
Obesity Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"Obesity is on the rise alongside our increasingly high-processed, high-fat diets and sedentary lifestyles, especially in Western cultures."
"Obesity is largely driven by what you're doing to your microbiome based on what you eat."
"The question shouldn't be why some of us are fat. The question should be why aren't all of us fat?"
"Food is extremely important because it's directly linked to obesity and obesity itself causes low-grade inflammation."
"We've seen an explosion of chronic disease and obesity in this country."
"You do not need to downplay the very real risks of obesity to champion the idea that everyone can take steps to live a healthier lifestyle regardless of their body size."
"Obesity is a leading predictor of health outcomes in the modern age. Period. Full stop."
"Biology, not eating habits, is the main cause of fat."
"Becoming obese might not have been your choice, but remaining obese, that's on you."
"We live in a time now where food is so plentiful and so easily accessible, and we're so inactive that obesity is a big issue."
"Obesity is now a bigger problem than lack of hunger and lack of food."
"It's no wonder that the obesity rate has been skyrocketing since at least the eighties, around the time that ultra-processed food entered the food supply in an unprecedented way."
"Almost every single patient I've seen under the age of 50 who has come in has been obese. Has that been stressed enough in the media?"
"The AMA and all the major organizations have labeled obesity a disease."
"I see obesity as a symptom of metabolic derangement in the body or brain. And that is why people become obese."
"After the food pyramid was introduced, the obesity rates have risen in America every year since."
"Obesity is an epidemic in the modern world, with two-thirds of Americans being obese and two billion people around the world."
"Obesity is part of the human condition, and there are evolutionary reasons why obesity has been selected for in individual populations."
"We have to look at the forces outside of ourselves, these huge societal, environmental forces that are shaping obesity."
"In just two generations, a nation wracked by hunger ate its way into obesity, diabetes, and all sorts of other problems."
"This was on the front cover of The Economist a few years ago and it actually reflects the situation where we have rising percentages of obesity and overweight in the world."
"Intermittent fasting should be recommended as part of standard care for conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease."
"The leading cause of death in the world, heart disease and stroke, are mainly brought about by eating animal products and being obese."
"Obesity is the terror within; it is destroying us, destroying our society from within."
"In America's fattest city, where obesity levels have hit an all-time high, to find out what impact obesity is having on all stages of life, from cradle to grave."
"Starvation and obesity have the same solution: satisfying our species-specific dietary needs."
"Excess body fat is the major killer...because excess body fat is the underlying mechanism increasing risk of death from COVID, cancer, heart attacks."
"If you go with the flow in America today, you will end up overweight or obese, as 2/3 of Americans do."
"Life is really hard for people who are obese, both the social consequences of that and the health consequences of that."
"The correlation between obesity and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and osteoarthritis is very strong."
"The weight of the nation is out of control, but we can fix that."
"Obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome – these are all risk factors for Alzheimer's."
"Five meals a day is a bad idea... it's compounding this obesity epidemic."
"My mission is to destigmatize obesity because destigmatizing taking away the weight stigma means that we can have an adult, non-hysterical conversation with people."
"You are beautiful, and you are valuable, and being obese or morbidly obese in no way takes anything away from your humanity."
"The World Health Organization identifies 13 different types of cancer as obesity-associated cancers."
"If you can lose 15% of your body weight, almost all of your health complications from obesity can improve."
"This is not a condemnation of what we've done. This is to tell you that this is a new dawn. As long as you understand what causes obesity, we can treat it."
"Obesity is a risk factor for cancer with about a 50% increased risk."
"Obesity could predispose to cancer for several reasons: a storehouse for toxins, increased estrogen synthesis, oxidative stress, or hyperinsulinemia."
"Obesity contributes towards so many disease processes as well as COVID-19."
"The data is in on that; those who are overweight or obese are at greater risk of severe symptoms."
"Obesity is complicated; there are strategies for dealing with it that can lead to significant and sustained weight loss."
"Obesity should be a conversation people have with their doctors, not nosy friends and relatives."
"Obesity and insulin resistance go together; they are really part and parcel of the same thing."
"Morbid obesity is a serious condition with very serious consequences and should absolutely not be exploited."
"It's very individualized medicine, especially with obesity. Weight loss is complex, that I've learned."
"Nobody's setpoint is 400 pounds. Something changes, whether it be physiologically or psychologically or probably both, to bring them there."
