
History Quotes

There are 108030 quotes

"Meditation is nothing new. For thousands of years, many religious traditions have used meditation as a fundamental component of the spiritual experience."
"People like Peter Singer, Robert Wright, Steven Pinker, have argued that through our history, our moral circles have been expanding."
"Mice, one of humanity's oldest friends and oldest enemies. From the Black Plague to the shelves of our pet stores, mice have lived alongside humans for centuries."
"Aging actually has been worked on for about 5,000 years or more, and just in the last 20 years, we've come up with a set of hallmarks of aging."
"Narcissistic people make history. They often are responsible for some of the greatest innovations we've ever known. Doesn't make them nice people."
"It was a time when gin was the national drink and sex was the national obsession."
"Inequality has been reduced before. You can look at the situation after the Second World War. Inequality doesn't have to only go up."
"Life is better now than it was several centuries ago because people made certain choices. They built certain things, they discovered certain things."
"The best possible case for progress, for striving for more progress in the future, is not to have some kind of foolish hope but to look at the fact that progress has taken place in the past."
"Very interesting, Herodotus was the father of history. He's the first person that started chronicling things down."
"It was fascinating because you really unearthed the origin story of why we came to believe that fat was bad."
"The people of Japan have been stretched to their limits over and over again throughout history yet still managed to persevere."
"History is not really the study of the past... it's the study of change."
"There's been people like us that have emotions like us, that have physical sensations like us, for so, so long."
"These are stories that are important to be remembered, to be told, and to be archived."
"One of the ways I hone my predictive abilities is to look backward over history."
"Our ancestors, like the Dogon, knew how to chart the stars before there were telescopes."
"The Swedish hip-hop scene emerged in the '80s, shortly after the birth of the genre in New York."
"Captain America was made as World War II propaganda during the Great Depression."
"The body positivity movement in its current form began to emerge around 2012, initially focusing on challenging unrealistic feminine beauty standards."
"Hamilton was live for 42 years, and he wrote all of it. That's why Hamilton has 42 songs."
"I think there's a different lens through which we can look at historical events that is less us versus them, less good versus evil."
"What's fascinating, this is going to go down in history I believe as a behavioral study...an investment behavioral study to beat all investment behavioral studies."
"The good relationships of today are better than those of history, but they are very few."
"The volatility is normal, but then again when you look back historically, that volatility which feels so awful at the time turns into looks like a blip if you look backward."
"Every time a civilization rises and falls, it represents an evolution of Consciousness."
"The history we know is but a fraction of the vast unknown."
"You really need to understand history because history has a tendency to repeat itself."
"You can't know yourself unless you know your history."
"Here, we believe history does not have to be boring."
"Uruk wasn't just any city; it was a beacon of culture, economy, and innovation, credited with many firsts in human civilization, including the invention of cuneiform writing."
"Humanity's should not have logically existed for as long as we have... somehow, despite endless hurdles of self-imposed destruction, we keep growing."
"The enlightenment was an extremely important time period when a great number of key scientific, philosophical, and political revolutions happened across Europe."
"History is shaped by generations, and generations are shaped by history."
"History shapes generations young, but then generations as they get older shape history."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
"People who speak the truth are always being fought throughout history."
"This is the most perilous time perhaps in the Modern Nation of Israel's history since Israel's miraculous birth in 1948."
"The Antikythera mechanism...was determined to be a kind of analog computer used to predict astronomical events...it changed how they perceived ancient history."
"They discovered ancient hieroglyphs alluding to the dagger being given to them from the heavens...the composition of the dagger was tested, and they found iron, but also included nickel and cobalt in exactly the combination that is found in meteorites."
"Norway has been a relatively wealthy country for most of its entire history."
"The Soviet Union suffered critical existence failure."
"Stay strong, my friends. Better days are coming, and right now we have history on our side."
"This country owes Black people a debt for 250 years of free labor and another 100 plus years of Jim Crow."
"Our ancestors built this country and we got nothing for it but extreme oppression."
"The White House that Biden is sleeping in was built by slaves."
"The Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower paid tribute to those in France who fought German occupation."
"This is actually something revolutionary and amazing in a moment in history."
"For the first time since the War of 1812, our nation's capital came under violent assault...by a sitting president of the United States."
"Black History Month is about shining a light on our triumphs and challenges."
"The fight for a unified Ireland is not one that belongs only to the past."
"The most evil things that have happened in the history of the world have been done by people that wanted to create a perfect world."
"Over the last few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our stories of the past have been changed, altered, mistranslated, and completely misunderstood."
