
Practice Quotes

There are 15597 quotes

"Everyone has exactly the same ability to allow those emotions to be processed. The more you practice, the quicker you can process them."
"The more I did it, the more routine it became, and the less I was scared to do it. You just have to do it."
"If you want to be happy, practice compassion. And if you want others to be happy, practice compassion."
"Just what an hour of deliberate practice can do."
"If you want to learn how to focus, what you've got to do is practice focusing."
"Creativity is kind of like a muscle, and the more you use it, the more creative you become."
"If you practice gratitude, then you will be grateful. If you practice, against all odds, opening your heart when no one else will, that's supernatural."
"Consistently spending your time in engaged, deliberate practice where you're fully aware of your actions and thinking about them critically is in my opinion the best thing that you can do to improve your aim over time."
"Start a daily meditation practice... it can really help you to recharge your mind."
"Genius is built, not born. My skill is the result of discipline and practice."
"Repeating things that make you better at something, something you want to get good at, do it a lot. You're going to get more efficient at that."
"Leadership is a skill like any other, a practicable, learnable skill, and it is something that you work on."
"The more you practice, the better you'll get."
"The best way to get better at something is to do it every single day."
"If you want your art to improve, and you want to get better at drawing, then you've got to draw everything, every day."
"Drawing everything, every day, is the most important thing you can do to improve your art."
"You get better and better at fasting every time you do it."
"The best way to attract someone to this practice is to do it yourself. If it's working for you, people will notice the change and ask you about it."
"Amateurs practice tactics, and professionals practice logistics."
"Perseverance, positivity, and practice – there are three P's for you."
"People get rewarded in public for what they practice in private."
"Honestly, I've practiced that game so much at this point that none of the DS3 bosses are really challenging for me anymore."
"In meditation, everything needs to be balanced: The view, meditation and application are three things that have to be balanced."
"The essence of meditation is what we call 'awareness.' Being with awareness is the practice of meditation."
"There is a path towards that which takes the form of practice, but not just practice—practice where you're taking each problem... and trying to digest the deeper principles behind it."
"There's always room to grow. Put it into practice."
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're different."
"This builds off of principles I've been talking about for a long time: the need we have to decrease our anxiety levels and allow ourselves the ability to practice, make mistakes, and experiment."
"Practice to maximize the immersion and deep thought; that's where real creative thought will happen."
"The practice is not to try and get rid of the hindrances, but to form the correct relationship to them."
"The only way to build a skill is by diving into it."
"Practice kindness and compassion to one another."
"Integrity and honesty is something you have to practice; it's not something that you're just suddenly going to start doing later on in life when the stakes are much higher than they are at University."
"This is a really important time for us all to practice self-love and compassion, moving with compassion and in an understanding of what that feels like."
"The best way to learn how to implement is by directly practicing real-life implementation."
"The only way to get from conscious competence to unconscious competence is through practice."
"If you could get everyone in the world to practice one thing for 30 days, what would it be? Humility."
"The more we proactively practice these three steps, the more we literally change the way we believe."
"I'm not going to hope for the law of attraction. I'm going to begin to practice it."
"Put in your reps to get better at the thing."
"Fundamentals are practiced, they're corrected, and then they are perfected."
"Contentment is not a chase; it's not a magical download. Contentment is a practice."
"It is for not for repetition, it is for realization."
"Understanding something doesn't mean your intuitive or creative brain knows it. Training that part of your brain requires a lot of practice, just constant repetition."
"Speaking a foreign language is a little bit like juggling. There are a lot of moving pieces you have to keep in place, whether it's pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary."
"Deliberate practice is really a meta-skill, a higher order skill that can be applied across nearly everything you do."
"Do shadowing exercises by quickly repeating back what you hear from a native speaker to match their pronunciation as closely as possible."
"You strengthen your gifts by practicing them, by engaging them."
"Without practice and exercises and techniques, there will be no results."
"One ounce of practice is worth twenty tons of tall talk."
"Receiving and saying thank you is something we need to practice just receiving."