"It's a serious issue that affects 650 million people globally according to the World Health Organization. And those numbers are on the rise."
"As you get older, your body's ability to absorb Vitamin D decreases, which is especially problematic for overweight individuals."
"We have to treat obesity, overweight, fat gain like an addiction."
"Obesity is definitely one of the big ones, and also physical activity. More recently we've become aware of the importance of physical activity."
"According to a new study, kids aged 5 to 11 went from an obesity rate of 36 percent to 47 percent because of the lockdown in the U.S. That's really bad for people."
"In addition to physical changes, numerous studies have shown an association between obesity and various mental issues: depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and substance abuse."
"We have an actual obesity crisis... stop pretending that making people feel validated about how they look is somehow more important than protecting their health."
"Being an obese kid is not only unhealthy, but really hard."
"Obesity is harmful and will kill you, and there's nothing to be celebrated."
"I mean remember over 40% of Americans are clinically obese it's a sorry almost % now it's an extraordinary Health epidemic in the United States."
"Obesity costs our society about 38 billion pounds a year and it is a complete disaster. It will bankrupt the NHS in the future."
"Obese people are not lazy, they're not morally bereft, they're not bad people, they're fighting their biology."
"People tend to think about the sugar problem as the obesity problem, but sugar absolutely contributes to obesity... and it actually makes you sick."
"This pivotal role that uric acid is playing as a driver of obesity as a driver of hypertension a critical player as it relates to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
"At a population level, if you can extract that number of calories out of the diet, it can actually have a pretty big impact on levels of both obesity risk and diabetes risk."
"Obesity results from chronic excessive energy consumption greater than energy utilization there's the answer to how this is the answer to how that's not magic."
"Being an early adopter of that... being obese... my family was early adopters."
"I went to the doctor today found out something I had no [__] idea about um I'm obese."
"Being overweight is not just a problem for heart attack stroke risk. It's a problem for your entire health. Cancer risk, sleep, happiness, everything suffers."
"And one of the biggest impacts fast food has on the American people is the obesity epidemic."
"Excessive marketing is one of the main reasons for the rise in obesity here."
"Keto works... for a much higher percentage of people who are overweight, obese, or severely obese."
"Poor sleepers are 55 percent more likely to become obese."
"Being fit even if you're overweight or obese is protective."
"Kids are not immune to developing complications and pathology in their fat tissue."
"If you're obese or pre-diabetic or diabetic then it is important enough to make changes."
"Carbohydrates themselves are not the cause of obesity."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"The assumption that fat people are simply too lazy or too indulgent prevails in healthcare settings."
"Being overweight causes so many issues down the line. It's not something that should be embraced, it's something that should be avoided."
"Obesity is not equal or imbalance, it's really hormonal imbalance."
"Every pound you earn overweight shortens your lifespan."
"You don't have to lose a ton of weight to get those benefits."
"Even if you aren't lean, if you're obese, you can still adopt healthy habits regardless of weight loss to improve your health."
"Obesity is a complex issue and cannot simply be resolved by eating less and exercising more."
"An overwhelming majority of people who have been hospitalized needed a ventilator or died from COVID-19 have been overweight or obese."
"Folks who are overweight and obese actually have plenty of leptin that should make them satisfied oh they have leptin resistance exactly and inflammation causes leptin resistance."
"If you're obese, you're not healthy. It's a medical term because it's not [expletive] healthy."
"Classism and poverty is the problem, not being fat. Fatness is a symptom of the problem."
"Everyone has a role to play in turning the tide against obesity and its disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic minority groups."
"Obesity is a massive risk factor for cancer."
"That statement getting out in the world makes people think twice about their weight condition."
"The entire world is becoming overweight, obese, and sick."
"If you are morbidly fat, your entire quality of life is going to go down the drain."
"Being obese enough to snap a harness and fall to your death is one of the most humiliating ends imaginable."
"Obesity rates are increasing across ethnic lines."
"I think that we have to keep an open mind about treating the disease of obesity just like we look at other chronic diseases."
"You need a physician who cares about you, someone who takes obesity seriously."
"Extend Grace to yourself to understand that this is a disease."
"Being overweight is a risk factor for like harvest every disease under the Sun."
"If you're really morbidly obese, you're not going to make it to old age."
"The obesity crisis is a moral challenge for us as a society. What kind of society do we owe all of our children?"