"Looking back historically, every time the communication field has seemed dead, those have been the exact times where it was great to get into the field."
"It's a journey to make history in Mars exploration."
"Tucked away in the heart of the Great Pyramid of Giza lies the King's Chamber, a marvel of ancient Egyptian architecture that continues to fascinate historians and visitors alike."
"The King's Chamber itself is a testament to the Egyptians' advanced understanding of materials and construction techniques."
"These small channels have been taunting explorers for millennia."
"Nazi ideology was based on the theory that in the past there was a powerful Earth civilization with access to secrets of the universe."
"I think the past is like a lot... on the whole, very inspiring, gives me a lot of hope."
"Our era of history is like a dam that's about to break."
"As Lenin said, there are hours in which decades worth of history happen."
"History is often shades of gray, and rarely black and white."
"Because it's historical, it's going to be a fantastic boxing festival. This is going to be something extra special."
"I liberated Italy, I liberated France, I liberated Belgium, and now I'm going to liberate the Germans from life."
"We've got to stop with this...history is what it is, you learn from it."
"It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure, involving a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world."
"History has a way of repeating itself, unfolding from its genesis to its revelation."
"Legend has it that hero, the king of Syracuse, wanted Archimedes to demonstrate his Archimedes screw."
"Ancient megastructures were truly mindboggling in scale, thousands of years before modern trucks, cranes, or diggers."
"The Greeks and Romans actually developed huge mega catapults to hurl massive weights to knock down battlements."
"I care about Manchester United. We're a football club with a rich history of winning, and my expectation, like your expectation, is that we should be the number one."
"Music has a power to transcend borders and barriers like no other medium we've maybe ever seen throughout history."
"You get to hang out with Leonardo Da Vinci and see these people actually existing."
"History is important; it's sacred in a way. It's something that doesn't care about your ideological ends."
"Depiction of history is not endorsement of all the things that happened. It is arguably our moral duty to our species that we honor the truth."
"The weapons industry got out of control in the early 1900s and ended up contributing to the worst devastation the world had ever seen."
"We are very fortunate that there are some threads going back in history, these echoes in the archaeological record."
"The history of Israel and Palestine is complicated in one sense, in that a lot of things have happened, but morally the situation is not complex at all."
"It's interesting where people choose to start the history."
"Europe is only 8% of the earth's land mass but between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered or colonized more than 80% of the world."
"For every example you have of a Founder talking about the Christian basis of America, you can find even sometimes the same Founders saying the opposite."
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord - this is language that is far more religious even than in the founding era."
"Without Roosevelt, Westerners and Soviets will they manage to get along? And to build lasting peace?"
"Soon, yesterday's allies will become enemies, confronting each other in a conflict of a new kind: the Cold War."
"It was a time of massive intellectual ferment and it saw the rise of the philosophies and spiritualities that are amazingly still with us today."
"Dynasties are something you look back on, not declare you're creating in the moment."
"Lucid dreaming has this vast history in spirituality and parapsychology and shamanism."
"For most of human history, having enough food was very important...if you eat something and you get very, very sick, you better remember that forever."
"Liverpool's love affair with this League Cup has spanned the decades."
"I hated history before. All the characters and all the people involved are just like super fascinating."
"We're actually doing it. We're making history."
"That might not sound like a particularly unique concept from our perspective in the 21st century, but back in the '80s, it was a pretty revolutionary idea."
"In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at somebody was a declaration of love."
"This historian talks openly about the failures of museums and collections to reflect the diversity of our history."
"The importance of not just seeing these landmarks as places of royalty, but also of the equally important working class people who populated them alongside monarchs."
"Something has changed in the history of space exploration. We saw a period of stagnation after the end of the Apollo missions to the moon."
"The history of this agency is marked with broken barriers once viewed as impossible, with science fiction turned reality."
"If you're a democracy, you're kind of letting people audit your history, which I think is good."
"This war was an example of what could happen when kings get greedy."
"A hobby that's become a preservation of something that could otherwise very easily get lost in time."
"Without hyperbole, it is the most inventive cinematic endeavor in the history of the medium."
"The invention of the camera has allowed us to capture life's greatest marvels."
"While the impact of World War II will never be forgotten, its history reminds us about the perils of war and the importance of learning from our past."
"Former enemies are now friends and allies, united by memories of a war that ended millions of lives."
"Eugene Sandow took a lot of inspiration for his body type from Greek statues."
"The antikythera mechanism, often described as the world's first analog computer."