"Learning a skill like drawing requires knowledge and practice, sometimes lots of practice."
"Anything you practice, you'll get good at, including BS."
"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics." – Paul Halmos
"Even Bruce Lee, a man who became an icon in martial arts, emphasized practiced technique. He realized the importance of understanding and perfecting the fundamentals."
"Practice, practice, we talking about practice, not a game, but practice."
"Visualization is the practice of imagining what you want to achieve in the future as if it were true today."
"The more that we can all adopt that practice, the more empowered and stronger and more capable and humble we will emerge."
"A large part of building up your fundamentals is consistency, and that extends to combos as well."
"Give yourself five dedicated minutes just practicing those combos over and over again every time you play... it'll make a world of difference."
"Bravery is a practice that we can utilize every single day."
"The power of the no is really important, and actually practicing it is vital."
"I think all of this requires practice. You don't think about practicing saying no, but it's such an important thing."
"The more time you can spend practicing and stretching, the better it's going to be for your body overall."
"The more we practice that, we actually change who we are and how we operate."
"Extreme flexibility comes from consistent practice and dedication to your routine."
"Our opportunity is to say I have a practice; in my practice, I do this work and I do it the best I can."
"Every successful man, in whatever direction his success may lie, practices concentration."
"If you can replicate fast consistent laps from practice in a race, that's good."
"Practice... how you gonna be great if you don't practice?"
"Confidence comes as a result of doing certain things over and over again."
"Practice talking literally every single day, just a little bit. Oh my gosh, the way you pronounce [__], the way like your brain works in the flow, the way you can pull some jokes out, it just gets easier."
"The kind of thing you can just sit down for a minute and set a timer and do, because they are really about changing your state of mind and body."
"Skill comes with consistency. How consistent can you put this skill?"
"The rehearsal is a warped Eden, a perfectly constructed, self-aware, oxymoronic anomaly."
"One of the best ways of doing that is to look at a religion from what they term a descriptive approach, which is where instead of looking at what the religion says, you look at what practice the people who practice it do."
"The only way to become a master is to continue doing what you're doing but do it so much that you keep improving."
"What I would do is just sit at my table, draw these drawings, and just try to get better."
"The key to technique based training is more about practice and technique rather than sheer strength."
"You got to do it consistently, that's the key, that's the way you get better."
"You better get your hook with ready, put in the practice time, and get ready to compete for your teams, your sponsors, and all the fans."
"The reality of it is this...good practices, good results."
"The best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one."
"Practice makes perfect is a well-known expression that is certainly true for language learning."
"Using new words in speaking and writing activities reinforces vocabulary acquisition."
"Consistent practice over a period of time is what is essential for language learning."
"Find a language partner. This is the best way to improve your conversation skills."
"One of the most important parts of learning the English language is practicing speaking."
"Enlightenment is an accident, but spiritual practice makes one accident-prone."
"The public praises people for what they practice in private."
"Feel that inner fire, that heat that now you're used to coming into the body."
"The only way to capture a serendipitous image is really to be well practiced out all the time."
"Photographers learn more with their hands than with their eyes."
"If you will relax instead, you give some space for a little bit of it to pass through. The more you relax, the more you lean away from the energy that's making all the noise, the more space you leave, and that's a very, very deep spiritual practice."
"You got to put the reps in. You can't cheat it."
"Getting good at something is as simple as just doing it a lot."
"Really the only way to do well in this class is to get a lot of practice by solving problems yourselves."
"One of the greatest benefits is that it allows you to practice without having it feel like practice."
"You are what you practice. If you practice being a master or mystic, keep practicing, and you'll start experiencing inexplicable events in your life."
"Your natural god-given talent... doesn't mean you came out of the womb knowing how to do it perfect. Even with natural talents, you have to practice."
"Listen to this meditation for at least 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it, and for now, I'm going to leave you in this higher self vibration. Allow yourself to soak it in and just know that you are forever changed."
"When you practice, you want to have a goal, you want to be consistent, and you want to understand that repetition is your friend."
