing your own creativity."
"Every single thing that he draws feels like a moment stopped in time."
"It's like we have so many emotions that we can't express to other people usually, but you can when it's a poem, right?"
"If we're here for anything, it's to experience beauty and to recognize it and shout it from the rooftops when we see it."
"All the inspiration is seeping from your pores."
"I truly believe all humans were born to create in one way or another."
"Every night of this year, I have gone to bed just like thinking about what I'm gonna say right now."
"I will follow you till the ends of the Earth, man."
"I had a whole bunch of fathers message me say they watched and they cried."
"Health is really the full expression of life."
"Let's give people a chance to express themselves in a meaningful way."
"Baldwin has this very sort of Shakespearean way of speaking... When you get it, it's poetry in motion."
"Expressing yourself actually can be very helpful with distress regulation."
"Heart's got another meaning, hasn't it? Artists, poets, songwriters, they've been waxing lyrical about this idea of heart for many years, for thousands of years."
"The actual analysis, as in the reasoning and the information you bring and how you model it and how you fit pieces together and then how you express it, is more important than the prediction."
"Words are so powerful. Being able to articulate what you're feeling and thinking is essential."
"Get your thoughts on paper, make them real, and just write. You don't need to know what you're going to write. Just write your thoughts."
"It's nice to have a creative outlet. I feel like everybody kind of needs one."
"Cross the stream, give your offer fully, express your emotions, speak with honesty."
"Live your truth and share the love that is in your soul."
"I'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled and be wrong."
"It really is a great way to put it, a house of horrors."
"Words are the writer’s tools, and seeking to describe the ineffable—to give language to these things, discover the boundaries of their tools—is the writer’s business."
"So I really do believe that design is the highest form of creative expression."
"The number one thing that you can do, and this needs to be first, the first thing: express your unconditional love for them."
"The mind is mightier than the pen, and the pen is mightier than the sword."
"A lot of people think about this as kind of commerce. And I think a lot of it is actually really expression, which is the core social dynamics."
"Freedom of speech... is a very, very, very simple idea which is that no one should ever be censored."
"It really comes down to music, right? It's just tone and a feeling."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You ain't seen nothing yet if you keep silencing us like this."
"The antidote to pathological dogmatism is free truthful expression."
"Whatever talent you have, if it has to find full expression, your mind doesn't come in between and distort anything. It just shows you everything the way it is."
"I still love you more than you will ever know."
"Victoria, you are as full of it as your sleeves are full of air."
"I believe the right to express yourself and the right to have a representative in the government is fundamental."
"In the symphony of life, be your own melody."
"Share the emotion. Stop sharing logical things, stop sharing words. Just share your feeling, what is the emotion behind it."
"Why do you do what you do? This is who I am. It's an expression of something so deep."
"Let's hit the road, Jack, but we are going to come back."
"The roar part is something which is also very unique."
"Don't let the ideas inside your head stay there; put them out into the world."
"And wisdom increased in my breast for my spirit retained its memory and my mouth was opened and was no longer closed."
"That's the face of Happiness if I've ever seen it."
"The Sonic fandom is home to pretty much every form of expression to show how much a person can love something."
"You can have a poker face, but you can't have a poker body."
"My hands become extensions of His. I become an expression of God's divine presence in the earth."
"Punches and kicks can exist as a dance, a song, a palette, a ritual, an exclamation point, a period."
"It's okay to have natural emotional reactions. If you're angry, you're angry. Let it out."
"You gotta let that shit out. You gotta let it flow. Otherwise, you're gonna be in agony for the rest of your life."
"Say what you mean. I feel like they do want to express more to you."
"I said what I said, and I have strong points behind it."
"I'm about to say some real things, the mic and bring the pain, 'cause you ain't never seen no show like this."
"Expressing myself creatively is very important to me. I lose my mind if I don't express myself in any creative way."
"It's your right as an American citizen...to express your opinion and hopefully make change."
"This is your right as an American citizen...to express your opinion and hopefully make change."
"Let your voice be heard because we can stop this."
"I think I might be smiling from ear to ear right now."
"To call our marriage a fiasco would be an insult to fiascos."
"We are living expression and to be able to express, to be able to bring our spirit into whatever we do is very necessary and is one of the most beautiful things you can experience."
"Everybody in society has a right to dress as they wish because they're human beings."
"Being creative and being able to share your thing with whomever, it's magic."
"Black women have always talked like this, they have always felt these sentiments, they have always been sexual, but they were silenced."
"It is not easy to express how much you love your mom."
"Writing comes very easily to me. Everything else in the world is tough, but writing, I don't have any problem with that. I can't write fast enough to keep up with the things I want to say."
"I miss just being more free with how I talk and not worrying about what people are going to say."
"You shouldn't feel bad about honestly expressing what you believe, especially if you're doing it from a point of view of caring about somebody else."
"I believe you can say whatever you want to, to a point. So, there is a 'to a point'."
"What people mean, what people feel, and what people actually say can be very different things."
"It's not always what you say, but how you say it."
"It's a very brave thing, people don't talk about that enough. How brave you have to be to put your stuff on the front line."
"Facts don't care about your feelings; I was always uncomfortable with this."
"Sharing art is like sharing a piece of yourself."
"A comedian's job is to say what others think. People think about stuff but they never say it, a comedian's job has always been to say those things."
"Men and women should have the right to decide what kind of personality they want to express to others."
"Good poetry doesn't describe an experience; it is an experience."
"Art is a means of communication, art is there to enhance communication."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but an artifact can be worth ten thousand words."
"Love is action. You can't just think it and feel it, you have to act on it."
"It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing."
"I wish I could express to you the excitement I have in my heart."
"Art exists because we exist, and our desire for artistic expression is purely a manifestation of human desire, period."
"Improvisation is a way of life... it's a need to express oneself."
"The absence of the right to offend is the absence of the right to speak at all."
"It's really nice to be able to tell your own story."
"Now that's the kind of day when you can't open your mouth without a song jump right out of it."
"It's not what you say, but how you say it that makes something funny."
"You guys are going to make me cry right now."
"Most people not only want to feel that they have the ability to express their views to the world but also that those views will have a decent chance of being circulated to a reasonable audience and that they will be given a fair hearing when they are."
"I think it's really cool that Sonic Fox is unafraid to say what's on his mind while he's on stage."
"You can't tell me I'm not an artist. It's my art; this is my work. It might be simplistic to you, it might be [__] to you, but to somebody out there, they might back this guy has done something different."
"Communication and expressing your true desires are key in relationships."
"Music at the end of the day is about emotion, about the story that you're trying to say."
"You know why you're crying? It's the way you express negative emotions when you have too many."
"We're leaving a trail of glitter that won't ever come out of the carpet."
"We all want to say, 'I was here.' We want to be heard."
"Ah, tempus fugit. What does that mean? It means time flies."
"Body language, to me, speaks louder than words sometimes."
"Respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me."
"I'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled and be wrong." - GP (Greg Paul)
"I respect everybody's opinion but sit back, man, chill, 'cause for the next few minutes I'm about to let you in on mine."
"Whatever I say, whatever I stand on, is just felt by the world. I made an impact on this world."
"Hope and regret all shook up in a Mason jar."
"My mother used to always say to us, 'We have a beer pocketbook, but we have champagne tastes,' meaning that we had high aspirations."
"Everything we say, do, or make starts out as an idea."
"I always wanted to tell stories. I have always written stories, poetry, songs. I think this just kind of grew out of a natural extension of that storytelling."