
Soothing Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"Ginger is well known for its ability to soothe the digestive system."
"Hurt comfort is like a warm embrace to soothe whatever's ailing you."
"I had a fan send me a message telling me that they basically put my videos on to help their baby fall asleep because my voice is so relaxing."
"Close your eyes little one, it's time to rest your head and go to bed."
"Steaming Cups of Tea make everything better."
"Music will be soothing for you, keep yourself balanced."
"Your voice is super relaxing and I use your videos to help me sleep."
"Gives you a little bit of color but also all of those soothing hydrating properties."
"I think a relaxing voice can send anybody to sleep, nice unless you don't like voices."
"Calming and delicious while also being powerfully medicinal."
"Satisfying videos: soothing the senses without speech."
"A cuddle is a nice thing, it can be quite soothing."
"This art is just so soothing and calming to look at."
"Miso soup is so soothing, it's like being in a Zen place of magic."
"It's like a balm, you know? It's like something that heals. It's like a salve for a wound."
"Rock-a-bye Baby, sleep in your bed, close your eyes and rest your sweet head, the loveliest dreams are waiting for you."
"The whole book is so cozy and atmospheric, reading it is like wrapping yourself up in a fuzzy blanket and taking a sip of warm tea."
"It is really soothing, it is really calming, it is really gentle on the skin."
"I love the sound of waves... it's just so soothing."
"My babies in the newborn stage really want to be soothed, they like a nice strong swing rocking motion."
"Your voice is very soothing; you could be a therapist."
"This is like a balm to your soul."
"His soothing voice was the soundtrack for the groovy '70s."
"I've got the freedom mom witch hazel perineal pads... witch hazel is really really renowned for soothing."
"Overall, I think the dorm room feels academic, global, interesting, and soothing at the same time."
"It's super comforting; when your skin feels really dry and tight, this just feels so good."
"A lot of people find the sound of running water very soothing and relaxing."
"It's said that their aromas are able to soothe others with a calming spirit and even bring some plants back to life."
"It's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are said to soothe and nourish the skin."
"I love this because it just soothes my skin after using my toner."
"Irritated by this, the young girl reveals that in all her life, she only wanted to pet fluffy things, and petting fluffy animals is the only thing that soothes her exhausted heart."
"It's a soothing and relaxing experience."
"To assuage is to make someone feel better, to make something softer and easier."
"It's a very soothing feeling. This person may have a very comforting presence."
"Anytime your babies are getting fussy, just start singing, usually helps."
"It's like a liquid Cold Cream. It feels like it's treating and calming my skin."
"Sucking is really a calming thing for your baby to do. It's one of the most calming things that they can do."
"This is so soothing. It's like the sheer curtain."
"It's time to sleep, hush, little baby, don't say a word."
"So this has kind of been soothing my skin and seeing it through."
"This really, really calms and soothes."
"But these two together have been so good for my skin, so soothing, calming, healing, et cetera."
"It's going to help really to calm irritation."
"Your videos make me at ease. I'm retired first responder with severe PTSD and your voices are very soothing."
"There's something soothing about your energy."
"There's something so soothing and peaceful about it."
"It's like the kind caress of a cat purring in your lap."
"There's something so soothing about baking."
"...there's something soothing about watching rain and thunder come through..."
"...they are so calming and relaxing."
"I always heard that music can soothe the savage beast. Now I believe it."
"By simply listening to the sound of my voice, and embarking on this journey with me, you are already giving your body the rest and relaxation that it deserves."
"Adding hydration to my skin is something that stops irritation immediately."
"Aloe vera gel soothes and cools the skin, making it a great choice after exposure to external factors like UV rays."
"I used to go sleep to rain noises. It's actually kinda soothing."
"It's soothing to the soul man. Good music is good music."
"We use food to soothe because our culture teaches us to."
"I think that's like almost everyone's feeling right because if you hear your baby crying like you know you want to go and soothe them."
"And I don't know why but it's just soothing for baby and it gets them to sleep gets them to relax."
"It's calming and soothing at the same time as grabbing."
"May the presence of the Lord be a balm, soothing every wound and bringing restoration to your physical and spiritual being."
"Everyone just needs to kind of chill out, you know, have a little soothing bath, get a bath bomb out, sit in a jacuzzi, and relax."
"Just listen to the quiet. I think that's the nicest sound in the whole world."
"It's a nice neutral base, a nice soothing, calming space."
"It's miraculous, the instant he touches you, you feel soothed. That's the word, soothed."
"And at the same time, it can have this real soothing effect on your soul and on your heart."
"it's just a very relaxing very soothing place to be"
"It's just nice and soothing and it really does calm my scalp."