"The science doesn't change, but our ideal of what is obese has changed."
"Firmicutes is associated with people that are overweight."
"It kills you, how our obesity rate adds to it."
"We can predict leanness or obesity with 90% accuracy just from looking at the gut bacteria."
"Americans, y'all need to lose weight. That will, if you do get COVID and you're healthy, it's going to be easy."
"A true cure for obesity is going to require medications or therapies that help readjust the body's self-regulation of fat."
"Coke and Pepsi contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine, increasing the risk of obesity and other health problems."
"In fact, overweight patients with chest pain are more likely to have acute coronary syndrome..."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"A person is not described as obese. It's a person who has obesity."
"The problem is an obesogenic food environment with cheap, highly accessible, hyper palatable foods."
"Americans still the most obese nation on earth."
"America is not the fattest country in the world, it's around the 17th according to the WHO."
"Obese people are not morally bereft; they are fighting their biology."
"Mississippi, highest rate of obesity in the United States."
"High body fat exposes us to greater risks for almost everything: COVID, cancer, diabetes, heart disease."
"42 percent of Americans are obese, another almost equally large percentage are overweight, at least a third are in the early or later stages of diabetes."
"Obesity is linked with higher viral loads...which increase the probability of severe outcomes."
"Skipping breakfast? There's nothing good about it. Skipping breakfast is correlated with obesity."
"The introduction of these dietary guidelines in 1980 coincided with a steady increase in the diabesity epidemic."
"But all they did was just perpetuate the idea that fat people just eat chocolate all day and hate exercise."
"Obesity, morbid obesity is death. It's literally in the name, y'all."
"Just because being obese is perhaps acceptable or okay doesn't change the fact that being obese can lead to an early death."
"You just don't understand. I mean, someone 300 pounds, a grown man, just 300 pounds... I mean, that's taking years off your life right there. Years off your life."
"Our country is pilled out on pills, obese, and mental health and opioid overdoses is two of the reasons that our life expectancy is going backwards."
"Since the low-fat mistake was forged into policy, obesity rates have mushroomed and type-2 diabetes is the signature disease resulting from the fatally flawed fat theory."
"Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases, and it's becoming an epidemic worldwide."
"Obesity is linked to terrible conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer."
"If you have triple digit triglycerides in a fasted state, you're officially over fat. Full stop."
"You will just steadily get fatter and more diabetic and more over fat and higher fasting and higher fasting triglycerides and eventually diabetes."
"These drugs really do massively reduce or reverse obesity, and a few years from now we'll have 50% of the population taking it."
"Obesity has trebled globally in my lifetime, completely unprecedented in human history."
"A war on obesity very quickly becomes a war on people."
"It's not a change in our understanding of obesity, it's getting back to the fundamentals."
"If a teenager who's obese or overweight, their life expectancy is 13 years less than someone who's not at that age."
"Fat doesn't cause you to be fat, it's starch and sugar."
"Obesity is not mutagenic. It does not cause gene mutations. Why does it cause cancer? And the answer is that it's a disease of hyperinsulinemia."
"If people really cared about preventing cancer, we would not have an obesity epidemic."
"Not one person on my 600-pound life is single. Go ahead and eat that honey bun."
"We could block not just salt-induced obesity, but sugar and high fructose corn syrup induced obesity."
"There is a hormone that drives obesity and metabolic syndrome besides high insulin. It's called vasopressin."
"Insulin matters for obesity, and when insulin is high, it's promoting more energy storage and fat cells are growing."
"A new theory of obesity because there are two overriding you know so two popular models of obesity today."
"We now have an epidemic of obese newborns."
"Obesity is actually a state of chronic inflammation."
"There are 10 million obese children in America today 10 million obese children do you realize if they all jumped up and down at the same time they might lose a little bit of weight."
"We can't never allow our society to think it's okay to see a little kid that's obese. It's not okay unless you don't care about health issues."
"If it was a cause that means that if you could stop obesity you could stop diabetes. Guess what... people get it too and in high amounts."
"32 million people in the United States alone are currently suffering with severe obesity."
"You can reverse your severe obesity by following the simple steps."
"The truth is, it's our toxic food environment and the addictive Ultra processed foods that are driving the Obesity epidemic, not our genes."
"The wider the waistline, the lower the brain volume. The more overweight an individual was over their lifetime, the more there was pathology in the brain."