"The real treasure is not gold or gems, but the stories and lessons we glean from history."
"Sometimes the real treasure is not gold or gems but the stories and lessons we glean from history."
"History does not have to be boring; it can be fun and exciting."
"To study history, all you need is an interest in history."
"The sudden emergence of Homo sapiens two to three hundred thousand years ago is a huge piece in the puzzle. What caused this dramatic jump in evolution?"
"What's particularly interesting to us concerning this flood myth is that a great deal of historical and geological information shows us that this was an actual event."
"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles."
"Civilization started along four rivers: the Tigris, Euphrates, the Nile, and the Yellow River."
"The Bible speaks of quarantine long before medical science discovered the importance of isolating those with infectious diseases."
"The US Constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history."
"And the US Constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history."
"The United States in the latter half of the 19th century... was much more free, also much more rational, much more positive and benevolent."
"Ruby Ridge is an important story to remember so that hopefully we don't make the same mistakes again."
"The most American war story ever: we were in Fallujah and this is before fluency became what we all know it as now, back when it was semi-safe-ish."
"John D. Rockefeller transformed the oil industry and created a vast empire that dominated the market."
"George Soros is known as 'the man who broke the bank of England' due to his significant financial actions on Black Wednesday."
"In 1822, Manhattan witnessed the inception of Fulton Fish Market, renowned as one of the oldest seafood markets in the USA."
"The first person ever who brought dark arts on the battlefield was General Dorl, also nicknamed as Dragon Slayer."
"We humans are a species that have a deep connection with our past, as we believe that the past is what shapes the future."
"More people have died over religious belief wars than any other type."
"Uniquely powerful mortal who traversed all of human history and after watching it avoid total destruction by a razor-thin margin for the last time finally said enough is enough."
"It means that since the founding of the nation, Thomas Jefferson wrote a paper called 'Notes on the State of Virginia'... he began a trajectory of pseudo science that sought to prove that white people, white skulls, white beauty, white language, white everything was better than blacks or indigenous. And that's the beginning of white supremacy."
"The Franco-Prussian war was a conflict between the second French empire and the Northern German confederation led by the kingdom of Prussia, which owing to the Germans’ superior strength and numbers, quickly led to the capitulation of the French Empire and the capture of the Emperor, Napoleon III."
"Our forefathers weren't the pilgrims; we didn't land on Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us."
"The game of life was famously written about in Martin Gardner's 1970 Scientific American article, describing it as recreational mathematics."
"Jurgen Windcaller's mastery of the voice eventually overcame all opposition, and the Way of the Voice was born."
"I prefer the lonesomeness and the unsolvable puzzle you're given of a world where the weight of time has dissolved away most of history."
"The independence of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in 1956 marked the beginning of the decolonization of Africa."
"To sit on the sidelines is to take a side, and all of us will be judged by history."
"The most powerful people are the ones who have less history; they're not dragging the quintessential baggage around with them."
"Saints alive, you've done it! Quickly, let me have the ink and I will produce the copy of the Declaration of Independence. There you are, a perfect copy that should give ol' George something to think about."
"In order to understand our future, we must look to the past."
"The rates of genocide are way down in the last three quarters of a century."
"That's one thing I don't want people to forget: to forget our OGs, forget where it all started from."
"Experts believe that the sword found by a reindeer hunter dates back to between 850 and 950 AD, when Vikings roamed the seas and their tales became the stuff of legend."
"In the world's oldest library, the St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, Egypt, houses one of the world's oldest continuously used libraries."
"Probably the most expensive bluff in human history."
"The great ancient civilizations of the past are rising up from the depths below and returning in all of their titan splendor."
"The abandoned trains in the deserts of Saudi Arabia...remnants of the Hijaz Railway, a once vital and ambitious project."
"In 2017, Antarctic conservators made a startling discovery: a perfectly intact 100-year-old fruit cake tucked inside a crumbling explorer hut."
"There's a reason why ancient Egypt is considered one of the most intriguing civilizations in history."
"I think we've achieved a greater level of integration in the United States than we ever have in all of history."
"Blackadder is a series of British period sitcoms that aired on BBC One from 1983 to 1989."
"Belisarius, the general who conquered the world for Emperor Justinian, was blinded and stripped of his assets by his envious peers."
"The constellations are still with us today, a reminder of our ancestors' enduring fascination with the stars."
"History tells us that looking the other way in the face of such hostility will be a far more costly path."
"The entire human experience...has actually been a story of despots, authoritarian dictators subjugating people. What made America so special is that the democracy...was the rarity."