"I hope this story has brought you to a night of soothing sleep."
"It's like big cat said, it reduces anxiety watching it, it also, I think, brings comfort."
"It is a soothing, restful color for a bedroom."
"Music hath charms they say to soothe the savage beast."
"This is so soothing in an odd way. I'm going to just have this on a loop later and fall asleep to it."
"This one's good too, the fur shave cream, protective and soothing shave with maximum Glide."
"It is not too heavy; it is very watery, but it is so soothing and yet hydrating."
"And these pads in particular are very calming and soothing on the skin."
"There's some sort of magic to this. I feel like if you have skin that feels overheated or you have rosacea, redness, anything inflamed, use this and it just calms everything down. It's so cooling on your skin."
"You have an incredibly soothing voice."
"This feels like a balm, like an actual balm."
"For me, the most soothing relaxing thing to watch is food videos."
"Water is soothing when it runs dark and deep."
"His voice soothes the heart, the soul, and the spirit, reaching the unreachable and making the impossible possible."
"She's very, very nice, very talented, and very soothing."
"This cleanser actually has tea tree oil and horse chestnut, and so all really calming and soothing ingredients."
"I quite like the sound of rain on the tent anyway, it's actually very soothing."
"A sound as easy on the ears as moonlight on water."
"It's actually kind of is soothing, it's like white noise I feel like."
"I love the colors, very soothing, very Caribbean vacation feeling."
"Milk is very calming to the system."
"We're going to find out that it's both soothing and moisturizing."
"The baby Shusher, it really is a miracle worker, it helps calm them so quickly."
"That stuff eases them so easily and also takes away their hiccups super quickly."
"These just exude this calm. That's the only way I could describe it. They put a layer of calm onto everything you're listening to."
"Let your peace wash over me like a gentle stream soothing my troubled thoughts."
"She's just like a soothing cup of tea here on YouTube, absolutely love her."
"So sit back, relax and enjoy the sweet sounds of my voice."
"...calming the skin down and this has a really beautiful kind of... texture."
"You're emotionally very comforting, you have this aura about you that soothes them."
"There's something very soothing about these sleepy coastal areas."
"It helps seriously soothe stressed out skin."
"your baby will have something really sweet and cold to chew on and it will soothe their gums."
"There's something soothing about watching domestic scenes like this."
"What a nice soothing mellow track to finish up the game with."
"We picked our song now, and it's my third single which is going to be coming out soon. So, basically, as of last week, we found out that if you pick a certain song and you play it every day for the baby, it calms them down."
"It'll be such a relaxing and soothing experience."
"When my skin is feeling irritated, I just put this on and the soothing is instant. It's just like 'ah', it feels so, so good."
"Beta glucan is just a really soothing, it can help with redness."
"You have such a soothing voice, people really love your voice. Some find it quite sexy."
"This would actually be such a lovely lullaby."
"It's just a nice comforting. It's a very comforting album."
"...just very calming and soothing."
"...such a soothing and fascinating activity to do as well."
"It's just soothing to hear the park ranger tell the Cubs about Christmas, Santa Claus, and just all the wonderful things you get to see around this time of year."
"serene and calming and just like almost hypnotizing"
"What you say to yourself when you need self-soothing needs to be your default state."
"This is a great way to kick off your anti-acne soothing skincare routine."
"It's soothing and it's comfortable."
"Mother had the Magic Touch, and now Abby seldom cried."
"The Mellow tone of his voice was music to her ears and made her heart pound."
"Very soothing in these slightly more interesting times."
"His voice was so smooth, it was as if it was liquid butterscotch."
"The first few words that I think of about Leah's home is just soothing and calming."
"When we listen to melodic music like a mother's lullaby, we calm down."
"Tea is comforting and warming, it's real nice."
"Chicago 7, you've got Prelude to Aire which is really intoxicating, lots of chimes and percussion."
"You're going to be awesome. You have such a soothing voice."
People said, "This is relaxing." Apparently, had really nice hands, soothing, right on people's heads.
"If you have acne and you're looking for a mask that will really calm down your skin while also not drying it out, this is the one."
"It definitely had a soothing quality to it, very relaxing to listen to."
"I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and listening to your videos is always so soothing."
"There's just something lovely about her that I find very soothing."
"It looks so boring, but when I first put it on my skin, I was getting that immediate soothing sensation."
"Anti-inflammatory ingredients will help to calm and soothe the skin."
"White noise for newborns is like magic."
"It also helps your skin barrier to kind of renew itself and it's very soothing, anti-inflammatory."
"You have a way of making other people feel calm."