"So I think part of the reason that we have so many kids in this country fall off the bandwagon is we try to make everything really exciting and really fun. And we forget the lessons that language learners and musicians, and sports, people in sports, dance instructors--they all know that practice and repetition is part of gaining expertise."
"Instead of the reality, which is every great expert has to have practice and repetition with what they're learning."
"Mindset and excitement are muscles... You have to continuously work it out."
"Repetition is your key to making progress on the guitar."
"It's about getting in that practice of being generous and being willing to give things without expectation."
"Consistent daily practice is the key to success; don't rush your journey."
"Every practice is a journey down into that inner space to find your center, not just your physical center but your spiritual center."
"Any new skill can be installed with 66 days of practice."
"The secret to being a better comic is to write better jokes, and the secret to writing better jokes is to write every day."
"Practice makes perfect. Olympic athletes get great because they practice."
"Dedicate this practice to the well-being of someone in need."
"Give yourself grace, let your work be enough as it is today, and if you keep coming back to your practice, you won't wish that you had 'perfected' it because you'll be blowing that standard out of the water a year from now."
"The only way to learn to program is practice, practice, practice."
"Practice gratitude for the things that you want to manifest in your life."
"The more you do, the better you're going to be."
"Better humans make a better planet; it's about practicing calm, confidence, love, and joy consistently."
"If you do this for 21 days, I believe you're really gonna start to see things in your life begin to change."
"It's possible to go from knowing absolutely nothing to picking up a new skill and performing it pretty well in just 20 hours of deliberate, focused practice."
"Deconstructing the skill...break it apart into these smaller parts and practice the most important sub-skills first."
"Remove barriers to practice, making it easy to sit down and actually do the thing you want to get better at."
"You will be astounded absolutely astounded how good you become in a very short period of time."
"The power law of practice or the power law of learning: you improve a tremendous amount in those early few hours."
"You can practice anything and you will be much better at it after the practice."
"I've never been bored hitting a billion golf balls."
"In a specific area that you want to be confident, just getting reps in that area doing it over and over until you lose the nervousness."
"Practice makes perfect, or at least the closest thing you can get to perfect."
"Believe in your ability to improve your writing skills through practice and feedback."
"Stop saying you can't understand native speakers. With practice and exposure, your understanding will improve over time."
"Being good at socializing is a muscle; it's something that you need to practice."
"You develop a discerning spirit by practice."
"Now imagine for a moment, if you would, a world where everyone knew the ingredients, the active ingredients in terms of what made us happier and put those into practice in their daily lives."
"After studying high performance people for so long, I was ready to put into practice everything I had learned."
"Practice makes perfect, and that's what your mama always said."
"Gratitude is a great emotional hack. Write down first thing in the morning anywhere from one to three things you're grateful for. It's emotional and spiritual hygiene you need every day."
"If you're messing up, practice your gift at every opportunity. Stop looking for a check, look for an opportunity."
"Daily practices, even if they only take five minutes, can be very powerful."
"Practice makes perfect; meditation just like anything else is a skill."
"Spiritual gifts are kind of like muscles that need to be consistently worked and exercised in order to strengthen."
"Pray without ceasing. Whatever moment you can pray, pray."
"The more you do it, the better you get at it."
"Practice one sensitivity for one to two weeks... if you're still not better with it, then you can consider switching."
"The more sweat that you lose in practice, the less blood you lose in battle."
"The 10,000-hour rule: To become world-class at something, you need to put in at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice."
"An effective gratitude practice doesn't resemble writing down things you're grateful for at all."
"Practice equals confidence, and I think that confidence is key when we're working in the salon."
"Practice equals confidence, and I think confidence is key when we're working in the salon."
"As they say, what you practice in private they say you’re rewarded for in public, but you have to do the work."
"Forgive if you have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
"I thought this would be a fun challenge, and at the very least, it would be good practice."
"Practice non-resistance in words as well as in deeds."
"We may learn the tokens of language formally, but we learn the system by using it through reading, writing, or conversing."
"You want to take time to practice the art of just breathing."
"Homemaking is a true and beautiful art and something that everybody who lives in a home should practice."