"Us Brits are among the fattest in the world. It's a national crisis and for some, it's a matter of life or death."
"Life is short, but being obese cuts it in half."
"Being obese isn't healthy and we should stop pretending that it's okay."
"Being overweight, being obese is dangerous."
"Loose skin won't kill you, being obese will."
"We don't have an obesity crisis in America, we have a midlife muscle crisis."
"Obesity drives miles of blood vessels growth, increasing pressure on the cardiovascular system."
"Samaglutide: An obesity game changer!"
"Obesity is considered the leading preventable cause of death and disability on our planet."
"We believe that with lifestyle intervention which is the normal way you would run an obesity clinical trial in phase three we will achieve a much larger synergistic with lifestyle intervention decrement in weight."
"Imagine eating junk food every single day and then blaming your obesity on racism. That is the epitome of woke logic."
"...being obese or being sedentary it can increase about 50 chances of many cancers right so that's absolutely astronomical right..."
"It's so fat, he's got his own gravitational pull."
"We made them fat. Now, I don't know if it was after the Gulf War or before that, I just made that part up, but the part about the chains coming and the obesity rate skyrocketing is true."
"...our rates of obesity were um this chart is actually I'm just realizing anyway I won't go into it this is this chart continues to go up."
"Skinny's not a disease. Obesity is."
"Obesity is not lack of willpower. It is not personal responsibility alone."
"Genetics surely gives us the greatest argument against 'eat less, move more.'"
"Obesity is not simple. It's not due to lack of willpower."
"Obesity is a complex multi-factorial disease."
"Obesity is not simple. It's not due to lack of willpower. It's a complex multi-factorial disease that is driven by health inequalities."
"We've been fighting the Obesity epidemic for the last 50 years and we've only gotten worse."
"Obesity is a huge risk factor isolated by itself for heart disease."
"There's just nothing better in this world or worse than watching people suffering from obesity and getting better."
"It takes about half a pound of fat per day, so if you're dealing with a lot of obese people like 100 pounds overweight, you could go 200 days without eating before you get in trouble and survive exactly and be okay."
"We're not wired to overeat we're just wired to just eat like crazy and just become obese that's not true."
"I don't want to promote obesity and you will become obese if you start eating them."
"Maintain a healthy weight because obesity is associated with inflammation."
"The problem is that even just sticking with the peer-reviewed scientific literature is not enough, as false and scientifically unsupported beliefs about obesity are pervasive even in scientific journals."
"If there were some safe, simple side effect free solution to the Obesity epidemic, we'd know about them by now. All right? Well, I'm not so sure. It may take an average of 17 years before research evidence makes it into day-to-day clinical practice."
"There is no obesity problem. There's an anti-fat problem."
"The obesity in this country is a disgrace because of the lack of nutrition, the lack of exercise, lack of physical exercise at school, parents being brainwashed into academic qualifications."
"If obesity is nothing more than a proxy for metabolic illness, what good does it do us to punish those with the proxy?"
"What if obesity isn't the cause of insulin resistance at all? In fact, what if it's a symptom of a much deeper problem?"
"Maybe obesity is a coping mechanism for a far more sinister problem going on underneath the cell."
"Being fat is a cry for help. At that point, they've lost all control."
"If people were able to adhere to the US dietary guidelines, we would see way less incidents of overweight and obesity."
"McAllen, Texas has the highest rate of obesity in the USA, and the consequences have been shattering."
"Britain is sitting on an obesity time bomb."
"The totality of the evidence strongly suggests that ultra-processed foods are one of the major causes of overeating and a key contributor to the worldwide obesity epidemic."
"A patient who is obese and also has a disease associated with obesity, suffers much more by remaining obese than by losing weight."
"If we are to accept that not having the body shape you desire is an individual issue, we should see the rates of obesity fairly evenly spread in the population. However, this is not the case."
"An excess of fat in the body, obesity, an excess of fat in the diet, and an excess of fat in the blood with an excess of fat diabetics diabetes begins and from an excess of fat diabetics die."
"Being overfat has become acceptable, and that's what disturbs me. It's got to the point where this has become the normal to be overweight."
"The proper use of these words: fat describes an immediate condition. Obesity describes a condition where the accumulation of excess fat has come to the point where people suffer disease."
"I love right now that there's a war on obesity."
"By 2025, the UK will be the fattest country in Europe, according to reports."