"The West was the society that developed the abstract ideals of a humanity that transcended tribal identities."
"Black folks have been saving Joe Biden throughout the past year plus, have been saving America for the past 400 years plus."
"Infographics can be traced back to 1900 when W.E.B. Du Bois and his collaborators...prepared a series of visualizations...into the economic and social conditions of black people in the United States."
"There's this tendency to sanitize history and to imagine that progress was smooth and bloodless."
"Virtue is found in the soil, and Joan of Arc who's a peasant girl... becomes a symbol of not only of sort this nationalism but becomes virtue in herself of being attached to the soil."
"The United States is a melting pot ever since the first Native Americans saw a sailing ship on the horizon and thought to themselves, 'Oh look, visitors! We should have them over for dinner.'"
"Every book of the Bible was written by me, time-traveling across history and adopting different personas to influence the course of humanity. I did it for fun."
"History will judge us for our actions or lack thereof."
"For the first time since the 17th century, it seems that our elected representatives are acting out of fear rather than out of conviction."
"We watched an attempted coup of this country happen on January 6."
"For 75 years, NATO has been the most important military alliance in the world."
"What matters is that historical films, historical productions, and anything that has any teaching value should be based on sources and sources alone. Teach the truth, respect the truth."
"It is historic because the whole Palestinian cause, agony, has started in this very city, in this very country."
"But don't let size fool you, this Principality's short history is replete with larger-than-life characters, piracy, conspiracies, and even a coup d'état."
"Boeing was founded by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington, in 1916. It quickly became a trailblazer in innovation and engineering."
"I do understand that minorities have been underrepresented; it's a historical truth, and I don't deny historical truth. In fact, I strengthen and support the truth."
"He who cannot remember the past is condemned to repeat it."
"I'm tired of this doubt. You think that's what they said to the Founding Fathers as well? And look how they turned out."
"What science is really good at is examining the past."
"We couldn't change it; it's history. What we can do is acknowledge it and show how far we've come because that's not D&D anymore."
"The merger of Judeo-Christian values and reason brings about the Enlightenment."
"Framework was cataloged and published in the 1981 animation Bible, The Illusion of Life."
"You were born to leave your fingerprints on history."
"There's no single individual in the world who has had such an impact upon world history as Jesus of Nazareth."
"The historical person Jesus of Nazareth was a remarkable individual."
"Leonardo [Fibonacci]...learned about the Hindu-Arabic numerical system...he was so excited about how useful these nine Indian figures were...that he wrote a book about it."
"Historical fiction brings in a whole level of immersion because these people really existed."
"Surely we'd rather be living in a world where there were no racism and no need for Martin Luther King."
"The Tower of Babylon... was erected by the Babylonians to create a mighty tower with a top so high that it would pierce the heavens."
"It's a picture, a portrait of our history of humanity and the hope we have for the future."
"Your vote has more consequences now than it ever has. It's literally the fall of the Roman Empire or the rise."
"A certain law operates whenever a great civilization has seemed to be declining and close to disintegration, to bring forth a universal genius who opens up a new horizon."
"Moses was the creator of one of the two component parts of Western culture, the Hebrew religion, from which the fundamental tenets of Western civilization have come."
"These are people who have suffered horribly at the hands of history."
"The entire so-called recovery from 2009 to 2019, that was a 10-year recovery, the longest recovery in US history, but it was also the weakest recovery in US history."
"There were some clever people trying their hardest to make the world more interesting back in the early Obama years, and almost everything they did ended up on the cutting room floor of history."
"Operation Bolo has gone down in history as one of the most successful ruses of all time."
"Here's Napoleon's coming and the cannons are going and the Russians are fighting back."
"I think that if we look at the history of organized labor, we find that a lot of really great things we take for granted today were fought for, oftentimes at great personal cost or death."
"Mississippi finally voted to ratify the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. It was a new world, but old patterns of inequity and bigotry remained."
"In 1971, Magic Kingdom opened with a ticket book system in which guests had to pay to ride each ride, and exactly 50 years later in 2021, guests are once again paying to ride rides, or at least skip the line."
"It focuses on deep dives into historical events, and puts them in context so that we can understand them better."
"And so I remember thinking that this is maybe what it must be like when you're living through history."
"They have no basis in the Constitution and no home in our history or traditions."
"There's a brilliant historian, Peter Turchin, who created a computer model that's been able to predict when societies divide and fall in civil wars across history."
"Christianity has been the framework of western civilization for the better part of 2000 years."