"It's kind of amazing in my own life. Like I play guitar every day... It's incredible what you can accomplish in a period of a year or two years."
"Being able to convey the thoughts out of your head is a skill, so it can be practiced."
"There's really only one way to learn how to write a good essay, and that's to write. You can't learn this stuff through theory; it's not theory, it's applied practice."
"It's important for elites to promote values and 'preach what you practice'."
"To become world-class in anything, you need 10,000 hours of practice to the minimum."
"The goal of spiritual practice, then, is to remove that ignorance and discover the innate, ever-present divinity within."
"How you perform under pressure is predicated on your practice."
"Being real with your emotions and now there's pressure on your purpose, but you know, the beautiful thing? You can start practicing today."
"Your purpose is so big, it's worth you practicing. It's worth you practicing your patience, it's worth you practicing your instrument, it's worth you practicing writing the book."
"Lord, may we practice in such a way that when you call upon us, we are ready to step into purpose."
"Spirituality doesn't come in one form; people practice different ways of dealing with themselves, but I have a form of spirituality for sure."
"It's only by actually going through a volume of work that you're actually going to catch up and close that gap, and the work you're making will be as good as your ambitions."
"You should only expect to perform under pressure if you practice."
"Code regularly, code every day. You want to get better because just like anything else in life... you're gonna get a lot better than the person who does that once a week."
"Nothing happens, then everything happens... Mastery is the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice."
"With enough practice and effort, we can train our muscles and minds to do just about anything."
"Your mind's already practiced it enough, it's going to just happen."
"Self-love is a practice, a daily practice that you will do for the rest of your life."
"In the end, meditation is actually not even a practice you're doing; it's something you're ceasing to do."
"I Googled it and I would sit there and I'd practice."
"It's not only important to be prepared, but everyone must communicate, have an up-to-date plan and practice that plan regularly."
"Knowledge and ability are two different things. Knowledge can be gained through study, but ability can only be gained through practice."
"Theoretical knowledge can be extremely useful in guiding practice, but it could never function as a replacement."
"This is a time when you start practicing something and you take time to practice it every day, you will become a master at it."
"You can absolutely be a warm woman; all it takes is practice and focus."
"Practice is key to transitioning from conscious competence to unconscious competence."
"After 20, 30, 40, 50 times, you'll notice bigger changes. You'll feel more comfortable; your speaking...will sound more natural and relaxed."
"I've gained a lot of insights and skills over the years through practice."
"It's not a talent; it is a skill, and you can develop this skill with practice."
"You can do all these things, you know, a couple of hours a day, your speaking is going to improve a lot."
"If you continue with it, it's going to get significantly easier as you get more exposure to options."
"It's day five and I'm feeling alive, and today's practice is all about rhythm and cultivating a sense of listening so you can really be true to your own rhythm, to the beat of your own drum."
"This long and ongoing practice of listening to your own rhythm is, at least in my opinion, more fruitful, more beneficial."
"You have to do it, try it, practice it, if you're going to develop the capability."
"Learning drawing is not possible by reading 'how to draw' books. This is a long and hard process of practicing with a teacher, polishing their student's understanding of drawing principles step by step."
"Practice, practice, practice. You'll suck at first, but you'll get better over time."
"Quantity inevitably transfers into quality as long as you practice drawing, learn good techniques, and apply what you know on paper."
"Sketching portraits is a numbers game; you need to draw thousands of portraits to become good at it."
"It's not a project; it's a practice. And five minutes matters."
"I don't think you're like ever doomed forever at being bad because I think you're getting good at like, yeah, just practice a little bit."
"We have to practice being who we are and who God called us to be."
"You work on this, you improve this, it's going to affect everything about your photos both when you take them and when you edit them."
"Religions are not all about belief. While religions like Christianity place a great deal of emphasis on correct belief, Yazidism emphasizes the second and third 'B's of the 3B framework: Yazidi identity and practice matter the most."
"Even after watching this course, you're not going to become the best designer ever in the world. It requires practice, practice, practice."
"Practice, practice, practice. Really work hard on the questions."