"The aromatic steam rises in your face, refreshing and calming you all at once."
"The rhythm of the rain dancing over the leaves above your head nearly puts you to sleep; it is one of the most soothing noises on earth."
"Every song just makes me melt into a puddle."
"This mugwort essence is made of 100% mugwort essence and its sole purpose is to soothe and calm the skin."
"Centella Asiatica is an incredible ingredient in K-beauty to help calm the skin and basically soothe it, especially when it's irritated."
"She has the most calming lovely voice."
"It's really soothing and if you hear that, you can hear like bird sounds of birds and like sounds of frogs and all kind of different sounds."
"The song has been described by all listeners as something along the lines of soothing, glorious, and beautiful."
"It's actually really nice being on a boat; it's very soothing and kind of rocks you to sleep."
"Feel free to kick back, relax, let's take some earphones on, and if you drift off to sleep, well, that would just be extra magic."
"There's an unexplainable comfort that you hear in the voice."
"It's so soothing to watch the ocean."
"It's not as comforting as warmth, but it still has that sort of soothing quality to it."
"I just love listening to her voice; she's so soothing."
"You get used to their comforting presence, like someone humming a lullaby in your ear."
"Wrap me in a blanket of her voice and put me to bed, please. Thank you."
"Chamomile offers a natural and gentle remedy for soothing and protecting the eyes."
"The white noise is definitely very soothing to them."
"It has a really great calming and soothing benefit."
"It's very gentle, it's very calming and soothing and anti-inflammatory can help to cut down on any of that irritated burning feeling that you might have on your skin."
"It's so good especially if you get some natural redness on your face, it really helps to cut down on some of the redness."
"You have to slowly learn how to self-soothe, be okay taking care of ourselves when we're feeling triggered or activated or scared to be alone."
"Exercise, warm water, and food have a wonderfully soothing effect on bitter thoughts."
"I find crochet really soothing and really comforting."
"You will calm down this person's mind."
"His voice is so relaxing on the videos, like the most soothing person to watch."
"Jonathan spoke softly, his voice moved like velvet."
"Cucumber will always calm things down."
"Crying helps me... there are certain chemicals that are released when we cry that are soothing."
"The natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories located in the black tea will go into effect to soothe the skin."
"It just soothes me, you know, I have the best job in the world."
"She sat there humming for the rest of the night, almost like it was rocking me to sleep."
"The 'oaty' part of this formulation comes from some soothing colloidal oatmeal and from some lovely moisturizing hydrolyzed oat protein."
"You have to learn to soothe yourself."
"We love pacifiers as pediatricians... they are safe, they are SIDS protective, and they're great for soothing."
"The yellow LED soothes sunburn, softens rosacea, combats swelling, and improves overall skin tone."
"Harnessing light-heartedness; a well-placed joke or a warm smile can act like a soothing balm on frayed nerves."
"It allows the whole cityscape to burst with light; it's a very soothing image to soak up."
"You are truly awesome, you have such a kind face, I love the way you talk, it's so soothing."
"Rose oil is great for someone who has red or inflamed skin."
"...the Serene sounds of nature are so soothing..."
"I have really sensitive skin, so I always have to get cleansers that are calming for your skin."
"Soothe sensitive skin with moisturizing honey, calming rose, and sweet vanilla."
"Thermal spring water is enriched in minerals, anti-inflammatory compounds, and is soothing."
"Marshmallow root powder soothes skin and promotes healthy cell growth."
"Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry."
"It's just like a really pretty soft blue, smells lovely, and it makes nice bubbles."
"I love a good azelaic acid in my skincare routine; it calms and soothes the skin."
"It's always been the sound of you that soothes me."
"It rocks you to sleep like a little baby in a cot."
"It just has a very soothing smell to it that a lot of people like."
"Hush now my baby, be still love, don't cry."
"It cuts it back quite a bit, makes it really nice for listening."
"Her voice is like head rubbing for my soul."
"His vocals often whisk you away in a soft cloud when you hear them."
"ASMR is very relaxing for a lot of people."
"Maybe if I show her a little bit of love, it'll help her calm down."
"There's just something very calming and soothing about that."
"It's incredible, I've never known anything soothe my skin."
"Lo-Fi hip-hop known for its simple soothing beats and analog sound became a popular study and work aid."
"If you wanna listen to his voice, you wanna listen to it all night."
"It just brings kind of like an inner peace over you."
"Oats is a humectant, so this is going to moisturize and nourish the skin but it can also help to calm and soothe irritated skin as well."
"This really helps to repair the Skin Barrier, it helps to calm any redness and irritation, and it soothes the skin as well."